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Election Day 2020

Also anyone understand this picture?

Im confused about whats going on in AZ. Election Wizard is saying the new numbers favor Trump, but what I seen does not seem to favor Trump. The Trump team as of 10 mins ago are saying they are confident they will carry AZ?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The actual math points to an Arizona win for Pres Trump, here are the numbers.<br><br>Patriots, stay confident, and stay the course! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ChalkTalk?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ChalkTalk</a><a href="https://t.co/wIFUSt4XKW">pic.twitter.com/wIFUSt4XKW</a></p>— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) <a href="https://twitter.com/CortesSteve/status/1324158218839445504?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 5, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Whelp SN. I voted but my vote is not enough.
Looks like we lost this one.

I just hope 2 years from now we will all be ok health wise and financially.

I really hope more San Francisco’s are not coming to fruition
Im confused about whats going on in AZ. Election Wizard is saying the new numbers favor Trump, but what I seen does not seem to favor Trump. The Trump team as of 10 mins ago are saying they are confident they will carry AZ?

This is the latest update:

Maricopa County 74,547 ballots.

57.6/40.7 Trump to Biden.

President nets 12,644

If Trump gets this return for the remainder of the vote, he'll win by 30k.

Keep in mind not all of the outstanding vote is in Maricopa county, some of it is in very Pro Trump areas.

I'll believe an Arizona win when I see 100% of the vote in, but for now there is a glimmer of hope.
Wouldn't that be something if they uncover evidence of this being another coup attempt. After seeing all the other **** they have done, tampering with elections is par for the course in their effort to be rid of Trump,
Posted from a friend

&#55357;&#56567; Fairfax Virginia has switched 100,000 votes from Trump to Biden stating a “clerical error”
&#55357;&#56567; Wisconsin suddenly discovers over 112k Biden ballots between 3:30 am and 4:30 am
&#55357;&#56567; Nevada has decided they won’t have all vote counts in until Thursday
&#55357;&#56567; Michigan has gained 138.339 ballots for Biden since they stopped counting last night. A whopping zero for Trump (sidebar: check out my precious post from a Detroit poll volley /JT)
&#55357;&#56567; 6 states trump has sizable leads, all six states decided to stop counting ballots on election night (unheard of) and they all have blue strong holds
&#55357;&#56567; Jack from Twitter deletes the current sitting presidents tweet on election night. Glaringly obvious election interference
&#55357;&#56567; LeeJoe, who was running for district 16 senate seat in Idaho and stated so on his account profile, gets his account deleted from Facebook not once but twice. Another example of a glaringly obvious election interference.
&#55357;&#56567; North Carolina has 100% of precincts counted with Trump in the clear lead and it’s not being called.

You don’t think we are watching a live coup happen right before our eyes?? They aren’t very good at hiding it, it’s incredibly obvious to a logical person. The media told us ahead of time that they, and only they, will decide who won.
Posted from a friend

�� Fairfax Virginia has switched 100,000 votes from Trump to Biden stating a “clerical error”
�� Wisconsin suddenly discovers over 112k Biden ballots between 3:30 am and 4:30 am
�� Nevada has decided they won’t have all vote counts in until Thursday
�� Michigan has gained 138.339 ballots for Biden since they stopped counting last night. A whopping zero for Trump (sidebar: check out my precious post from a Detroit poll volley /JT)
�� 6 states trump has sizable leads, all six states decided to stop counting ballots on election night (unheard of) and they all have blue strong holds
�� Jack from Twitter deletes the current sitting presidents tweet on election night. Glaringly obvious election interference
�� LeeJoe, who was running for district 16 senate seat in Idaho and stated so on his account profile, gets his account deleted from Facebook not once but twice. Another example of a glaringly obvious election interference.
�� North Carolina has 100% of precincts counted with Trump in the clear lead and it’s not being called.

You don’t think we are watching a live coup happen right before our eyes?? They aren’t very good at hiding it, it’s incredibly obvious to a logical person. The media told us ahead of time that they, and only they, will decide who won.

Trump needs to schedule rallies in PA, NV, GA, and AZ. 100K Patriots need to show up as a protest. Put the pressure on these marxists and play offense.
UPDATE: @Project_Veritas has been contacted by a Special Agent within the Office of Inspector General for the @USPS who is aware of our video, believes the allegations of wrongdoing fall under their jurisdiction, and they are assessing whether an investigation is appropriate.

Some of my thoughts were mirrored in an AT article.

November 4, 2020
The election outcome:

Election night revealed a few disturbing items that should trouble freedom-loving Americans.

First that the race is even this tight speaks to disturbing number of Americans who are woefully uninformed and the level of coordination to make this race close is stunning. I’m surprised and saddened by the number of Americans who voted for socialism. This is what happens when conservatives allow leftists to take over all of America’s core institutions: education, the media, and the entertainment world.

That the senile and corrupt Joe Biden could finish so strong speaks to either the gullibility or unseriousness of far too many Americans. Biden obviously has mental acuity issues and has a history of corruption, but that did not seem to be a big deal to the Americans who voted for him.

