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Election Day 2020

Well the good thing about this election is we get to complain about every little thing Biden does. Another words go into the whiney mode.
I'm done with all of this. Boarding up windows in poll counting places and not letting people in to observe the counts? It's too shady for my liking. In six hours yesterday, Trump lost a 100K lead in PA last night to 24K and falling.
Sorry, if the screwjob goes down one way or anther Donald Trump will decide who the nominee is in 2024 -- himself or someone else. His supporters won't accept a RINO fraud after all that has happened.

Same reason Marco Rubio was soundly rejected 4 years ago.

It will be Trump, Trump Jr., or Ivanka.

Apparently it all stems from calling Arizona early, but calling a state after the polls close has absolutely no effect on the outcome so I don't get it.

They've studied this stuff before, it factually has an effect. You and I are east coasters. When we vote, no polls are closed. The phenomenon works out west and affects a ton of votes.

Remember in 2016, when they announced Trump won NC...people knew then - "He's probably gonna win this thing." Well, by announcing AZ to Biden, it had the same effect. It inflated the Democrat's hopes and deflated the Republican's. While their polls may have been closed, but others were not.

If you are voting in HI or AK or some parts of CA, see AZ go to Biden, it tells you where the election is going and people make personal decisions to vote or not off of that.

Calling AZ early was a poor decision. I'm not personally blaming Fox, all networks do this. Calling states early/late has always seemed to me to have an impact like suppression polls do.


Having said all of that, I don't know why it is not some form of a standard rule that no state should be called until X% of the vote is tallied. Perhaps it should be legislated, I don't know. But calling or not calling states early has HUGE impacts on voters, especially later time zones.

We Americans would ALL be better served with a rule such as "Until a state has 98% of the vote counted, it will not be called."

Voters can watch the counts, come to their own conclusions. But the media should not be calling a state like VA after 1% of the vote is in while hanging FL out there for HOURS. It materially affects the mentality of those who have not voted and sways voters.
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Punx had no problem with those things but, now it's time to stop the crazy talk.

Personally, I think all those things the Democrats did during Trump's term were rather baseless and unnecessarily divided the country. No different than the crap we're seeing now.

You know, it's funny. There is allegedly this great conspiracy to steal power from Republicans/conservative s, yet they're going to somehow gain seats in congress.
Personally, I think all those things the Democrats did during Trump's term were rather baseless and unnecessarily divided the country. No different than the crap we're seeing now.

I remember. We saw you here everyday voicing your concerns over it all.

Oddly...you venture here frequently now....
Trump Jr., or Ivanka.

Come on. America is not electing anyone from the Trump family again. That ship has sailed. Trump lost this election cycle. It's over. The Trumps might be more hated than the Clintons.

After a couple days to consider this, I think we are gonna be ok as a nation. Republicans made excellent inroads in the house. Damn near flipped it. They held the senate. The Supreme court is set up for a generation. Trump left republicans in a great position as long as they don't piss it away trying be democrat light. I like Republicans' chances to control both chambers of congress starting in 2022, as long as they just let the looney left be the looney left, they'll make gains. They start trying to out stupid the looney left, which they sometimes try to do, they'll lose big in congress and then we are ******.

Biden and Harris will be able to do **** all. He is basically a lame duck before he gets started, but 2022 is the key.

I'd like to see Dan Crenshaw run sooner rather than later. He's eligible, he's conservative and he is a decorated warrior that will keep America strong and not communist. He runs, he has my vote.
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Nothing to see here in Michigan.....

Reports Of Election Fraud Keep Piling Up In Michigan. What’s Going On?

Lots of examples in the article. Just one:

“When I approached the poll worker, she stated to me that she was being told to change the date on ballots to reflect that the ballots were received on an earlier date,” Connarn says in the affidavit. The Free Press goes on to report:

Connarn states when she tried to get additional information later from this poll worker, she was “yelled at by the other poll workers working at her table, who told me that I needed to go away and that I was not allowed to talk to the poll worker.”

In that interaction, the poll worker slipped Connarn a note, she states.

The note says “entered received date as 11/2/20 on 11/4/20.”

In Michigan, only ballots received by 8 p.m. on Election Day, this year Nov. 3, are valid.
It will be Trump, Trump Jr., or Ivanka.

They've studied this stuff before, it factually has an effect. You and I are east coasters. When we vote, no polls are closed. The phenomenon works out west and affects a ton of votes.

