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Election Day 2020

I voted for Trump you dumbass, but I knew his stupidity would turn all the white suburban women away, and it did.

You and your ignorant hick buddies can go take a boatride. YOU are the reason his dumbshit *** kept tweeting...

" muh freedoms! "

Maybe it's the suburban women who are stupid, and have been for a long time.

15 years ago they would have been shrieking about sending their sons to die for oil. Trump brings the troops home and achieves energy independence, and the emotional femtwats can't see past their nose.

All will be rolled back because of the Oprah crowd. Good luck to them, they're gonna need it.
Mandatory mask
Wonder how much my taxes go into Pedro’s WIC card?
I also wonder if my bi-polar neighbor who likes to resort to violence with us will have a mental health excuse for trying to fight an 8 year old boy?

Welcome to the USCCP comrades
Yeah, no. But ok. Believe that if you will.

Do you support Biden's plan to more heavily tax corporations and those making over $400K? Just curious.

Because I laugh EVERY DAMNED time I see people cheering this approach. Are people simply daft and dumb? I think the answer is yes.

How many people that make over $400K annually are employers? I don't know the answer but I'd say quite a bit.

Now look at corporations. Typically, they make products/services that we the consumers purchase. What happens when Joe raises taxes on corporations? It's simple economics. In order to be profitable, they will look to lower their operating costs. How? Now they will be encouraged to once again look at overseas manufacturing. Means job losses. What else will they do? The costs of goods we purchase will increase.

A one percentage point increase in the corporate tax rate leads to a 0.17 percent increase in retail product prices.

May wanna have a look at this article: https://www.investopedia.com/articl...s-high-corporate-tax-rates-hurt-americans.asp

In effect, when Joe says "I'm gonna raise taxes on the corporations so they pay their fair share" it means YOU will foot the bill. You, the consumer. Costs of goods will increase. YOU pay the tax. And we the people suffer from fewer jobs. The nation suffers as more taxable income is now taxed overseas.

It's a novel idea, and it sounds good to the idiots rioting in the streets, but none of them look beyond the statement that sounds utopian to them to realize...when these taxes are levied on corporations, you will ultimately pay the price.

Brilliant. Ya'll just elected a fool who will raise the corporate tax rate which in effect taxes us, the individuals. Yet people be believing "big bad evil corporations" will be paying more taxes, yipppee!! More for me!


First of all, prior to Trump's tax cuts, corporations already received a ton of tax breaks in terms of deductions and subsidies that makes what they actually paid much lower than the official nominal rate. The deductions and subsidies are based off the nominal rate, so Trump is saving them even more money, which will not benefit the average worker or consumer one bit

Trickle down economics does not ******* work, man. We've been doing it for forty years, and the results have been disastrous.

It sounds legit in theory, but it does not account for the insatiable greed of corporations that use the extra capital to invest in cheap oversees production and pay out dividends to shareholders.

You say the higher taxes will be passed on to consumers? Prices can rise only as much as consumers are able to pay. We've been in an overall deflationary environment since at least the early 2000s, which is why interest rates have been so low for the past 20 years.

As I said earlier, our whole economy revolves around inflating corporate profits and stock prices.

God forbid corporations and their shareholders contribute more to the social programs for the people they profit off of.

If you really want to save business money in a way that will benefit everyone, dramatically lower healthcare cost with a single payer, universal healthcare system
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We won Ohio too damn it, Bigger than you **** heads in Florida did. If the schmucks here can get their **** together what the hell is going on back in my home state. We held up our end of the ******* bargain.

Georgia and AZ also screwed the proverbial pooch.

You know why he lost Arizona, he **** all over their native son the dead POW war hero McCain, a classic dotard move that he had no reason doing. What a ******* ignorant moran.
He was too much a loudmouth for too many people, women especially.

Being a total abrasive ******* for the last month and making the whole election about HIM, was the worst, a tiny bit of empathy for his average voter would have helped.

