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Election Day 2020

What i see as the main vulnerability of mail in voting is the highly inconsistent maintainence of the voter roles. Garbage in, garbage out. There's a whole lot of garbage in the results.
‘World knows Trump won #MAGA’ banner flown over Goodison Park ahead of Everton v Manchester match


A plane carrying the message "World knows Trump won #MAGA" was spotted flying over Goodison Park ahead of the Premier League match between Everton and Manchester United.

The banner grabbed the attention of club staff and journalists inside the 39,000-capacity stadium before the Saturday lunch-time kick-off.
Those bread crumbs sure are looking a'plenty.
Sidney Powell claims there are 450,000 ballots that voted only for Biden, left the rest blank

"They have done it in every way imaginable, from having dead people vote in massive numbers, to absolutely fraudulently creating ballots that exist only voting for Biden," Powell told Fox's Maria Bartiromo. We've identified identified at least 450,000 ballots in the key states that miraculously only have a mark for Joe Biden and no other candidate."

Wow, potentially huge.
He disrespected the office of POTUS.
He lied profusely.
He denigrated many.

He can rot in a cell now. In the meantime he cowars in The House. And his base comes off petty and salty AF. Remember that BS you threw at the other side in 2016, well that pendulum swings your way now.

Dem voters whined like little ******* when Killary lost or did you forget that already? They weren't boarding up major cities due to Trump supporters Sparky, that was done so the criminals voting for Biden didn't loot and burn like they always do.

By 2022 Republicans will control both houses, 2024 they take back the White house and the creepy old **** will be dead.
Or here...

‘Like Flipping A Coin And Getting Heads 100 Times’: Stats Boffs Scrutinize Biden ‘Victory’ Numbers


Two reports, providing over 10 pages of statistical analysis of raw Pennsylvania voter data, appear to signal election irregularities – virtually all boosting Biden’s vote count in the critical state.

In Philadelphia, for example, the likelihood of the city’s voting outcome is as likely as someone flipping a coin 100 times and landing on heads every time.

At the time of publishing, Pennsylvania stands at 6,749,175 votes cast – unclear how many were cast legally vs. illegally – and 98% reporting. The state and its 20 electoral college votes remain critical to President Trump’s chances to rightfully clinch the presidency.


For example, Biden, who bizarrely beat Barack Obama’s popular vote record, received several tens of thousands of more votes than registered Democrats in the following counties.

In some cases, the increase in support for Biden surpasses 65,000 votes:


“The votes for Biden are unusually high for ten counties, reporting an excess of ~244,000 votes in excess of expectation. These deviations are legitimate reasons to insist on closely monitored recounts,” the report notes.

The other report reaches similar conclusions, specifically concerning the counties Montgomery, Chester, Cumberland, and Pike.



Per data provided by the state of Pennsylvania, an exorbitant number of individuals cast ballots, only voting for the president. Analysis reveals this phenomenon occurred exponentially more with Biden voters.

“Another way to track down fraudulent votes is to look closely at how many of the votes did little or no down-ticket voting. When manufacturing votes, it is too time consuming to vote for other office holders,” the report notes.

For example, the number was more than double in Arizona and, at maximum, more than triple in Michigan.

In Pennsylvania, it was slightly less than half.


The piece also posits that Pennsylvania’s violation of a “standard voter fraud” identification method – Benford’s Law – “flags Allegheny County as suspect.”

In contrast, “he shape of the voter count first digits follows Benford’s Law rather closely for Trump.”

The critical swing state remains imperative for President Trump’s chances to secure the presidency, and per data, history, and a host of technical “glitches,” it seems Pennsylvania was not immune from Democrats’ attempt to steal the election.

Both reports urge recounts and close monitoring of the votes in the state:

Hell, we knew 20 years ago if you flip a coin in Detroit in overtime you're screwed. Heads every time no matter what Jerome says on the mic.

