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Election Day 2020

A ton of people came to vote so even if 70% if registered voters came out and you had a ton of new people come to register it would look like a 90% turnout. When in reality it would be 70% + 20% new registrations. There were a lot of new registrations all over the country this year.

I know you want to think this is "feasible."

Let me repost what Steeltime posted. You can go validate these numbers.

Registered voters: 3,684,726 - https://elections.wi.gov/node/7220

Votes cast in Wisconsin: 3,297,420 - https://abc30.com/2020-election-wisc...oting/7459122/
89.5% voter turnout. Repeat, 89.5%

Let's say they got to 73% of their REGISTERED voters voting, their highest all time turnout ever.
73% of 3,684,726 is 2,689,850.....

Stay with me.

Their actual vote was 3,684,726

3,684,726 - 2,689,850 = 994,876

What you are saying is that IF they got to their highest voter turnout ever, 73%...to get to 90%...they would have needed to have basically a million people register same day.


You really want to press on and say that 17% of their population showed up on voting day and registered same day???????

Given there was mail in balloting, and to SAME DAY register you have to do it in person...and given so many mailed in ballots because COVID....you want us to believe a million people walked in and registered SAME DAY?

Come on man (Joe Biden). Who you fooling?
The dems have already ruined the coal mines, manufacturing jobs and now want to get rid of the oil field.
Our kids are already in an opioid crisis. Now it’s looking like our grandkids will have to move to China for work.
Good job America.
On a positive note. When this country becomes one big shithole, we won't have to worry about illegals trying to sneak in . People will be leaving to find a better life.
I know you want to think this is "feasible."

Let me repost what Steeltime posted. You can go validate these numbers.

Let's say they got to 73% of their REGISTERED voters voting, their highest all time turnout ever.
73% of 3,684,726 is 2,689,850.....

Stay with me.

Their actual vote was 3,684,726

3,684,726 - 2,689,850 = 994,876

What you are saying is that IF they got to their highest voter turnout ever, 73%...to get to 90%...they would have needed to have basically a million people register same day.


You really want to press on and say that 17% of their population showed up on voting day and registered same day???????

Given there was mail in balloting, and to SAME DAY register you have to do it in person...and given so many mailed in ballots because COVID....you want us to believe a million people walked in and registered SAME DAY?

Come on man (Joe Biden). Who you fooling?

The Wisconsin Elections Commission calculates voter turnout based on the entire voting-age population, not just registered voters. Any eligible person over the age of 18 can show up at a poll and register to vote on Election Day.

As of Thursday, the number of votes cast looked to be nearly 3.3 million, the highest ever in Wisconsin. That puts turnout at roughly 72% of the voting-age population. In 2004 the turnout was higher, with 73% of the voting-age population showing up to vote.

Other social media users pushed claims of voter fraud in the state by wrongly suggesting that the number of ballots cast exceeded the number of registered voters.

One Twitter user wrongly claimed “fraud” and said that only 3,129,000 people were registered to vote in the state. That was the voter registration figure right before the 2018 midterm elections. But as of 7 p.m. on Sunday, the Wisconsin Elections Commission reported 3,684,726 registered voters.

And that figure — well above the 3,239,920 votes that were cast — does not include people who might have registered to vote on Election Day.

In other words, no fraud at play, just social media posts that relied on outdated numbers.

The Wisconsin Elections Commission received “a lot of calls” about the false rumors, said the state’s top elections official Meagan Wolfe.

“Wisconsin does not have more votes than registered voters,” Wolfe said. “Share the facts, rather than speculation or rumors.”

Yes because Biden in his 47 years has been the perfect statesman.

It might not bother you that a guy one step away from full dementia with a history of corruption is in charge of protecting the free world, but it shouldn't surprise you others think differently..

Not only that but that anyone who has seen, SEEN, him molest children on video and can still vote for him completely ******* boggles my mind!!!
Trump gained more Black and Latino vote than any Republican candidate has in 70 years, he also received a record number of votes in general, Maybe since you're a white woman you can't understand his appeal.

