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Election Day 2020

We have to have faith in our election system.

Handwritten mail in ballots? Lunacy.

So which is it? You actually think this election was all on the up & up? Why didn't they let GOP pollsters oversee counting in many districts or cover up their windows if everything was being done legally?
Some of you folks seem to think that this election is being run by CNN or something. They are run by state and local election offices. Are they all lying about this too?

No kidding, really?

The media pre led you to believe that mail in ballots where from Biden voters.
Makes it easier for you to believe their win was meant to be.

I mean come on. Who tracked that outcome before the election?
But they can’t even count the votes on election night.
So which is it? You actually think this election was all on the up & up? Why didn't they let GOP pollsters oversee counting in many districts or cover up their windows if everything was being done legally?

I have said I don't like the mail in and handwritten ballot process because of the potential for fraud and error. I think there are probably errors and irregularities in every election. I have said I hope any and all irregularities are uncovered and corrected. I have also said it's irresponsible and dangerous to claim some kind of nationwide fraud that heavily favors one side (i.e. a "stolen election") without any evidence of that.

None of what I have said is mutually exclusive.

I don't know what happened in Philly although on the local news they are claiming they had Republican and Democrat observers in the room. So we'll see what is uncovered by the lawsuits.
No kidding, really?

The media pre led you to believe that mail in ballots where from Biden voters.
Makes it easier for you to believe their win was meant to be.

I mean come on. Who tracked that outcome before the election?
But they can’t even count the votes on election night.

Dude, you may recall that President Trump spent months imploring his voters not to trust mail-in voting. You may recall that mail in ballots received were skewing 60-70% Democrat in a lot of places before the votes were even counted. Again, this is info that comes from local elections offices which generally have representatives of both parties working in them. Were they all lying? Did the media make this up and they just all failed to correct it? Sorry I don't live in conspiracy world 24-7.
Not sure how you can say that. I can absolutely see that happening. Trump is a political brand now. The Trump family is not leaving the political spectrum, and like it or not they will be a loud voice in politics for the next 4 years. I absolutely can see this happening.


Let it be known I'm not rooting for it. I'd prefer to see a Tim Scott type. But to say that a Trump couldn't be re-elected again is utterly naive. I can see that base getting more rabid.

Yeah., Trump isn't going anywhere unless they Epstein or plane crash him.

Remember when Obama mocked Trump as a potential POTUS at the correspondents dinner. I guarantee you he made up his mind that night or already decided to run.

It was a tell when he called out the media and Big Tech. If he's removed from power illegally, he'll go into media as a mogul.

Fox News lost a lot of viewers and will never survive without 50 million Trump loyalists.

In fact, maybe the Empire Struck Back, but get ready for the next installment of the Trilogy. He's not going anywhere, and neither are we. I'll stay home before I ever vote for a milquetoast RINO dud or any of these '24 Hopefuls sitting back looking at the floor like Shawn Michaels and HHH after the Montreal Screw Job.
So which is it? You actually think this election was all on the up & up? Why didn't they let GOP pollsters oversee counting in many districts or cover up their windows if everything was being done legally?

And when I said "We have to have faith in our election system" I was agreeing with Tim, that we need to make the necessary changes so that we can have faith in it. Even though I haven't yet seen evidence that this election was "stolen" there is a lot to be desired in terms of having confidence in the accuracy of the current system.
Dude, you may recall that President Trump spent months imploring his voters not to trust mail-in voting. You may recall that mail in ballots received were skewing 60-70% Democrat in a lot of places before the votes were even counted. Again, this is info that comes from local elections offices which generally have representatives of both parties working in them. Were they all lying? Did the media make this up and they just all failed to correct it? Sorry I don't live in conspiracy world 24-7.

You might not but the Dems and media do.
Everything they say or do is a scheme. After the last 4 years I am surprised anyone can believe them.
You might not but the Dems and media do.
Everything they say or do is a scheme. After the last 4 years I am surprised anyone can believe them.

