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Election Day 2020

the only ones worth their salt is Hannity, Tucker and Laura. There's a few guests and contributors like Levine that gets it, but they are CNN lite. I don't get any other decent news channels worth watching on my cable.

I watched last night. Was funny to see several guests on Hannity and Laura call out "the media" for calling Biden states early and making late calls on FL and TX. Hannity and Laura were nodding in agreement but no one would mention Faux News by name!
look at the map, 75% of the country is Red. The numbers are not matching up.

Great point. And how does the down ballot do so well on his coattails if this wasn't an actual huge Trump victory?? Not to mention the never before seen rock star rallies everywhere in all states.
A quarter of me is like, just let Biden win and let the Swamp be the Swamp and folks can go about their lives oblivious to all the **** going on in DC.

The other 3/4 is pissed off as hell knowing the election and the background with the super flu was rigged and feeling totally powerless to do anything about it. I'm too old to go on a rampage and that's not in my programming to destroy property, etc..
the only ones worth their salt is Hannity, Tucker and Laura. There's a few guests and contributors like Levine that gets it, but they are CNN lite. I don't get any other decent news channels worth watching on my cable.

If I wanted Political news I had to watch CNN, then my local cable company made Fox available for a fee, I happily signed up because I hate left wing media with a passion. At first it was great, I recorded Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham every night and always watched. Then I started noticing daytime Fox was different than nighttime. (That Cavuto guy is a clown).

I was hoping election night coverage would be very pro Trump as every other major network was out to make him look bad. Their election broadcast was garbage. They called Arizona and Minnesota in minutes, yet took forever to call Texas, Ohio, Florida and Iowa for Trump. They had tons of pro Democrat commentators and guests, I'm guessing CNN/MSNBC was doing the opposite on their channels.

I'm done with FOX.
Last I looked, Trump is trailing by 68,000 votes in AZ, assuming any of this can be believed.

Good news is my representative, David Schweikert has taken the lead on Hiral Tipirneni by 6,500 votes with 82% reporting.

The Presidential race shows 88% reporting, but a couple of the very blue districts show only 59 and 72% of the votes counted so far. If true, that's not a good sign.
Great point. And how does the down ballot do so well on his coattails if this wasn't an actual huge Trump victory?? Not to mention the never before seen rock star rallies everywhere in all states.

It's amazing, Trump won Ohio by 8 points and was winning Michigan and Wisconsin late Wednesday night then magically a bunch of Detroit and Milwaukee votes came in at 5 in the morning.

How is OHIO's vote so much different than the other 2? Hmmmmmm

Ohio winner has predicted every election except for two. Trump won that state easily but looks like he'll lose the college. Yeah nothing shady going on at all.
Saw something today someone sent me saying that genuine ballots have a proprietary and exclusive watermark and the D's don't realize they flooded the system with counterfeits. Who knows, but hoping so.

If genuine then no need for covering up windows and clandestine operations in the middle of the night. There's absolutely no need for that at all. Our elections should be like a pane of glass. The overwhelming majority of citizens want that.

I do think a lot of old school democrats have no idea what their party has morphed into. They're oblivious.
Last I looked, Trump is trailing by 68,000 votes in AZ, assuming any of this can be believed.

Good news is my representative, David Schweikert has taken the lead on Hiral Tipirneni by 6,500 votes with 82% reporting.

The Presidential race shows 88% reporting, but a couple of the very blue districts show only 59 and 72% of the votes counted so far. If true, that's not a good sign.

I'm hearing votes left to be counted are mail-ins that were dropped off in person at the polls. Thos have favored Trump. In the two dumps of results last night Trump gained at 57.4% clip. If it keeps going that way he'll win Arizona by 30K.

Crossing my fingers, but with all the cheating going on not sure it'll matter.
Since 'ol Joe received so many votes, I wonder how many of his avid followers voted multiple times. If you have shady registrars, it would be easy enough to do with the mail in votes, the early walk in votes and the Tuesday vote. It would be interesting to see the numbers of registered voters to the number of votes counted across the country, but doubtful you'd get an accurate number. I'm sure the DOJ and the FBI is on the case so I'll sleep easy.
We’re Supposed To Believe The GOP Had A Great Election Night Except For President?
-- https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/0...-a-great-election-night-except-for-president/

It would be mystifying if Republicans won more seats in the House, retained the Senate, and picked up state legislative seats, all while the same voters voted against Trump.