I’m a white woman and I understand it. Doesn’t mean I like it. But I look at it like my father talking to his best friend. They used to have conversations that had me like...WHAT???

But...I GET it. It’s how the men of that generation talk. Back on the day, it was OK. Now, not so much. But...are you gonna tell someone of that age that they CAN’T say that?
I think just basic human decency. Be humble and be respectful. You can disagree with people and not like people, but you can not just resort to calling people idiots, losers, etc etc.

Oh spare me this 'basic human decency and humility' bullshit, we're talking about nasty, corrupt ******* politicians here. And if Trump's words are that awful to you, perhaps you need to go to boot camp for a few weeks and get some thicker skin.

It's funny when there's talk about decency though, there never seems to be a mention of Trump's actual actions/policies. The first President in 40-50 years to not get the U.S. into any international conflicts etc. I'm not going to list the things he's done as it's been listed already ad nauseum.

But now, because Trump's a meanie and doesn't act like a decent person with his words, this is what we potentially get: (and OFTB talked about Trump being a moron?)

I'm not talking about why you like Trump. I totally grasp that. I'm talking about why so many people don't. I'm talking about why some of you just can't seem to see past your own love for him to see his flaws, to see how he has hurt, insulted, offended, marginalized so many people. And how many of you cheered that and encouraged that as if all the people he demeaned and alienated didn't matter at all.

Whelp sorry, but they do. And they let you know that.

It's a very Trumpian response. "But but...I LIKE that he's an *******"" Yeah sorry, a lot of people don't.
Hildebeast alienated millions with the "deplorables" slur. She probably lost because she didn't fix that error. It was the locker room material that galvanized the anti-Hillary vote.

Trump, likewise, offended a broad swath of society, as OFTB has said for months, and he did not repair that. That galvanized many; less than the polls thought, but more than Trump could afford to offend. Repeating the key error that propelled him to victory, that hubris, is on him as leader.

Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
Trump gained more Black and Latino vote than any Republican candidate has in 70 years, he also received a record number of votes in general, Maybe since you're a white woman you can't understand his appeal.

But I do understand his appeal. I just also understand how he has turned many people off. It is possible to understand both.
Trumps lead in GA now down to 2500.

The Wisconsin Elections Commission calculates voter turnout based on the entire voting-age population, not just registered voters. Any eligible person over the age of 18 can show up at a poll and register to vote on Election Day.

As of Thursday, the number of votes cast looked to be nearly 3.3 million, the highest ever in Wisconsin. That puts turnout at roughly 72% of the voting-age population. In 2004 the turnout was higher, with 73% of the voting-age population showing up to vote.

Other social media users pushed claims of voter fraud in the state by wrongly suggesting that the number of ballots cast exceeded the number of registered voters.

One Twitter user wrongly claimed “fraud” and said that only 3,129,000 people were registered to vote in the state. That was the voter registration figure right before the 2018 midterm elections. But as of 7 p.m. on Sunday, the Wisconsin Elections Commission reported 3,684,726 registered voters.

And that figure — well above the 3,239,920 votes that were cast — does not include people who might have registered to vote on Election Day.

In other words, no fraud at play, just social media posts that relied on outdated numbers.

The Wisconsin Elections Commission received “a lot of calls” about the false rumors, said the state’s top elections official Meagan Wolfe.

“Wisconsin does not have more votes than registered voters,” Wolfe said. “Share the facts, rather than speculation or rumors.”


Did you even read my post??? These are NOT social media claims. It's MATH.

Fine use 3.3Million voted. Their population is 5.8Million. They have 3,684,726 registered voters.

3.68 Million voters, 3.3 Million voted. That's 89.7% of registered voters.

17% more people turned out to vote than EVER have in Wisconsin history
In a year when COVID kept people home thus BOOSTING mail in ballots....
And you're claiming IN PERSON registration led to nearly a MILLION SAME DAY registrations?

Man, pull out the calculator.....
On a positive note. When this country becomes one big shithole, we won't have to worry about illegals trying to sneak in . People will be leaving to find a better life.

