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Election Day 2020

I can only speak for myself here, but I wanna say this. I'm not a fan of Trump. I think he is a **** human being with an exorbitantly large yet fragile ego. I don't know if he is a racist because I don't know what is in his heart. I hate the tweeting and how stupid he sounds insulting people with his 50 word vocabulary. I mean, it's really not hard to understand why a person wouldn't like him.

That said, there is nothing and I mean nothing that Trump could do that would make me vote for anything the Democrat party is pushing. Their platform is going to explode the debt, rob the citizens of more money, destroy industries that are the lifeblood of this nation and the world, and they are taking away constitutional rights starting with 2A. Their agenda is dangerous and wholly un-American. If you really can't stand Trump and you just can't find it in your heart to vote for him, then vote 3rd party. I don't know how anyone looks at the Democrat party agenda and says "Hell yeah!! Sign me up!!" If you voted for Biden, you voted against yourself, basically.

I think there are a few decent dems, but they get swallowed up and **** on by the party moving far left. Not only did Harris talk about Biden's racism, she said she believed his rape accuser. Suddenly her and Biden are buddy buddy. Harris reminds me alot of Hillary who i couldn't stand with her persona. I really don't think things will change that much and if they do the dems will get destroyed in congress. I think for 2024 the repubs need an "obama" someone young and energetic. I know people mentioned Haley before who seems decent, i just don't know if she could garner enough enthusiasm.
Ultimately, people can believe what they want, but if faith in our Democratic institutions are gone, this country is finished.

The vast majority of these voter fraud allegations are unsubstantiated sour grapes, though one can always find isolated instances of potential fraud in every election and blow it out of proportion as it relates to an election as a whole.

That's largely what's going on in social and alternative media right now.

My hope is that Trump concedes once Biden officially hits 270 and does not make the current political and social tensions in the country worse by continuing to make claims with no hard facts behind them , but I know better.

What Democratic institutions? You mean like an honest media? Unbiased journalists? Non partisan polls? Uncensored social media?

They have been completely corrupted by the radical left and you haven't said **** all about it, so spare me your sanctimonious bullshit..
I'm envisioning James Brown singing "I Vote in America....Milwaukee, Dee-troit...At-lanta! Phila-dephia PA!"
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I think there are a few decent dems, but they get swallowed up and **** on by the party moving far left. Not only did Harris talk about Biden's racism, she said she believed his rape accuser. Suddenly her and Biden are buddy buddy. Harris reminds me alot of Hillary who i couldn't stand with her persona. I really don't think things will change that much and if they do the dems will get destroyed in congress. I think for 2024 the repubs need an "obama" someone young and energetic. I know people mentioned Haley before who seems decent, i just don't know if she could garner enough enthusiasm.

Sorry, if the screwjob goes down one way or anther Donald Trump will decide who the nominee is in 2024 -- himself or someone else. His supporters won't accept a RINO fraud after all that has happened.

Same reason Marco Rubio was soundly rejected 4 years ago.
.....Not only did Harris talk about Biden's racism, she said she believed his rape accuser. Suddenly her and Biden are buddy buddy. .

Bah ha ha ha ha!!!!!! It was a debate! Ha ha hee hee ha haa!! It was a deebaaate! / Harris
Sorry, if the screwjob goes down one way or anther Donald Trump will decide who the nominee is in 2024 -- himself or someone else. His supporters won't accept a RINO fraud after all that has happened.

Same reason Marco Rubio was soundly rejected 4 years ago.

I wish you were right, but so what if we don't accept it. What difference does it make? Any election coming up will just be fixed to get the desired outcome. I cannot believe I am saying this, but is there any other recourse but a revolution? And the truth is that we are far too comfortable as a people, me included.

I see it now. I said in a previous post that during the first gulf war, in the church I went to at the time, the pastor did a series of prophesy sermons. His belief was that the USA would become irrelevant. China would rise. I remember thinking that thought was ridiculous. But we are here, 30 years later. Our own comfort will be our demise. As ing as we have the latest cell phone or whatever, who cares if our rights are being taken?
I've seen a lot of this type of sentiment on social media, some of it goes so far as to say that FOXNews "betrayed" Trump. My question is, what loyalty do they owe him?

Apparently it all stems from calling Arizona early, but calling a state after the polls close has absolutely no effect on the outcome so I don't get it.
The main "evidence" people seem to have of this so called election stealing is that Trump was ahead and then fell behind. The reality is Trump won in person election day voting overwhelmingly and Biden won mail in voting overwhelmingly. This was predicted all along and should not come as a surprise to anyone, and is not in and of itself evidence of something nefarious going on.

I certainly hope any irregularities are found and corrected, and in any election this close there should and will be recounts. But to assert that the election has been stolen because exactly what was predicted to happen is happening, is irresponsible and dangerous.
They owe the American people the loyalty of not calling VA at 7 PM with >1% of precincts reporting nor AZ still early in the west coast with hundreds of thousands of votes still out there. They quickly called states for Joe Biden without reservation and were loath to even call FL or TX for the POTUS until late in the evening -- states he won handily.