Think about how far we've come, Tim? In the past with things like 911 the feeling of WTF Just Happened was so overwhelming that it took years for many to even start to question the media narrative of what happened. Now? It's easy to tell they're lying as you just have to watch lips moving. We even now know that Faux News is not to be trusted ever again.
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Hell, we knew 20 years ago if you flip a coin in Detroit in overtime you're screwed. Heads every time no matter what Jerome says on the mic.

Think about how far we've come, Tim? In the past with things like 911 the feeling of WTF Just Happened was so overwhelming that it took years for many to even start to question the media narrative of what happened. Now? It's easy to tell they're lying as you just have to watch lips moving. We even now know that Faux News is not to be trusted ever again.

I've never trusted Fox News. Lots of different, opposing viewpoints but fake all the same.
Good synopsis.....


Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

Oh, baby, if you are a fan, as I am, of not only reading the articles but also the comments posted by readers after the articles, you will know that there is a whole lot of anger, bitterness, rage, hatred and outrage out there on both sides. Republicans are vacillating between a sense of betrayal by their fellow citizens who they see as being willing to accept fraud in order to replace Trump and either a sense of helplessness or calls for a civil war. Democrats, it seems, feel released from their obligation to feign civility and are openly repeating hateful memes we have been hearing only from the radical left. Trump called Nazis “fine people”, Trump is a Nazi, racist, homophobe, yada yada yada. You know the drill. Only now, it is being directed at him for suggesting that there were problems with the vote and he will not yet concede the election. Their new favorite phrase is “sour grapes” aimed at Trump, his administration and the 71 million people who voted for him.

Look, we know that 54% of those who filled in their ballot for Biden were not FOR Biden but AGAINST Trump. That leaves about a quarter of all voters who actually supported Biden. So, should all the court challenges to the election fail, should all the electors remain faithful electors and cast their electoral ballot for the person who won the election in their state, Biden will be president. But he will not start out, as the delusional Nancy Pelosi says, with a mandate. In fact, he will begin with 71 million people vehemently antagonistic to him and his policies and another 35 million who have been so filled with hate for Trump that they may not even be aware of Biden’s policies at all. That being the case, some of the first actions that Biden must take will be to gain the support of those 35 million anti-Trumpers by undoing much of what is clearly associated with Trump. Of course, this will make the Trump supporters howl. And it will bring great joy to the actual 25% who are Biden supporters. But, if you believe that what Trump has done has been good for America and Americans, then undoing some of it will give the anti-Trump 25% their first look at the consequences of their vote. And some of them will definitely not like the effect it will have on their lives.

I have called this election a hate election. Those who voted against Trump didn’t merely dislike him. There was some serious hate out there toward the man. You don’t put a sitting president through what Trump has been put through these last 4 years simply because you don’t like the man. Almost all the attacks on the man were personal and not policy attacks. The accusation that he was a Russian agent, a man who hired prostitutes to pee on a bed Obama had slept in, a Nazi, a racist, an anti-Semite, a man who bribed other countries for personal gain, etc. Any attacks on policy were also served up on the basis of personal attacks. His ban on entry into the country of people from 7 countries named by Obama was characterized as anti-Muslim. His desire to control our borders from a flood of illegal entries was called hateful of Mexicans. When people flooded into the country by train from Central and South American countries the charge was expanded to anti-Hispanic. When he moved to enforce laws put in place by Obama, he was said to be putting people in cages, all allegedly proven by photos of children in cages which turned out to be photos taken during Obama’s term in office. He was said to be a man who lacked compassion because he didn’t wear his mask enough and who was called responsible for the deaths of 230 thousand people. Rarely were the debates about policy, they were about Trump. So, the hate for the man, ginned up by the Democrats and their media allies' has been palpable for 4 years. It was a hate election.

