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Election Day 2020

I feel the same way, how can you vote for trash like that? Can't wait for $5 gas, skyrocketing gas/hydro bills, Corona lockdowns and Unemployment at 12%, all while the market tanks and taxes rise.


Hopefully the Senate numbers hold steady and the Reps maintain their majority. Then I'd assume they will be able to block all the crap legislation that will be headed to Biden's desk.

While that is going on, I believe investigations on Russian and Chinese influence with respect to Biden need to happen. If it can be proved, which should not be difficult as he admitted to it on tape, he should be impeached. The problem is that Harris is for more radical than he is, so scratch that....Note to self, the next time we have a presidential election, make sure the vice president is far more conservative than the presidential candidate. That would be an incentive to not impeach the sitting president.
WTF is taking so long in Arizona? If I understand correctly they aren't counting mail in ballots which favor Biden, they are tallying election day votes which favor Trump.

They need to change ALL voting machines to how Del & Dino mentioned they do it in their state, and do away with this mail-in ballot **** that's subject to so much fraud (that Democrats, when politically convenient for them, have also said are subject to rampant fraud). That said, what they NEED to do and what they will do are totally different things.
If Trump leaves office he will still be very powerful. He will likely continue to be the Twitter presence or maybe even start his own show to call out the left constantly. What he should do is start up his own social media platforms that are uncensored. He may be able to pull that off.
You think? I would like to think he would leave peacefully, although the truth is he has no reason to.

This ain't directed at you Sarge, but if you busted your *** at your job for 4 years then busted it even more to show your company the work you're putting in, only to have it stolen from you from some incompetent jackass who did nothing, would you just go away quietly?

P.S. I know you said he has no reason to.
LOL at Biden saying last night he was on the path to victory while losing in 6 states, telling everyone to "just be patient", it's as if he already knew magical ballots would be showing up in his favor at 5 in the morning
Do I think there was fraud in this election? I do. A lot of it. What happened in Wisconsin alone should have antennae raised on every American. The fact that seven swing states all stopped counting when Trump had some solid and some huge leads, and then when they resumed those leads pretty much all vanished. Quickly. Something is wrong. Very wrong.

But here is the problem. For conservatives and especially for Trump, an accusation isn't going to be enough. Liberals will dismiss it even if they know it to be true. There has to be some concrete proof or it becomes nothing more than a crazy conspiracy theory.

If there was fraud and proof cannot be produced, there is no recourse. A recount won't matter because the number has already been fudged. And they aren't going to have a do-over. So if he is going to sue and go to the supreme court, he better have proof or there is no point to it.

This is going to turn way ugly. I am certain of that. Just how bad it gets is yet to be seen.
Oh this was a done deal the moment they allowed millions of the mail in ballots. There's no way to get a reading on legitimacy without counting them all by hand with lawyers present.

I'd take it to court and do just that. I don't care if it takes until April.

No wonder they seemed so confident weeks ago,while everything would point in the other direction.
If Trump leaves office he will still be very powerful. He will likely continue to be the Twitter presence or maybe even start his own show to call out the left constantly. What he should do is start up his own social media platforms that are uncensored. He may be able to pull that off.

If I was Trump, I’d say **** em and go enjoy my mansions.

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Hell, we might as well lock and load and go around the village cutting off heads if the nation is already destroyed.

wouldn't matter. those killed would still vote Dem.
This ain't directed at you Sarge, but if you busted your *** at your job for 4 years then busted it even more to show your company the work you're putting in, only to have it stolen from you from some incompetent jackass who did nothing, would you just go away quietly?

P.S. I know you said he has no reason to.

