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Election Day 2020

Where did I say I'm the only one who understands it?

Some of you seem to think I'm trying to convince you that the election results were correct and justified. I'm not. I'm trying to have a thoughtful balanced discussion of what happened here and why Trump lost. That includes trying to understand the perspectives of those who don't think like me or share my beliefs.. Perhaps that's not as interesting to any of you as it is to me. Perhaps the only welcome perspective here is "Trump is the best president we've ever had and has had the election stolen from him." If that's the case I'll bow out of the discussion.

It's why I barely visit this forum and only participate around election time.

It's largely an echo chamber of Fox News/Breitbart talking points.
The "just accept it, Trump lost" people give the impression that we have a fair unbiased media feeding us the narrative on this. Not a corrupt, lying, scoundrel press that deserve no benefit of the doubt when it comes to giving us accurate information that doesn't shape their agendas. I loath them to such a degree that their chatter is just that, meaningless chatter. It's definitely more difficult to reach valid conclusions with our treasonous press and their lies but it is what it is.
Posted from a friend

�� Wisconsin suddenly discovers over 112k Biden ballots between 3:30 am and 4:30 am
�� Michigan has gained 138.339 ballots for Biden since they stopped counting last night. A whopping zero for Trump (sidebar: check out my precious post from a Detroit poll volley /JT)


Wouldn't those have been the votes coming in from the cemeteries?
The "just accept it, Trump lost" people give the impression that we have a fair unbiased media feeding us the narrative on this. Not a corrupt, lying, scoundrel press that deserve no benefit of the doubt when it comes to giving us accurate information that doesn't shape their agendas. I loath them to such a degree that their chatter is just that, meaningless chatter. It's definitely more difficult to reach valid conclusions with our treasonous press and their lies but it is what it is.

Ultimately, people can believe what they want, but if faith in our Democratic institutions are gone, this country is finished.

The vast majority of these voter fraud allegations are unsubstantiated sour grapes, though one can always find isolated instances of potential fraud in every election and blow it out of proportion as it relates to an election as a whole.

That's largely what's going on in social and alternative media right now.

My hope is that Trump concedes once Biden officially hits 270 and does not make the current political and social tensions in the country worse by continuing to make claims with no hard facts behind them , but I know better.
Can you imagine the press conferences from now on?

Mr president mr president mr president.
Um ok...jim
Do you have a question?
No. Just wanted to say hi.

Mr president mr president mr president
Yes Stacey
Hi...um how cool is it to be back in the White house?
Well, as the kids would say, it's far out, man.

Mr president mr president
Thank you sir. Now in regard to china. Do you think you'll keep what's already in place or do you think Jill will want to order a whole new set of dishes ?
Ultimately, people can believe what they want, but if faith in our Democratic institutions are gone, this country is finished.

The Russia hoax, impeachment, Kavanaugh hearings, etc. etc. Those are just current events. You could start with JFK and work your way forward for proof of our Democratic institutions being corrupted,
skewed and so far from what this country is really about. Faith in our Democratic institutions? That ship sailed a long time ago.
The Russia hoax, impeachment, Kavanaugh hearings, etc. etc. Those are just current events. You could start with JFK and work your way forward for proof of our Democratic institutions being corrupted,
skewed and so far from what this country is really about. Faith in our Democratic institutions? That ship sailed a long time ago.

Punx had no problem with those things but, now it's time to stop the crazy talk.
Just saw that Biden has the lead in GA now.
Ultimately, people can believe what they want, but if faith in our Democratic institutions are gone, this country is finished.

The vast majority of these voter fraud allegations are unsubstantiated sour grapes, though one can always find isolated instances of potential fraud in every election and blow it out of proportion as it relates to an election as a whole.

That's largely what's going on in social and alternative media right now.

My hope is that Trump concedes once Biden officially hits 270 and does not make the current political and social tensions in the country worse by continuing to make claims with no hard facts behind them , but I know better.

My hope is the president fights this tooth and nail to the very end. If it's legit SHOW it. If there's absolutely nothing to hide then everything will be ok. Us normal folks will accept it and plan accordingly.

If it's not legit,buckle up your chin strap, we have all seen for the last 6 months how violent and destructive the other side is when they don't get what they want.
My hope is the president fights this tooth and nail to the very end. If it's legit SHOW it. If there's absolutely nothing to hide then everything will be ok. Us normal folks will accept it and plan accordingly.

If it's not legit,buckle up your chin strap, we have all seen for the last 6 months how violent and destructive the other side is when they don't get what they want.

That's a potential problem S4E, a lot of the ballots that have already been through scrutiny can't be reviewed...as far as I understand.


Time to play Patriotism and Socialism ?

With Trump leading the GA vote with 99% reported most of the afternoon, magically Biden now has a 900 vote lead.
That's a potential problem S4E, a lot of the ballots that have already been through scrutiny can't be reviewed...as far as I understand.


Time to play Patriotism and Socialism ?


Oh totally legit election workers...Such a load off my mind now.