But down ballot voting illustrates that it was a hate Trump election, not a hate his policies election. The Democrats will probably gain one, maybe two seats in the Senate where they spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to gain control of that body. They will probably not get it since Perdue only missed the 50% cut off for a run off by .16%. (By the way, that was pretty suspicious for a number of reasons that will be left for another time.) Kelly Loeffler, on the other hand, will likely collect all the votes won by Doug Collins and win her seat handily. Finally, I find it difficult that Georgians, knowing that the Senate is on the line and the only thing standing in the way of a fully Progressive agenda, and without the Trump hatred factor will vote for Democrat Senators. And Republicans, knowing the kinds of shenanigans that went on in the General Election damn well ought to be on the lookout for all the things that happened around the country.

Down ballot, Republicans, who were supposed to lose seats in the House, have gained seats, perhaps 10 or more when it’s all said and done. In spite of some states voting against Trump, the Republicans maintained control of their governorships and may have gained control of three state legislatures .

So, all of this again suggests this was an election based upon hatred of Trump and his personal ‘unpresidential’ style. (A friend of mine has taken to asking people who talk about Trump’s style: “What did he ever do to you?” The question gets to the nub of the matter. Why do you care about his style?) People voted against Trump because they hated him. And hate is a voracious beast. That beast needs to continually feed on more and more hate. You see it today as the people in the streets are screaming hateful things not only at Trump but at his supporters. And THIS is after they believe they have won and Trump will no longer be president. The beast must be fed. And the media and Democrats have created this beast which, I believe, they will soon learn they cannot control. The beast is voracious and it is not beyond destroying even those who gave birth to it. It is not beyond eating itself.

So, we, as Republicans must not feed the beast. Allow the system to work. Participate in the system in any way you can. Become an activist. But do it out of love for the nation and not out of hate for a person or party. Hate does not have to be nor should it be our motivation but love does not mean rolling over and accepting the hate. It means fighting FOR our beliefs and not against someone else’s. It means not wanting to destroy what wants to destroy you but simply preventing it from doing so. Because this beast is only beginning its destruction and, if I am correct, it will be revealed for the beast it is. Before anything else, the beast must destroy opposition to it from within its own party. I am not convinced that even one quarter of Democrats will support the Progressive agenda that is being promoted by Schumer, Pelosi, Ocasio-Cortez and her ilk, and potential VP Harris. The beast must first win its battles with Democrat Americans who still love this country and understand its foundations. They do not believe that our country was founded in 1619 on the basis of racism and slavery. They do not believe we should defund the police, tear down our borders, eliminate ICE, riot in the streets whenever police shoot a person of color, or all wear masks and shut down our livelihoods in an all or none fashion as commanded by a federal, state or local government. People value their individual freedom and many of the younger people who voted for Biden have never been nor can they imagine a world wherein their personal freedoms are abridged by a government intent on imposing uniformity on its citizenry. Hopefully, they still believe in equality of opportunity and not the equity of outcome recently promoted by Kamala Harris. In short, the beast must bring those people into line or destroy and expel them. This will be one of the first fights Biden and his beast will have. In actuality, Biden may be the very first of the beast's victims.

So, what I am suggesting, perhaps in not so eloquent fashion is that it is not the end of the world if Biden winds up taking the oath of office. It will mean that the beast is revealed. And what is plainly known can be resisted. His election does not change our beliefs. It does not change the nature of people to want to preserve their freedoms or love their nation. In the end, there will be an accounting for those who voted out of hatred for one man without concern for the nation itself. If we simply stand firm in our beliefs and continue to fight for what is right and just, the love of freedom and liberty for all will defeat hate. But we must remain cool, calm and determined in the face of defeat. We must not allow our hatred to fill the beast or it will destroy us all. Victory will be ours and our revenge will be sweet. Be patient. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Read this comment today in the cheap seats at American Thinker -- perfect for football forum and nails it:

"To put this in a football analogy, the Democrats have just made a long pass, they know the catch wasn't good, and we know the catch wasn't good. Now they are in a hurry up offense hoping to get in another play before we can throw in the challenge flag."
I've never trusted Fox News. Lots of different, opposing viewpoints but fake all the same.

