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Election Day 2020

Videos hitting Twitter already of poll watchers being kicked out in Philly. My guess is PA will be the big one they try and steal.

I'm a poll watcher today covering two precincts but no issues where I live.
Pa. Two plus hrs. The line was wrapped around the building. Let’s gooo
I just voted and I may have literally been the only voter at my polling location. I was #285.
Videos hitting Twitter already of poll watchers being kicked out in Philly. My guess is PA will be the big one they try and steal.

Wish there were early indications this would be a problem that our elected officials could at least try to prevent on ED.

Oh, wait:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">A reminder from May 2020: <br><br>"A former [Philadelphia] Judge of Elections has been convicted for his role in accepting bribes to cast fraudulent ballots and certifying false voting results"<a href="https://t.co/F5oPQmlKjb">https://t.co/F5oPQmlKjb</a></p>— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) <a href="https://twitter.com/KatiePavlich/status/1323627373863018497?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Thanks for putting BOTG.

Amen Ron Burgundy

if you turn on Fox, you'll see a model of efficiency as they're showing ballots being opened for sorting in Philadelphia.

repeat: model of efficiency
if you turn on Fox, you'll see a model of efficiency as they're showing ballots being opened for sorting in Philadelphia.

repeat: model of efficiency

Small wonder since Paul Ryan was on the business end of the 112 precincts in Philly who No Hit Perfect Gamed his RINO ticket in 2012 before he moved his Swamp membership to Faux News.
They started boarding up downtown Indy 2 days ago...looks like a war zone down there.

Well the last 6 months of allowed anarchy around the country will make people do that. It's like preparing for a hurricane. What it should be is armed buisness owners shooting looters. Which always was the standard for such lowlife martha fockers. Well until this year and this leftist battle plan to win at all costs.
if you turn on Fox, you'll see a model of efficiency as they're showing ballots being opened for sorting in Philadelphia.

repeat: model of efficiency

Follow @mikeroman on Twitter - Trump 2020 EDO Director.
45 WH staff. OSINT. Election Security.
advisor, Treasurer of

He's sharing a lot about the bullshit going down in Philly
Follow @mikeroman on Twitter - Trump 2020 EDO Director.
45 WH staff. OSINT. Election Security.
advisor, Treasurer of

He's sharing a lot about the bullshit going down in Philly

Love to, but I've had 3 Twitter accounts banned for supporting Trump and exposing Antifa criminals. i hang out at Parler now.
For a little levity:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Democrats couldn't sleep last night, for they fear retribution from the Lone Biker of the Apocalypse <a href="https://t.co/NOjDWhm8Ef">pic.twitter.com/NOjDWhm8Ef</a></p>— Mad Liberals (@mad_liberals) <a href="https://twitter.com/mad_liberals/status/1323677081004351489?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I think for Michigan, and perhaps other states, it may just be a matter of the time it takes to count absentee ballots. In Michigan, I believe there were 3 million+ ballots returned by the time the polls opened this morning.
Well, I voted. Saw lots of support for Trump based on conversations I heard standing in line. There was some folks for Biden also, but not as many I think. This is in the Fayetteville area of NC. I guess we'll see how this all turns out here in the next 24-48 hours. Should be interesting if nothing else.

I am up around Raleigh - was just having the NC convo with someone else on another board. Wake County (Raleigh), Mecklenburg (Charlotte), and Guilford (Greensboro) are all likely to go D. Forsythe county (Winston Salem) has to be a toss up. For Trump to take NC, Appalachia (sans Asheville) and counties down east (where you are) are going to need a strong turn out. Given the fine weather today, is quite possible. Early voting was over 60% across the state.
Done. Another PA vote for Trump including 3 more from my wife and kids. Even though the line snaked around the firehouse parking lot, the whole thing took less than 90 minutes. Damn, that felt soooooo good.


Done. Another PA vote for Trump including 3 more from my wife and kids. Even though the line snaked around the firehouse parking lot, the whole thing took less than 90 minutes. Damn, that felt soooooo good.



What time did you vote? I'm in Michigan and there was literally nobody other than me when I went to vote. They said they had been busy earlier, but when I voted around 11:30am eastern that certainly wasn't the case,
Right on scraps :usa2:
I believe Biden will win MI, WI and PA on the strength of the elderly and women, winning him the election. I’m hoping we can keep control of the Senate.