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Election Day 2020

Things aren't going back to normal. The dems are full bore socialists now and aren't even hiding it If this election is stolen then it's over for the U.S. California is bleeding libs into the rest of the U.S. The way the demographics are playing out there won't be many conservative states at all in a few more cycles. Trump was the last hope for that. Biden will open up immigration, tear down the wall, and allow unfettered immigration into the country. Sorry but it's over. Unless some of the states want to break away from the blue states the U.S. is in big trouble. The real problem is like Reagan said... there's nowhere else to go.

The growth of population centers relative to small town America has created a huge problem for Republicans/conservatives.

A prime example of this Colorado and Virginia, once reliable red states turned deep blue by the rapid growth of Denver and the DC suburbs respectively.

The same thing is happening in Arizona, Texas, Georgia and North Carolina.

There is just a different belief system in urban areas as it pertains to things like multiculturalism and public spending.
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The growth of population centers relative to small town America has created a huge problem for Republicans/conservatives.

A prime example of this Colorado and Virginia, once reliable red states turned deep blue by the rapid growth of Denver and the DC suburbs respectively.

The same thing is happening in Arizona, Texas, Georgia and North Carolina.

There is just a different belief system in urban areas as it pertains to things like multiculturalism and public spending.

Noah Webster tried to educate the nation on the dangers of Jacobinism -- the ancestor of the modern Democrat Party -- in his American Minerva Magazine:

"I consider as a matter of infinite consequence the cautious admission of foreigners to the rights of citizenship. Numbers of them who have within the past year arrived and settled in this city come with violent prejudices against arbitrary government, and they seem to make no great distinction between arbitrary government and a government of laws founded on free elections. Many of them are warm democrats; and the Emigration Society here is headed by Democrats of our own -- in short the opposers of our government are literally wriggling themselves into all sorts of company to carry their points. One main article of their policy is to attach foreigners to their principles the moment of their landing. If that system of creating a popular interest extraneous from the legislature to influence their proceedings -- that system of raising a multitude of isolated private clubs over the nations as its guardian -- should spread thro the country, we may bid adieu to our Constitution. Our safety is in the country people, who more scattered and more independent, are out of the reach of demagogues."

It should be quite obvious why the Founders initiated the Electoral College and foresaw the peril of free Elections in big cities. We now see the fruits of Soros and the Obama years and decades of the "opposers of our government...wriggling themselves into all sorts of company to carry their point(s)."

Now they have the incalculable power of Big Tech and the media as well.

Also shows the gross failure of our schools: Were any of us taught anything about Noah Webster and why he compiled a dinstinctly "American" Dictionary?

What little relative "safety" we have remaining rests in the people who supported Trump, organized boat parades, lined the streets, and have rejected the Fake News media. The same people the Uniparty, media and Big Tech want to destroy by fiat.
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Another thing I was thinking about... The economy should have put Trump over the top but, then I thought, all these young people don't have savings, investments or retirement plans. They don't give a **** about wall street and how great it is doing. They don't think past tomorrow. So, touting the great economy isn't making an impression on them. But, the "Gratification Now" crowd is more exited about the Left's false promises....We're circling the drain, folks. I don't see how you stop it at this point. Not that I think it's gonna happen tomorrow or next week but, 10 - 20 years? Very possible,

The economy really hasn't been doing that great for about 20 years.

Too many jobs have been outsourced or lost to automation, while we've been masking the damage with a combination of deficit spending and speculative financial bubbles in things like housing, energy and information technology.

Everything is levered to inflate corporate profits, and Trump contributed to that with entirely unnecessary corporate tax cuts.

This constant ripping on young people is just ridiculous when you consider the opportunity for stable, high-yielding employment is nowhere as abundant as it was in the 20th century.
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If these drug out counts flip the senate- we are well on our way to Venezuela
"I consider as a matter of infinite consequence the cautious admission of foreigners to the rights of citizenship. Numbers of them who have within the past year arrived and settled in this city come with violent prejudices against arbitrary government, and they seem to make no great distinction between arbitrary government and a government of laws founded on free elections. Many of them are warm democrats; and the Emigration Society here is headed by Democrats of our own -- in short the opposers of our government are literally wriggling themselves into all sorts of company to carry their points. One main article of their policy is to attach foreigners to their principles the moment of their landing. If that system of creating a popular interest extraneous from the legislature to influence their proceedings -- that system of raising a multitude of isolated private clubs over the nations as its guardian -- should spread thro the country, we may bid adieu to our Constitution. Our safety is in the country people, who more scattered and more independent, are out of the reach of demagogues."