How that's not piss poor is beyond me. They are a big part of the problem and have outed themselves.

Clearly they wanted to blunt any sense of Trump momentum early in the night and a repeat of 2016 -- which is exactly what happened in actuality.

Nobody's "momentum" is blunted by anything that is said on TV after the polls close. This makes no sense.
The power of the media is the influence it has on the public's perception of reality. Most of us thought the 9-11 attacks were done by some guys with box cutters because the media said so.
It is what it is.

I just hope we do not become a far left, socialist country to the point more metro areas become san francisco like.
We need American jobs and a chance to prosper.
Sorry, if the screwjob goes down one way or anther Donald Trump will decide who the nominee is in 2024 -- himself or someone else. His supporters won't accept a RINO fraud after all that has happened.

Same reason Marco Rubio was soundly rejected 4 years ago.

I don't see Donald running again and i think alot if republicans will distance himself from him and speak out once he is out, but we shall see.
It is what it is.

I just hope we do not become a far left, socialist country to the point more metro areas become san francisco like.
We need American jobs and a chance to prosper.

They'll cheat their way into a Senate majority in 2 years. Bank on it.
It's been over for a while. Recounts will happen but for all intents and purposes, Biden is the President-elect.

It will be interesting now what happens in Georgia on the Senate races. Talk about a lot of money being pumped into an election, my God.... the next two months down there will be crazy.

I mean, those are really important. If they lose both (which seems hard to believe), the Democrats have the Senate too and can open up a whole can of worms if they want.

Well.... on to the next election in 2022 and see how that shapes up for gains/losses in the House and Senate again. It is normally easy to make gains against the sitting President and I am encouraged by how many Republicans actually voted.

If I was to analyze the tea leaves, I am still concerned California is "bleeding" into Arizona and Nevada now, slowly, but surely turning those states blue. Republicans have to continue to become the party of male, working class people and reach out across race lines to bring them into the fold. There are opportunities with black and hispanic males with the message.

And hopefully, once Trump is gone, the female spite for him that led to losing so many votes in the suburbs goes away. I think that's the path to victory in the future. But is has to be executed correctly.

I know there are many here that have soured on Nikki Haley, but I still think she would dominate in 2024 if she took a hard line on some issues Trump endorsed/spouted. I don't think she's as much of a RINO as you guys make her out to be. If she had the Senate, she could do some good things.
It's not just that he's mean. It's also that he acts like a ******* idiot, a lot.

So, the choice is between a ******* idiot that oversaw one of the strongest economies this country has ever seen, with record low unemployment for every single race, and a ******* idiot that cannot complete a sentence half the time that has done absolutely nothing in 47 years. Hope everyone celebrates their morals every time they look at their paycheck, goes shopping, or gets gas. If anyone thinks that you are going to play Robin Hood and not have that trickle down to the middle class and ultimately the lower class than they are naïve beyond belief. Personally, I don't care what the morals are for any CEO of any company that I am invested in, I only care that they can run a profitable and successful business. Maybe if the American people were less concerned about their peace, love, and puppies and more concerned about the USA being successful financially, we would not be operating at a huge deficit and with a debt of 27 Trillion dollars, while being the Bank of America to half the World.
It's been over for a while. Recounts will happen but for all intents and purposes, Biden is the President-elect.

It will be interesting now what happens in Georgia on the Senate races. Talk about a lot of money being pumped into an election, my God.... the next two months down there will be crazy.

I mean, those are really important. If they lose both (which seems hard to believe), the Democrats have the Senate too and can open up a whole can of worms if they want.

Well.... on to the next election in 2022 and see how that shapes up for gains/losses in the House and Senate again. It is normally easy to make gains against the sitting President and I am encouraged by how many Republicans actually voted.

If I was to analyze the tea leaves, I am still concerned California is "bleeding" into Arizona and Nevada now, slowly, but surely turning those states blue. Republicans have to continue to become the party of male, working class people and reach out across race lines to bring them into the fold. There are opportunities with black and hispanic males with the message.

And hopefully, once Trump is gone, the female spite for him that led to losing so many votes in the suburbs goes away. I think that's the path to victory in the future. But is has to be executed correctly.

I know there are many here that have soured on Nikki Haley, but I still think she would dominate in 2024 if she took a hard line on some issues Trump endorsed/spouted. I don't think she's as much of a RINO as you guys make her out to be. If she had the Senate, she could do some good things.

Tim Scott. He needs to run.
It's been over for a while. Recounts will happen but for all intents and purposes, Biden is the President-elect.

It will be interesting now what happens in Georgia on the Senate races. Talk about a lot of money being pumped into an election, my God.... the next two months down there will be crazy.

I mean, those are really important. If they lose both (which seems hard to believe), the Democrats have the Senate too and can open up a whole can of worms if they want.

Well.... on to the next election in 2022 and see how that shapes up for gains/losses in the House and Senate again. It is normally easy to make gains against the sitting President and I am encouraged by how many Republicans actually voted.

