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Election Day 2020

And does anyone actually believe if there was rampant cheating it only went one way? All Republicans are pure as the driven snow I guess.

Perhaps the Republicans are just more discrete about it. How does a 100,000 vote lead disappear over night with Biden coming up with 100% of all those votes?

Like others have said, I hope evidence can be found, but the Dims aren't stupid and cover each others ***.
Here in Chester County, an educated, wealthy suburb of PA, once a GOP stronghold that Mitt Romney won, Biden is up by 17 points.

People here hate Trump. I don't know many who would admit to voting for him. I hoped there was some secret support for him but apparently not.

GOP losses down ballot too but more in the range of 10 points. That's a huge spread between people who voted GOP but would not vote for Trump.
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And does anyone actually believe if there was rampant cheating it only went one way? All Republicans are pure as the driven snow I guess.

If there was any cheating going on, from anyone, from any party - I would certainly hope it came to light and investigated to the fullest extent of the law. Messing with anyone's vote is the lowest of the low and if any Rs or Trump did that ****, I'd personally be just as disgusted. Again, you don't mess with and disenfranchise anyone and their only true voice in deciding how our republic moves forward.

Just don't do that **** no matter who the **** you are.
Boosh v. Gore went on till the middle of December and I don’t think Trump is the sort to give up without a fight.

They would have to be done with this by the middle of January.

I hope he rides this all the way because I think he's absolutely correct. Hell they have him over 72 million votes. Most ever by a candidate. Obama didn't even get that many in 2008.
I know, right? He should follow the advice from geniuses like you and enjoy the same success as Mittens and McCain, two guys who loved the (D)ims and ran incredibly successful campaigns.

No one said he had to love the Dems. It might have helped if he was able to express any empathy at all for his constituents who were sick and dying. Maybe keep his trap shut about medical stuff he knows nothing about. Maybe not retweeting videos with someone screaming "White Power" in them. Maybe don't pepper spray people so he can get a photo op of himself holding a Bible upside down in front of a church. Or maybe realize that in 2020 a lot of suburban women actually have jobs, don't like being called housewives and aren't askeered of black people moving into their neighborhoods. Just to name a few examples.
If there was any cheating going on, from anyone, from any party - I would certainly hope it came to light and investigated to the fullest extent of the law. Messing with anyone's vote is the lowest of the low and if any Rs or Trump did that ****, I'd personally be just as disgusted. Again, you don't mess with and disenfranchise anyone and their only true voice in deciding how our republic moves forward.

Just don't do that **** no matter who the **** you are.

I totally agree. I hope each and every possible instance of cheating is fully investigated and corrected. I just don't believe it's widespread or will affect the overall results of this election much. Fully willing to admit I could be wrong about that, It's just my sense and I don't think people should be clinging to this hope and ignoring the flaws of the candidate himself. We need to build on what worked and also learn from our mistakes.
They would have to be done with this by the middle of January.

I hope he rides this all the way because I think he's absolutely correct. Hell they have him over 72 million votes. Most ever by a candidate. Obama didn't even get that many in 2008.

I've heard rumors that more people may have voted this year than ever before. Assuming that's correct, it simply doesn't ring true that someone might have garnered the most votes ever. How does that happen?
The more chaos the better, imo. Our voting system could use an overhaul.
No one said he had to love the Dems. It might have helped if he was able to express any empathy at all for his constituents who were sick and dying. Maybe keep his trap shut about medical stuff he knows nothing about. Maybe not retweeting videos with someone screaming "White Power" in them. Maybe don't pepper spray people so he can get a photo op of himself holding a Bible upside down in front of a church. Or maybe realize that in 2020 a lot of suburban women actually have jobs, don't like being called housewives and aren't askeered of black people moving into their neighborhoods. Just to name a few examples.

So he should change his name to "Mittens McCain." Then the people would treat him with love and reverence.

I know that Jim Acosta was a total **** only because of how mean Trump is. If only he had been more Mittens and less Donald, all would be good. Jim Acosta and Mittens McCain would have hugged it out.
So he should change his name to "Mittens McCain." Then the people would treat him with love and reverence.

I know that Jim Acosta was a total **** only because of how mean Trump is. If only he had been more Mittens and less Donald, all would be good. Jim Acosta and Mittens McCain would have hugged it out.

It's not just that he's mean. It's also that he acts like a ******* idiot, a lot.
No one said he had to love the Dems. It might have helped if he was able to express any empathy at all for his constituents who were sick and dying. Maybe keep his trap shut about medical stuff he knows nothing about. Maybe not retweeting videos with someone screaming "White Power" in them. Maybe don't pepper spray people so he can get a photo op of himself holding a Bible upside down in front of a church. Or maybe realize that in 2020 a lot of suburban women actually have jobs, don't like being called housewives and aren't askeered of black people moving into their neighborhoods. Just to name a few examples.