While the subsequent advent of radio, television and internet somewhat renders the bolded part obsolete, Webster's broader point pertaining to cities being more susceptible to political and moral corruption remains legitimate.
While the subsequent advent of radio, television and internet somewhat renders the bolded part obsolete, Webster's broader point pertaining to cities being more susceptible to political and moral corruption remains legitimate.

Seems like this is an age-old conflict. Abraham dwelt on the plain, while Lot "pitched his tent toward Sodom."
And something else. During the primary debates, Kamala Harris called Joe Biden a racist. So, is he not a racist now? I wish a news reader would ask her if she still feels that way.

EDIT: Had to change "journalist" to "news reader." There are no journalists anymore.

Challenge--- find the quote where Kamala called Joe a racist.
I've posted here more during election season, as it is something that really interests me.

FTR, I'm someone who tends to lean left on economic issues and right on social ones, but even on economic issues, I'm far from a neo-Marxist.

There just isn't much balanced discussion here.
There was better balance previously, but the last 4 years have quickly turned each topic into a version of OMB/Russia/Impeachment.

The inter-relation of most political/economic issues has meant a quick devolution into useless name calling.

The medium is the message.

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This is absolutely a reflection of young voters (18-30). If I was 18 and someone promised me free tuition, or forgiving my student loans, I would be all over it as well.

BTW, why does a 4 year bachelor degree now run upwards of $100,000?

America today is a society where promises of free everything is an easier road to take than that of personal responsibility and working for it. It's a profitable game plan for one party.
Challenge--- find the quote where Kamala called Joe a racist.

You’re right. She chided him for working with and supporting policies of two segregationists that opposed bussing. She even said that she didn’t believe he was racist. She didn’t flat out say it, but she implied it and used race to gain political points. There’s a difference to be sure. I stand corrected.
This is absolutely a reflection of young voters (18-30). If I was 18 and someone promised me free tuition, or forgiving my student loans, I would be all over it as well.

BTW, why does a 4 year bachelor degree now run upwards of $100,000?

America today is a society where promises of free everything is an easier road to take than that of personal responsibility and working for it. It's a profitable game plan for one party.

They’re basically promising to fix a problem of their own creation. The cost of student loans exploded when the government took over the student loan program. As a result, colleges and universities can charge what they want because the loans are fully guaranteed. The problem is further exacerbated by kids going $75-$100k in debt taking useless degree programs like Women’s Studies that there is literally no job market for, so they end up in some job like McDonalds and they can neither pay to live or pay their loans. So they end up on some form of government assistance to supplement their ****** income and along cones the democrat party promising to tax the rich to solve your troubles. What kid in a bad position wouldn’t vote to be bailed out at the expense of those evil rich people?
Well let’s hope nothing drastically changes. I want the dems to end their obsession with Trump now. Don’t want to hear another word about him. They better be ready to take heat from republicans now though..

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Going off Twitter for a while. I’m already off FB snd not watching news. I’m over all of this and all we can do is hope we don’t get more divided than we already are.
Its never going to be as bad as people say or as good as people say. All we can do it hope nothing crazy happens.
Its never going to be as bad as people say or as good as people say. All we can do it hope nothing crazy happens.

That's already been going on for 6 months. See Portland &Seattle for reference.

Things back to normal gridlock and I get to make fun of Biden for 4 years,if he makes it that long.
Well let’s hope nothing drastically changes. I want the dems to end their obsession with Trump now. Don’t want to hear another word about him. They better be ready to take heat from republicans now though..

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As long as they don't get the senate, not much is going to go on. Lots of new swamp donkeys put into high places, goofy executive orders, removing Trump's, going after healthcare, making your taxes pay for people killing their unborn children.

Any national mandates he tries to do will be met with a **** you. Same with the second amendment.
Did someone call Pennsylvania? I see that some networks have called Biden the winner with 273 votes. I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed that it was apparently beyond Trump's ability to behave a little more normally, in which case I think he would have won handily. Maybe something dramatic happens with recounts, fraud allegations, etc, but I believe that's doubtful.
Wild cheering reported in Philly.

The GA Senate runoffs will attract massive attention and money.

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Wild cheering reported in Philly.

The GA Senate runoffs will attract massive attention and money.

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The Republicans better get out the vote, because that's likely the only barrier to higher taxes.
Spike said:
Trump is toast

Jus like I perdicted!

Its never going to be as bad as people say or as good as people say. All we can do it hope nothing crazy happens.

I hope nothing bad happens. The good is just empty promises.
If the dems truly cared. Maybe those taxes I pour into would make cities more prosperous, booming local & big time businesses etc.

The current philosophical approach however rewards those if you cry/whine hard enough.
Scrape and get by on shortcomings. As a result homeless populations are on the rise.

Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, Albuquerque, New York, Atlanta etc
These metro cities have high homeless population camps, struggling local businesses. LA and NYC could afford