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Election Day 2020

It's a slim possibility but, at this point, if it was to be called for Trump after the Biden voters thought it was in the bag.....well I think there would be riots that would make the Blm/Atifa riots look like a 2 year old's birthday party.
It's a slim possibility but, at this point, if it was to be called for Trump after the Biden voters thought it was in the bag.....well I think there would be riots that would make the Blm/Atifa riots look like a 2 year old's birthday party.

And what does that tell you about our future with this group? How can you ever have unity with that?
next step will be PA answering back that they mixed them all together, threw out the envelopes and don't know which votes are which so go pound sand.

In which case I would call on the Court to invalidate every single one.
Too bad we didn't have control of the house, if Biden wins we could start impeachment proceedings. Doesn't matter what. That's the new and only job of congress when in power.
Too bad we didn't have control of the house, if Biden wins we could start impeachment proceedings. Doesn't matter what. That's the new and only job of congress when in power.

They have a damn solid case for invoking the 25th, problem is Harris is waiting in the wings.
They have a damn solid case for invoking the 25th, problem is Harris is waiting in the wings.

I was kidding kind of. I wouldn't even let Joe drive a car. I'm sure within the next 2 years his cheese will make its way off his cracker completely. Then we get queen commie **** sucker.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Texas Charges Social Worker With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud <a href="https://t.co/KEUDbbpArt">https://t.co/KEUDbbpArt</a> <a href="https://t.co/jD1bRBaxIp">pic.twitter.com/jD1bRBaxIp</a></p>— The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDailyWire/status/1324904539992944641?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 7, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

“Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that his Election Fraud Unit assisted the Limestone County Sheriff and District Attorney in charging Kelly Reagan Brunner, a social worker in the Mexia State Supported Living Center (SSLC), with 134 felony counts of purportedly acting as an agent and of election fraud,” the state said in a statement. “State Supported Living Centers serve people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Brunner submitted voter registration applications for 67 residents without their signature or effective consent, while purporting to act as their agent.”

Disgusting slob.
I don't see Donald running again and i think alot if republicans will distance himself from him and speak out once he is out, but we shall see.

Donald Trump saved a Republican Party in tatters after Bush, McCain, and Romney. Do you really think Republicans can get elected "distancing" from Donald Trump and his base? Who will vote for them? Who's going to watch Faux News?

It would be like the NFL embracing Woke Sports.
It is going to be tough to find someone who attracts the sort of devotion Trump did. I could see Ivanka doing it.

Being his daughter, Ivanka would probably also attract the sort of vile hatred Donald did, and the media and the left would continuously look to link her to him.
So with us getting far leftists in power for what it looks like 12 out of the last 16 years it's going to leave a big dent.

Things to get done against it. Voter Id needs to be the law of the land. Absolutely for national elections. I have no idea what to do about the education system and media..A great chunk of the media the youth will see is from social media.

They're far left and censor ideas they do not agree with. They have control of the free speech of billions. It's going to get a lot worse with them. Kids and adults are on their phones 7 days a week.
Donald Trump saved a Republican Party in tatters after Bush, McCain, and Romney. Do you really think Republicans can get elected "distancing" from Donald Trump and his base? Who will vote for them? Who's going to watch Faux News?

It would be like the NFL embracing Woke Sports.

Well Fox can pretty much kiss my ***. The Republicans can go back to playing the do nothing game or roll over like they always do and take it. They do that when in control or not.

They only have pockets of real fighters left. Most of them are out of Texas,but on a good note 70 million people voted FOR America and its idea,so all is not lost.

What will be lost is faith in the system if all of this fraud isn't cleared up and fixed. People will say screw voting if they think the game is rigged. Why bother.
So with us getting far leftists in power for what it looks like 12 out of the last 16 years it's going to leave a big dent.

Things to get done against it. Voter Id needs to be the law of the land. Absolutely for national elections. I have no idea what to do about the education system and media..A great chunk of the media the youth will see is from social media.

They're far left and censor ideas they do not agree with. They have control of the free speech of billions. It's going to get a lot worse with them. Kids and adults are on their phones 7 days a week.

Another thing I was thinking about... The economy should have put Trump over the top but, then I thought, all these young people don't have savings, investments or retirement plans. They don't give a **** about wall street and how great it is doing. They don't think past tomorrow. So, touting the great economy isn't making an impression on them. But, the "Gratification Now" crowd is more exited about the Left's false promises....We're circling the drain, folks. I don't see how you stop it at this point. Not that I think it's gonna happen tomorrow or next week but, 10 - 20 years? Very possible,
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Texas Charges Social Worker With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud <a href="https://t.co/KEUDbbpArt">https://t.co/KEUDbbpArt</a> <a href="https://t.co/jD1bRBaxIp">pic.twitter.com/jD1bRBaxIp</a></p>— The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDailyWire/status/1324904539992944641?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 7, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

“Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that his Election Fraud Unit assisted the Limestone County Sheriff and District Attorney in charging Kelly Reagan Brunner, a social worker in the Mexia State Supported Living Center (SSLC), with 134 felony counts of purportedly acting as an agent and of election fraud,” the state said in a statement. “State Supported Living Centers serve people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Brunner submitted voter registration applications for 67 residents without their signature or effective consent, while purporting to act as their agent.”

Disgusting slob.

We used to hang horse thieves because horse thieving was a crime against the public and social contract of everyone in the same boat together trying to survive in the Wild West.

There should be a law instituted that anyone knowingly and willingly initiating or participating in Election fraud be subject to summary execution in the public square after a speedy trial. I'd settle for caning as well.
Well Fox can pretty much kiss my ***. The Republicans can go back to playing the do nothing game or roll over like they always do and take it. They do that when in control or not.

They only have pockets of real fighters left. Most of them are out of Texas,but on a good note 70 million people voted FOR America and its idea,so all is not lost.

What will be lost is faith in the system if all of this fraud isn't cleared up and fixed. People will say screw voting if they think the game is rigged. Why bother.

I know one thing, Trump base will not accept a RINO in '24 nor keep watching Paul Ryan's Faux News. I wonder if the R Establishment yet grasps how bad they have screwed themselves? In that sense they are no wiser than LeChoke James.
Another thing I was thinking about... The economy should have put Trump over the top but, then I thought, all these young people don't have savings, investments or retirement plans. They don't give a **** about wall street and how great it is doing. They don't think past tomorrow. So, touting the great economy isn't making an impression on them. But, the "Gratification Now" crowd is more exited about the Left's false promises....We're circling the drain, folks. I don't see how you stop it at this point. Not that I think it's gonna happen tomorrow or next week but, 10 - 20 years? Very possible,

Well I believe half of the youth are living with mom and dad. That's not going to improve. They're going to vote for free stuff or the promises of free stuff ,every,single,time!
I remember. We saw you here everyday voicing your concerns over it all.

Oddly...you venture here frequently now....

I've posted here more during election season, as it is something that really interests me.

FTR, I'm someone who tends to lean left on economic issues and right on social ones, but even on economic issues, I'm far from a neo-Marxist.

There just isn't much balanced discussion here.