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Election Day 2020

I really do think we need to do away with this early voting and mail in voting bullshit. We ought to have the technical ability to come up with some kind of safe, secure, election day voting system that can be counted accurately and efficiently without so much room for human error/or fraud.

Every vote should have a soc # attacfhed to it. Early voting is a cluster waiting to happen and I'm sure that's what many wanted, a way to manupulate as many votes as they can. I especially loved the video of Omar's squad going to the elderly and diabled picking up their votes door to door and laughing about how their cars were filled with ballots to dispose. On video. Stuff like that irritates me. They also were helping them fill them out to make sure the right candidate was voted for. Either side, i'm against fuckery and a lot of it went on. It's 2020, we should have a better system in place.
I really do think we need to do away with this early voting and mail in voting bullshit. We ought to have the technical ability to come up with some kind of safe, secure, election day voting system that can be counted accurately and efficiently without so much room for human error/or fraud.


You would thing going on-line would be so much more secure than mailing in the ole fashion way...touches much less hands..and the interweb security is better imo..
Court order to observe ballot counts in Philly. Apparently they kept the Republican poll watchers 50 feet away.


You would thing going on-line would be so much more secure than mailing in the ole fashion way...touches much less hands..and the interweb security is better imo..
I am not really sure on that one. I want a better method of recounting if needed. I have seen to much crazy **** happen online.

You would thing going on-line would be so much more secure than mailing in the ole fashion way...touches much less hands..and the interweb security is better imo..

Yep! If we can do our banking and taxes online we should be able to do our voting online. It wouldn't be perfect but would certainly be less chance for screwups or fraud than having people hand sorting and counting ballots.
The dirty little secret of this election was that Trump would have to raise taxes in a second term. If he was reelected he was going to pass all the national debt of Obamas 2 terms in his 5th year. We are a nation in a financial mess with an adult population that feels no responsibility for paying for the government spending occurring during their lifetimes. Passing the bills to future generations and waving an American flag.

Yes, and a $100 trillion green new deal, putting millions of Americans out of work, raising gas to $6.00 per gallon, would have ******* fixed all that.

Speaking of not paying your way and being a freeloader ...
A quarter of me is like, just let Biden win and let the Swamp be the Swamp and folks can go about their lives oblivious to all the **** going on in DC.

Sounds great in theory but the miserable, lying cocksuckers known as (D)ims steal from those who actually pay the bills to finance their bullshit, and then decide to tell me what I can and cannot own (2nd Amendment be damned), force their liberal bullshit on me at every turn on Yahoo, Fakebook, etc. where every ******* story is some liberal tripe bullshit dogma, burn, loot, steal, lie, steal some more, burn a bit more, and get back to stealing.

**** them all to hell.
Vote counts have stopped in Philly and Pittsburgh. Probably won't know results in Arizona. Nevada, NC and Georgia until tomorrow at earliest and possibly not til next week, what a clusterfuck.
I will also never forget back during the first Gulf War, we had a series of sermons in church on prophesy, with what was going on at the time. I've never been a fan of that because of human interpretation...we will screw it up, think of all the predictions of the world ending.

Anyway, the pastor had the theory that in the end times, the USA would be a non-factor. For whatever reason, we would no longer be a force in the world. I think of that a lot as we spiral downward.

One of the things that made Trump such a great president was his Foreign Policy.

He was tough on China and Iran, supported Israel, Russia and NK aren't as big of an issue and he's pulling out of Afghanistan.

With Biden in charge I fear China will take over as the world power and that should scare the **** out of everyone.
Some recommended new rules for politicians and political functions:

  • Anybody who uses the phrase "seat at the table" will be dragged outside and shot in the head. Reloading allowed.
  • Anybody who uses the phrase "count all the votes," without mandating that only legitimate votes be counted, will be dragged outside and shot in the head. No reloading allowed. Ammo is too ******* expensive. Or so my neighbor says.
  • Anybody who who labels an opponent a racist or misogynist (that's somebody who hates wimmens, for the (D)im readers) has 5 days to present non-hearsay evidence in support of the allegation. Failure to provide such evidence will result in a finger being removed by a tree lopper. After ten such false allegations, nipples or penises are removed next.
  • Anybody who tells more than five lies in a speech will start losing fingers. Tree lopper.

I previously had much less severe recommendations - politicians pass an exam to show the minimum knowledge to do the job, must write every word of their speeches, etc. - but I am way past that now.

Time to make being a politician much less appealing and much more dangerous.
With Biden in charge I fear China will take over as the world power and that should scare the **** out of everyone.

The idea that Joe ******* Biden is anything other than a greedy liar with a son as a bagman is laughable. Biden presidency = more great international deals that seem to send billions of dollars to Iran and our jobs to China.

But hey, at least the corrupt media will be all over the story.


The Trump campaign is filing a federal lawsuit alleging voter fraud, claiming that roughly 10,000 people who cast ballots no longer live in Nevada. Trump currently trails Biden by 7,647 votes in the state.

