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Election Day 2020

What amazes me is more Black and Latino voters voted for him this year than last time. But white people were to ******* stupid to vote for him this time, cause he is mean and rude. See if you can build your 401k’s back with sweet and nice. Then when your check is smaller every week it won’t matter at least Trump won’t be tweeting mean things. Bunch of ******* idiots in those 5 states in question.
What amazes me is more Black and Latino voters voted for him this year than last time. But white people were to ******* stupid to vote for him this time, cause he is mean and rude. See if you can build your 401k’s back with sweet and nice. Then when your check is smaller every week it won’t matter at least Trump won’t be tweeting mean things. Bunch of ******* idiots in those 5 states in question.

Trump got 4M more votes this time around than in 2016. The Dims were efficient at getting mail in votes from their base who would not have gotten off their ***** to go in and vote otherwise.
Trump got 4M more votes this time around than in 2016. The Dims were efficient at getting mail in votes from their base who would not have gotten off their ***** to go in and vote otherwise.

Exactly, mailed votes to people who didn’t even ask for them. He has been telling people for months they were trying to steal the election, but people were too damn stupid to believe them. We get what we deserve, I thankfully moved all of money to safe investments to ride this out.
And does anyone actually believe if there was rampant cheating it only went one way? All Republicans are pure as the driven snow I guess.

No. But the level of "suspected" fraud here is off the charts.

To Steeltime's researched post....

Michigan shows 500,000 more registered voters than they have eligible voters.
Wisconsin's turnout was 90% of registered voters. Shockingly unbelievable.

I don't know of any Republican run states with these massive issues.

I believe all pols are crooked, by and large. I'm not naive to believe they are pure, any of them.

But illegal voting machines have been in effect since the 1800s going back to Tammany hall. Chicago made it mainstream for decades. Philly has made it mainstream and still does. Look at the felony convictions there earlier this year for bribes for votes.

Now...there's technology, which allows for wider scale corruption.

Do I believe this could have been coordinated across the nation in a year where states changed their election rules due to COVID allowing for voting means not previously allowed for while mailing out tens of thousands of votes while not letting poll watchers observe the ballots being unboxed and counted?

Color me a conspiracy theorist...

In less than a year everything was changed, ballot harvesting was legalized in states, GA has people going DOOR TO DOOR right now "correcting votes."

Yeah. I believe it's easily possible.
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Well the trump team remains hopeful.

Trump campaign predicts victory as early as Friday: 'Donald Trump is alive and well'

President Trump's campaign remained confident Thursday, predicting not only that the incumbent Republican will win the 2020 election, but that the result could become apparent as soon as Friday.

As of early Thursday afternoon, several states continued to count ballots without a clear winner, but Democrat Joe Biden appeared to be on the verge of victory. According to Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, however, Trump should not be counted out of the race just yet.

"Donald Trump is alive and well," Stepien said on a conference call.

Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller went even further, predicting an imminent victory.

"We believe that President Trump will again, win the race and we think that by, as soon possibly the end of tomorrow on Friday, it will be clear to the American public that President Trump and Vice President Pence will serve another four years in the White House," Miller said.

Meanwhile, the campaign is engaged in legal battles all over the country, looking to either pause vote counts or calling for greater scrutiny of the voting in states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and Nevada.

The campaign had also filed a lawsuit in Georgia that called into question the handling and timing of certain ballots, but Chatham County Superior Court Judge James Bass dismissed the case without explaining his decision following an hourlong hearing on Thursday.
Trump got 4M more votes this time around than in 2016. The Dims were efficient at getting mail in votes from their base who would not have gotten off their ***** to go in and vote otherwise.

Much easier to go door to door collecting ballots (ballot harvesting) than it is to get people to leave the house and drive them back and forth to voting sites.

No mail in voting and Trump wins easily.
Of course. But this election had nothing to do with Joe Biden. It was about getting rid of Trump. I don't think some of you really grasp the level of disgust and hatred out there towards him. Maybe it's where you live, maybe it's because you're white men, I don't know.