Yep, they were in goose step with the other networks during 911 and questioned nothing the Deep State told us caves and box cutters and all.
See, I can see the argument on the other side that says let the Democrats have the cities, then use their fuckups and mismanagement to win the suburbs.

Trump didn't lose this election because of the Cities. Trump lost because of the women vote. Plain and simple, women can't really stand the guy. And he didn't help his cause at all over the last 4 years on that. He made great strides with black men, hispanics. He failed to get a winning message to women and that is why he lost in the end.

I just don't see that kind of women voting "against" someone in the future. In fact, I doubt we hit these types of total votes in a long time. Trump is what caused the turnout. Either for or against him. Without Trump, the totals go down. But that doesn't mean the people aren't there that SUPPORT the message.

Again, it was easy for Abrams to get people registered because they framed the whole last 4 years as a "War Against Trump". Fine... they won in the end. But Trump got tax reform passed. Trump got three new Supreme Court justices. He got a ton of other judges in key spots. Trump changed the Republican platform just the slightest bit - I think for the better.

Losing this battle doesn't undue what Trump accomplished. Not all of it for sure.

This is how politics goes. Back and forth. Back and forth. Just be ready to catch your fish when the tide rolls your way. I think Trump did that.

We just have to be ready when the tide rolls back to the (R) side. Personally, I look at this election and I don't think there was much of a blue wave at all. The tide is BARELY on their side. If anything triggers the pendulum to start going back to the right, we have a good chance of making some hay again.

This is a losing strategy......waiting for the tide to turn after dem policies fail. How is that working out around the country? Reps keeping their outreach in rural/suburban areas and conceding urban areas will keep them losing more and more ground. If you don't show interest in communities, show a presence, and talk to the people......see what the issues are within these areas and what is truly needed, why should they ever vote for that party. You have to be there to get the votes, and reps aren't doing this as good as dems are. Hell, I see rural areas in NC that I never thought would turn start to do just that because one side reaches out and the other side just sits back and says.......just watch, it will fail and they will come back this way.

You concede areas and progressivism will win that fight as you aren't giving viable alternatives, and certainly not acting like the party gives a **** and just wants to continue the status quo of being looked at as the stale party that only cares about corporate America and is rayciss!!!

Oh, and it wasn't just white women that swung over.........white men did as well. Another thing I think is getting overlooked, for all the votes that went to Biden that were more against Trump than for Biden............that went the other way as well. Trump's high vote count wasn't all enthusiastic Trump supporters, it was more than likely reflective of how the Biden votes went.......voting against Biden more than voting for Trump.
Trump won record votes from Blacks and hispanics. It shows that you can reach them if you actually try. Simply explain that Dem policies are actually bad for them and exploitative and the Rep policies of self reliance are much better.

Dems should be **** scared that Trump may have transformed the Rep to the party of the average working person. That is of course if the Rep party leadership is smart enough to stay the outreach course Trump has set and not give power back to the loser elitists who are happy to play the Generals to the Dems Globetrotters.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Re: Georgia, which we just began to touch now, there are 132k CoA flags in Fulton County, alone.<br><br>Just so everyone understands, and my listeners will, I'll keep going regardless of the results of this particular election.<br><br>We're never going to stop until we clean it up.</p>— Peoples_Pundit (@Peoples_Pundit) <a href="https://twitter.com/Peoples_Pundit/status/1325581205673287682?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 8, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just under 10k confirmed dead returned absentee ballots in Michigan. We're done, for now.<br><br>While I'm open to the idea some of these have been rejected, I'm not open to any outright dismissal they all were rejected.<br><br>This was a small, tested listed that suggests irregs are plenty.</p>— Peoples_Pundit (@Peoples_Pundit) <a href="https://twitter.com/Peoples_Pundit/status/1325580085215236097?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 8, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I didn't vote against Trump because I hate him, I did it because I think he is incompetent and immature. Making up these voter fraud excuses is a sign of immaturity.
This is a losing strategy......waiting for the tide to turn after dem policies fail. How is that working out around the country? Reps keeping their outreach in rural/suburban areas and conceding urban areas will keep them losing more and more ground. If you don't show interest in communities, show a presence, and talk to the people......see what the issues are within these areas and what is truly needed, why should they ever vote for that party. You have to be there to get the votes, and reps aren't doing this as good as dems are.