States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania declaring they need more days to count their votes also raises the specter of voter fraud. Globalists, corrupt voting officials and the deep state are most likely in on this skullduggery. Through this coordinated effort, along with the media, the race is close and the stage is set for either stealing the election for Biden, civil unrest, or both. Pennsylvania is now perfectly positioned for fraud. We know from other elections that, in Democrat-run states, the counts and re-counts always end the moment enough Democrat votes are counted.

If Biden wins, I will no longer consider us a democratic republic. Instead, we will be an oligarchy. The oligarchs will be the Tech Tyrants, their partners in the media, and the permanent, unconstitutional bureaucracy we call The Swamp. Oligarchies did not work well for ordinary people; they work well for the oligarchs and those who do obeisance.


He was that close. It's hard not to think that a little less Trump rhetoric, or a little bit different Trump rhetoric, might have gone a very long way.

I can agree with this to an extent. Personally, I think Trump's mistake was making the election about himself. He should have gone to his rallies and talked about nothing other then Biden and Harris. Just ******* hammer them repeatedly. Make them play defense. The people in those crowds know what he's accomplished. But, Donald loving Donald the way he does, he had to tell everyone how awesome he is. Between that and the tweeting for four years, I think it just turned people off. That and I think people are tired of the daily conflict between Trump and the rest of the planet, so they voted for Joe Biden.

I think in a couple years, perhaps sooner, those same people are going to regret their decision. They flat out told people that they were going to destroy the oil, coal and natural gas industries, tax the country into oblivion and start stripping people of their constitutional rights starting with 2A and people still voted for it. A lot of people. I don't understand how people vote for that even if they hate Trump when there are other parties out there. And that doesn't even mention the Ukraine and China stuff that Biden is neck deep in.

Seems people are going to get what they want, but will they want what they get?
If Trump simply stuck to the message and acted like a normal person he would have destroyed Biden. The rhetoric, personal attacks, mocking Covid etc etc did him 0 favors. You can blame the media and what not if you want, but Trump brought alot of that on himself. Even if you don't believe in the severity of covid the facts are it is effecting every person in some way or another so he should at least respect that. The personal attacks on McCain probably contributed to the struggles in AZ. He also should have pushed Republicans to mail in vote. I know most repubs like to vote in person which is great, but the message should have been a lot stronger to vote by any means possible.
If Trump simply stuck to the message and acted like a normal person he would have destroyed Biden. The rhetoric, personal attacks, mocking Covid etc etc did him 0 favors. You can blame the media and what not if you want, but Trump brought alot of that on himself. Even if you don't believe in the severity of covid the facts are it is effecting every person in some way or another so he should at least respect that. The personal attacks on McCain probably contributed to the struggles in AZ. He also should have pushed Republicans to mail in vote. I know most repubs like to vote in person which is great, but the message should have been a lot stronger to vote by any means possible.

Just shut up with that ****, you have been rooting against him from the beginning. What should have happened months ago when Trump told everybody that would listen that the left was setting him up to steal this election with voter fraud something should have been done. But that couldn't happen because of the big bad COVID. Change the rules and now he will lose, they will just keep counting til he loses.
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I can agree with this to an extent. Personally, I think Trump's mistake was making the election about himself. He should have gone to his rallies and talked about nothing other then Biden and Harris. Just ******* hammer them repeatedly. Make them play defense. The people in those crowds know what he's accomplished. But, Donald loving Donald the way he does, he had to tell everyone how awesome he is. Between that and the tweeting for four years, I think it just turned people off. That and I think people are tired of the daily conflict between Trump and the rest of the planet, so they voted for Joe Biden.

I think in a couple years, perhaps sooner, those same people are going to regret their decision. They flat out told people that they were going to destroy the oil, coal and natural gas industries, tax the country into oblivion and start stripping people of their constitutional rights starting with 2A and people still voted for it. A lot of people. I don't understand how people vote for that even if they hate Trump when there are other parties out there. And that doesn't even mention the Ukraine and China stuff that Biden is neck deep in.

Seems people are going to get what they want, but will they want what they get?

I don't know Sarge, I watched numerous rallies and not only Trump touched on his record and accomplishments, but he did hammer both Biden and Harris' lack there of. Someone said that suburban women didn't vote for him like last time. They didn't like his demeanor this time around or some **** like that, but he gained in the black and Latino voting greatly. I think there is fraud going on, but the "anyone but Trump" voter was just too great. "He's mean." "He's a divider." "He's racist." I've heard it all and after so many times, people, i.e. soccer moms, will listen. They have blamed Covid on Trump. All the deaths, on him. The ecomony falling because of Covid on him. I knew he would have an uphill battle this election. Hell, he has had one ever since he won 4 years ago. What Trump has done means nothing. All the good, means nothing. Biden is promising the moon and many took the bait. If this goes sideways and I wouldn't hold my breath that it won't, I'm not going to be the one to say 'told ya so', but may just punch 'em in the nose.
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The dirty little secret of this election was that Trump would have to raise taxes in a second term. If he was reelected he was going to pass all the national debt of Obamas 2 terms in his
5th year. We are a nation in a financial mess with an adult population that feels no responsibility for paying for the government spending occurring during their lifetimes. Passing
the bills to future generations and waving an American flag.
If Trump simply stuck to the message and acted like a normal person he would have destroyed Biden. The rhetoric, personal attacks, mocking Covid etc etc did him 0 favors. You can blame the media and what not if you want, but Trump brought alot of that on himself. Even if you don't believe in the severity of covid the facts are it is effecting every person in some way or another so he should at least respect that. The personal attacks on McCain probably contributed to the struggles in AZ. He also should have pushed Republicans to mail in vote. I know most repubs like to vote in person which is great, but the message should have been a lot stronger to vote by any means possible.

