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Election Day 2020

I am shocked waking up this morning at the change in Michigan. I have no idea what type of counting/reporting happened between 2AM and 8AM.

Because 200,000 votes came in that were ALL magically for Biden. Not a single vote for the President (look at the image). Can you believe the odds of that happening?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">So 200k people voted for Biden and ZERO for Trump? <a href="https://t.co/jBfuYe5Dfm">pic.twitter.com/jBfuYe5Dfm</a></p>— Trollasaurus (@TrollasaurusRx) <a href="https://twitter.com/TrollasaurusRx/status/1323977111024054273?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
There is a possibility Biden wins with exactly 270 electoral votes. Pretty crazy.
Biden 2020: By any means necessary.

Had a feeling this would happen, but now it's real. Dirty, cheating ******* and you cannot tell me different. Larger states than PA counted their votes last night, but they keep finding them here. What a joke and sham. I have a real love/hate relationship with PA. Luckily my family still lives here or it's greener pastures, for sure. What a shitshow.
Biden's lead in Michigan is 18K and growing, looks like he won't need PA.
So 200k people voted for Biden and ZERO for Trump?

yea, because that certainly would happen in a perfect world. I can feel my blood boil.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Notice that the states that were “unable to count” their remaining votes were all the swing states where President Trump was ahead by huge margins last night. <br><br>That’s not a coincidence. That’s election fraud.</p>— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) <a href="https://twitter.com/EmeraldRobinson/status/1323984127054516226?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Every vote “found” when counting paused is for Biden?<br><br>They’re not even hiding the fraud.</p>— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) <a href="https://twitter.com/johncardillo/status/1323998831520993282?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
This is even smelling worse IMO....it's almost like the GOP is going along with this. Getting rid of Trump and tolerating a lame duck President. The swamp wins.
If Biden wins, democrats will say yep, won fair and square.. no integrity or morals at all. What an embarrassment for this country.

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If the shoe was on the other foot, the screams of 'undermining our democracy!'

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If Republican AGs shut down counting in Texas or FLA when Dems were ahead by 600K all these same people would be up in arms about the undermining of democracy.</p>— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) <a href="https://twitter.com/davidharsanyi/status/1323890997240209408?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
This is even smelling worse IMO....it's almost like the GOP is going along with this. Getting rid of Trump and tolerating a lame duck President. The swamp wins.

that could be possible. Establishment reps are the problem too. They may jump for joy to retain the senate and gain a bit in the house and then get rid of Trump. It would mean they can go back to business as usual, IE doing nothing.
I don't think this is over and I don't think it will be pretty, you 2020 and all.

I don't think it will be pretty either, but POTUS busted his *** for 4 years and busted it again on the campaign trail, while the challenger slept in his basement and let the corrupt Pravda & elites in Silicon Valley do his dirty work for him, and now corrupt election commissions.

Fight tooth and nail for fairness & justice.
It just is what it is. Big city voting has always been shady. Nothing here is "new" of out just to get Trump. This happens arguably EVERY election. It's just important now because the races are insanely close.

It is looking more and more like Biden is going to win Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada and Arizona. And that's really all he needs to get to exactly 270.

Trump could hold on to North Carolina and Georgia (including having republicans win those Senate seats) and then it really doesn't matter how much they fight over PA.

I thought last night heading to bed that Michigan and Wisconsin would be Trump's and PA wouldn't matter. I was wrong on that. Looks like it's the other way.
Supposedly there are like over 1 million absentee ballots yet to count in PA. Of the absentee ballots counted so far (750,000), something like 80% have been for Biden.

So everyone in the media is just saying those 1 million absentee ballots could be 800k vs. 200k and that's a 600,000 vote swing left to consider in PA in favor of Biden. That makes everything super close.

I am shocked waking up this morning at the change in Michigan. I have no idea what type of counting/reporting happened between 2AM and 8AM.

That is a pretty important state right now. And there is even a decent chance (R)'s swing that Senate seat. The vote from Detroit is going to decide that, which I just don't have much faith in at all.

In Michigan last night they found 138,339 votes for Biden - ZERO - for Trump , what are the odds for it to be 100% for Biden . It's so bad they are not even trying to hide the cheating. If you look at the voting graphs for Michigan and Wisconsin they stat close the entire time, then last night Biden's votes do a straight line up , 100% for him zero for Trump.
Outside of the Presidential vote, I don't think this election could have gone any better for the GOP. Granted, the executive vote is huge but anyone else think Nancy might be done as House leader?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The U.S. Inability To Count Votes is a National Disgrace. And Dangerous.<a href="https://t.co/ZT5urSL7LR">https://t.co/ZT5urSL7LR</a></p>— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) <a href="https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1323976056240558082?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Biden 2020: By any means necessary.