Oh dear, it's my precious white, male privilege talking again. *******....spare....,me. So far beyond sick of that bullshit.

What part of "I HATE the media and I HATE politicians" is do goddamn hard to understand? When Trumps makes fun of them and insults them both it's ******* funny to me. If that hurts people's delicate sensibilities, well tough ****. They can keep their phony *** politicians if that makes them happy. It's not what I want.
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No. But the level of "suspected" fraud here is off the charts.

To Steeltime's researched post....

Michigan shows 500,000 more registered voters than they have eligible voters.
Wisconsin's turnout was 90% of registered voters. Shockingly unbelievable.

I don't know of any Republican run states with these massive issues.

I believe all pols are crooked, by and large. I'm not naive to believe they are pure, any of them.

But illegal voting machines have been in effect since the 1800s going back to Tammany hall. Chicago made it mainstream for decades. Philly has made it mainstream and still does. Look at the felony convictions there earlier this year for bribes for votes.

Now...there's technology, which allows for wider scale corruption.

Do I believe this could have been coordinated across the nation in a year where states changed their election rules due to COVID allowing for voting means not previously allowed for while mailing out tens of thousands of votes while not letting poll watchers observe the ballots being unboxed and counted?

Color me a conspiracy theorist...

In less than a year everything was changed, ballot harvesting was legalized in states, GA has people going DOOR TO DOOR right now "correcting votes."

Yeah. I believe it's easily possible.

I dont know about Michigan, but Wisconsin was allowing new registrations at the polls. Trump wants all votes to be counted in AZ, but stop counting in PA and GA. You can not have it both ways. Is there rampant fraud, at this point it is hard to say. You have USPS workers making statements and what not, but are they just trying to cause trouble or is there something there? The one video I saw the guy listed his supervisors name and what not so definitely should be investigated. If his story was correct there has to be more than one person willing to come forward. I just hope that Trump is not trusting Rudy with this because he has lost most of his credibility.
Much easier to go door to door collecting ballots (ballot harvesting) than it is to get people to leave the house and drive them back and forth to voting sites.

No mail in voting and Trump wins easily.

Well ... and when you ballot harvest...you get to do convenient things like "help people make their selections" like "holding the pen for them" and other such helpful things. You could even ballot harvest and realize the old man you helped voted Trump and you could accidentally not on purpose lose said ballot in a convenient trash can on the way to the polling center.

Nothing at all wrong with ballot harvesting...at all.
Trump is only up by 3000 votes in GA now.

A bunch of ballots were just counted from pro Biden area and no more are coming in from there, apparantly they are expecting more ballots from areas favoring Trump to come in. Plus the military ballots which will skew his way too.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Since I'm a whitepill provider on here, there are a few things to keep in mind<br><br>-Chatham is a Democrat county and this was expected to go heavily for Biden. This pretty much all their votes.<br><br>-There are still votes waiting to be counted from Trump counties. <a href="https://t.co/W8ChEl4osF">https://t.co/W8ChEl4osF</a></p>— Scott Greer 6’2” IQ 187 Whitepilled (@ScottMGreer) <a href="https://twitter.com/ScottMGreer/status/1324503976340000769?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 6, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I dont know about Michigan, but Wisconsin was allowing new registrations at the polls.

Jizzed, I'm sorry, but that is simply a weak justification for a 90% turnout to vote. You do realize how off the charts UNHEARD of that is? Or don't you get it?

Their highest EVER turnout was 73%. Their average is in the low 50% range.
There is no reason and zero argument that could be made against that every single vote needs to be linked to a social security number. Each duplicate vote against a SSN needs to be identified and notified to the individual for confirmation....I don't care if it takes 30 days after an election. SSN's are issued at birth now...this is basic **** a first world country should adopt. Anything less is encouraging fraud.
Jizzed, I'm sorry, but that is simply a weak justification for a 90% turnout to vote. You do realize how off the charts UNHEARD of that is? Or don't you get it?