Completely disagree. Reps are trying and have tried and poured tons of money into these areas. Eyes open...

Kim Klacik is a great example. She got NATIONAL coverage for her innovative work, adverts, and efforts in Baltimore. Featured speaker throughout the year. People really believed "this woman has a shot." She's beautiful, black, articulate. She had backing and money.

Kwesi Mfume beat her like a mule. He got 70+% of the vote.

Dems have had a lock on inner city urban votes for decades. See Detroit, Philly, Atlanta, et al. No matter how horrifying their lives become, they still vote Dem and feed the machine that keeps them down.

It will take forces like Trump who slowly DO things for these communities so they start waking up. These actions speak. And those actions are why he got a much higher % of minority votes, record #s. Stomping door to door and working at the local level hasn't worked for 60 years for Republicans.
I didn't vote against Trump because I hate him, I did it because I think he is incompetent and immature. Making up these voter fraud excuses is a sign of immaturity.


Says the **** waffle who ran around for 4 years screaming Russia Russia Russia Election Interference!!!

The difference though? This isn't made up. The anomalies, the dead voters, the change of address voters, are real issues.

Being able to point to 450,000 votes where ONLY a vote was made for Biden and nothing else down ballot is...you know...evidence. Not Steel dossier-type evidence, mind you.
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Some more "made up stuff" for mensas like 21

‘American Hustle’: Party Insiders Tell The True Story Of How Philadelphia Elections Work

Judges who obtained their positions by fraud, according to an indictment, have denied the Trump campaign's ballot-watchers access, providing crucial unsupervised time to Democrat vote counters.

PHILADELPHIA, Penn. — Most Americans might not know the name Ozzie Myers, although a part of his tale was told in the hit 2013 movie “American Hustle” about the FBI sting that sent four congressmen to prison in the 1970s.

If you’re from Philadelphia, though, you know his name, and knew it well before 2013. He’s important to the country now because he’s currently under indictment for bribing a state elections judge to stuff ballots for Democratic candidates. Among the candidates he was paid to get elected are three as-yet-unnamed judges sitting on the Philadelphia Common Pleas Court. That’s where President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign has to go when local election officials refuse to let campaign monitors oversee ballot integrity, as has been the case these past few days throughout Pennsylvania.

In addition, Trump’s U.S. attorney, William McSwain, has hinted that in addition to the three unidentified judges, those Democrats tainted by election-fixing go all the way from local officials to the U.S. Congress.

Why should anyone care about that court? Because it’s playing a major role in the presidential election.

On Tuesday, Philadelphia Common Pleas Court Judge Stella Tsai ruled that the city’s Board of Elections was complying with state laws governing partisan election monitors, contradicting claims from the Trump campaign that GOP monitors were being kept too far away from absentee ballot-counters to observe whether ballots were being properly counted.

Then on Thursday, a state appellate court sided with the Trump campaign, ordering that election observers be allowed to stand within six feet of ballot-counters to ensure meaningful monitoring of the process. The City of Philadelphia immediately appealed the ruling to the state’s top court, which has yet to decide whether it will take up the matter.

