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Election Day 2020

I'm still trying to figure out how Trump won last time and then in this election he got even more of the Black and Latino vote, but looks like he'll lose.

This election is so sketchy.
One good thing that happened in this election is the republicans picked up a few seats in Congress. They didn't quite make the majority but it should make it easier for the republicans to turn Congress in 2022.
Well...Iran can bring their nukes back out in the open and Rocket Man can star playing with his missiles again. Who’s gonna stop them?

Kamala will pull on her knee pads and broker a back room deal.
Hopefully the good Lord will take me soon and I won’t have to witness it.

I’m ready to leave the mortal coil

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I'm holding out to see another Steeler Super Bowl win. Gave up on the Pirates long ago as I do not anticipate living to be 146
Yep. We have trannys with serious mental issues winning state senator positions now too. Won’t be long until we have one as president.

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I just read that this morning. What in the blue hell.
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Rush is saying Wisconsin has 150K more votes than registered voters,

This has been debunked to a point. Wisconsin was allowing people to register at polling places. So if you had a lot of new people it would show over 100% turnout.
One good thing that happened in this election is the republicans picked up a few seats in Congress. They didn't quite make the majority but it should make it easier for the republicans to turn Congress in 2022.

Once again, for the folks in back. At house and senate mid-terms, since there will still be mail-in voting (since it lead to record voter turnout! YAY) the democrats will simply "delay" the count until they magically have enough votes to dramatically take both the house and senate.

The republic is dead folks. This is an oligarchy.
I don't believe that wig.

I think we all know this election was going to be close and Wisconsin and Michigan and PA are literally 1% different than in 2016. But that 1% mattered. And yes, Trump made headway in Black & Latino men, but he lost women. Women of every race, creed and ethnicity didn't vote for him like in 2016. That was the difference.

It's too bad about that John James guy in Michigan. He would have been a nice addition to the Senate for the Republicans. I think that guy should keep running. He can win.

I think the Senate races in North Carolina and Georgia are looking good for (R) right now. Even with the mail-in ballot counting forever.

The RINO Collins held her seat. So did the women in Iowa. It's going to be 52-48 in the Senate during Biden's Presidency. And the Supreme Court will be 5 1/2 vs. 3 1/2.

I think we will survive to vote another day.

Again, my big gripe is that this whole thing is going BACKWARDS. Back to when the swamp creatures all controlled Washington in their ludicrous ways of "deals" and "compromise" and waste. No one is going to rattle cages for a while. Maybe America is tired of that. Maybe we need a break. Sure, this board will spout the conspiracy theories and get into the weeds of government (and how bad it is). Legitimately and deservedly so. Someone SHOULD scrutinize things. But as for a majority of this country, they don't care about the weeds. They just want the news to STOP TALKING. And if voting for a senile Biden works towards that, they did it.
Maybe I spoke too soon about John James. Literally as I was typing that last post, NY Times updated the votes and James now has a 13,500 vote lead with 93% counted.

Biden's lead in Michigan shrank to 37,300 votes.
Maybe I spoke too soon about John James. Literally as I was typing that last post, NY Times updated the votes and James now has a 13,500 vote lead with 93% counted.

Biden's lead in Michigan shrank to 37,300 votes.

95%+ reporting and a correction in his favor to come.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Per <a href="https://twitter.com/DecisionDeskHQ?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@DecisionDeskHQ</a>, John James now has a lead of almost 14,000 votes - and this is without the correction that is due to happen in Antrim County. <a href="https://t.co/OFFn9eobUw">https://t.co/OFFn9eobUw</a> <a href="https://t.co/ejmJmv2Rgj">pic.twitter.com/ejmJmv2Rgj</a></p>— Eric �� Cunningham (@decunningham2) <a href="https://twitter.com/decunningham2/status/1324068384351412225?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
That's a very important race in my opinion. James could be a very good Republican. We have some black congressmen (few I think), but to have a black Senator as an (R) would start to build up maybe a small black, male support and turn them into (R)'s. Call them the anti-crime, anti-hold my hand, Kanye West type people. Young, working black men that realize just how patronizing the Democrats have been to their communities. Black men that realize they need to stand up more to stay out of trouble, take care of their baby mommas and children, black men who realize police isn't always a bad thing.

Those people exist. I know they do. Trump got some of that this time around and whoever is next has to do the same. Keep pounding those drums: socialism is bad (helps with latinos), tough but fair on crime (helps with black males).
Crowder on YouTube saying he will show video proof of voter fraud in 2 minutes. Is it a joke?
NY Times just declared Wisconsin for Biden. Counting is done and Biden won by 20,500 votes.

I think that will be hard to make up in a recount but with so many mail-in ballots trying to compare recount "adjustments" in the past is kind of pointless. Normally a recount will not change the vote by more than 1000 votes either way (and that would be a lot).
I think we all know this election was going to be close and Wisconsin and Michigan and PA are literally 1% different than in 2016. But that 1% mattered. And yes, Trump made headway in Black & Latino men, but he lost women. Women of every race, creed and ethnicity didn't vote for him like in 2016. That was the difference.