A loudmouth, look-at-me braggart and abrasive *******? Boy, this sounds eerily familiar to someone just now posting out of the blue.

Difference with Trump, at least he's consistent. You're just a johnny-come-lately nobody really gives a **** about.
Yea, and he would have won it by that margin if it weren't stolen. Also at least I had the guts to stay and argue my point instead of going AWOL and only showing up because you think Biden won. Classic cowardly move.

Oh STFU, you clowns drove everybody off this board that didnt agree with your narrow tiny pinprick views of the world.

The same lame regurgitated blather page after page, boring as ****

No wonder this place is dead.

I hope Tibs comes around soon, he was one of the good guys,
You know why he lost Arizona, he **** all over their native son the dead POW war hero McCain, a classic dotard move that he had no reason doing. What a ******* ignorant moran.

Funny, I heard it was because of all those morons fleeing Commiefornia.
Oh STFU, you clowns drove everybody off this board that didnt agree with your narrow tiny pinprick views of the world.

The same lame regurgitated blather page after page, boring as ****

No wonder this place is dead.

I hope Tibs comes around soon, he was one of the good guys,


Yea, and he would have won it by that margin if it weren't stolen. Also at least I had the guts to stay and argue my point instead of going AWOL and only showing up because you think Biden won. Classic cowardly move.

He's quite literally no better than Tibs at this point.

First of all, prior to Trump's tax cuts, corporations already received a ton of tax breaks in terms of deductions and subsidies that makes what they actually paid much lower than the official nominal rate. The deductions and subsidies are based off the nominal rate, so Trump is saving them even more money, which will not benefit the average worker or consumer one bit

Trickle down economics does not ******* work, man. We've been doing it for forty years, and the results have been disastrous.

It sounds legit in theory, but it does not account for the insatiable greed of corporations that use the extra capital to invest in cheap oversees production and pay out dividends to shareholders.

You say the higher taxes will be passed on to consumers? Prices can rise only as much as consumers are able to pay. We've been in an overall deflationary environment since at least the early 2000s, which is why interest rates have been so for the past 20 years.

As I said earlier, our whole economy revolves inflating corporate profits and stock prices.

God forbid corporations and their shareholders contribute more to the social programs for the people they profit off of.

If you really want to save business money in a way that will benefit everyone, dramatically lower healthcare cost with a single payer, universal healthcare system

You can blather all you want man. We have history and data that shows what happens. Do you think companies took manufacturing overseas due to philanthropic reasons? They, like millionaires and billionaires, sought tax havens. And lower labor rates. Plain and simple.

Facts like these - "a one percentage point increase in the corporate tax rate leads to a 0.17 percent increase in retail product prices" - are not hyperbole. They are studied and proven. When corporate tax rates increase, product prices increase. Those are simple facts.

"Higher marginal tax rates on U.S. corporations discourage them from earning profits domestically. This, in turn, sends jobs and taxable income overseas. Higher rates give businesses an incentive to spend rather than save and invest for the future, even when the latter may be the more prudent choice. They also waste corporate resources that could be better spent on developing new products and services."

"We study the impact of corporate taxes on barcode-level product prices using linked survey and administrative data. Our empirical strategy exploits the dichotomy between the location of production and the location of sales, providing estimates free from confounding demand shocks. We find significant effects of corporate taxes on prices with a net-of-tax elasticity of 0.17. The effects are larger for lower-price items and products purchased by low-income households and weaker for high-leverage firms. Approximately 31% of corporate tax incidence falls on consumers, suggesting that models used by policymakers significantly underestimate the incidence of corporate taxes on consumers."

"We study the impact of corporate taxes on barcode-level product prices, using linked survey and administrative data. Our empirical strategy exploits the dichotomy between the location of production and the location of sales, providing estimates free from the endogeneity of state tax changes as well as confounding demand shocks. We find significant effects of corporate taxes on prices with an elasticity of 0.27. The effects are largest for lower-price items and products purchased by low-income households. Approximately 41% of corporate tax incidence falls on consumers, suggesting that models used by policymakers significantly underestimate the incidence of corporate taxes on consumers." - Northwestern University

Yeah, but no. To argue that raising corporate taxes doesn't affect we the consumers is pure nonsense.

