Can anyone tell me where RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA interference is now?
Asking for a friend.
Asking for a friend.
Can anyone tell me where RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA interference is now?
Asking for a friend.
Honest and forth coming yikes...... How can you honestly believe that? Just look at the Woodward interviews as one example of many. Sure he will tweet out whatever is on his mind, but half the time it is done half baked conspiracy theory. He lied about releasing his tax returns, he lied about his whole affairs, he lied about the virus, the list just goes on and on.
I'm not much into the bitter sour grapes thing...but I know people who haven't been able to go near their grandparents for months so to wake up this morning to see the media fawning over a photo of Joe's grandchildren all hugging him maskless kind of infuriates me.
My wife's mom is in a home. She has been all year. Moving her there was hard enough. Then came the lock down and she became utterly isolated. She's been suffering dementia. The isolation has made it much worse and accelerated her symptoms. My wife flew to MI to see her earlier this year. Got to wave to her through glass. ******* glass. My wife's father was able to go see her only 2 times a week. For an hour each. Now they are locked down again and he's not able to at all.
I don't have any doubt that there are people inside the federal bureaucracy who are capable of anything. What you're talking about is a nationwide conspiracy involving numerous state election boards and commissions and poll workers, which all include Republicans and Democrats. Would it shock me if some Philadelphia poll workers pulled some ****? Of course not. Is it plausible that there could be a concerted effort in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Georgia to throw the election to Joe Biden that would be virtually undetectable to all of the Republicans participating in running elections there? Much less so.
And when the restrictions get even more severe under Biden, they won’t even think twice about it. Just mask up and stay home. No questions asked.
How? Hammer and Scorecard.
Yeah, I know, everyone is running around saying this is conspiracy ****. Do your own research. And look at WHO is talking about it. Lt. Gen. McInerney, Sidney Powell. The Whistleblower Tapes released in 2015 speak to these programs being used in 2015 in Florida.
What it is:
Here is Lt. Gen. McInerney talking about it in a radio interview:
Here is Sidney Powell speaking about it:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
These people speaking about it aren't idiots. And you can go look up who Dennis Montgomery is. Front page results. He wrote the Hammer program, has called it out and provided a ton of evidence.
I'm not saying it's true. But if you look into this...seems real and sure explains a lot.
And don't forget what Dementia Joe himself said....
We’ve Put Together ‘The Most Extensive And Inclusive Voter Fraud Organization In The History Of American Politics
You keep asking "How could this be coordinated across the nation? Unpossible."
Not really and not really that hard to do with technology. Watch the Sidney interview.
It’s incredibly childish of the president to make the claims he has. Had he said “We are investigating every allegation of impropriety and will ensure this election is fair and accurate” I’m right there with him. “I won the election. By a lot!” without proof is something a third world dictator would do.
He's never been a man of eloquent speech. I speak for a living. I screamed at the TV during the debates. I for a fact know I could have handled the debate better than he did by being calm, factual in my responses, and using serious rebuttal - not emotions and name calling. Many of us could have. I'm not saying that arrogantly. Him making these claims "the way he did" was like so much of his speech - ill-advised.
It's 3rd world to allow Democrats to observe polling while kicking out Republicans
It's 3rd world to allow door-to-door "ballot correcting" AFTER the election
It's 3rd world to allow Ilhan Omar's henchmen to conduct ballot harvesting
It's 3rd world to have "software glitches" that magically transpose votes from one candidate to the other
It's 3rd world to call state elections for one candidate and not the other when margins are similar
It's 3rd world to allow vote counting (this is my opinion) for days after the election
It's 3rd world to change, in one year, the voting rules that have been in place for decades with little to no oversight
It's 3rd world to allow the PA Supreme Court to change the law in PA, violating the US Constitution in the process
from Paul Zeise:
“We spent four years throwing a temper tantrum, calling everyone who disagreed with us racist, sexist, homophobic, bigot of some sort, compared them to Hitler, rioted, looted and burned down cities, attacked and tried to cancel anyone who had a different view than us and did everything in our power to undermine the system. But hey, now that the guy we wanted won the election, well, now let’s forget all that and it is time to put all the bitterness and hateful rhetoric behind us and let’s all unite!! Koombayah my lord, Koombayah!!” — American politics in 2020.
Which one of those classless ***** are you Spike?
which one of those whiny loser ******* are YOU?
He disrespected the office of POTUS.
He lied profusely.
He denigrated many.
He can rot in a cell now. In the meantime he cowers in The House. And his base comes off petty and salty AF. Remember that BS you threw at the other side in 2016, well that pendulum swings your way now.
He's OUT!
Fighting the Good Fight for his loyal cult followers, who worship the very ground he walks on!
oh wait...
Trump escapes to the golf course again after tweeting that the election was 'stolen'
This isn't just a matter of poor choice of words. He's the president of the United States for God's sake! We can't just defend everything he says and does with "Oh I don't really like it but that's just the way he is." He has a duty, a responsibility, NOT TO BE THAT WAY. Especially in certain circumstances like when lives are at stake from a deadly virus or when the integrity of our entire democratic system is at stake.
You're lumping a lot of different things together, some of which are legitimate ways that individual states have chosen to run their elections, some of which (early calling) may be annoying practices but don't affect the outcome, other things that are certainly improper and if proven true should definitely be corrected, as I have said repeatedly. I have doubts that it's widespread enough to change the outcome, and it certainly isn't justification for the president's behavior.
As far as your opinion that votes should never be counted after election day, that is nothing new in many places for absentee ballots (including many of our overseas military), some states use postmark date as the deadline, some use arrival dates, neither is necessarily wrong but if those are the rules the state set in place before the election you don't get to change them afterwards just because you don't like the results.