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Election Day 2020

That is a very convenient argument for conspiracy theorists. You’re essentially never wrong.
You're mistaken, I can be proven wrong. Just hold another election in the swing states without vote by mail. If Biden wins after that, I will accept the result as fact. Until then, he will be an illegitimate, only half-lucid, bought and paid for occupier of the White House. Not our President.
So there is definitive proof of such a high amount of meddling/cheating that kept Trump from winning in a landslide? Definitive.....not random tweets, opinion pieces, random articles, but definitive proof of HIGH levels of shenanigans.

No doubt our election process needs revamped to streamline things and lower the chances of shady **** happening. Something that can link a voter's actual identity to their vote..............blockchain anyone?

Three problems. I work for a company that sells blockchain.

First, it is just as susceptible to programs like HAMMER and SCORECARD.

Two, there are tons of security vulnerabilities at hand. Denial of service attacks, malware, and server penetration attacks can thwart blockchains.

"If I were running for office and they decided to use blockchain for that election, I'd be scared," said Jeremy Epstein, vice chairman of the Association for Computing Machinery's U.S. Technology Policy Committee.

Epstein co-authored an election security report with Common Cause, the National Election Defense Council, and the R Street Institute, "Email and Internet Voting: The Overlooked Threat to Election Security." In it, he criticized blockchain and internet voting as a ready target for online attacks by foreign intelligence and said transmission of ballots over the internet, including by email, fax and blockchain systems, are seriously vulnerable.

Three, if you argue that is safe, you would subscribe to the following theory:

In its most basic form, blockchain is a digital ledger. The technology draws its power from the peers – or nodes – on its network to verify, process, and record all transactions across the system. This ledger is never stored, but rather exists on the “chain” supported by millions of nodes simultaneously. Thanks to encryption and decentralization, blockchain’s database of transactions is incorruptible, and each record is easily verifiable. The network cannot be taken down or influenced by a single party because it doesn’t exist in one place.

Here is the inherent problem with three above. Yes, one could argue, the vote is secure using this theory. But given THE CURRENT RULES, it doesn't matter. What do I mean? If we continue to allow no-ID voting, it doesn't matter if for instance, the ballot itself as input is invalid. Let's say ballot harvesting is still allowed and Ilhan Omar's henchmen now help the elderly jump online and cast their votes and manipulate said votes AS THEY ARE BEING INPUT. The record will be protected in the system, but the input is fraudulent. So what? We saw this year "ballot correcting" and "ballot harvesting." Say we move to "online voting" - do you not think centers won't be built to help those that are technologically incompetent? Or roving tech help like Geek Squad for Voting that won't go door to door with tablets to help people input their votes? Thousands upon thousands of people will now rove the streets with tablets encouraging votes..."just tap here, pick Biden" and without IDs...voila. Concerts will be thrown to harvest votes. Protests will be used to harvest votes. And on and on. Once the record is in, you may argue it is secure. Perhaps. Even so, if it is garbage in...it is still garbage.
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The DOJ official in charge of investigating voter fraud resigns when asked to investigate voter fraud.


DOJ official steps down over Barr's voter fraud investigation memo

Richard Pilger, a Department of Justice official who oversees investigations of voting crimes, stepped down from his role Monday after Attorney General Bill Barr authorized U.S. attorneys to probe alleged elections fraud, the New York Times first reported.

Why it matters: President Trump has refused to concede the election to President-elect Joe Biden, alleging a conspiracy of widespread voting fraud, but he has yet to provide relevant evidence.

Pilger states to colleagues in an email, also obtained by the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the new DOJ policy is "abrogating the forty-year old Non-Interference Policy for ballot fraud investigation in the period prior to elections becoming certified and uncontested."
For the record: Pilger states, "Having familiarized myself with the new policy and its ramifications … I must regretfully resign from my role as Director of the Election Crimes Branch."

He has been director of the Election Crimes Branch of the Department of Justice since 2010 and will now "move to a nonsupervisory role working on corruption prosecutions," per the NYT.
Of note: Democrats have accused Barr of politicizing his role and of political interference in cases involving Trump associates — claims he strongly denies.

The DOJ did not immediately respond to Axios' request for comment.
If AOC is calling for a list of Trump supporters, I want OT see a list of Biden supporters. Each and every one of those who voted Biden should be charged with elder abuse. What the DNC, Jill Biden, and 1/2 the voting populace has done to this guy is disgusting.