And by the way, when our corporate tax rate was at 35%, by most counts, it was the most punitive in the world.

"Prior to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the United States’ high statutory corporate tax rate stood out among rates worldwide. Among countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the U.S. combined corporate income tax rate was the highest. Now, post-tax reform, the rate is close to average."

Trump's tax cut took us to 21%, which is AVERAGE.
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He's quite literally no better than Tibs at this point.

Worse...At least with Tibs you knew where he stood. Spike is all over the place just to be an antagonist.
They'll just blame Trump. Remember how Bush was blamed for everything during the entirety of Obama's term?

Lol........no skin in the game,just an interested observer. I have learned a lot about US politics,elections reading all these pages. Don’t really comment in here ‘ caus it’s not my election. But I had to chuckle at a few comments. I seem to remember Obama being blamed for everything during ex President Trumps term.....lol. Also,when does the infamous cry of “ You lost,get over it” that many of you use come into play here?
A loudmouth, look-at-me braggart and abrasive *******? Boy, this sounds eerily familiar to someone just now posting out of the blue.

Difference with Trump, at least he's consistent. You're just a johnny-come-lately nobody really gives a **** about.

Hes a moron, a ******* retard who tried to tie Ted Cruz's dad to the JFK conspiracy!!!I

And you ate it up Lolololol

Are your knees still bleeding from crawling over broken glass to worship him at his altar of stupidity? I bet you have a UV light sticking out your *** and u wave it like a little doggy when he lets you lick his nutsack clean...

Oh U are one to talk, LOL
He's quite literally no better than Tibs at this point.

You can blather all you want man. We have history and data that shows what happens. Do you think companies took manufacturing overseas due to philanthropic reasons? They, like millionaires and billionaires, sought tax havens. And lower labor rates. Plain and simple.

Facts like these - "a one percentage point increase in the corporate tax rate leads to a 0.17 percent increase in retail product prices" - are not hyperbole. They are studied and proven. When corporate tax rates increase, product prices increase. Those are simple facts.

"Higher marginal tax rates on U.S. corporations discourage them from earning profits domestically. This, in turn, sends jobs and taxable income overseas. Higher rates give businesses an incentive to spend rather than save and invest for the future, even when the latter may be the more prudent choice. They also waste corporate resources that could be better spent on developing new products and services."

"We study the impact of corporate taxes on barcode-level product prices using linked survey and administrative data. Our empirical strategy exploits the dichotomy between the location of production and the location of sales, providing estimates free from confounding demand shocks. We find significant effects of corporate taxes on prices with a net-of-tax elasticity of 0.17. The effects are larger for lower-price items and products purchased by low-income households and weaker for high-leverage firms. Approximately 31% of corporate tax incidence falls on consumers, suggesting that models used by policymakers significantly underestimate the incidence of corporate taxes on consumers."

"We study the impact of corporate taxes on barcode-level product prices, using linked survey and administrative data. Our empirical strategy exploits the dichotomy between the location of production and the location of sales, providing estimates free from the endogeneity of state tax changes as well as confounding demand shocks. We find significant effects of corporate taxes on prices with an elasticity of 0.27. The effects are largest for lower-price items and products purchased by low-income households. Approximately 41% of corporate tax incidence falls on consumers, suggesting that models used by policymakers significantly underestimate the incidence of corporate taxes on consumers." - Northwestern University

Yeah, but no. To argue that raising corporate taxes doesn't affect we the consumers is pure nonsense.

And by the way, when our corporate tax rate was at 35%, by most counts, it was the most punitive in the world.

"Prior to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the United States’ high statutory corporate tax rate stood out among rates worldwide. Among countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the U.S. combined corporate income tax rate was the highest. Now, post-tax reform, the rate is close to average."