Meanwhile, Republicans filed a lawsuit Tuesday in state court accusing Democratic election leaders of violating state code by authorizing local election officials to give information about rejected mail-in ballots to Democratic operatives so they could contact those voters and offer them a new ballot. Not only would such actions violate state law, they would defy a ruling from Pennsylvania’s state Supreme Court last month, which stated “mail-in or absentee voters are not provided any opportunity to cure perceived defects (to their ballot) in a timely manner.”

The back-and-forth in the courts, and the accusations of corruption at multiple levels of government, underscores the outsized role local Democratic officials are playing in the presidential election, with President Trump narrowly trailing former Vice President Joe Biden in a few key states, including Pennsylvania. In Philadelphia, those local officials are often connected to a Democratic Party machine with a long history of corruption, organized crime, and election fraud.

Myers, for example, is accused of bribing former Judge of Elections Domenick J. Demuro, who pleaded guilty in May to accepting bribes to stuff ballot boxes for certain candidates during the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primaries. According to a July report in Philly Voice, “At his polling station, Demuro admitted he would ‘ring up’ extras votes on machines, add them to the totals and later falsely certify that the results receipts from voting machines were accurate, prosecutors said.”

A Life In The Machine

Ozzie’s story is an illustrative one, and an example of how things work in Philadelphia politics—a “machine,” one insider told The Federalist, that has a lot more in common with “a living organism” that doesn’t need instructions “to know how to breathe.”

Michael “Ozzie” Myers was born in 1943 in Philadelphia. When he was 19, he was arrested for burglary but later acquitted (“a misunderstanding,” he’d say). When he was 27, his illegally owned handgun was used by his cousin to kill a non-union construction worker in what one newspaper characterized as “a union quarrel.” His cousin was fine, winning office as an election judge while still in prison, assuming his new office after release, and pleading the Fifth to stealing ballots shortly after taking the job.

Ozzie quickly made a name for himself. In 1975, by then 32 and a member of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, he sued to cut off federal funds to the local federal prosecutor. The next month, he was the lone vote against expelling a colleague on his way to prison. He was rewarded for being such a reliable guy, and the following year the 16 ward leaders of District One nominated him to replace the Democratic congressman who had died in office (with the mayor easing early concerns Myers wasn’t even Italian). “I’m not going to tell you what I’m going to do until I get there,” Ozzie told the Democrats voting to send him to Washington.

When he did get to Washington, he partied. In 1979, when a Northern Virginia motel security guard told them they had to quiet down, Ozzie replied, “I’m a congressman, we don’t have to be quiet,” before beating the man with his friends. When the 19-year-old girl who worked the register tried to help the guard, they attacked her as well. When the police arrived, one of Ozzie’s buddies was naked from the waist down, screaming “beat me!” The naked man was arrested, and a warrant issued for the congressman’s arrest. During their sentencing, the judge warned the two to “keep their records clean.”

Ozzie did not follow the judge’s advice, and the following year, 1980, he explained to undercover FBI agents delivering him a $50,000 bribe that “money talks in this business, and bullshit walks.” When video emerged he was expelled from Congress — the first congressman expelled since the Civil War—and went to prison. When Ozzie got out, he appears to have gone right back to work, and in July 2020 was charged with bribing a Philadelphia elections judge to stuff ballots for his candidates.

Three of those candidates, who have not been identified, now sit on the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas. Judges on this court have already denied the Trump campaign’s ballot-watchers access, providing crucial unsupervised time to ward vote counters before a successful appeal at a higher court.

Ozzie is a particularly colorful character, but not an unusual one, according to interviews The Federalist conducted with multiple current and former members of Philadelphia’s Democratic Party, who agreed to talk to us on condition of anonymity. It’s a way of life, they explained, with voters often owing their jobs (as well as family members’ jobs) and much else to an administration that rewards those it finds reliable.