Once again, elections are not run by the Dems or the media. If the Dems or the media were lying about such things I believe there would be many local election officials speaking out. They are people who live in your neighborhood. They are Democrats and Republicans.
I'm with oneforthebus on this one. You guys have to slowly back away from the candy.

I'm willing to let the lawyers do their things. If they can uncover something with merit, let's hear it. Let's have recounts. I can wait. No rush in my mind.

I just think the margins are too high for the small amount of irregularities to matter in this election. PA will be 100,000 different by the time it's done. Maybe more. Michigan is 150,000 vote difference. There we only 850,000 votes TOTAL in all of Wayne County (Detroit). Somehow they did something in Detroit that switched it in their favor by 150,000 votes? That's insane. Or were multiple democratic counties all coordinating together to somehow get 150,000 votes?

The truth is Trump lost in Wisconsin, Michigan and PA. Fair and square he lost in my opinion. Georgia is fishy but that will get a recount but in the scheme of things it won't matter.

Biden got to 270 by taking back BARELY the rust belt states Hillary lost. Barely is good enough though. 2% change is good enough.

Again, be thankful Republicans gained in other areas. House and Senate battles skewed Republican vs. the polls. That's a positive.

We HAVE to find ways to get votes. Keep getting votes. Keep convincing people to vote our side. It's not impossible. The radical left is as looney as anything the Republicans have tried in my lifetime. It will be easy to attack and expose their hypocrisy now that they are in power and Biden stumbles over every sentence.

Let the process work. I don't know how everyone here convinced themselves Trump was "winning" based on rallies and their own bubbles. He was not winning among the people I knew. Their animosity and hatred of Trump was greater now than in 2016. Trump wasn't "converting" anyone.

And let's not forget that he would have won if not for Covid. I fully 100% believe that had the economy been cruising along at +3% this year, Trump rolls into the White House. Of course the democrats were turning Covid political. It worked for them. But Trump didn't do himself any favors with his nonsense and conspiracy theories in 2020.

Take Covid away (which is an anomaly). Take away the total HATRED so many had for Trump.

There is a message that wins. Be against the Media. Be against Congress. Be against illegal immigration. Be against Socialism (democratic or not). Be against stupid race wars and race politics and BLM and the police being "called down" during riots. Be against Cities and liberal DA's and rising crime rates.

These are easy points to win. These are easy points Republicans are CLEARLY on the right side of history.

Just find a better messenger.

Trump created a new party: National Conservatism. I give him credit for seeing it and coalescing it into real votes. We just need to build that up sanely and smartly.
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Once again, elections are not run by the Dems or the media. If the Dems or the media were lying about such things I believe there would be many local election officials speaking out. They are people who live in your neighborhood. They are Democrats and Republicans.

Sorry, Philadelphia is not my neighborhood, that is the neighborhood in my state that is under investigation.
The one I know about anyhow.
The complete list of reasons to vote for Joe Beijing:



I'm with oneforthebus on this one. You guys have to slowly back away from the candy.

I'm willing to let the lawyers do their things. If they can uncover something with merit, let's hear it. Let's have recounts. I can wait. No rush in my mind.

I just think the margins are too high for the small amount of irregularities to matter in this election. PA will be 100,000 different by the time it's done. Maybe more. Michigan is 150,000 vote difference. There we only 850,000 votes TOTAL in all of Wayne County (Detroit). Somehow they did something in Detroit that switched it in their favor by 150,000 votes? That's insane. Or were multiple democratic counties all coordinating together to somehow get 150,000 votes?

The truth is Trump lost in Wisconsin, Michigan and PA. Fair and square he lost in my opinion. Georgia is fishy but that will get a recount but in the scheme of things it won't matter.

Biden got to 270 by taking back BARELY the rust belt states Hillary lost. Barely is good enough though. 2% change is good enough.

Again, be thankful Republicans gained in other areas. House and Senate battles skewed Republican vs. the polls. That's a positive.

We HAVE to find ways to get votes. Keep getting votes. Keep convincing people to vote our side. It's not impossible. The radical left is as looney as anything the Republicans have tried in my lifetime. It will be easy to attack and expose their hypocrisy now that they are in power and Biden stumbles over every sentence.

