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Election Day 2020

You saw it here. The democrats have pulled off the greatest election fraud in history.

The remaining states will just keep "finding" blue votes until they claim victory.
Trump still being competitive in Nevada might be the craziest thing we've seen this far, which is saying a lot.
I don’t have a lot faith this goes for Trump. Actually, no faith. None.
As I said, the democrats will simply continue to produce votes until they can declare victory.

Your democracy is dead. Welcome to phase 1 of Venezuela.
Trump in position to win!

2020 election

[FONT=&quot]Swing states[/FONT]From The Associated Press

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<eer-votable-image aria-hidden="true"><g-img class="BA0A6c" style="display: block; height: 32px; overflow: hidden;">

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<g-accordion jscontroller="Lt3RDf" data-kno-aco="1" jsshadow="" jsaction="QRorz:CQwlrf;uwoEDe:Nh5q2c;jnvnaf:jkYXCd;keydown:uYT2Vb;rcuQ6b:npT2md"><g-expandable-container jscontroller="UxJOle" data-iexp="" data-slct="mnr-c" jsshadow="" jsaction="C7xow:Z6bwpe;xpd_c:fW2qAb;xpd_e:AvkpRc;xNpQtd:Nh5q2c;U6VCqe:GsRPff;Ep2Mgc:AgioGc;xpd_t:yELBLe;BDs6B:fW2qAb;ep03Ne:AvkpRc;gvA4Rc:yELBLe" style="display: block;">Georgia16 electoral votes · 94% reporting

<svg focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24">

Michigan16 electoral votes · 87% reporting

<svg focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24">

Nevada6 electoral votes · 67% reporting

<svg focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24">

North Carolina15 electoral votes · 94% reporting

<svg focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24">

<g-expandable-content jscontroller="wrFDyc" jsaction=";rcuQ6b:npT2md" jsshadow="" aria-hidden="false" data-eb="0" data-ie="" data-mt="0" style="display: block; transition: none;">Pennsylvania20 electoral votes · 64% reporting

<svg focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24">

<g-expandable-content jscontroller="wrFDyc" jsaction=";rcuQ6b:npT2md" jsshadow="" aria-hidden="false" data-eb="0" data-ie="" data-mt="0" style="display: block; transition: none;">Wisconsin10 electoral votes · 95% reporting

<svg focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24">

<g-expandable-content jscontroller="wrFDyc" jsaction=";rcuQ6b:npT2md" jsshadow="" aria-hidden="false" data-eb="0" data-ie="" data-mt="0" style="display: block; transition: none;">Arizona11 electoral votes · 84% reporting

<svg focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24">

<g-expandable-content jscontroller="wrFDyc" jsaction=";rcuQ6b:npT2md" jsshadow="" aria-hidden="false" data-eb="0" data-ie="" data-mt="0" style="display: block; transition: none;">Florida29 electoral votes · 96% reporting

<svg focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24">

<g-expandable-content jscontroller="wrFDyc" jsaction=";rcuQ6b:npT2md" jsshadow="" aria-hidden="false" data-eb="0" data-ie="" data-mt="0" style="display: block; transition: none;">Iowa6 electoral votes · 99% reporting

<svg focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24">

<g-expandable-content jscontroller="wrFDyc" jsaction=";rcuQ6b:npT2md" jsshadow="" aria-hidden="false" data-eb="0" data-ie="" data-mt="0" style="display: block; transition: none;">New Hampshire4 electoral votes · 88% reporting

<svg focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24">

<g-expandable-content jscontroller="wrFDyc" jsaction=";rcuQ6b:npT2md" jsshadow="" aria-hidden="false" data-eb="0" data-ie="" data-mt="0" style="display: block; transition: none;">Ohio18 electoral votes · 94% reporting

<svg focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24">

<g-expandable-content jscontroller="wrFDyc" jsaction=";rcuQ6b:npT2md" jsshadow="" aria-hidden="false" data-eb="0" data-ie="" data-mt="0" style="display: block; transition: none;">Texas38 electoral votes · 84% reporting

<svg focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24">

<g-inline-expansion-bar jsname="zWOLzc" jscontroller="WsHJSc" aria-expanded="true" aria-labelledby="_JIyiX4LiAZLitQWGubfgBg49" class="u2sJ0e AvEv1e" role="button" tabindex="0" jsaction="yELBLe;rcuQ6b:npT2md" data-ved="2ahUKEwiChIO34OjsAhUSca0KHYbcDWwQ4_MGegUIARC0AQ" aria-controls="" style="cursor: pointer; display: block; overflow: hidden; position: relative; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); border-top-left-radius: 20px; border-top-right-radius: 20px; border-bottom-right-radius: 20px; border-bottom-left-radius: 20px; height: 36px; line-height: 36px; margin: 10px auto -28px; width: 300px;">[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]

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You saw it here. The democrats have pulled off the greatest election fraud in history.

The remaining states will just keep "finding" blue votes until they claim victory.

That's exactly how Al Franken won his Senate seat in Minnesota.....amazing, just enough votes found in Democratic strongholds even in the trunk of a car.
So did they call VA for Trump now or what? I keep hearing different things. I told myself I wouldn’t get vested in this...but yet I am. I see Trump is up BIGLY in PA but it’s not called yet, and that they mistakenly called AZ for Biden as well.