Let them in. Let them get lawyers certificates in 6 months. Then they can take all their jobs also.
That battle cry has already been set that degrees are racist. Give it about 20 years.

The area I am from in southwestern PA is all RED now. Tired of the Dems tactics of getting rid of the middle class and destroying lives.

I will never forget what the media and Dems have done to the best president this working man has ever had.
It felt great to have so much work and know that someone is fighting for our jobs.
Oh spare me this 'basic human decency and humility' bullshit, we're talking about nasty, corrupt ******* politicians here. And if Trump's words are that awful to you, perhaps you need to go to boot camp for a few weeks and get some thicker skin.

It's funny when there's talk about decency though, there never seems to be a mention of Trump's actual actions/policies. The first President in 40-50 years to not get the U.S. into any international conflicts etc. I'm not going to list the things he's done as it's been listed already ad nauseum.

But now, because Trump's a meanie and doesn't act like a decent person with his words, this is what we potentially get: (and OFTB talked about Trump being a moron?)

Again it is not about Biden. The dems could have put a **** flinging monkey up there. Biden is definitely a moron, but he is not going to go up there and call everyone who disagrees with him a loser. Trump has his band of yes men that do whatever he says and if you disagree you get fired and demeaned. You think the generals Trump had working in the white house appreciate being called losers in the press when things started to go south. I guarantee your not going to see Biden or any other candidate from any side ever doing that. The list just goes on and on and it wears on people. Trump won due to not being a politician which was a welcome change, but he took things way too far along with just tweeting out / saying some total non-sense.
Let them in. Let them get lawyers certificates in 6 months. Then they can take all their jobs also.
That battle cry has already been set that degrees are racist. Give it about 20 years.

The area I am from in southwestern PA is all RED now. Tired of the Dems tactics of getting rid of the middle class and destroying lives.

I will never forget what the media and Dems have done to the best president this working man has ever had.
It felt great to have so much work and know that someone is fighting for our jobs.

I started working for a major construction company almost 4 months ago. So, I asked the supervisor, How was business before Trump compared to now? He said things were looking dim during the Obama years and shortly after Trump was in , things really skyrocketed and we now have work coming out of our ears. Now, he said, I really don't know what's going to happen. He looked how we all feel, despondent thinking of the uncertainty that lies ahead.
Let me be clear, I am a Trump fan. I am not a Biden fan at all. He is corrupt, a liar, suffering from dementia and in my opinion a pedophile. He has done nothing to improve anything in 47/48 years in politics.

I truly believe Biden is just the stepping stone for Kamala Harris to take over the White House. Nancy Pelosi is already trying to put a 25th amendment in place to remove an unfit president. I don’t believe that has a thing to do with Trump having Covid. I think that’s to remove Biden if elected for dementia and Harris to take over.

This is my opinion so don’t bother to bash it, I haven’t bashed yours.

The clown in the White House just brokered two Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce.

The buffoon in the White House is the first president that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower.

The clown in the White House has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president. Ever.

The buffoon in the White House has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties.

The buffoon in the White House turned NATO around and had them start paying their dues.

The clown in the White House neutralized the North Koreans, stopped them from developing a further nuclear capability, sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US.

The clown in the White House turned our relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of business back to the US, and revived the economy. Hello!!!!!!!

The clown in the White House has accomplished the appointing of three Supreme Court Justices and close to 300 Federal Judges.

This same clown in the White House lowered your taxes, increased the standard deduction on your IRS return from $12,500 for Married Filing Joint to $24,400 and caused your stock market to move to record levels over 100 times, positively impacting the retirements of tens of millions of citizens.

The clown in the White House fast-tracked the development of a COVID Vaccine - it will be available within weeks - we still don't have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations.

The clown in the White House rebuilt our military which the Obama administration had crippled and had fired 214 key generals and admirals in his first year of office.

This clown in the White House uncovered widespread pedophilia in the government and in Hollywood, and is exposing world wide sex trafficking of minors and bringing children home to their families.