Do you understand that there was massive fraud and the plan was for this Election to come down to Operation Atlanta/Milwaukee/Detroit/Philadelphia -- essentially Third World Hellholes where cheating and graft is the ambient temperature? Places where there would be little outside scrutiny? The types of places also all in with the Race Riots?

Do you believe Joe Biden really got 72 million votes? Trump grew his support with blacks and hispanics DESPITE incessant and withering slander for 4 years from the Ministry of Propaganda.

This was a coup d'etat in progress.
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I can agree with this to an extent. Personally, I think Trump's mistake was making the election about himself. He should have gone to his rallies and talked about nothing other then Biden and Harris. Just ******* hammer them repeatedly. Make them play defense. The people in those crowds know what he's accomplished. But, Donald loving Donald the way he does, he had to tell everyone how awesome he is. Between that and the tweeting for four years, I think it just turned people off. That and I think people are tired of the daily conflict between Trump and the rest of the planet, so they voted for Joe Biden.

I think in a couple years, perhaps sooner, those same people are going to regret their decision. They flat out told people that they were going to destroy the oil, coal and natural gas industries, tax the country into oblivion and start stripping people of their constitutional rights starting with 2A and people still voted for it. A lot of people. I don't understand how people vote for that even if they hate Trump when there are other parties out there. And that doesn't even mention the Ukraine and China stuff that Biden is neck deep in.

Seems people are going to get what they want, but will they want what they get?

He had to brag about his accomplishments. The media blew them off. He had to be his own media network
Do you understand that there was massive fraud and the plan was for this Election to come down to Operation Atlanta/Milwaukee/Detroit/Philadelphia -- essentially Third World Hellholes where cheating and graft is the ambient temperature? Places where there would be little outside scrutiny? The types of places also all in with the Race Riots?

Do you believe Joe Biden really got 72 million votes? Trump grew his support with blacks and hispanics DESPITE incessant and withering slander for 4 years from the Ministry of Propaganda.

This was a coup d'etat in progress.

This was the second one, the Russian one failed, the laughable Ukraine one failed. This one was done in the sludge pits and if it's done right in credible accounting? This will fail as well.
The Election was Cloward-Piven strategy 101. Flood the system with chaos and disorder. Overwhelm it. Then use the Ministry of Propaganda to declare Trump the loser no matter what.

Fox News SUCKS. They slow walked every Trump success to keep him from gathering any momentum while they called VA before a single vote was counted and AZ with a million votes give or take still out.

Like 911, the Networks were perfectly synched up in their messaging. Fox News SUCKS.
This was the second one, the Russian one failed, the laughable Ukraine one failed. This one was done in the sludge pits and if it's done right in credible accounting? This will fail as well.

Saw something today someone sent me saying that genuine ballots have a proprietary and exclusive watermark and the D's don't realize they flooded the system with counterfeits. Who knows, but hoping so.
The Election was Cloward-Piven strategy 101. Flood the system with chaos and disorder. Overwhelm it. Then use the Ministry of Propaganda to declare Trump the loser no matter what.

Fox News SUCKS. They slow walked every Trump success to keep him from gathering any momentum while they called VA before a single vote was counted and AZ with a million votes give or take still out.

Like 911, the Networks were perfectly synched up in their messaging. Fox News SUCKS.

the only ones worth their salt is Hannity, Tucker and Laura. There's a few guests and contributors like Levine that gets it, but they are CNN lite. I don't get any other decent news channels worth watching on my cable.
This was the second one, the Russian one failed, the laughable Ukraine one failed. This one was done in the sludge pits and if it's done right in credible accounting? This will fail as well.

Can only hope Trump put together a counteroffensive plan and I would think he has given that he's known about this for months. We can't let them disenfranchise 68 million Americans and those Hispanics on the TX border that flipped (Tucker mentioned) and the good people in FL and Ohio who showed the true measure of this Election when on the up and up.
He had to brag about his accomplishments. The media blew them off. He had to be his own media network

Yep, I'm not understanding this blame the victim take. If Trump had gotten 99 million votes, Biden would have gotten 100 million. There's no way in hell 72 million solitary souls voted for this man who belongs in Assisted Living.
Yep, I'm not understanding this blame the victim take. If Trump had gotten 99 million votes, Biden would have gotten 100 million. There's no way in hell 72 million solitary souls voted for this man who belongs in Assisted Living.

look at the map, 75% of the country is Red. The numbers are not matching up.