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Election Day 2020

Slowly, the scales became tipped in their favor and as time goes on, We are shrinking, They are growing. It's done.

I agree. I had hoped that Trump could pull this off. I knew the polls were wrong but it's almost impossible to go against the entire media, colleges putting out communist students (BLM, ANTIFA ETC), the entire FBI and federal government, and states run by dems. The republic is lost now. Even with the Senate it won't matter much. Biden will do so much damage it will be impossible to change it. The country is moving left and with that the experiment has failed. Take over by traitors and thugs. History ceased being taught and was replaced by pseudo-intellectual race theory and out right lies about blacks inventing everything in the world. Even Biden repeated that stupid babble when he said Edison didn't invent the light bulb a black man did... really? How can such a moron be president? Because most have been conditioned... now the experiment dies. It's just a matter of time now.
I am ashamed of my new home state. Ashamed. We moved here to get the **** AWAY from the liberal stupidity of California, but too many of those dumb-*** ************* have brought their failed ideas with them. To wit:

  • Voting for Joe ******* Biden, a vile thief whose rampant corruption is detailed on his son's ******* computer.
  • Voting for Mark Kelly, a nobody whose intellect makes Sarah Palin look like a ******* genius.
  • Voting in a tax increase. Voluntarily. "For the kids."

McCain RINOs screwed you.
And the joke continues, they want Biden crowned tonight:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">JUST IN: Instead of delaying releasing results until tomorrow, Nevada officials will release more results later today due to the high interest in how Nevada voted. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/8NN?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#8NN</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Election2020?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Election2020</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NVElection?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NVElection</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/YLHE?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#YLHE</a><a href="https://t.co/DjPUNesbeO">https://t.co/DjPUNesbeO</a></p>— 8 News NOW (@8NewsNow) <a href="https://twitter.com/8NewsNow/status/1324093130103205888?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I am ashamed of my new home state. Ashamed. We moved here to get the **** AWAY from the liberal stupidity of California, but too many of those dumb-*** ************* have brought their failed ideas with them. To wit:

  • Voting for Joe ******* Biden, a vile thief whose rampant corruption is detailed on his son's ******* computer.
  • Voting for Mark Kelly, a nobody whose intellect makes Sarah Palin look like a ******* genius.
  • Voting in a tax increase. Voluntarily. "For the kids."

When I moved here from PA, Barry Goldwater was still a Senator. Kelly is a total *** that won on a sympathy vote for his wife, but McSally wasn't much competition.

Maybe Ducey runs against Sinema in a few years.
He was that close. It's hard not to think that a little less Trump rhetoric, or a little bit different Trump rhetoric, might have gone a very long way. Things looked pretty good when I went to bed. I guess it's still not over. Having said all of that, we need a revised, trustworthy voting system. This **** is ridiculous.
And now John James is losing his senatorial race in Michigan. I'm gonna have to beat up a transgender, but not until I've prayed for them.
And now John James is losing his senatorial race in Michigan. I'm gonna have to beat up a transgender, but not until I've prayed for them.

Too bad all those racists in the Dem party voted for the old White Guy.
Ohh look more Dems committing voter fraud, this time in Georgia:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Anyone in Georgia? Team Joe needs people to go door to door helping voters fix their mail in ballots so they count. Sign up! <a href="https://t.co/WD8nhbw6nc">https://t.co/WD8nhbw6nc</a></p>— David Litt (@davidlitt) <a href="https://twitter.com/davidlitt/status/1324117440297639940?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Georgia has a shot at flipping. Trump up about 57k votes, but alot of city votes still coming in
When I moved here from PA, Barry Goldwater was still a Senator. Kelly is a total *** that won on a sympathy vote for his wife, but McSally wasn't much competition.

Maybe Ducey runs against Sinema in a few years.

Sorry, but at this point, who ******* cares? Vader noted correctly that in the next 20 years - my lifetime, God willing - America will be unrecognizable. The anti-American vitriol in our classrooms has rolled into our businesses, our politics. Hating America is so cool today. Some spoiled little white girl raising her fist in support of BLM is so great.

These people are far too stupid to realize that they are simply living off what their predecessors created, and are vastly too unskilled and unintelligent to improve the nation. They are good at two things, and only two things:

  • Consuming what people much better than them created.
  • Destroying what has already been created, be it statues of American icons, or art, or literature, or music, or industry, or energy production, or food, or travel.

They create nothing. Creating means hard work, and delayed gratification, and difficulty, and risk, and struggle. Destruction requires nothing other than the intellect God gave a cow.

So they will create nothing, destroy everything they touch. Blacks will continue to believe that Americans will pay them billions of dollars for being black, but that is on the endangered species list.

When the privileged little ***** have to pay their own bills for a change, they are going to say "**** you" to paying extortion money to minorities.

The spoiled little cretins will finally realize that their stupidity and utter lack of constructive actions have shrunk the once-vast "pie" that all Americans share, a pie larger than any the planet has ever seen. America is on the way to being China's *****. Joe Biden, of course, already is China's bought-and-paid-for *****.

By being China's *****, I mean that China will force its will on our people, and we will not have the gumption to fight. This current group of millenials could no more have defeated the Nazis than they can wave their arms and fly.