Lock up Trump supporters? Well, Joe... you want unity, so we should lock up your people too.
You're mistaken, I can be proven wrong. Just hold another election in the swing states without vote by mail. If Biden wins after that, I will accept the result as fact. Until then, he will be an illegitimate, only half-lucid, bought and paid for occupier of the White House. Not our President.

And maybe hold the election on the moon? Both are equally likely in my estimation.
From my view, this represents the state of affairs in several swing states. Not only the shady voting machine debacle but the blatant flaunting of election laws is staggering.


I saw this on shitbook...

On Election night, Trump and his campaign team assembled in the Eisenhower Building just west of the White House to watch the results come in.

Know what is there?


Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility. (SCIF)

The kind used by Army intelligence cyber security division.

One of the first things you'll notice when you open this article is the red castle. Those who follow Q will recognize it immediately.


They were monitoring the fraud in real time.

They knew which states were using the voting machines loaded with HAMMER & SCORECARD.

(Software developed for the CIA to manipulate voter tallies remotely in foreign elections.)
It was just deployed against the American people.

Tom Fitton & Sydney Powell put it right in your face

Dr Charlie Ward (Currency Broker & Hotel Contractor - Trump Insider) describes the deployment of this Sting Operation to trap those involved in election theft.

The Federalized National Guard were pulling around the clock duty in at least 16 states to trap these monsters.

All the swing states currently involved in the theft are on the list.

The SCOTUS ordered all ballots received after the deadline in PA be segregated from those received on time.

There will be a ballot audit.

Recounts are conducted by the same people/election boards as the first count.

Audits are conducted by armed fraud investigators.

State Legislators pick electors.

Republicans control both houses of the PA State Congress.

Guess who controls both Houses of State Legislatures in the other swing states?

You guessed it...
Check Mate.

If I were any of these Democrat officials involved in this colossal elecxtion fraud, I would be seeking asylum in a non-extradition country immediately.

Trust your President.
Trust God and Trust the Plan!

Tom Graham.

If you're wondering if what has been revealed above is true, I can tell you that the Twitter account for Tom Graham is followed by General Flynn, ��
Food for thought ��������

“New intel from from a local friend always in the know:

Ok in a nutshell. This is going to the Supreme Court. Where they will rule that the election is invalid due to fraud or mistakes on a country wide scale. It will go one of two ways, either they will rule that all the unconstitutional
mail in ballots will be removed and the states ordered to recount without them or they will simply rule the election is invalid due to mass voter fraud and at that point it will be sent to the congress and senate for a vote. This is where it gets good. The house/congress votes on who the President will be. It has nothing to do with what party that has power. Every State gets one vote and 30 States are held by Republicans.and 19 by Democrats. They have to vote down party lines, they have no choice due to the 12th Amendment of the Constitution and the Senate votes for the Vice President where a similar even will take place. This is The law. This is why the Democrats are so mad at Nancy Pelosi. This will all happen in January. The only way President Trump won’t be President is if he concedes the election and that will never happen. So stop watching the fake news and don’t let your heart be troubled and live your life knowing this will all work out. President Trump will remain President. I have researched all of this and it is Fact!
Another fun fact, they called Gore the President Elect for 30 days in 2000 until the courts ruled against him and declared Bush the winner. And two people that were part of Bush’s legal team were none other that new Supreme Court Justices, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Why do you think the Democrats tried so hard to keep them from being confirmed?”

Last I checked, Biden holds less than a 15,000 vote lead in AZ, with more than 60,000 ballots uncounted.

Long shot, for sure, but not impossible.

If Trump was in the lead, it wouldn't be a long shot for Biden. They probably have 60K with nothing checked except Biden.
Who is Tom Graham?

Flynn being one his "followers" doesn't necessarily make the post legit imho..

He is saying a mouthful obviously....and has his post been flagged/censored?
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If AOC is calling for a list of Trump supporters, I want OT see a list of Biden supporters. Each and every one of those who voted Biden should be charged with elder abuse. What the DNC, Jill Biden, and 1/2 the voting populace has done to this guy is disgusting.

Lock up Trump supporters? Well, Joe... you want unity, so we should lock up your people too.

That's exactly what Hitler did in the 30s. If you didn't agree with his philosophies you were sent to camps to be re-educated.
If AOC is calling for a list of Trump supporters, I want OT see a list of Biden supporters. Each and every one of those who voted Biden should be charged with elder abuse. What the DNC, Jill Biden, and 1/2 the voting populace has done to this guy is disgusting.