It's too bad about that John James guy in Michigan. He would have been a nice addition to the Senate for the Republicans. I think that guy should keep running. He can win.

The difference was hundreds of thousands of ballots showing up in the dark hours of the night all of which went 100% for Joe Biden. Trump was winning in 6 states, handily. Then suddenly he didn't get a single vote and Joe Biden got HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS... Ya. It was women.

There's no point for John James to run again. He had a 15 point lead when they stopped counting and then when the magical fairy votes appeared he was in the garbage heap. There is NO POINT IN RUNNING when the democrats are using mail in ballots. You cannot win. They'll just keep adding ballots until you've lost. Guy needs to go back home and figure out his place. Which is wherever the democrats tell him to be.
I'm cancelling FoxNews after this, it's almost as if they wanted Biden to win.

**** them

Yep. Trump called the Fox News polling guy an idiot and a fraud, so he was looking to **** Trump. He called Arizona waaaaaay too ******* early, and networks are now reversing that call.

Meanwhile, Trump wins Florida by 400,000 votes and he can't call it until after midnight. **** that guy.

Oh, and he projected a 79% chance Biden wins North Carolina, and ****** that up as well.

How does that stupid ************ have a job? I swear to God, I see him in Arizona, I punch his fat face.
NY Times just declared Wisconsin for Biden. Counting is done and Biden won by 20,500 votes.

I think that will be hard to make up in a recount but with so many mail-in ballots trying to compare recount "adjustments" in the past is kind of pointless. Normally a recount will not change the vote by more than 1000 votes either way (and that would be a lot).

Trump is pretty much done, I'm writing off Wisconsin and Michigan which means he needs a miracle comeback in Arizona and the Philly area not to cheat to win Pennsylvania... two big asks.

I'd eat crow with a big fat smile on my face if wrong, but I think it's over.

Socialism here we come!

EDIT- Fox just called Wisconsin for Biden too
One good thing that happened in this election is the republicans picked up a few seats in Congress. They didn't quite make the majority but it should make it easier for the republicans to turn Congress in 2022.

I heard 11 Republican women picked up/secured seats, which is a pretty big deal. Not sure how accurate that is, and the #metoo movement must've accidentally glossed over that little detail.
Official betting odds have Biden at -290 and Trump +210. Trump was -775 at 10:30 last night then everything went downhill.

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Official betting odds have Biden at -290 and Trump +210. Trump was -775 at 10:30 last night then everything went downhill.

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Yeah and the chinese currency was taking a beating, then magically a few hours later while everyone's asleep Biden assumes the lead due to mail in votes yet to be counted. Amazing
Trump is pretty much done, I'm writing off Wisconsin and Michigan which means he needs a miracle comeback in Arizona and the Philly area not to cheat to win Pennsylvania... two big asks.

I'd eat crow with a big fat smile on my face if wrong, but I think it's over.

Socialism here we come!

EDIT- Fox just called Wisconsin for Biden too

You know, someone last night said what America REALLY wanted is exactly what happened: Biden in the Presidency but Republicans holding the Senate.

If Biden had a Democratic Senate, the socialist wing of that party would have just pushed through EVERYTHING and the country would have hated it. We talked that stuff like packing courts and added States was on the table (note that Puerto Rico voted 52% to become a state now).

Now that it's a Republican Senate, Biden and Washington will fall back into it's old school log jam. And let's face it, people like Biden, McConnell, Pelosi - that's what they WANT. They WANT the old school pointing fingers to rile up their home bases. They want the camera's on them as they talk about their points of view. They WANT pork and "compromises" on what small bills they pass.

Everything they do will be geared toward keeping those in power in power. Those Senators and Congressmen will only do what they do to maintain status quo and power. It's what we all HATE about it, but they love it. Absolutely love it. And the country will just go along for the ride.

The true Washington power brokers and financiers are all raising a toast today. Exactly what they wanted to happen, happened.
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You know, someone last night said what America REALLY wanted is exactly what happened: Biden in the Presidency but Republicans holding the Senate.

If Biden had a Democratic Senate, the socialist wing of that party would have just pushed through EVERYTHING and the country would have hated it. We talked that stuff like packing courts and added States was on the table (note that Puerto Rico voted 52% to become a state now).

Now that it's a Republican Senate, Biden and Washington will fall back into it's old school log jam. And let's face it, people like Biden, McConnell, Pelosi - that's what they WANT. They WANT the old school pointing fingers to rile up their home bases. They want the camera's on them as they talk about their points of view. They WANT pork and "compromises" on what small bills they pass.

Everything they do will be geared toward keeping those in power in power. Those Senators and Congressmen will only do what they do to maintain status quo and power. It's what we all HATE about it, but they love it. Absolutely love it. And the country will just go along for the ride.

The true Washington power brokers and financiers are all raising a toast today. Exactly what they wanted to happen, happened.

Go team gridlock ;)
I'm going to give Biden and Harris the exact same treatment Trump and Pence received the last four years. I'm sure I will lose friends and possibly family in the process, but I don't care. F them! F them with a white, hot poker. I'm going to ride Biden like Zorro.