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Election Day 2020

It wasn't the white suburban women's vote that cost Trump. He didn't get those last time either. It was all the mail in ballot voters (mostly Democrats), who would not have gotten off their lazy ***** to go in to vote, that cost him this time. That's pretty clear.

I watched the exit polling, it goddamn well was white suburban women, in all the burbs of MI and GA and PA.

They showed huge graphics that showed how badly he slipped from 2016.

I don't give a goddam **** about Dems, they were ALL gonna vote against Trump, anyway, that was a given

And those ******* Allegheny County PA white suburban women were the worst

Shithole Pittsburgh put the axe to him, in the end, I bet the Rooney's will have a box seat reserved for old Joe for years to come
Believe what you want Spike. We all are aware you are a know-it-all. Please don't dislocate your shoulder patting yourself on the back. smh
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Trump is a polarizing figure no doubt, but to overlook the fact mail in voting gave the Dems a massive edge is simply ignorant.

Guess what? Republicans could also use mail in voting, but the fearless leader said not to. Trump should have pushed voting by any means necessary. Dems had a much better ground game in that regard
It wasn’t just the white suburban women. It was a lot of people. I think some fail to grasp how deep the loathing of Trump went.

We won FL, it was the ***** ******* from PA that couldn't keep their women in line that won it for K'mala and her potted plant, lol

PA will forever be remembered as the blue state that cost this election.

Thanks to them, there will be mandatory mask decrees for everyone out in public, with a $1000 fine for mask deniers, choke on that one, *******
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On another positive note, I'm relieved the pandemic is suddenly over:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The crowd outside the White House celebrating Joe Biden’s projected victory is blaring YMCA — the song President Trump closed out his latest rallies with. <a href="https://t.co/UkrsBq8l5M">pic.twitter.com/UkrsBq8l5M</a></p>— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) <a href="https://twitter.com/kaitlancollins/status/1325153181827911680?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 7, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Uncle Joe waved his magic rona wand over his TV and made them immune. It's amazing.
It wasn't the white suburban women's vote that cost Trump. He didn't get those last time either. It was all the mail in ballot voters (mostly Democrats), who would not have gotten off their lazy ***** to go in to vote, that cost him this time.

Or gee maybe it was our President who thought he could control how states ran their elections by tweeting his complaints and then telling his supporters not to vote by mail.
We won FL, it was the ***** ******* from PA that couldn't keep their women in line that won it for K'mala and her potted plant, lol

PA will forever be remembered as the blue state that cost this election.

Thanks to them, there will be mandatory mask decrees for everyone out in public, with a $1000 fine for mask deniers, choke on that one, *******

I feel really ashamed of my home state, but damn glad I'm in florida. We're not run by commies yet and if that happens. I'll become a Texan.
On another positive note, I'm relieved the pandemic is suddenly over:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The crowd outside the White House celebrating Joe Biden’s projected victory is blaring YMCA — the song President Trump closed out his latest rallies with. <a href="https://t.co/UkrsBq8l5M">pic.twitter.com/UkrsBq8l5M</a></p>— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) <a href="https://twitter.com/kaitlancollins/status/1325153181827911680?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 7, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Not a peep on social media about this "super spreader" event.
I feel really ashamed of my home state, but damn glad I'm in florida. We're not run by commies yet and if that happens. I'll become a Texan.

Texas will probably turn blue before Florida does.

Houston will be another Los Angeles in 10 years.
Wishing bad **** to happen just for spite. Makes good sense. smh

I think this form of rhetoric is to be expected.

What was one of the reasons Trump was elected? 30 years of watching Democrats, celebrities and the media sully and trash every Republican who ran for office, brutally. Finally Conservatives said - let's put a fighter in office. He was a backlash result.

When Harry Reid went nuclear, they suffered from the backlash of that poor decision.

Likewise, we have had to sit and watch all year riots, looting, burning. Innocents killed. Businesses and lives destroyed as a result of violence...all while Democratic leaders and the complicit media sat by and dare I say - supported it. It was only when polling numbers began to show the negativity of their actions that high-ranking Dems AND the media began to condemn it. Prior - most of the year....they supported it.

ONCE AGAIN there is going to be a call for Conservatives to take the high road and act better than their counterparts have and have been asked to do.

Yeah...there's going to come a day...and I don't know if it is now...when there is going to be a backlash and the Right will realize it has no recourse but to play by the same rules.

His tax cuts did not do **** other than increase corporate profits and the federal budget deficit.

Yeah, no. But ok. Believe that if you will.

Do you support Biden's plan to more heavily tax corporations and those making over $400K? Just curious.

Because I laugh EVERY DAMNED time I see people cheering this approach. Are people simply daft and dumb? I think the answer is yes.

How many people that make over $400K annually are employers? I don't know the answer but I'd say quite a bit.