Lock up Trump supporters? Well, Joe... you want unity, so we should lock up your people too.

The unity thing is a joke. They want power and fundamental change. The Obama administration followed by 4 years of unrelenting obstruction and treason against the office of the president is pretty clear. Now the clandestine election operation, which they've been at this for months,maybe years. They trot out his former vp, who's about as bright as a burned out light bulb. Didn't really bother to campaign much. They worked with him to debate and not really say much. Just blame covid and the ..cough..uncivil rest on him and the job loss from the country shut downs for half the year.

Trash everyone and everything just to get in power. It's not even remotely shocking if you've been paying attention the last 12 years.
I'm with oneforthebus on this one. You guys have to slowly back away from the candy.

I'm willing to let the lawyers do their things. If they can uncover something with merit, let's hear it. Let's have recounts. I can wait. No rush in my mind.

I just think the margins are too high for the small amount of irregularities to matter in this election. PA will be 100,000 different by the time it's done. Maybe more. Michigan is 150,000 vote difference. There we only 850,000 votes TOTAL in all of Wayne County (Detroit). Somehow they did something in Detroit that switched it in their favor by 150,000 votes? That's insane. Or were multiple democratic counties all coordinating together to somehow get 150,000 votes?

The truth is Trump lost in Wisconsin, Michigan and PA. Fair and square he lost in my opinion. Georgia is fishy but that will get a recount but in the scheme of things it won't matter.

Biden got to 270 by taking back BARELY the rust belt states Hillary lost. Barely is good enough though. 2% change is good enough.

Again, be thankful Republicans gained in other areas. House and Senate battles skewed Republican vs. the polls. That's a positive.

We HAVE to find ways to get votes. Keep getting votes. Keep convincing people to vote our side. It's not impossible. The radical left is as looney as anything the Republicans have tried in my lifetime. It will be easy to attack and expose their hypocrisy now that they are in power and Biden stumbles over every sentence.

Let the process work. I don't know how everyone here convinced themselves Trump was "winning" based on rallies and their own bubbles. He was not winning among the people I knew. Their animosity and hatred of Trump was greater now than in 2016. Trump wasn't "converting" anyone.

And let's not forget that he would have won if not for Covid. I fully 100% believe that had the economy been cruising along at +3% this year, Trump rolls into the White House. Of course the democrats were turning Covid political. It worked for them. But Trump didn't do himself any favors with his nonsense and conspiracy theories in 2020.

Take Covid away (which is an anomaly). Take away the total HATRED so many had for Trump.

There is a message that wins. Be against the Media. Be against Congress. Be against illegal immigration. Be against Socialism (democratic or not). Be against stupid race wars and race politics and BLM and the police being "called down" during riots. Be against Cities and liberal DA's and rising crime rates.

These are easy points to win. These are easy points Republicans are CLEARLY on the right side of history.

Just find a better messenger.

Trump created a new party: National Conservatism. I give him credit for seeing it and coalescing it into real votes. We just need to build that up sanely and smartly.

I've been reading through this whole thread ongoing and this was damn near the only sensible and level headed post in here. If you guys lean into radicalism you're no better than the "commie libs" you claim to hate so much. Be honest. Do an honest reading of the room and figure out how to reshape this party because it's fractured and it's a mess. I guarantee you Democrats will give you a chance to do that. They cannot get out of their own way.

But letting Trump run through the country like a madman and piss all over it's customs and decorum is disgusting. He wants a recount. Fine. He wants to investigate the results. Fine. But disrespecting the results before the election is even certified is gross and dangerous and so far we have seen no evidence. We very likely won't. Then you just have a large group of people with even less faith in their government and a the sanctity of the vote. Trump has called the news fake.......Covid fake........the votes fake. Has fired and **** on multiple cabinet members.......some very honorable men and women in some cases. I'll never understand what you see in this *******. I get he "stood up to the libs" but at what cost to the decency and credibility of the Republican party?
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I like William Barr. If he's on the case for the next 30 days, I will believe what he tells me.

Let the FBI investigate.