Reality is, he has to be able to prove there was fraud on a mass scale. It has to be more than anecdotal evidence. Otherwise, he will appear as exactly what they accuse him of. I believe there was fraud on a mass scale just based on what happened in Wisconsin. But in the end, it really doesn't matter what I believe or you believe or Trump believes. Only thing that matters is what he can prove.
It is amazing what Trump has done in making the Republicans a big tent party. He can continue to grow the base in blacks and Hispanics, especially if he can point to him losing due to fraud. That will wake up quite a few people.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If all the votes are added up in PA, Trump is going to lose. That’s why he’s working overtime to subtract as many votes as possible from this process.<br><br>For the record, he’s 0-6 against us in court. We’ve protected voting rights. Now, ignore the noise—vote!<a href="https://t.co/mN8t6TDud7">https://t.co/mN8t6TDud7</a></p>— Josh Shapiro (@JoshShapiroPA) <a href="https://twitter.com/JoshShapiroPA/status/1322640510637477889?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 31, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Just want to show this again (can't believe it's still up but those crooks are beloved by the Twitter machine), an AG talking about the results of his state days before an actual election took place. Incredible.
It really sucks that cheating can be done right before everyone’s eyes and there isn’t a damn thing anyone can do about it. Nothing.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Michigan situation was a TYPO. <br><br>The massive jump in Biden votes out of nowhere is because Shiawassee county reported "153710" when it SHOULD have been "15371." <br><br>As you can see below, thankfully, the error was fixed.<br>Biden had 2,130,695 (at 4:04 AM) <br>Then 2,019,899 (5:19 AM) <a href="https://t.co/93DUxj3ERo">pic.twitter.com/93DUxj3ERo</a></p>— Derek Duck (@duckdiver19) <a href="https://twitter.com/duckdiver19/status/1324030601788182528?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Boy, the United States of America is just shining on the world stage.
I wonder how many votes were lost on the Republican side due to MSMs suppression polls.

ABC had one with Trump losing Wisconsin by 17 points
It really sucks that cheating can be done right before everyone’s eyes and there isn’t a damn thing anyone can do about it. Nothing.

That remains to be seen.
No wonder they seemed so confident weeks ago,while everything would point in the other direction.

This is what gave me a sinking feeling weeks ago. Listening to them talk as though the election was just a formality and they had victory well in hand.
It really sucks that cheating can be done right before everyone’s eyes and there isn’t a damn thing anyone can do about it. Nothing.

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We should have a Federal law enforcement agency to maintain a level playing field and prosecute those who are involved in attempting to defraud an election.
Reality is, he has to be able to prove there was fraud on a mass scale. It has to be more than anecdotal evidence. Otherwise, he will appear as exactly what they accuse him of. I believe there was fraud on a mass scale just based on what happened in Wisconsin. But in the end, it really doesn't matter what I believe or you believe or Trump believes. Only thing that matters is what he can prove.

Precisely. The coup occurred last night at around 3:00 a.m. Your country is gone. We will never have a "real" election again. Mail in voting will become a national requirement and that allows the party in charge to do anything they like with the ballots. This is over folks. Just hope they don't care enough about you to completely grind you into the peasantry.
We should have a Federal law enforcement agency to maintain a level playing field and prosecute those who are involved in attempting to defraud an election.
I'm sure the democrats will get right on that.
Precisely. The coup occurred last night at around 3:00 a.m. Your country is gone. We will never have a "real" election again. Mail in voting will become a national requirement and that allows the party in charge to do anything they like with the ballots. This is over folks. Just hope they don't care enough about you to completely grind you into the peasantry.

For the next election period, we’ll probably still be in some sort of lock down and masks required. I don’t think it’s going anywhere so yeah, mail in votes will work again.

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Nevada now saying they'll not have numbers until tomorrow at 9AM.
"focusing on mail-in ballots"

Biden at 588,252
Trump at 580,605

of course
Precisely. The coup occurred last night at around 3:00 a.m. Your country is gone. We will never have a "real" election again. Mail in voting will become a national requirement and that allows the party in charge to do anything they like with the ballots. This is over folks. Just hope they don't care enough about you to completely grind you into the peasantry.
I fell asleep around 1 and have had my nose in work today. what happened?

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