I suppose I'll play the part of silent patriot if the need arises.
The media has done it's job well. They called it for Joe so early, that even if a recount called it for Trump it wouldn't be accepted by the public.
I can only speak for myself here, but I wanna say this. I'm not a fan of Trump. I think he is a **** human being with an exorbitantly large yet fragile ego. I don't know if he is a racist because I don't know what is in his heart. I hate the tweeting and how stupid he sounds insulting people with his 50 word vocabulary. I mean, it's really not hard to understand why a person wouldn't like him.

That said, there is nothing and I mean nothing that Trump could do that would make me vote for anything the Democrat party is pushing. Their platform is going to explode the debt, rob the citizens of more money, destroy industries that are the lifeblood of this nation and the world, and they are taking away constitutional rights starting with 2A. Their agenda is dangerous and wholly un-American. If you really can't stand Trump and you just can't find it in your heart to vote for him, then vote 3rd party. I don't know how anyone looks at the Democrat party agenda and says "Hell yeah!! Sign me up!!" If you voted for Biden, you voted against yourself, basically.
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And something else. During the primary debates, Kamala Harris called Joe Biden a racist. So, is he not a racist now? I wish a news reader would ask her if she still feels that way.

EDIT: Had to change "journalist" to "news reader." There are no journalists anymore.
I'm familiar with all the conspiratorial crap.

You guys are being as bad of sore losers as the Democrats were in 2016, but in different ways.

Trump lost because Biden won back the blue collar Democrats that Clinton lost in the north and there was a surge in hispanic voters in Arizona and black voters in Georgia. That's it.

The bottom line is that there are consequences to being a blatantly dishonest, ignorant, race-baiting ******* for four years, and Trump is finding that out.

The bottom line is that the Dems and the media are blatantly dishonest, ignorant, race baiting hypocrites.
Fixed it for u.
The "just accept it, Trump lost" people give the impression that we have a fair unbiased media feeding us the narrative on this. Not a corrupt, lying, scoundrel press that deserve no benefit of the doubt when it comes to giving us accurate information that doesn't shape their agendas. I loath them to such a degree that their chatter is just that, meaningless chatter. It's definitely more difficult to reach valid conclusions with our treasonous press and their lies but it is what it is.

Let's add the RINO GOP 2024 "hopefuls" to that mix who don't seem to be lending the POTUS any support.
With Trump leading the GA vote with 99% reported most of the afternoon, magically Biden now has a 900 vote lead.

Pretty clear now that plan was to use the Chicongo-type cities Atlanta, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philly to steal it with plausible deniability and cover of local Democrat Machine.
Let's add the RINO GOP 2024 "hopefuls" to that mix who don't seem to be lending the POTUS any support.

Why would they? They didn't want him there in the first place. While he was there they used him to get re-elected or whatever, but in DC politics there is no loyalty except to one's self. They see the writing on the wall, and they are going to distance themselves now. Have to make sure they can still survive in DC.
Fox News will never be the same and screwed themselves with this fiasco. Trump could start his own TV Network tomorrow, hire Tucker Carlson and Hannity away, and Fox News would go the way of the NBA and Woke Sports.
Why would they? They didn't want him there in the first place. While he was there they used him to get re-elected or whatever, but in DC politics there is no loyalty except to one's self. They see the writing on the wall, and they are going to distance themselves now. Have to make sure they can still survive in DC.

They got what the wanted. Mitch, some Lindsey sprinkled in, Nancy and Dementia Joe running the Swamp. Back to regularly scheduled programming.

Will never forget in SC in 2016 "firebrand" Trey Gowdy, Nikki Haley, and Tim Scott all supported Marco Rubio.
Fox News will never be the same and screwed themselves with this fiasco. Trump could start his own TV Network tomorrow, hire Tucker Carlson and Hannity away, and Fox News would go the way of the NBA and Woke Sports.

I've seen a lot of this type of sentiment on social media, some of it goes so far as to say that FOXNews "betrayed" Trump. My question is, what loyalty do they owe him?
They got what the wanted. Mitch, some Lindsey sprinkled in, Nancy and Dementia Joe running the Swamp. Back to regularly scheduled programming.

Will never forget in SC in 2016 "firebrand" Trey Gowdy, Nikki Haley, and Tim Scott all supported Marco Rubio.

Careful. Trey Gowdy is going to post here and give you a stern look.
I've seen a lot of this type of sentiment on social media, some of it goes so far as to say that FOXNews "betrayed" Trump. My question is, what loyalty do they owe him?

They owe the American people the loyalty of not calling VA at 7 PM with >1% of precincts reporting nor AZ still early in the west coast with hundreds of thousands of votes still out there. They quickly called states for Joe Biden without reservation and were loath to even call FL or TX for the POTUS until late in the evening -- states he won handily.

How that's not piss poor is beyond me. They are a big part of the problem and have outed themselves.

Clearly they wanted to blunt any sense of Trump momentum early in the night and a repeat of 2016 -- which is exactly what happened in actuality.
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