The clown in the White House works for free and has lost well over 2 billion dollars of his own money in serving - and done all of this and much more in the face of relentless undermining and opposition from people who are threatened because they know they are going to be exposed as the criminals that they are if he is re-elected.

I got it, you don't like him. Many of you utterly hate and despise him. How special of you. He is serving you and ALL the American people. What are you doing besides calling him names and laughing about him catching the China virus ?????

And please educate me again as to what Biden has accomplished for America in his 47 years in office?
I’ll take a ‘clown’ any day versus a fork tongued, smooth talking hypocritical corrupt liar. Please let it be known, I am not sure I would want to have a beer with him (if he drank, which he doesn't) or even be his friend. I don’t care if I even like him. I want a strong leader who isn’t afraid to kick some *** when needed. I don’t need a fatherly figure - I already have one. I don’t need a liar - that's what Hollywood and CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and the New York Times are for.

I don’t need someone to help me, but I also don’t want an obstacle or a demented, senile washed-up Swamp Monster.

God bless Donald Trump - the most unappreciated President in history.

But forget all that ****- he said mean things
Has anyone here taken their fraud allegations anywhere other than this message board? I can only speak for myself, but I’m in no position to do anything about it, possess no evidence of fraud etc. etc. If you know something’s up, and can prove it, now’s not the time to be sitting on your hands.
I truly believe Biden is just the stepping stone for Kamala Harris to take over the White House. Nancy Pelosi is already trying to put a 25th amendment in place to remove an unfit president. I don’t believe that has a thing to do with Trump having Covid. I think that’s to remove Biden if elected for dementia and Harris to take over.

I started working for a major construction company almost 4 months ago. So, I asked the supervisor, How was business before Trump compared to now? He said things were looking dim during the Obama years and shortly after Trump was in , things really skyrocketed and we now have work coming out of our ears. Now, he said, I really don't know what's going to happen. He looked how we all feel, despondent thinking of the uncertainty that lies ahead.

I couldn’t agree more.
I worked in the oil field under Obama and Trump.
Rigs stacked out in yards under Obama and the company I worked for only had around 8 guys.
Trump came in and the rigs picked up and we had to hire around 30 workers.

Now, I am back in construction for two years and busy as can be. Job opportunities with other companies and fields galore.
I don’t know any Dems in construction or the oil field anymore. That is how it is in southwestern PA.
People are acting like Democrats alone run the elections in every state. That's not the case. Like I said I'm sure there are irregularities but massive, election altering fraud might be noticed by the Republicans who also oversee elections.
Did you even read my post??? These are NOT social media claims. It's MATH.

Fine use 3.3Million voted. Their population is 5.8Million. They have 3,684,726 registered voters.

3.68 Million voters, 3.3 Million voted. That's 89.7% of registered voters.

17% more people turned out to vote than EVER have in Wisconsin history
In a year when COVID kept people home thus BOOSTING mail in ballots....
And you're claiming IN PERSON registration led to nearly a MILLION SAME DAY registrations?

Man, pull out the calculator.....

You are not reading correctly. Wisconsin calculates turnout by voting age population not registered voters. So in 2016 there were about 2.9 million votes cast so you take 2,900,000 / (voting age population) = 67% turnout.
In 2020 3,300,000 / 4,536,293 (voting age population in 2019) = 73% Also a fun fact is "In 2016, for example, 12.7% of voters registered on Election Day, according to the Wisconsin Elections Commission"
Who wants to bet this thing will all be settled tonight after we all go to sleep?

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app

They will find the required votes needed in Philly at about 4:30 am.

Fox will call PA for Biden at 7am.

Book it.
I truly believe Biden is just the stepping stone for Kamala Harris to take over the White House. Nancy Pelosi is already trying to put a 25th amendment in place to remove an unfit president. I don’t believe that has a thing to do with Trump having Covid. I think that’s to remove Biden if elected for dementia and Harris to take over.

The 25th amendment was put in place in 1967.

That said I don't think there's any doubt Biden will not serve out his entire first term.