PA is 46,000 votes different out of 6.7 million votes (0.69%)
GA is 12,000 votes different out of 4.98 million votes (0.24%)
AZ is 15,000 votes different out of 3.35 million votes (0.45%)
WI is 20,000 votes different out of 3.29 million votes (0.61%)

Recount them all. Look at every mail in ballot again.
I've been reading through this whole thread ongoing and this was damn near the only sensible and level headed post in here. If you guys lean into radicalism you're no better than the "commie libs" you claim to hate so much. Be honest. Do an honest reading of the room and figure out how to reshape this party because it's fractured and it's a mess. I guarantee you Democrats will give you a chance to do that. They cannot get out of their own way.

But letting Trump run through the country like a madman and piss all over it's customs and decorum is disgusting. He wants a recount. Fine. He wants to investigate the results. Fine. But disrespecting the results before the election is even certified is gross and dangerous and so far we have seen no evidence. We very likely won't. Then you just have a large group of people with even less faith in their government and a the sanctity of the vote. Trump has called the news fake.......Covid fake........the votes fake. Has fired and **** on multiple cabinet members.......some very honorable men and women in some cases. I'll never understand what you see in this *******. I get he "stood up to the libs" but at what cost to the decency and credibility of the Republican party?

What decency and credibility does our Republic have before Trump EXACTLY? You don't think suspicion and animosity towards Washington existed prior to Trump? By millions and millions of Americans? You think we have any faith in the media, political families like Bush and Clinton, or Senators that have been in office since the 1970's?

What planet do you live on do think we have "respect, decency and credibility" at all in 2015? That Trump has some immense power to bring all this crumbling down?

The professional politicians and corrupt media have brought this down on themselves. They have been destroying credibility and decency for decades.

Trump just gave the frustrated people of this country a voice. Yes, a polarizing, gruff, crude voice. But at least he yelled it at the top of the rooftops, which many of us have wanted for a generation.
What decency and credibility does our Republic have before Trump EXACTLY? You don't think suspicion and animosity towards Washington existed prior to Trump? By millions and millions of Americans? You think we have any faith in the media, political families like Bush and Clinton, or Senators that have been in office since the 1970's?

What planet do you live on do think we have "respect, decency and credibility" at all in 2015? That Trump has some immense power to bring all this crumbling down?

The professional politicians and corrupt media have brought this down on themselves. They have been destroying credibility and decency for decades.

Trump just gave the frustrated people of this country a voice. Yes, a polarizing, gruff, crude voice. But at least he yelled it at the top of the rooftops, which many of us have wanted for a generation.

If this is what you want that "voice" to sound like then you're in for a long dragged out slow and painful downfall. It won't happen this election cycle or maybe even in 2028 but eventually if this party retains the "Trump" image, rhetoric, and tactics then it's going to be a very bad ending. I would encourage people at this point to consider a legitimate third party before I would even consider that. It might happen regardless. No one here actually talks about both sides of this. You guys CLAIM to be frustrated with Republicans but all I ever here is how liberals are trying to tear this country to it's knees with socialism and cancel culture. If that's the case and you feel this way then lay it all out for real and don't sit here an act like it's ok to still back whatever decisions unhinged and desperate people may make.
If this is what you want that "voice" to sound like then you're in for a long dragged out slow and painful downfall. It won't happen this election cycle or maybe even in 2028 but eventually if this party retains the "Trump" image, rhetoric, and tactics then it's going to be a very bad ending. I would encourage people at this point to consider a legitimate third party before I would even consider that. It might happen regardless. No one here actually talks about both sides of this. You guys CLAIM to be frustrated with Republicans but all I ever here is how liberals are trying to tear this country to it's knees with socialism and cancel culture. If that's the case and you feel this way then lay it all out for real and don't sit here an act like it's ok to still back whatever decisions unhinged and desperate people may make.

How in the system as it is do you get a legitimate third party? The entire system has been built for two parties. It was not the original intention of the founders for their to really be parties but factions are inevitable. The system has almost always run on a two split with a few exceptions long ago. Third parties aim to high to start and must focus on winning on the local then state then national level. Without local and State infrastructure to make sure they are included in debates they will never get anywhere.
If this is what you want that "voice" to sound like then you're in for a long dragged out slow and painful downfall. It won't happen this election cycle or maybe even in 2028 but eventually if this party retains the "Trump" image, rhetoric, and tactics then it's going to be a very bad ending. I would encourage people at this point to consider a legitimate third party before I would even consider that. It might happen regardless. No one here actually talks about both sides of this. You guys CLAIM to be frustrated with Republicans but all I ever here is how liberals are trying to tear this country to it's knees with socialism and cancel culture. If that's the case and you feel this way then lay it all out for real and don't sit here an act like it's ok to still back whatever decisions unhinged and desperate people may make.