Had a feeling this would happen, but now it's real. Dirty, cheating ******* and you cannot tell me different. Larger states than PA counted their votes last night, but they keep finding them here. What a joke and sham. I have a real love/hate relationship with PA. Luckily my family still lives here or it's greener pastures, for sure. What a shitshow.

I posted this would happen days ago. Not really surprising or hard to predict.
It just is what it is. Big city voting has always been shady. Nothing here is "new" of out just to get Trump. This happens arguably EVERY election. It's just important now because the races are insanely close.

Nothing here is new? Tell me another time when they just stopped counting votes in a national election.
Biden's lead in Michigan is 18K and growing, looks like he won't need PA.

democrat cheating in Michigan is 18k and growing.
Let's not pretend this wasn't their successful coup.
In Michigan last night they found 138,339 votes for Biden - ZERO - for Trump , what are the odds for it to be 100% for Biden . It's so bad they are not even trying to hide the cheating. If you look at the voting graphs for Michigan and Wisconsin they stat close the entire time, then last night Biden's votes do a straight line up , 100% for him zero for Trump.

I can't even wrap my head around that. ZERO? That is mathematical impossible(if it is fair voting). You can't travel half mile without seeing atleast one Trump sign, even if there are 5 Biden ones.
I posted this would happen days ago. Not really surprising or hard to predict.

Yes you did. I was worried about it as well, but (naively) thought our country hadn't completely descended into a banana republic. I was wrong.
It just is what it is. Big city voting has always been shady. Nothing here is "new" of out just to get Trump. This happens arguably EVERY election. It's just important now because the races are insanely close.

It is looking more and more like Biden is going to win Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada and Arizona. And that's really all he needs to get to exactly 270.

Trump could hold on to North Carolina and Georgia (including having republicans win those Senate seats) and then it really doesn't matter how much they fight over PA.

I thought last night heading to bed that Michigan and Wisconsin would be Trump's and PA wouldn't matter. I was wrong on that. Looks like it's the other way.

Watching the news, they said a city official in Wisconsin, escorted by police early this morning, delivered a flash drive full of "votes" and that swung Wisconsin. Of course, all from blue areas.

Is it not odd that all votes that are delayed or mysteriously found happen to be Dem votes? And odd that Republican votes always seem to make it in without question?

Is it not odd that the bumfuck rural counties with the less sophisticated voting locations and systems typically get their votes in on time, but the blue areas always seem to be ****** up and delayed with their vote?

Why is Schuykill County (not exactly rural and just outside Philly) able to get 100% of their vote in, but the Philly metro area cannot? Schuylkill had nearly 69,000 votes.

Why are the urban and arguably higher tech areas like Detroit, Philly, Milwaukee unable to get their vote counted but other suburban and rural counties have no problem, with likely lower tech?

Why are mailed/absentee ballots always seemingly lost in urban areas with sophisticated post offices and more drop boxes?
It just is what it is. Big city voting has always been shady. Nothing here is "new" of out just to get Trump. This happens arguably EVERY election. It's just important now because the races are insanely close.

It is looking more and more like Biden is going to win Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada and Arizona. And that's really all he needs to get to exactly 270.

Trump could hold on to North Carolina and Georgia (including having republicans win those Senate seats) and then it really doesn't matter how much they fight over PA.

I thought last night heading to bed that Michigan and Wisconsin would be Trump's and PA wouldn't matter. I was wrong on that. Looks like it's the other way.

I woke up this morning thinking same thing, like what WTF? I was taking open bets that there would be no victor declared today, no one would take it. And regardless of WI/MI -- Nevada not releasing anything from what just read; there's likely no official winner today.
Look, I hate mail-in ballots. Hate them.

We have these fancy new machines in Delaware. You stick a blank piece of paper in the machine. You vote on a touch screen. You say "Print". You get to SEE your printed ballot, with your name inside the machine (you can't touch it). When you are happy with the printed copy and it matches what is on the touch screen, you push "Vote" and the paper is GONE. Sucked into the machine where no one can get to it.

I want 100% of votes in this country done that way. If the federal government can spend $1 trillion on a magical stimulus package for Covid, why can't they spend $20 billion on fancy new voting machines (IDENTICAL IN EVERY STATE) and buy like 1 million of them? That means each machine would only have to take 100-150 votes EACH over the course of a voting day.

How hard is that?

I just don't get how a country that can literally write a check out of no where for $2 trillion during a pandemic can't find money to buy great new voting machines for the whole country.