The Trump campaign and the president have made claims of voter fraud before, though there is little evidence widespread fraud exists. When presented with opportunities by judges to produce proof that certain situations would lead to fraud, Republicans have not done so.

Nevada is one of the few remaining states that hangs in the balance.

>>>If this is true, Trump wins the state which may precent Biden from reaching 270 electrical votes.
Atlanta election official who is supposed to be Bipartisan is on national TV thanking the Atlanta Hawks (a very pro BLM organization) for getting out the record setting early and mail-in vote.

He might as well just have worn a Biden mask and said he hopes the Democrats win.

One of the things that made Trump such a great president was his Foreign Policy.

He was tough on China and Iran, supported Israel, Russia and NK aren't as big of an issue and he's pulling out of Afghanistan.

With Biden in charge I fear China will take over as the world power and that should scare the **** out of everyone.

Yep. And according to the pastor, hordes from the east (China), have a large role in the end times. Armageddon.

Those are the two things I remember. And I remember sitting there, in 1991, thinking, yea, right. No way are we going to be irrelevant and China dominant. Heh.
Also, some of the peace deals in the Middle East. Other Arab nations bypassing the Palestinians to make deals with Israel is huge. That will be over now.

I bet by the end of 2021 we will be in something over there with Syria.
Hearing that Republican observers are being prevented from observing the vote counts. They were granted access by a circuit court in PA, then the PA supreme court over ruled that. There is some fuckery going on here. Probably never know the whole truth.
This is going to be ongoing for probably the next 4-5 months. I don’t think Trump will be leaving the office in January. If there is no chance Trump can come out on top with all the lawsuits and things then I’d almost rather we get it over with. We’re going to have a walking dead as president, seems inevitable.

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Do I think there was fraud in this election? I do. A lot of it. What happened in Wisconsin alone should have antennae raised on every American. The fact that seven swing states all stopped counting when Trump had some solid and some huge leads, and then when they resumed those leads pretty much all vanished. Quickly. Something is wrong. Very wrong.

But here is the problem. For conservatives and especially for Trump, an accusation isn't going to be enough. Liberals will dismiss it even if they know it to be true. There has to be some concrete proof or it becomes nothing more than a crazy conspiracy theory.

If there was fraud and proof cannot be produced, there is no recourse. A recount won't matter because the number has already been fudged. And they aren't going to have a do-over. So if he is going to sue and go to the supreme court, he better have proof or there is no point to it.

This is going to turn way ugly. I am certain of that. Just how bad it gets is yet to be seen.

It's this times 10.

Proof is what matters. Show me the thousands of mail in ballots that have names on them, find the real people and say "did you vote this ballot?" "Is this your signature?" You get 10,000 ballots that came out of Philadelphia and start finding this level of corruption, there's your story and the whole thing starts falling apart like a house of cards.

Show me the ballots of a million illegals voting. Hell, show me the ballots of 1000 illegals voting. Or duplicate ballots. Or ballots of dead people. I mean really, once you find one and you think there is corruption, then you are going to find a ton more.

That's why I DON'T believe there is some magic conspiracy behind these votes. Yes, they are corrupt. Yes, they probably vote harvest. Knock on doors, drag people down to the polling locations. Stand too close to voting locations or spout some level of intimidation. But at the end of the day, I still think it's one vote, one person.

As to why it takes so long to count in cities, have you EVER seen ANYONE working for a City government work fast? My lord, it takes 3 times as long in a DMV in a city vs. those in the suburbs. Try to get a permit to build a deck on your home in Philadelphia vs. getting a permit in Lebanon, PA. It will literally take you 4 hours in Philly and 30 minutes in Lebanon.

The whole SYSTEM of these Cities is just lazy ***. They need their smoke breaks and bathroom breaks and God forbid you say they are going to slow.
The ONE thing I can't get my head around...If the Dems are going to cheat and steal this election, why wouldn't they take back the Senate as well? if you're stuffing ballots, then why only for Joe?
The ONE thing I can't get my head around...If the Dems are going to cheat and steal this election, why wouldn't they take back the Senate as well? if you're stuffing ballots, then why only for Joe?

It kind of blows a gaping hole in that nonsense. Does it not?
It kind of blows a gaping hole in that nonsense. Does it not?

I mean, it’s already kind of blatant. Might as well just go a little further and take the whole thing.

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The ONE thing I can't get my head around...If the Dems are going to cheat and steal this election, why wouldn't they take back the Senate as well? if you're stuffing ballots, then why only for Joe?
Mitch gives them the reason and the blame vessel for not meeting the "agreed" points with Bernie, AOC and the far left.

Its probably easier for Biden Care team to deal with Mitch.....at least for a couple years.

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It kind of blows a gaping hole in that nonsense. Does it not?

The issue is that both sides do it... and thats why no one ever fixes it. We could have a rock solid system that is utterly foolproof in place in a couple years... will we... no because both sides want to have the flexibility to tweak numbers