Let the process work. I don't know how everyone here convinced themselves Trump was "winning" based on rallies and their own bubbles. He was not winning among the people I knew. Their animosity and hatred of Trump was greater now than in 2016. Trump wasn't "converting" anyone.

And let's not forget that he would have won if not for Covid. I fully 100% believe that had the economy been cruising along at +3% this year, Trump rolls into the White House. Of course the democrats were turning Covid political. It worked for them. But Trump didn't do himself any favors with his nonsense and conspiracy theories in 2020.

Take Covid away (which is an anomaly). Take away the total HATRED so many had for Trump.

There is a message that wins. Be against the Media. Be against Congress. Be against illegal immigration. Be against Socialism (democratic or not). Be against stupid race wars and race politics and BLM and the police being "called down" during riots.

These are easy points to win. These are easy points Republicans are CLEARLY on the right side of history.

Just find a better messenger.

Trump created a new party: National Conservatism. I give him credit for seeing it and coalescing it into real votes. We just need to build that up sanely and smartly.

To get Republicans up in these areas there needs to be boots on the ground. One thing people are overlooking with all of these areas that are going blue is that Dems have been in these communities reaching out and spreading their message. Stacey Abrams, after she lost the election, was getting the message out there ever since......advocating and talking to people. She put the work in to get people out to vote and it looks like they were listening. Dems have become way better at reaching out then Republicans lately...........why?

State and local is where you affect real change, and conservatives need to get in these spaces......even the ones that they think aren't "easy wins". They need to have conservations in different communities and actually listen. You can't just go around talking AT people, you need to be willing to listen to what their concerns are and have a plan to offer, not the same old tired talking points that keep getting thrown out there.

I think we need some actual conservatives in the republican party as I can't really name many of them that actually are conservative as they are all just as quick to spend that tax payer money on bigger more bloated govt. as the Dems are. We need a political revolution........**** all these do nothings.
I think we need to resist in massive ways but peaceful and respectful ways right up to the Inauguration Day if Biden wins. Then we have to channel that energy into real movements to unify the Country against he far left and the far right.
To get Republicans up in these areas there needs to be boots on the ground. One thing people are overlooking with all of these areas that are going blue is that Dems have been in these communities reaching out and spreading their message. Stacey Abrams, after she lost the election, was getting the message out there ever since......advocating and talking to people. She put the work in to get people out to vote and it looks like they were listening. Dems have become way better at reaching out then Republicans lately...........why?

State and local is where you affect real change, and conservatives need to get in these spaces......even the ones that they think aren't "easy wins". They need to have conservations in different communities and actually listen. You can't just go around talking AT people, you need to be willing to listen to what their concerns are and have a plan to offer, not the same old tired talking points that keep getting thrown out there.

I think we need some actual conservatives in the republican party as I can't really name many of them that actually are conservative as they are all just as quick to spend that tax payer money on bigger more bloated govt. as the Dems are. We need a political revolution........**** all these do nothings.

Unfortunately, the easy way to get people out was "Orange Man Bad". For those of us smart enough, we knew that wasn't really anything tangible. And for those smart enough, they saw what Trump actually DID (not said) was actually pretty good for the country.

Look, Trump was a genius at being AGAINST those things completely unpopular in this country: Media, Career Politicians, BLM/riots/police "reform". He attacked things like this relentlessly and unmercifully. And million of votes loved him for it. They loved him calling them out for their hypocrisy and stupidity.

We just need someone else to keep that message going. Someone a bit more likable. Someone with less skeletons in the closet.

The problem is where can you find a GOOD Republican that can insult all career politicians and still gain some semblance of support from them? Because on a local level career politicians win. It is sad but true. Senators stay in power for decades for a reason. People keep voting for the familiar names.

Sometimes that means an outsider, but it can also mean a new governor or young person that doesn't have the government tenure to be called "corrupt" yet.