Remember in 2016, when they announced Trump won NC...people knew then - "He's probably gonna win this thing." Well, by announcing AZ to Biden, it had the same effect. It inflated the Democrat's hopes and deflated the Republican's. While their polls may have been closed, but others were not.

If you are voting in HI or AK or some parts of CA, see AZ go to Biden, it tells you where the election is going and people make personal decisions to vote or not off of that.

Calling AZ early was a poor decision. I'm not personally blaming Fox, all networks do this. Calling states early/late has always seemed to me to have an impact like suppression polls do.


Having said all of that, I don't know why it is not some form of a standard rule that no state should be called until X% of the vote is tallied. Perhaps it should be legislated, I don't know. But calling or not calling states early has HUGE impacts on voters, especially later time zones.

We Americans would ALL be better served with a rule such as "Until a state has 98% of the vote counted, it will not be called."

Voters can watch the counts, come to their own conclusions. But the media should not be calling a state like VA after 1% of the vote is in while hanging FL out there for HOURS. It materially affects the mentality of those who have not voted and sways voters.

They called AZ at 11:20 pm EST. No polls open in the country except for Alaska and Hawaii. Both went for their respective candidates by wide margins.
Biden won in VA by 10 points.

I've got no big reason to defend Fox but the idea that any of these calls altered the outcome in any way has no basis in fact.
Come on. America is not electing anyone from the Trump family again. That ship has sailed. Trump lost this election cycle. It's over. The Trumps might be more hated than the Clintons.

Not sure how you can say that. I can absolutely see that happening. Trump is a political brand now. The Trump family is not leaving the political spectrum, and like it or not they will be a loud voice in politics for the next 4 years. I absolutely can see this happening.


Let it be known I'm not rooting for it. I'd prefer to see a Tim Scott type. But to say that a Trump couldn't be re-elected again is utterly naive. I can see that base getting more rabid.
Nothing to see here in Michigan.....

Reports Of Election Fraud Keep Piling Up In Michigan. What’s Going On?

Lots of examples in the article. Just one:

“When I approached the poll worker, she stated to me that she was being told to change the date on ballots to reflect that the ballots were received on an earlier date,” Connarn says in the affidavit. The Free Press goes on to report:

In Michigan, only ballots received by 8 p.m. on Election Day, this year Nov. 3, are valid.

And if any of this can be proven it will be big.
And if any of this can be proven it will be big.

It won't change anything and at this point, not sure I care that it does.

I want voting exposed for the unreliable platform it is. I want an overhaul. I want IDs required, SS#s tied to ballots, voter rolls cleansed, mechanized voting removing "humans" from the counting process, and a checks and balance system where I the voter can check in after the polls close to see my electronic vote, who I voted for, with a digital ID.

All of that is easy to do from a technology standpoint.

I want the exposure from these lawsuits to display so much dirt we have no choice but to overhaul the system. Voting is sacred as they say. It's not treated as such.
Things aren't going back to normal. The dems are full bore socialists now and aren't even hiding it If this election is stolen then it's over for the U.S. California is bleeding libs into the rest of the U.S. The way the demographics are playing out there won't be many conservative states at all in a few more cycles. Trump was the last hope for that. Biden will open up immigration, tear down the wall, and allow unfettered immigration into the country. Sorry but it's over. Unless some of the states want to break away from the blue states the U.S. is in big trouble. The real problem is like Reagan said... there's nowhere else to go.
It won't change anything and at this point, not sure I care that it does.

I want voting exposed for the unreliable platform it is. I want an overhaul. I want IDs required, SS#s tied to ballots, voter rolls cleansed, mechanized voting removing "humans" from the counting process, and a checks and balance system where I the voter can check in after the polls close to see my electronic vote, who I voted for, with a digital ID.

All of that is easy to do from a technology standpoint.

I want the exposure from these lawsuits to display so much dirt we have no choice but to overhaul the system. Voting is sacred as they say. It's not treated as such.

Not just the dirt but even the perception of dirt. We have to have faith in our election system.

People seem to forget that Democrats don't run these elections. There are people on both sides monitoring and auditing. The guy in charge of the Georgia election is a Republican. There are likely irregularities but it's not as likely that the irregularities lean heavily enough one way or another to sway the election.

That said this system where human beings are hand counting handwritten ballots is ridiculously ancient and needs to be overhauled, that much I agree with. Handwritten mail in ballots? Lunacy.
Why would anyone have a problem with verifying the legal votes and throwing out the illegal ones?