Donald seems to be his own worst enemy, which is actually pretty impressive.
Donald seems to be his own worst enemy, which is actually pretty impressive.

Yep, he had the media totally in the tank against him, that's true. But he gave them more material than they could have ever dreamed of.
If there is actual fraud he's hurting his own case as we speak by tweeting random vague accusations of fraud instead of letting the legal process play out by people who know how to handle it. He's destroying his own credibility, yet again.
Trump isn't a phony rehearsed polished politician. That was a good thing and his appeal.

There's a big difference between not being polished and acting like a moron but I know I'll never convince some of you of that. I don't disagree his authenticity is part of his appeal. But the presidency of the United States requires a bit more than just winging it and spewing out whatever happens to pop into your mind at any given time.
There's a big difference between not being polished and acting like a moron but I know I'll never convince some of you of that. I don't disagree his authenticity is part of his appeal. But the presidency of the United States requires a bit more than just winging it and spewing out whatever happens to pop into your mind at any given time.
That is very non-partisan and is applicable to both of the geriatric "crazy uncles" still hoping to be POTUS

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There's a big difference between not being polished and acting like a moron but I know I'll never convince some of you of that. I don't disagree his authenticity is part of his appeal. But the presidency of the United States requires a bit more than just winging it and spewing out whatever happens to pop into your mind at any given time.

You mean like "If you haven't decided to vote for me, then you ain't black?" Yep I agree.
There's a big difference between not being polished and acting like a moron but I know I'll never convince some of you of that. I don't disagree his authenticity is part of his appeal. But the presidency of the United States requires a bit more than just winging it and spewing out whatever happens to pop into your mind at any given time.

Yes because Biden in his 47 years has been the perfect statesman.

It might not bother you that a guy one step away from full dementia with a history of corruption is in charge of protecting the free world, but it shouldn't surprise you others think differently..
Fox is lubing us up to call Pennsylvania tonight and declare Biden the winner.

Arizona results won't even matter.

Just glad we have the Senate and gained seats in the House.
There's a big difference between not being polished and acting like a moron but I know I'll never convince some of you of that. I don't disagree his authenticity is part of his appeal. But the presidency of the United States requires a bit more than just winging it and spewing out whatever happens to pop into your mind at any given time.

I think just basic human decency. Be humble and be respectful. You can disagree with people and not like people, but you can not just resort to calling people idiots, losers, etc etc. Trump tried to be the bully on the block and it came back to bite him in the ***. As for the voting dems don't seem to like to get out and vote, but when you can sit on your couch and still vote its convenient and requires little effort even they can do that. I do hope any fraud is investigated and found quickly and it is hard to say how rampant it is without major speculation at this point. People are going to be throwing out all kinds of stuff and going to be hard to sort out what's real and what's not.
You mean like "If you haven't decided to vote for me, then you ain't black?" Yep I agree.

Of course. But this election had nothing to do with Joe Biden. It was about getting rid of Trump. I don't think some of you really grasp the level of disgust and hatred out there towards him. Maybe it's where you live, maybe it's because you're white men, I don't know.
It might not bother you that a guy one step away from full dementia with a history of corruption is in charge of protecting the free world, but it shouldn't surprise you others think differently..

Who said that doesn't bother me? It's devastating to me actually. Joe Biden was awful even before he had dementia.
I think just basic human decency. Be humble and be respectful. You can disagree with people and not like people, but you can not just resort to calling people idiots, losers, etc etc. Trump tried to be the bully on the block and it came back to bite him in the ***. As for the voting dems don't seem to like to get out and vote, but when you can sit on your couch and still vote its convenient and requires little effort even they can do that. I do hope any fraud is investigated and found quickly and it is hard to say how rampant it is without major speculation at this point. People are going to be throwing out all kinds of stuff and going to be hard to sort out what's real and what's not.

While I get that, and agree with it, I can't use it to justify the garbage that Biden is spouting, or allowing such a horrible leader as Harris being in any type of leadership.
Of course. But this election had nothing to do with Joe Biden. It was about getting rid of Trump. I don't think some of you really grasp the level of disgust and hatred out there towards him. Maybe it's where you live, maybe it's because you're white men, I don't know.

People would have voted for anyone over Trump or just wrote in another candidate. Let's look at the McCains for example regardless of your political views would you vote for someone who called your relative a loser for being a POW? Not to mention all the other attacks on him. I know i sure wouldn't. Obviously Biden is a horrible candidate, but like OFB said its not about Biden at all and he was probably the most middle dem available. I think people just want some sense of normalcy. If Biden / Harris flops the Republicans will be pretty set up in 2024 as long as they have a decent candidate.