Since Joe Biden was picked to be the Democratic Party’s presidential puppet, we have been told he would win the presidency by a blowout. Political media has been speculating eagerly about another “blue wave” that would wash over the nation in line with their preposterous polls showing Biden winning by as much as 17 or even more points.

A week ago, the Washington Post, citing its new poll, reported that Biden had a 17-point lead over Trump in Wisconsin, 57 percent to 40 percent. What an utter, complete, total embarrassment. Current actual difference: 7/10 of one percent. https://t.co/2tRwanTn5n pic.twitter.com/8D5ZT37yF9

— Byron York (@ByronYork) November 4, 2020

Two weeks before the election, the “nonpartisan” Cook’s Political Report predicted an expanded Democrat majority in the House, a “net gain of five to ten seats to a gain of between five and 15 seats.” On election day, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrat campaign chairwoman Rep. Cheri Bustos predicted Democrats “would not only defend gains made in 2018 but flip districts thought to be in safe Republican territory.”

Last week, Democrats told the Washington Post, which described the party as “awash in cash,” they expected to flip as many as 15 House seats on Biden’s presumed presidential coattails. That didn’t happen at all. In fact, the opposite did. Now as localities run by Democrats “count” votes under suspicious circumstances, we are supposed to believe that voters selected coattails detached from a coat?

Republicans have flipped seven U.S. House races so far and Democrats flipped two, according to RealClearPolitics. That narrows Democrats’ hold on the House from 232 to 227, nine more than the majority, even if no more are flipped. Republicans could even ultimately flip 15, as many as Democrats had hoped to.

Republicans had twice as many Senate seats to defend this election than Democrats did, and they currently appear to retain their Senate majority. So far, Democrats have flipped one seat. Far poorer-funded Republicans retained seats Democrats literally spent hundreds of millions of dollars to flip, such as Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, and Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

Amy McGrath and Jaime Harrison raised a combined $199,004,686 and lost to Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham by a combined 35 points.

— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) November 4, 2020

At the state level, USA Today reports, Democrats also failed to flip seats they had targeted, again usually with more money than Republicans. The only gubernatorial flip went from Democrat to Republican, in Montana. In congressional and state House races in Texas, Republicans also retained their majorities despite massive outside funding and high-profile targeting from Democrats.

“Democrats had methodically targeted seat pickup opportunities in several legislative chambers to flip party control in Arizona, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Texas,” USA Today says. “While some statehouse seats are still being tallied, Republicans held onto control of many of those places, notably in North Carolina’s state House and Senate. Texas, considered one of the biggest flip opportunities, also stayed red. Republicans likely will hold key voting majorities in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan ahead of reapportionment next year” (emphasis added).

Politico, the voice of establishment Democrat wisdom in DC, headlined its Wednesday Playbook newsletter, “What blue wave?” “Tuesday was an abject disaster for Democrats in Washington,” it said. “…We fielded text after text from Hill Democrats Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning with existential questions about their leadership and the direction of their party. Democrats told us in the weeks and months leading up to Election Day that they were on track to win the majority in the Senate, and they don’t appear poised to do that” despite setting forest fires to campaign cash.

In the end, “Republicans could have a net gain of 10 House seats,” Politico claims, squeezing Democrats’ majority. So far, the only two Democrat House pickups in the country are from redistricting in North Carolina. Republicans will win every “expected to win easily” seat, haven’t lost a single “expected to win narrowly” seat, and are ahead in all but three of the 27 “tossup” races.

Meanwhile, Republicans have already flipped three seats that were supposed to be narrow Democrat wins and are ahead in several others, and may even flip one of the “easy Democrat win” races.

That desk claimed last night that Democrats would net 5 additional House seats. As of right now, the GOP is +5 in the House, with only 48 seats left uncalled. And of those 48 races, Dems are leading in only 16, of which 14 are already held by Democrats. https://t.co/FsGSVaz6db

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) November 4, 2020

This all means we saw an amazing night for Republicans on Tuesday. Toss atop that eight months of destabilizing coronavirus psychological operations on the American people designed to steal the presidency after other coup methods failed.

Then look at some odd differences between this amazing night for Republicans in downballot races and the incongruent results for Trump in just a few key states — key states that happen to be the ones everyone knew would be crucial to Trump’s path to victory, and all of which began to have “voting irregularities” and pauses in vote counting as Trump appeared to command the lead while closing in on final vote totals.

