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Election Day 2020

The company I work for has a facility in Asheville...ThermoFisher Scientific.

Went down there for training a few times. Ever been to 12 Bones Diner by the river? Old rickety place, food served in tin plates.

The best down home cookin' I had ever experienced!

Have not been to that one, but next time I'm in that area I might have to check that out. One of my favorite breakfast/brunch places around there is the Over Easy Cafe. Awesome food, but if you don't get there first thing when they open you will be in for a wait............well before the rona struck, now they are take out only.
I was in and out in like 2 mins. There was only 1 other person there. System was a bit different. Put a card in, you made your selections, it printed them out then you ran it through a scanner which dropped it into a box
Just got home. Everything went smoothly. Just under an hour from the time I walked in the polling site , until I walked out.
So weirdest thing... both the republican messageboards and the Democratic ones are super geeked about early turnouts and both expect the election to be a complete success at every level for their side

Dems are whistling past the graveyard. Dems put a massive effort and tons of money and personnel into early voting, and they know their voters show up much less frequently at the polls on voting day as Republicans. Nobody with a brain bigger than Joe Biden's shriveled walnut doubts this.

Huge turnout favors Republicans significantly in the swing states. Significantly, because Republicans outperform Dems in election day turnout by a large margin.

"So maybe it's those reluctant Dems turning out?" Nope. They put their time and money into early voting and just do not have the ground game Republicans do for election-day turnout.
Forgot to mention this.

So while in line, the helper dude asked “do you want a sample ballet” .....I’m like sure. Take a peek and it’s all Dims on it?!?!? I immediately crush the paper and toss it, older couple in front of me look .. I’m like “wrong ******* team”. They bust out laughing and said that’s why we didn’t take one.

But, kinda ****** up right?
Forgot to mention this.

So while in line, the helper dude asked “do you want a sample ballet” .....I’m like sure. Take a peek and it’s all Dims on it?!?!? I immediately crush the paper and toss it, older couple in front of me look .. I’m like “wrong ******* team”. They bust out laughing and said that’s why we didn’t take one.

But, kinda ****** up right?

And patently illegal. Those sample ballots are electioneering and not allowed within 75' of the voting area, including the registration area.
And patently illegal. Those sample ballots are electioneering and not allowed within 75' of the voting area, including the registration area.

I figured it wasn’t on the up and up.
Are sample ballots illegal? Everything I can find, which isn’t much, indicates they are legal. It may vary from state to state. I can’t say that I’ve ever actually seen one.
You can find "sample ballots" at any voting booth in any courthouse in the country, I suspect. Lots of people have trouble working out the ballots and so "samples" are provided. However they aren't supposed to be partisan. They are SUPPOSED to be neutral and objective.

And, as I warned everyone. Vote EARLY. There are indeed measures in place to make voting living hell today.

As usual the democrats are doing the VERY THING they are screeching about with the republicans. Rampant Voter Suppression.
However. LEGALLY you cannot be turned away if you are in line, or in building before the polls close. They MUST stay open and allow you to vote. Anyone who tries to turn you away and say the polls are closed is feeding you a line of bullshit.
Are sample ballots illegal? Everything I can find, which isn’t much, indicates they are legal. It may vary from state to state. I can’t say that I’ve ever actually seen one.

If the sample ballot were a real life ballot with SAMPLE printed across it, while listing all the candidates and propositions, I would think that should be OK.

These however only contained the names of those from one party, which would be misleading at the least, and one could argue fraudulent at worst.
Sample ballots are not the problem; handing out these party-based sample ballots, i.e., electioneering, that close to the polling location IS ILLEGAL.
You can find "sample ballots" at any voting booth in any courthouse in the country, I suspect. Lots of people have trouble working out the ballots and so "samples" are provided. However they aren't supposed to be partisan. They are SUPPOSED to be neutral and objective.

And, as I warned everyone. Vote EARLY. There are indeed measures in place to make voting living hell today.

As usual the democrats are doing the VERY THING they are screeching about with the republicans. Rampant Voter Suppression.

I have a friend in North Central Pennsylvania that voted early this afternoon, the precinct he was assigned to was only given 1,000 ballots and were afraid they would run out. He was #782 to vote today.

Maybe this only happens in small, rural areas. In Phoenix this morning the ballots were printed on sight.

This could be a real issue in the less populated areas in the country. Hmmmm, how do those areas usually vote?
Man I picked right. Went to a school. got in and out. in 12 minutes. my neighbor went to another school and waited over 2 hours. Easy process.
Local news is reporting lower than anticipated in person turnout. That might not bode well for Trump, but wtf knows.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">FL Rs + 164,466<br><br>This is a 250,000-300,000 Trump win.</p>— Larry Schweikart (@LarrySchweikart) <a href="https://twitter.com/LarrySchweikart/status/1323742688500359168?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">FL GOP TRACKET Rs+205,413</p>— Larry Schweikart (@LarrySchweikart) <a href="https://twitter.com/LarrySchweikart/status/1323762202289991680?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Local news is reporting lower than anticipated in person turnout. That might not bode well for Trump, but wtf knows.

What location? I read that in-person turnout much lower than expected in NY, Los Angeles, Miami due to early voting, but not clear at this point.
What location? I read that in-person turnout much lower than expected in NY, Los Angeles, Miami due to early voting, but not clear at this point.

I’m in central Michigan
What location? I read that in-person turnout much lower than expected in NY, Los Angeles, Miami due to early voting, but not clear at this point.

I’ve never seen my place like it was today. Thought I was in line for the new ride at Kennypark
I forgot this too. So wasn’t wearing my mandated face bs in line “outside,” had one when when I went in. Seen the other trump folks don’t put it on so was like **** it when I was in. The head dude comes up to me and says “look I can’t make you wear a mask, nor leave, but if you don’t I’ll ask you to stand over there and I’ll save you place in line.”

A man that gets it! I put it on, said I got you.
Local news is reporting lower than anticipated in person turnout. That might not bode well for Trump, but wtf knows.

Record high turnout in most places is what I'm hearing. By noon Florida had as many total votes cast as they did in 2016.