Trump's tax cut took us to 21%, which is AVERAGE.

The effective rate for the average corporation was much lower than 35%, just like it it is currently nowhere near 21%.

Keep drinking the kool-aid of that trickle down.

As I said, we've been doing it for decades now and the results are plain to see.
Challenge--- find the quote where Kamala called Joe a racist.

We watched the debate. She said I don’t think your a racist , but then went on to say you worked with all of the racist segregationists. So basically yeah she called him a racist without saying he was racist.
The effective rate for the average corporation was much lower than 35%, just like it it is currently nowhere near 21%.

Keep drinking the kool-aid of that trickle down.

As I said, we've been doing it for decades now and the results are plain to see.

I'm giving you factual studies that have been done that show the correlation between rises in corporate tax rates and increases in consumer goods prices. As much as you want to "la la la" and pretend that correlation doesn't exist, well...facts and studies prove otherwise.

Oh STFU, you clowns drove everybody off this board that didnt agree with your narrow tiny pinprick views of the world.

The same lame regurgitated blather page after page, boring as ****

No wonder this place is dead.

I hope Tibs comes around soon, he was one of the good guys,

Go **** yourself you egotistical self righteous pompous ***. If Trump had won you wouldn't have showed you face here because you are a yellow bellied coward.
We've had a solid 4 years of coup attempts. Real deep serious hatred.

That's what blows me away about the people saying "Oh, there may have been some election vote irregularities, but nothing that could actually have an impact", like they haven't witnessed the last 4 years of them doing everything they possibly could to destroy this guy.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"Perception of legitimacy is more important than legitimacy itself."<br><br>"One candidate will win because of computer error."<br><br>(Man of the Year, 2006) <a href="https://t.co/a1KMfY3K2y">pic.twitter.com/a1KMfY3K2y</a></p>— Woj Pawelczyk (@Woj_Pawelczyk) <a href="https://twitter.com/Woj_Pawelczyk/status/1325194204021190656?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 7, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Life imitates art (if you want to call this art).
Good a place as any to put this:

Posting this so it will show back up as a future memory:
Today is 3 days after the 2020 election.
Gasoline is currently $1.99 - $2.09 per gallon.
Gallon of milk is .99 at Aldi.
Interest rates are 2.65 percent for a 30 year mortgage.
The stock market closed day after election at 27,848, even though we have been fighting the COVID for 9 months.
Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33 percent. We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well.
We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years. North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles. Isis has not been heard from for over 3 years.
The housing market is the strongest seen in many years. Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell within hours of going on the market, with multiple offers.

I copied and pasted this from a friend.
Good a place as any to put this:

Posting this so it will show back up as a future memory:
Today is 3 days after the 2020 election.
Gasoline is currently $1.99 - $2.09 per gallon.
Gallon of milk is .99 at Aldi.
Interest rates are 2.65 percent for a 30 year mortgage.
The stock market closed day after election at 27,848, even though we have been fighting the COVID for 9 months.
Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33 percent. We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well.
We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years. North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles. Isis has not been heard from for over 3 years.
The housing market is the strongest seen in many years. Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell within hours of going on the market, with multiple offers.

I copied and pasted this from a friend.

Doesn't matter. When it all goes to ****, they'll just blame Trump.
Good a place as any to put this:

Posting this so it will show back up as a future memory:
Today is 3 days after the 2020 election.
Gasoline is currently $1.99 - $2.09 per gallon.
Gallon of milk is .99 at Aldi.
Interest rates are 2.65 percent for a 30 year mortgage.
The stock market closed day after election at 27,848, even though we have been fighting the COVID for 9 months.
Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33 percent. We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well.
We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years. North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles. Isis has not been heard from for over 3 years.
The housing market is the strongest seen in many years. Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell within hours of going on the market, with multiple offers.

I copied and pasted this from a friend.

Rocket man will be firing off missiles within a year. Can you imagine Biden sitting down with any leader, especially one that really hates everything about this country.