Their highest EVER turnout was 73%. Their average is in the low 50% range.

There are just too many outliers for it to be a coincidence in my opinion.
This is a National election. The outcome can not be decided by fraud in a few Dim controlled states where the cheating is obvious. Take it all the way to the Supreme Court. Recount every state again with reps from both parties monitoring. Throw out the fake and unverified ballots. Then whoever wins wins. Anyone who has a problem with making sure the election is legit has TDS and a total absence of morals and integrity.
This is a National election. The outcome can not be decided by fraud in a few Dim controlled states where the cheating is obvious. Take it all the way to the Supreme Court. Recount every state again with reps from both parties monitoring. Throw out the fake and unverified ballots. Then whoever wins wins. Anyone who has a problem with making sure the election is legit has TDS and a total absence of morals and integrity.

And this is exactly what should happen. If it's legit then there's no issue whatsoever. Most of us knew this was going to happen.
Jizzed, I'm sorry, but that is simply a weak justification for a 90% turnout to vote. You do realize how off the charts UNHEARD of that is? Or don't you get it?

Their highest EVER turnout was 73%. Their average is in the low 50% range.

A ton of people came to vote so even if 70% if registered voters came out and you had a ton of new people come to register it would look like a 90% turnout. When in reality it would be 70% + 20% new registrations. There were a lot of new registrations all over the country this year.
Oh dear, it's my precious white, male privilege talking again. *******....spare....,me. So far beyond sick of that bullshit.

What part of "I HATE the media and I HATE politicians" is do goddamn hard to understand? When Trumps makes fun of them and insults them both it's ******* funny to me. If that hurts people's delicate sensibilities, well tough ****. They can keep their phony *** politicians if that makes them happy. It's not what I want.

I'm not talking about why you like Trump. I totally grasp that. I'm talking about why so many people don't. I'm talking about why some of you just can't seem to see past your own love for him to see his flaws, to see how he has hurt, insulted, offended, marginalized so many people. And how many of you cheered that and encouraged that as if all the people he demeaned and alienated didn't matter at all.

Whelp sorry, but they do. And they let you know that.

It's a very Trumpian response. "But but...I LIKE that he's an *******"" Yeah sorry, a lot of people don't.
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Trump now only 1.9% behind Biden in Arizona

56K votes, he was trailing double that yesterday.
Anyone here familiar with the Supreme Court’s evidentiary requirements?
Just thinking of how easy it was to register new voters right on the spot. And how easy it was to go door to door and get their vote. How easy it was to go out and get to people that normally wouldn't/couldn't vote ......BUT........Asking for ID is way too hard and suppresses and disenfranchises.....
Just thinking of how easy it was to register new voters right on the spot. And how easy it was to go door to door and get their vote. How easy it was to go out and get to people that normally wouldn't/couldn't vote ......BUT........Asking for ID is way too hard and suppresses and disenfranchises.....

This 1,000 times.
I'm not talking about why you like Trump. I totally grasp that. I'm talking about why so many people don't. I'm talking about why some of you just can't seem to see past your own love for him to see his flaws, to see how he has hurt, insulted, offended, marginalized so many people. And how many of you cheered that and encouraged that as if all the people he demeaned and alienated didn't matter at all.

Whelp sorry, but they do. And they let you know that.

It's a very Trumpian response. "But but...I LIKE that he's an *******"" Yeah sorry, a lot of people don't.

Trump gained more Black and Latino vote than any Republican candidate has in 70 years, he also received a record number of votes in general, Maybe since you're a white woman you can't understand his appeal.
Just thinking of how easy it was to register new voters right on the spot. And how easy it was to go door to door and get their vote. How easy it was to go out and get to people that normally wouldn't/couldn't vote ......BUT........Asking for ID is way too hard and suppresses and disenfranchises.....

Where I vote asks for ID and signature, but 100% should be across the country