We need someone that checks those boxes but isn't as much of a buffoon as Trump. Trump was too easily ridiculed. Too easy to farce. And in the end it mattered. Before Covid, the economy would have carried him through, but Covid did him in. Covid swung it 1%.

And yes, that means someone with balls that isn't afraid to take on the Media and Inside the Beltway money. Not back down. Because we've seen that is what wins middle class, white America right now. Being a dick is okay if it is against the right enemy.
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I'm with oneforthebus on this one. You guys have to slowly back away from the candy.

I'm willing to let the lawyers do their things. If they can uncover something with merit, let's hear it. Let's have recounts. I can wait. No rush in my mind.

I just think the margins are too high for the small amount of irregularities to matter in this election. PA will be 100,000 different by the time it's done. Maybe more. Michigan is 150,000 vote difference. There we only 850,000 votes TOTAL in all of Wayne County (Detroit). Somehow they did something in Detroit that switched it in their favor by 150,000 votes? That's insane. Or were multiple democratic counties all coordinating together to somehow get 150,000 votes?

The truth is Trump lost in Wisconsin, Michigan and PA. Fair and square he lost in my opinion. Georgia is fishy but that will get a recount but in the scheme of things it won't matter.

Biden got to 270 by taking back BARELY the rust belt states Hillary lost. Barely is good enough though. 2% change is good enough.

Again, be thankful Republicans gained in other areas. House and Senate battles skewed Republican vs. the polls. That's a positive.

We HAVE to find ways to get votes. Keep getting votes. Keep convincing people to vote our side. It's not impossible. The radical left is as looney as anything the Republicans have tried in my lifetime. It will be easy to attack and expose their hypocrisy now that they are in power and Biden stumbles over every sentence.

Let the process work. I don't know how everyone here convinced themselves Trump was "winning" based on rallies and their own bubbles. He was not winning among the people I knew. Their animosity and hatred of Trump was greater now than in 2016. Trump wasn't "converting" anyone.

And let's not forget that he would have won if not for Covid. I fully 100% believe that had the economy been cruising along at +3% this year, Trump rolls into the White House. Of course the democrats were turning Covid political. It worked for them. But Trump didn't do himself any favors with his nonsense and conspiracy theories in 2020.

Take Covid away (which is an anomaly). Take away the total HATRED so many had for Trump.

There is a message that wins. Be against the Media. Be against Congress. Be against illegal immigration. Be against Socialism (democratic or not). Be against stupid race wars and race politics and BLM and the police being "called down" during riots. Be against Cities and liberal DA's and rising crime rates.

These are easy points to win. These are easy points Republicans are CLEARLY on the right side of history.

Just find a better messenger.

Trump created a new party: National Conservatism. I give him credit for seeing it and coalescing it into real votes. We just need to build that up sanely and smartly.

Somebody has to carry the torch, though. And right now I don't see any Republican that could do what Trump did. The personality that made some people hate his guts made others love him.

Pence did a better job of explaining the trump agenda in his debate then Trump ever could. But could anyone truly see Pence winning the White House?
Once again, elections are not run by the Dems or the media. If the Dems or the media were lying about such things I believe there would be many local election officials speaking out. They are people who live in your neighborhood. They are Democrats and Republicans.

Just like the debates were neutral. Yeah right
Might have to put up a new wall if the fraud is not corrected.

Somebody has to carry the torch, though. And right now I don't see any Republican that could do what Trump did. The personality that made some people hate his guts made others love him.

Pence did a better job of explaining the trump agenda in his debate then Trump ever could. But could anyone truly see Pence winning the White House?

It is going to be tough to find someone who attracts the sort of devotion Trump did. I could see Ivanka doing it. Or maybe a Dan Crenshaw, Tim Scott, or Nikki Haley. Someone young, intelligent and charismatic. Pence, Cruz, Rubio...not gonna do it. Let's hope the establishment figures this out.
Unfortunately, the easy way to get people out was "Orange Man Bad". For those of us smart enough, we knew that wasn't really anything tangible. And for those smart enough, they saw what Trump actually DID (not said) was actually pretty good for the country.