“You have a kid who gets in trouble,” one insider explained as an example, “you call the party, and the party will have a lawyer on retainer who can represent him in court. The lawyer’s actually free, because he wants to become a judge so is establishing he’s reliable. When you get the nod to run, you pay $30 or $40,000 for party ‘marketing expenses’ and you win a 10-year term. You’re in front of a judge who went through this process… from the Democratic City Committee, so as soon as you walk in the room that judge is going to make the charge go away.”

“You couldn’t wire tap this,” they explained. “There’s no phone call, no deal—it’s a system he bought into years ago.”

And that’s just judges, insiders say. The “machine,” one explained, is less a machine than it is “a living organism—it doesn’t need a handshake or a phone call to know how to breathe.” Each part does its job, often in tandem but rarely with any communication or even necessarily a friendly relationship, and when things go right, people stay employed and the money keeps flowing.

Ozzie, we’re told, wasn’t even caught as part of an election fraud investigation: He was simply on the trail to John “Johnny Doc” Dougherty, a powerful Philadelphia labor boss who leads the Local 98 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and was indicted in February 2019. Johnny Doc’s younger brother, Judge Kevin Dougherty,” was elected to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in 2015 with help from Local 98.

“In these neighborhoods, your school, house, health care, your job, a lawyer if your kid is in trouble, are all government. The bad ones are the bribes… the rest is just how it works.”


Former Congressman Ozzie Myers charged in alleged bribery of South Philly judge of elections
At this point, there is nothing to do. Crying about it here and on Facebook isn't going to change the election.

If you PERSONALLY, have proof of impropriety during the election, hire a lawyer. Or go to the RNC. I have no problem doing that. As this point I hear a lot, but don't see a lot. And it's not even CLOSE to the hundred thousand votes it would take to turn the election results to Trump's favor.

Again, I guess I'm just a glass half full kind of guy (sometimes), but I'm pretty encouraged. Yes, the democrats are bad loses and even worse winners. The media is nauseating how much "happier" their reporting is now vs. 2016. Anyone that doesn't think the media is bias just has to take a look at the headlines and "tone" of reporters the week following 2016 vs. the week following 2020.

But here is where I am happy. It took a monumental turnout to defeat Donald Trump. There are over 70 million voters that AGREE with practically everything we talk about on this site. I mean if you are voting for Trump, you pretty much REALLY believe in National Conservatism.

What do democrats votes for when Trump isn't there? Their platform is so disjointed. Inner City voters are voting for communism. Suburban voters are voting for normalcy. College kids are voting for the environment. You have BLM supporters voting for some imaginary "race eraser" that still gives them special perks for being black.

It was very easy to coalesce these voters against Donald Trump. But it will NOT be easy for them to re-elected Kamala Harris. Suburban voters don't like Kamala Harris. BLM people don't like Kamala Harris. Bernie bot potheads don't like Kamala Harris.

If Kamala gets 60 million votes in 2024, I would be surprised. I really would.

Republicans remember. We will sit down, take it, swallow our medicine and remember. We will remember how bad democrats were when they lost and how bad democrats acted when they won.

Anger is fine. But you have to channel that anger into voting. We vote. We remember to vote.

The first vote now to see how angry Republicans really are is in 60 days. In Georgia. Now that Trump is gone, how many Democrats vote in those special elections? What is the decrease?

Then it will be 2022. There are some incredibly difficult races for Republicans in the Senate. Pennsylvania. North Carolina. What does the turnout look like and who is it coming from? Can the Republicans remember what they feel like today watching the media faun over Biden/Harris?

I'll remember. I'm never voting democrat again in my life. Never. And I will never give one ounce of respect to the news media. I will forever ridicule them, denounce them to my friends, undermine their so-called "profession". The media is awful.

But expected a change of this election is just a waste of energy.
I didn't vote against Trump because I hate him, I did it because I think he is incompetent and immature. Making up these voter fraud excuses is a sign of immaturity.

Looking for posts by 21 about the Russia collusion thing being unadulterated bullshit from whiny losers. Still looking. Still looking. Still looking ...