Trump campaign: This election is not over
“This election is not over. The false projection of Joe Biden as the winner is based on results in four states that are far from final. Georgia is headed for a recount, where we are confident we will find ballots improperly harvested, and where President Trump will ultimately prevail. There were many irregularities in Pennsylvania, including having election officials prevent our volunteer legal observers from having meaningful access to vote counting locations. We prevailed in court on our challenge, but were deprived of valuable time and denied the transparency we are entitled to under state law. In Nevada, there appear to be thousands of individuals who improperly cast mail ballots. Finally, the President is on course to win Arizona outright, despite the irresponsible and erroneous ‘calling’ of the state for Biden by Fox News and the Associated Press. Biden is relying on these states for his phony claim on the White House, but once the election is final, President Trump will be re-elected.”

– Matt Morgan, Trump 2020 campaign general counsel

Also, the Covid horseshit overreaction and scare tactics was planned and meant to scare people from voting in person so they could flood the country with ballots by mail, making it easy to create fake ballots and dump thousands of them in swing states. We will see...
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It's quite possible Republicans lose control of the Senate.

As it stands now, when this is over Democrats will trail 50-48 but there will be two runoff elections in Georgia that take place in January. If they win both, the Senate will be tied, with Dem VP Harris as the tie breaker.

They will be pushing mail in voting again like crazy so I could see a Dem victory.

God help us after that.
per CNN, and lets face it they had a better coverage of the election than Fox, but they have the Senate race as 48-47 Dems right now.
The main "evidence" people seem to have of this so called election stealing is that Trump was ahead and then fell behind. The reality is Trump won in person election day voting overwhelmingly and Biden won mail in voting overwhelmingly. This was predicted all along and should not come as a surprise to anyone, and is not in and of itself evidence of something nefarious going on.

I certainly hope any irregularities are found and corrected, and in any election this close there should and will be recounts. But to assert that the election has been stolen because exactly what was predicted to happen is happening, is irresponsible and dangerous.

The media led you to believe this. I don’t believe anything they say.
People are way to gullible for the elites sales staff, I mean media.
Come on. America is not electing anyone from the Trump family again. That ship has sailed. Trump lost this election cycle. It's over. The Trumps might be more hated than the Clintons.

After a couple days to consider this, I think we are gonna be ok as a nation. Republicans made excellent inroads in the house. Damn near flipped it. They held the senate. The Supreme court is set up for a generation. Trump left republicans in a great position as long as they don't piss it away trying be democrat light. I like Republicans' chances to control both chambers of congress starting in 2022, as long as they just let the looney left be the looney left, they'll make gains. They start trying to out stupid the looney left, which they sometimes try to do, they'll lose big in congress and then we are ******.

Biden and Harris will be able to do **** all. He is basically a lame duck before he gets started, but 2022 is the key.

I'd like to see Dan Crenshaw run sooner rather than later. He's eligible, he's conservative and he is a decorated warrior that will keep America strong and not communist. He runs, he has my vote.

I Would definitely vote for Dan Crenshaw or Trump jr., or any republican over any dem.
Senator Lindsey Graham is donating $500,000 to legally fight this voting corruption
My hope is that Trump concedes once Biden officially hits 270 and does not make the current political and social tensions in the country worse by continuing to make claims with no hard facts

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If all the votes are added up in PA, Trump is going to lose. That’s why he’s working overtime to subtract as many votes as possible from this process.<br><br>For the record, he’s 0-6 against us in court. We’ve protected voting rights. Now, ignore the noise—vote!<a href="https://t.co/mN8t6TDud7">https://t.co/mN8t6TDud7</a></p>— Josh Shapiro (@JoshShapiroPA) <a href="https://twitter.com/JoshShapiroPA/status/1322640510637477889?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 31, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

3 days before the election took place.

One guy busted his *** out there campaigning, 5 stops a day sometimes while trying to run this country, the other braindead moron essentially hid in his basement while he let big tech censorship and the vile media do his work for him, and these are people who tried to subvert democracy several times to get the first guy out of office because they couldn't accept the election results for 4 ******* years.

And you're talking to us about sour grapes? Holy ****, that is rich. Like that famous rodent that apparently inspired your moniker, go back in your hole.
question, does Biden have a transition team that has made contact with foreign governments?

asking for 69 million friends
The media led you to believe this. I don’t believe anything they say.
People are way to gullible for the elites sales staff, I mean media.

Some of you folks seem to think that this election is being run by CNN or something. They are run by state and local election offices. Are they all lying about this too?