Look, Trump was a genius at being AGAINST those things completely unpopular in this country: Media, Career Politicians, BLM/riots/police "reform". He attacked things like this relentlessly and unmercifully. And million of votes loved him for it. They loved him calling them out for their hypocrisy and stupidity.

We just need someone else to keep that message going. Someone a bit more likable. Someone with less skeletons in the closet.

The problem is where can you find a GOOD Republican that can insult all career politicians and still gain some semblance of support from them? Because on a local level career politicians win. It is sad but true. Senators stay in power for decades for a reason. People keep voting for the familiar names.

Sometimes that means an outsider, but it can also mean a new governor or young person that doesn't have the government tenure to be called "corrupt" yet.

We need someone that checks those boxes but isn't as much of a buffoon as Trump. Trump was too easily ridiculed. Too easy to farce. And in the end it mattered. Before Covid, the economy would have carried him through, but Covid did him in. Covid swung it 1%.

And yes, that means someone with balls that isn't afraid to take on the Media and Inside the Beltway money. Not back down. Because we've seen that is what wins middle class, white America right now. Being a dick is okay if it is against the right enemy.

They keep getting voted in because no one truly challenges them during a primary.

I'm no big fan of the "squad", but people can't deny that they have infiltrated the Dem party due to Dems sitting back on their laurels and AOC and crew getting out in the communities, mobilizing, spreading their message. They also utilized social media and gaming in ways to get their names out there. Repubs continued to keep their names out there by constant personal attacks on them........meme politics. They focused more on attacking the people vs. the ideas.......sure they put out there that the policies they would support would crush our economy, but didn't offer an alternative for their plans..........some meaningless talking points, but no real tangibles.

The Republicans need a similar infiltration of the party with people that are conservative, hold conservative values, actually believe in limited govt and work with the constituents in the communities they serve. People that know how to get the message out and not just to their base that will support them no matter what.
The Republicans need a similar infiltration of the party with people that are conservative, hold conservative values, actually believe in limited govt and work with the constituents in the communities they serve. People that know how to get the message out and not just to their base that will support them no matter what.

We haven't had someone who could truly articulate conservative principles and why they are so fundamental to the success of this country since Reagan.
I like Nikki Haley. I could totally get on board with a plot to kidnap her.
So the Wisconsin 4:00 am surge with 100% Biden votes sounds feasible or even possible? How about the overages of votes vs registered voters?
This isn't quite over yet, so Biden needs to shut his pie hole until everything is 100% confirmed.

Trump is winning NC and Alaska, after the Military ballots are counted in Georgia, Trump will either be ahead or a few hundred behind. Either way there is a mandatory recount and a few hundred votes could easily switch sides once that is done. That won't be finished until late November.

Arizona-Trump is now less than 40K votes behind Biden and has gained over 70K since Wednesday.

Let's give Biden Nevada.

That leaves PA, the reason they aren't calling it is detailed by MSNBC who aren't exactly Trump fans:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">.<a href="https://twitter.com/SteveKornacki?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@SteveKornacki</a> details the outstanding ballots that remain to be counted in Pennsylvania.<a href="https://t.co/eyp1UPZvHh">https://t.co/eyp1UPZvHh</a></p>— MSNBC (@MSNBC) <a href="https://twitter.com/MSNBC/status/1324800241770573825?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 6, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

It looks like Biden has the inside track, but he isn't a sure lock just yet.
Once again, elections are not run by the Dems or the media. If the Dems or the media were lying about such things I believe there would be many local election officials speaking out. They are people who live in your neighborhood. They are Democrats and Republicans.

Not in much of Atlanta, most of Milwaukee, and all of Dee-troit and Philly.

When there are purportedly razor thin margins, all it takes is the thumb on the scale in a few areas of Electoral battlegrounds.

I mean, this is a Steelers forum. Just try to imagine scores of Al Riverons running the process on those "handful of plays" that decide a contest.

This was theft. You show me an Election where the down ballot rode the coattails of a losing incumbent who supposedly had <10% of winning?