If I was to analyze the tea leaves, I am still concerned California is "bleeding" into Arizona and Nevada now, slowly, but surely turning those states blue. Republicans have to continue to become the party of male, working class people and reach out across race lines to bring them into the fold. There are opportunities with black and hispanic males with the message.

And hopefully, once Trump is gone, the female spite for him that led to losing so many votes in the suburbs goes away. I think that's the path to victory in the future. But is has to be executed correctly.

I know there are many here that have soured on Nikki Haley, but I still think she would dominate in 2024 if she took a hard line on some issues Trump endorsed/spouted. I don't think she's as much of a RINO as you guys make her out to be. If she had the Senate, she could do some good things.

You still think there's actually going to be an election in two years?
The main "evidence" people seem to have of this so called election stealing is that Trump was ahead and then fell behind. The reality is Trump won in person election day voting overwhelmingly and Biden won mail in voting overwhelmingly. This was predicted all along and should not come as a surprise to anyone, and is not in and of itself evidence of something nefarious going on.

I certainly hope any irregularities are found and corrected, and in any election this close there should and will be recounts. But to assert that the election has been stolen because exactly what was predicted to happen is happening, is irresponsible and dangerous.

The evidence I look at is certainty circumstantial but damning. When the major liberal centers pause counting the night of allowing for the counting of all the conservative areas and then resume counting and manage to find enough votes to overcome the difference it looks damn suspicious. I will never accept an election run this way. ALL mail in Ballots must be received before election day period. Like Ohio and other States they should be counted before the in person voting begins period. There is no logical reason whatever that this shouldn't be the universal practice unless you are looking for ways to steal an election.
I don't see Donald running again and i think alot if republicans will distance himself from him and speak out once he is out, but we shall see.

Trump won't run again. Maybe Ivanka.
So, the choice is between a ******* idiot that oversaw one of the strongest economies this country has ever seen, with record low unemployment for every single race, and a ******* idiot that cannot complete a sentence half the time that has done absolutely nothing in 47 years. Hope everyone celebrates their morals every time they look at their paycheck, goes shopping, or gets gas. If anyone thinks that you are going to play Robin Hood and not have that trickle down to the middle class and ultimately the lower class than they are naïve beyond belief. Personally, I don't care what the morals are for any CEO of any company that I am invested in, I only care that they can run a profitable and successful business. Maybe if the American people were less concerned about their peace, love, and puppies and more concerned about the USA being successful financially, we would not be operating at a huge deficit and with a debt of 27 Trillion dollars, while being the Bank of America to half the World.

The important thing is not to hurt people's feelings. Everything else is secondary. I would rather my 401 take a nose dive than to have a guy in charge that is rude .
So I've been looking at the Senate races in 2022 and there are very few races up for grabs (realistically).

The big ones are as follows:

For the Republicans:

Georgia - The winner of the Loeffler (R) vs. Warnock (D) runoff that happens this January 5th will be up for re-election immediately in 2022. Loeffler has to both win now and defend her seat (maybe vs. Abrams) which could be difficult.

Pennsylvania - Pat Toomey (R) is resigning at the end of his term. This will be the BIG senate race of 2022. Expect a huge amount of money spent. Hard to tell until we get the candidates that come out of the primary. I hate to say it but this could very well be a flip for the Dems.

Wisconsin - Ron Johnson (R) is up for re-election. He only won 50.2% in his re-election in 2016. Certainly close enough to be worried about his seat.

North Carolina - Like Toomey, incumbent Richard Burr (R) is resigning. This leaves a spot open in a very purple state. Again, you have to hope traditional down-year trends continue (opposite side of the sitting President is favored and Republicans do well in off-year elections).

Iowa - Chuck Grassley (R) will be 89 years old in 2022 and has not declared if he is going to run again. Iowa is arguably more red than either PA or NC right now, so hopefully this spot stays (R)


Arizona - Mark Kelly (D) defeated McSally (R) is this year's special election but will have to defend it again in 2022. He's going to be a hard candidate to defeat as he is fairly decent moderate and a good match for the State. Hard to say what happens here, but Kelly got 51.7% of the vote this year and nothing would indicate a big drop off.

Nevada - Catherine Cortez Masto (D) won with only 47.1% of the vote in 2016 to replace long time Republican Harry Reid. Another good example of long standing republican seat slowing bleeding away. This is the Republicans best chance at flipping a seat in 2022.

New Hampshire - Maggie Hassan (D) is a fairly controversial figure for New Hampshire and BARELY won in 2016 (literally 1000 votes) with only 48% of the vote. This is another good opportunity for a moderate Republican to do well. She's got a lot of Hillary Clinton in her persona so there is an opportunity here.

Other than that, you might here some noise from Democrats about Marco Rubio's seat in Florida, but I actually think after this past election, he's strongly the favorite.

Going to be hard to maintain a 1 or 2 seat margin in 2022. If Biden goes to far left, he could definitely help out Republicans in these races in my opinion.