I need popcorn.
Republicans likely to hold the senate pick up 4 houses seats


It appears Republican challenger Sean Parnell won the House district in Pittsburgh. Guy worked his tail off in the campaign.
Dittos my local state house district. My area is highly Democrat and the seat has been held by Democrats since God was a boy but a black Republican won. I strongly suspect the Dem incumbent's support of the governor's 'Rona policies had something to do with it.

So did they call VA for Trump now or what? I keep hearing different things. I told myself I wouldn’t get vested in this...but yet I am. I see Trump is up BIGLY in PA but it’s not called yet, and that they mistakenly called AZ for Biden as well.

I need popcorn.

PA has about 6 counties, including mine, that will not start counting mail-in ballots until today. The Democrat-controlled state supreme court ruled a few weeks ago that mail-in ballots could be counted up to 3 days after the election as long as they were postmarked by election day, oops wait, they don't have to have postmarks as long as they are signed, oops wait, the signatures don't have to match either. Nevermind that's what the state law says.
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He's won. They're going to try some fuckery,but it's not gonna fly,not by a long shot.
So did they call VA for Trump now or what? I keep hearing different things. I told myself I wouldn’t get vested in this...but yet I am. I see Trump is up BIGLY in PA but it’s not called yet, and that they mistakenly called AZ for Biden as well.

I need popcorn.

Trump lost Virginia once the votes in the DC suburbs were counted.

Regarding Pennsylvania, a lot of votes around Philadelphia and Pittsburgh have yet to be counted.

Trump can still win it, but it will be close.
It doesn’t look like that electoral landslide Indy predicted is going to materialize.
Somehow, with Trump 120k ahead in Wisconsin, the dems have "magically" found 128k votes deep in the night...

I can now see where all this 'litigation' talk is coming from. Again, Philadelphia is the center of a corruption scandal......go figger.

Reports Of Election Interference Surface At Philadelphia Polling Locations

While voter turnout appears to be high in Philadelphia, shortly after polls opened this morning, there were reports of long lines, broken polling machines, and polling place violations such as allowing campaign material and campaigning for certain candidates on-site, despite state Election Code prohibitions on electioneering at polling locations.

It doesn’t look like that electoral landslide Indy predicted is going to materialize.

Biden had double digit leads everywhere. May need to start calling pollsters what they really are -LIARS. We may never know how many people stay home because they think there vote doesn't matter.
Biden had double digit leads everywhere. May need to start calling pollsters what they really are -LIARS. We may never know how many people stay home because they think there vote doesn't matter.

In VA it really doesn't anymore. Pretty much the entire state is red with the exception of CCP-Charlottesville, Norfolk and the other state, Northern Virginia, yet the Dems win just about every time....

I might be moving to Montana soon, and raise me a crop of dental floss.
-Frank Zappa
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When I went to bed last night, they were saying Montana was a swing state? What the ****?
Somehow, with Trump 120k ahead in Wisconsin, the dems have "magically" found 128k votes deep in the night...

Big shock this happened. Big shock. Cheating *****.
I thought the district next to mine flipped a house seat to red...When I went to bed at 12:30 or 1, Nick Freitas was up by 50K. It was not close the whole night. At one point with like 98% of the vote in he was up 60%-40%. Wake up this morning and it's essentially tied. This state sure as hell is not what it used to be.

231 precincts of 232 reporting

Candidate Votes Percent
Abigail A. Spanberger
Democratic 199,513 49.89%

Nick J. Freitas
Republican 199,786 49.95%

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Trump lost Virginia once the votes in the DC suburbs were counted.

Regarding Pennsylvania, a lot of votes around Philadelphia and Pittsburgh have yet to be counted.

Trump can still win it, but it will be close.

What % of the votes in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh have yet to be counted?

Trump is up over 700,000 votes fo far in the state. If he wins it, it's HUGE. Then he just needs to hold his lead in Michigan, and win GA, and NC where 94% of the vote is in.

Michigan has 88% of the vote in, Trump has a narrow 55,813.

If Trump losses Michigan, he needs WI

PA + MI + NC + GA -= 280


PA + NC + GA + WI = 274
I'm not much for conspiracies, but there is something fishy going on here. Seven states not called for either candidate. Has this sort of thing ever happened before? I don't recall it.
Trump up almost 700,000 in PA right now. Expect that to vaporize by days end.
I'm not much for conspiracies, but there is something fishy going on here. Seven states not called for either candidate. Has this sort of thing ever happened before? I don't recall it.

Not that I can remember. And I know for a fact that states have never stopped counting ballots overnight and started up the next day. This is a **** show.
Trump lost Virginia once the votes in the DC suburbs were counted.
No surprise really. That's where the Swamp lives.

Regarding Pennsylvania, a lot of votes around Philadelphia and Pittsburgh have yet to be counted.

Trump can still win it, but it will be close.
It appears the people of Pennsylvania effectively extended a middle finger to the governor and Republicans won all the statewide races and crushed it in most state house and senate districts. I am optimistic that President Trump will hold his lead with the mail-in ballots.
Biden had double digit leads everywhere. May need to start calling pollsters what they really are -LIARS. We may never know how many people stay home because they think there vote doesn't matter.

Wouldn't this effect Biden voters thinking they had it in the bag and not need to vote? It could go both ways. As for Philly broken machines and what not should favor Trump. Trump gets crushed in Philly so he would not lose many votes there