Now look at corporations. Typically, they make products/services that we the consumers purchase. What happens when Joe raises taxes on corporations? It's simple economics. In order to be profitable, they will look to lower their operating costs. How? Now they will be encouraged to once again look at overseas manufacturing. Means job losses. What else will they do? The costs of goods we purchase will increase.

A one percentage point increase in the corporate tax rate leads to a 0.17 percent increase in retail product prices.

May wanna have a look at this article: https://www.investopedia.com/articl...s-high-corporate-tax-rates-hurt-americans.asp

In effect, when Joe says "I'm gonna raise taxes on the corporations so they pay their fair share" it means YOU will foot the bill. You, the consumer. Costs of goods will increase. YOU pay the tax. And we the people suffer from fewer jobs. The nation suffers as more taxable income is now taxed overseas.

It's a novel idea, and it sounds good to the idiots rioting in the streets, but none of them look beyond the statement that sounds utopian to them to realize...when these taxes are levied on corporations, you will ultimately pay the price.

Brilliant. Ya'll just elected a fool who will raise the corporate tax rate which in effect taxes us, the individuals. Yet people be believing "big bad evil corporations" will be paying more taxes, yipppee!! More for me!

Or gee maybe it was our President who thought he could control how states ran their elections by tweeting his complaints and then telling his supporters not to vote by mail.

I voted by mail in FL, super easy, online tracking of my ballot the whole way, you KNOW some people didnt want to stand in lines and just didnt vote.

Another idiot move, he should just have said wear a mask if you feel you need to, or vote by mail or anyway you can!

Not his hysterical screeching about dont use it!

His macho, retarded, Guido chest thumping about how HE wasnt concerned only pissed people off more. His rabid, fanatical inbreds flying their truck flags and boat parades only made him look more deranged. THEY turned people off more than helped.

He was too much a loudmouth for too many people, women especially.

Being a total abrasive ******* for the last month and making the whole election about HIM, was the worst, a tiny bit of empathy for his average voter would have helped.
Biden can’t raise taxes by himself.

Nope. But it's his intent and he's going to work to do so. Said so himself. Hundreds of clips of it out there.
I voted by mail in FL, super easy, online tracking of my ballot the whole way, you KNOW some people didnt want to stand in lines and just didnt vote.

Another idiot move, he should just have said wear a mask if you feel you need to, or vote by mail or anyway you can!

Not his hysterical screeching about dont use it!

His macho, retarded, Guido chest thumping about how HE wasnt concerned only pissed people off more. His rabid, fanatical inbreds flying their truck flags and boat parades only made him look more deranged. THEY turned people off more than helped.

He was too much a loudmouth for too many people, women especially.

Being a total abrasive ******* for the last month and making the whole election about HIM, was the worst, a tiny bit of empathy for his average voter would have helped.

Lol you certainly have a way with words.....
Believe what you want Spike. We all are aware you are a know-it-all. Please don't dislocate your shoulder patting yourself on the back. smh

I know more than these guys, lol

I think we are goin to witness a Trump victory larger than anyone has ever seen. He could lose 2 states. calif and new york

Trump in a landslide. On the interactive electoral map I have him with 327. .

I see Trump winning with around 290 EVs. If enough turn out he might squeak out 306.


oh, and her

I believe Biden will win MI, WI and PA on the strength of the elderly and women, winning him the election.
I feel really ashamed of my home state, but damn glad I'm in florida. We're not run by commies yet and if that happens. I'll become a Texan.

YOU Did It Pennsylvania , yep blue forever probably


maybe one less tweet how the BLM crowd and Nazi skinhead racists had "good people on both sides", would have helped
YOU Did It Pennsylvania , yep blue forever probably


maybe one less tweet how the BLM crowd and Nazi skinhead racists had "good people on both sides", would have helped

It's really not blue they represent, it's more communist red they align with. I don't even see classic liberals with a voice in that party.
I watched the exit polling, it goddamn well was white suburban women, in all the burbs of MI and GA and PA.

They showed huge graphics that showed how badly he slipped from 2016.

I don't give a goddam **** about Dems, they were ALL gonna vote against Trump, anyway, that was a given

And those ******* Allegheny County PA white suburban women were the worst

Shithole Pittsburgh put the axe to him, in the end, I bet the Rooney's will have a box seat reserved for old Joe for years to come

I don't know about the Rooney's but I know Kamala has a special box reserved for Joe as soon as she can run twice after taking over. A nice pine box.
We won FL, it was the ***** ******* from PA that couldn't keep their women in line that won it for K'mala and her potted plant, lol

PA will forever be remembered as the blue state that cost this election.

Thanks to them, there will be mandatory mask decrees for everyone out in public, with a $1000 fine for mask deniers, choke on that one, *******

We won Ohio too damn it, Bigger than you **** heads in Florida did. If the schmucks here can get their **** together what the hell is going on back in my home state. We held up our end of the ******* bargain.

Georgia and AZ also screwed the proverbial pooch.