Biden was projected to win by a significant margin in all of the states on which the election now hangs (all these vote counts were as of Wednesday night and according to RealClearPolitics). There appears to be no relation to polling averages versus actual election night returns — the current vote tallies are in bold at top, to compare to the wildly inaccurate polling averages in the graphs below.

Arizona: Trump 48, Biden 51


Michigan: Trump 48, Biden 49


Pennsylvania: Trump 51, Biden 47


Wisconsin: Trump 49, Biden 49


Now look at basically the same thing going on in other states key to a Trump win, where he was declared the victor Tuesday night. Ohio is especially pertinent as it is in the Midwest, right next to Pennsylvania and Michigan, and Trump got a huge margin of victory there.

Ohio: Trump 53, Biden 45


Florida: Trump 51, Biden 48


Now let’s get a little more granular with a case study of the crucial state Pennsylvania.

Here Republicans also seem to be having a good year on the state level. In the state House, while not all vote tallies are in yet, as many as nine Republicans may unseat Democrat incumbents and five are likely to win races that lacked an incumbent. Democrats appear at best to have mostly retained incumbent seats and so far no flips for them seem to have happened.

In three races for statewide office — auditor general, secretary of state, and treasurer– Republican candidates currently have significant leads over Democrat opponents in Pennsylvania. In U.S. House races in the state, all incumbents seem to have retained their seats except what looks like a good chance for a Republican to flip a Democrat seat in District 10. In the state Senate, again incumbents all won their seats except a Republican flipped a Democrat seat.

All of this adds up to a picture in which, if these very even races tip any way at all, they are tipping Republican. This seems to match the national picture as well.

It would be mystifying if Republicans won more seats in the House, retained the Senate, and picked up state legislative seats, all while the same voters voted against Trump. Trump has solidified his support among Republican voters and enjoys a massive approval rating from them he didn’t have in 2016, and expanded his coalition to more working-class and minority voters this year. This is not a blue wave year. This is a year that the blue wave of 2018 appears to be receding.

Yet we are supposed to believe the same media-Democrat complex that fed us wildly erroneous polls all year, and runs false information operations on us about coronavirus, the Russia hoax, and everything else they can use to steal power, that this blue wave’s evaporation did not at all affect the top of the ticket?
Biden is going to be the President. All of this lawsuit stuff is just to keep our hopes up, to try to keep people calm. It will go nowhere, just like the Durham investigation, the investigation into Hillary's emails, Benghazi and the like.

The swamp has won. They will continue to win until we overthrow them. The tree of liberty and all that.

But we won't. We are too comfortable and they know it. You can go to the supermarket and buy 27 different flavors of yogurt. You don't like strawberry peach banana? Well, over there is blueberry mango or something.

Until it gets hard again, we won't budge. Where the Dems may be screwing up is, with their polices, it just might. Maybe not in my lifetime, but at some point.
Biden is going to be the President. All of this lawsuit stuff is just to keep our hopes up, to try to keep people calm. It will go nowhere, just like the Durham investigation, the investigation into Hillary's emails, Benghazi and the like.

The swamp has won. They will continue to win until we overthrow them. The tree of liberty and all that.

But we won't. We are too comfortable and they know it. You can go to the supermarket and buy 27 different flavors of yogurt. You don't like strawberry peach banana? Well, over there is blueberry mango or something.

Until it gets hard again, we won't budge. Where the Dems may be screwing up is, with their polices, it just might. Maybe not in my lifetime, but at some point.
I will also never forget back during the first Gulf War, we had a series of sermons in church on prophesy, with what was going on at the time. I've never been a fan of that because of human interpretation...we will screw it up, think of all the predictions of the world ending.

Anyway, the pastor had the theory that in the end times, the USA would be a non-factor. For whatever reason, we would no longer be a force in the world. I think of that a lot as we spiral downward.
The election may as well be called. Let Trump take it to the courts. Lawsuits filed in all the states. Nothing will matter. As wig and others have pointed out, the votes dont matter. All that matters is who counts the votes. Trump's 4 years were an anomaly. One that will not happen again.

We can either act like adults and point out when Biden fails to meet his campaign promises, as well as his other failures - or act like immature snot-nosed fuckfaces who don't know the definition of many, many words and riot, burn and loot.

Personally, I'm going to TRY to be level-headed. I'll point out Biden's failures. His incompetence. His advanced dementia. I can only hope and pray that he lives until January, 2025. In no world do I want Kamala as the POTUS. I'm sure some family who have discarded me for "not being worthy" of their time due to me being every -ist in the book for the last four years will begin hitting me up for Friend Requests on Facebook. Which I will not accept.