These morons will then get the incredible privilege of living like the Chinese. Stuffed into tiny apartments, no workplace protections at all, no laws against discrimination since the Chinese system is the most discriminatory and racist in existence and arguably more so than Nazi Germany's system. Protection from discrimination is expensive, and the moron class has spent the nation's accrued savings on their stupidity. No advancement except by being a party toadee. They are going to be good little toadees, but don't realize that only a few such toadee spots are available and there are a LOT of toadee candidates.

Controlled thought, controlled expression, tiny, anonymous little cogs in the giant machine. Own weapons? Hahaha, you morons banned that and now depend on soulless bureaucrats to protect you, when as is true with most government employees, they HATE the people who fund them. Innovation, comedy, fun? No time for that. The grotesquely massive government vortex sucks up every nickel and every minute. Feeding that beast is all you are good for. Oh, but you have "free" health care.

Health care that once relied on American ingenuity to make things better but that is ******* gone, and health care that is much better at spawning murderous viruses and killing you than actually caring for you, but hey! It's free!

Sorry for being so pessimistic, but I have thought about this a lot. I am done putting up with **** from the left. DONE. Time to start punching ******** in the face. The deserve it.
Hard to comprehend but if that is the will of the people, so be it. Unfortunately it will be the youngin' that couldn't vote that will eventually pay the price. All that good work trump put in place will be reversed by hook or crook before the midterms come around...you watch.

Another Obama 2.0 but with the whole socialist cadre roaming the halls creating mayhem. We can't even impeach this dunce, Lady Chaos A and B are waiting in the wings.

Welcome to the budding Venezuela proficy. come to fruition.

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If Trump wins GA, NC, PA and somehow pulls out either NV or AZ, he wins?
I’m kind of at a cross road with all this.. I want to hate and do the same exact **** the democrats did when their candidate loss but then I think maybe I should take the high road and show them what republicans are about. Right now, it’s tough to not just go down a path of doom and gloom..

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I’m kind of at a cross road with all this.. I want to hate and do the same exact **** the democrats did when their candidate loss but then I think maybe I should take the high road and show them what republicans are about. Right now, it’s tough to not just go down a path of doom and gloom...

I guess if the Donald had won in 2016 by having millions of ballots found and counted at 4:00 a.m., overcoming 700,000 vote leads in Pa, 185,000 vote lead in Michigan, 90,000 vote lead in Wisconsin, (D)ims would have accepted the results with their usual aplomb.

Oh, wait, 2016 had zero voter fraud and they were blocking traffic and generally being ****s the next day.

So I admire your graciousness, mdk2, but me? I am done paying the bills of other people. I am going to spend a ton of time with my accounting professionals to insure I don't pay a ******* dime in income taxes.

**** those *************. Let them spend their OWN money.
Craziness fo sho....

I just don’t see how they’ll be able to prove they are fraudulent. I guess if everyone is actually dead that is listed then yeah but I don’t see it going anywhere.

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So much evidence of the deceit going on. Shady **** that should be questioned.

Watch: Detroit Absentee Ballot Counting Chaos as Workers Block Windows, Bar Observers

Absentee ballot counting in Detroit descended into chaos on Wednesday when hundreds of unofficial Republican observers concerned about fraud converged on the counting location.

The city of Detroit is using the TCF Center — formerly Cobo Hall — to count all of the absentee ballots in the city.

Republicans and Trump supporters grew alarmed as Trump was holding a strong lead in the state during early counting Tuesday evening, only for it to evaporate as mailed-in ballots were counted in historically Democrat areas.

Several videos posted on social media show workers attempting to restrict transparency and not allow people outside to observe what was going on inside the counting area:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The scene at Detroit’s absentee ballot counting center is growing more heated. The windows now being covered up. Allegations of violations. Sec. of State says she welcomes challenges. <a href="https://t.co/oUL4A0h3Ku">pic.twitter.com/oUL4A0h3Ku</a></p>— Matt Finn (@MattFinnFNC) <a href="https://twitter.com/MattFinnFNC/status/1324084637010976769?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


2020 Latest: Trump campaign sues in 3rd state, Georgia

WASHINGTON — (AP) — The Latest on the presidential campaign (all times local):

7:10 p.m.

President Donald Trump's campaign and the Georgia Republican Party have filed a lawsuit against the Chatham County Board of Elections asking a judge to order the county to secure and account for ballots received after 7 p.m. on Election Day.

State party chair David Shafer said in a statement Wednesday night that they planned to sue in a dozen counties.

The lawsuit alleges that a Republican observer watched a poll worker take unprocessed absentee ballots from a back room and mix them into processed absentee ballots waiting to be tabulated.

In Georgia, ballots must be received by 7 p.m. on Election Day in order to count. Chatham County contains Savannah and leans Democratic.

A woman who answered the phone at the Chatham County Board of Elections offices declined to comment.
Trump has double the Biden votes with 50% return in Alaska and they still aren't giving it to him, but called Arizona in 10 minutes. I hate the MSM and now that includes Fox
Im confused about whats going on in AZ. Election Wizard is saying the new numbers favor Trump, but what I seen does not seem to favor Trump. The Trump team as of 10 mins ago are saying they are confident they will carry AZ?