We need to start a list of what exactly Biden promised during his campaign

Cure Covid
Cure Cancer
Stop Fracking
Begin the death of the oil industry
Not raise taxes on those making less than $400k annually

Those five are just off the top of my head
I will also never forget back during the first Gulf War, we had a series of sermons in church on prophesy, with what was going on at the time. I've never been a fan of that because of human interpretation...we will screw it up, think of all the predictions of the world ending.

Anyway, the pastor had the theory that in the end times, the USA would be a non-factor. For whatever reason, we would no longer be a force in the world. I think of that a lot as we spiral downward.

Yup The Revelation of Jesus Christ is about end times and no mention of US

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
The election may as well be called. Let Trump take it to the courts. Lawsuits filed in all the states. Nothing will matter. As wig and others have pointed out, the votes dont matter. All that matters is who counts the votes. Trump's 4 years were an anomaly. One that will not happen again.

We can either act like adults and point out when Biden fails to meet his campaign promises, as well as his other failures - or act like immature snot-nosed fuckfaces who don't know the definition of many, many words and riot, burn and loot.

Personally, I'm going to TRY to be level-headed. I'll point out Biden's failures. His incompetence. His advanced dementia. I can only hope and pray that he lives until January, 2025. In no world do I want Kamala as the POTUS. I'm sure some family who have discarded me for "not being worthy" of their time due to me being every -ist in the book for the last four years will begin hitting me up for Friend Requests on Facebook. Which I will not accept.

We need to start a list of what exactly Biden promised during his campaign

Cure Covid
Cure Cancer
Stop Fracking
Begin the death of the oil industry
Not raise taxes on those making less than $400k annually

Those five are just off the top of my head

He also promised to mobilize trualinurprzer
Biden will be a useless lump as he has been for 45 years. Even if that were not the case, without the Senate and Supreme Court in his corner he will be unable to make major fundamental changes. In terms of the long term future of this country those two things are more important than who is president.

I don't know if there is fraud that significantly affected the election. I would think fraudsters would give themselves a larger margin of victory, and would not want to leave Republicans in charge of the Senate.

Trump is despised by many women, his pathetic appeals to "Suburban Housewives of America" didn't help, his hits on Biden's age and frailty didn't sit well with the elderly, and unlike Hillary, Biden is seen as a harmless moderate and a blue collar kind of guy by voters Trump needed in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

I'm just grateful that many who rejected Trump personally also rejected the far left agenda. That much gives me faith in the future of this country.
I really do think we need to do away with this early voting and mail in voting bullshit. We ought to have the technical ability to come up with some kind of safe, secure, election day voting system that can be counted accurately and efficiently without so much room for human error/or fraud.
It's amazing, Trump won Ohio by 8 points and was winning Michigan and Wisconsin late Wednesday night then magically a bunch of Detroit and Milwaukee votes came in at 5 in the morning.

How is OHIO's vote so much different than the other 2? Hmmmmmm

Ohio winner has predicted every election except for two. Trump won that state easily but looks like he'll lose the college. Yeah nothing shady going on at all.

I lived in Ohio for 20 years...

i would have to say it is alot more conservative leaning than Michigan and Wisconsin... especially southern Ohio and the Cincy area in general..which is unusual for a big city demographics to lean to the right..
I really do think we need to do away with this early voting and mail in voting bullshit. We ought to have the technical ability to come up with some kind of safe, secure, election day voting system that can be counted accurately and efficiently without so much room for human error/or fraud.

That's here to stay unfortunately. And as long as Democrats run the major cities in the US, we are ******. They control the **** holes like Philly, Detroit, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, LA, San Francisco, New York and the voting machinery within.
I really do think we need to do away with this early voting and mail in voting bullshit. We ought to have the technical ability to come up with some kind of safe, secure, election day voting system that can be counted accurately and efficiently without so much room for human error/or fraud.

Absolutely. My problem with early voting, and full disclosure I did, is that it doesn’t allow for all the information to available before election day to be digested. Now that assumes a media that would actually report on real news not just the facts according to them. We need a national system and standard for national elections, not this hodgepodge crap we have now. There is no excuse for the incompetence on display in these liberal cities. We need a national voter registration database and a national voter ID. Anyone who legally is allowed to vote should get one free, It should be mandatory for everyone casting a ballot. Period. If provided free of charge to all there can be no charges of disenfranchisement. I would even be willing to make the requirements an amendment that also clarifies who can legally vote.