You are delusional. Even with a candidate as flawed at Trump, he got 71,000,000 votes. Republicans made gains on the down ballot races. We are strongly the favorites to retain the Senate, both now and in 2022.

Republicans have a huge majority now on the Supreme Court (thanks Trump!) that will last at least a decade and possibly 20 years.

The days of the Tea Party and Religious Right (both flawed in their own ways) as the "face" of the Republican Party are long gone. Trump's Nationalism is the perfect foil for the democrats growing trend toward European Socialism. Combine that with just common sense majority against the Race Democrats and their "Equality of Outcome >>> Equality of Opportunity" and I think you have a winning platform (if espoused correctly) for at least a generation.

The only way this future DOESN'T happen, and I've said this before, is if Trump doesn't "retire". If he runs again in 2024, he will split the party. Either by winning the nomination and then losing again, or by running as a 3rd party candidate.

Let him recount. Let him go down with his fight. I'm fine with that. But once the dust clears, he has to accept it and continue to attack the Democrats/Media/Big Washington and not destroy the Republicans in the process.
I've been reading through this whole thread ongoing and this was damn near the only sensible and level headed post in here. If you guys lean into radicalism you're no better than the "commie libs" you claim to hate so much. Be honest. Do an honest reading of the room and figure out how to reshape this party because it's fractured and it's a mess. I guarantee you Democrats will give you a chance to do that. They cannot get out of their own way.

But letting Trump run through the country like a madman and piss all over it's customs and decorum is disgusting. He wants a recount. Fine. He wants to investigate the results. Fine. But disrespecting the results before the election is even certified is gross and dangerous and so far we have seen no evidence. We very likely won't. Then you just have a large group of people with even less faith in their government and a the sanctity of the vote. Trump has called the news fake.......Covid fake........the votes fake. Has fired and **** on multiple cabinet members.......some very honorable men and women in some cases. I'll never understand what you see in this *******. I get he "stood up to the libs" but at what cost to the decency and credibility of the Republican party?

you're still here? thought you left. again.
you're still here? thought you left. again.

Trust me.......sometimes I don't know why I bother coming back. But I do genuinely enjoy talking with a few of you guys though and I actively try to listen to multiple points of view. Something that we all should be trying to do.
You are delusional. Even with a candidate as flawed at Trump, he got 71,000,000 votes. Republicans made gains on the down ballot races. We are strongly the favorites to retain the Senate, both now and in 2022.

Republicans have a huge majority now on the Supreme Court (thanks Trump!) that will last at least a decade and possibly 20 years.

The days of the Tea Party and Religious Right (both flawed in their own ways) as the "face" of the Republican Party are long gone. Trump's Nationalism is the perfect foil for the democrats growing trend toward European Socialism. Combine that with just common sense majority against the Race Democrats and their "Equality of Outcome >>> Equality of Opportunity" and I think you have a winning platform (if espoused correctly) for at least a generation.

The only way this future DOESN'T happen, and I've said this before, is if Trump doesn't "retire". If he runs again in 2024, he will split the party. Either by winning the nomination and then losing again, or by running as a 3rd party candidate.

Let him recount. Let him go down with his fight. I'm fine with that. But once the dust clears, he has to accept it and continue to attack the Democrats/Media/Big Washington and not destroy the Republicans in the process.

Good luck with that.
Trust me.......sometimes I don't know why I bother coming back. But I do genuinely enjoy talking with a few of you guys though and I actively try to listen to multiple points of view. Something that we all should be trying to do.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/Lr3RZl7gkhd5BWZ5Nh" width="480" height="480" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/SkyTV-lies-rubbish-filch-Lr3RZl7gkhd5BWZ5Nh"></a></p>
We HAVE to find ways to get votes. Keep getting votes. Keep convincing people to vote our side. It's not impossible.
More people voted for the president than have EVER voted for a sitting president in American history. Just how many more votes can there be out there? Now, it's become obvious that if your a democrat there are as many votes out there as you need. You just have to have folks keep filling in the black dot and keep dropping off those ballots until the count favors you.

As for the people calling for proof, if the multitude of people signing sworn affidavits and bringing lawsuits against what they believe are fraudulent counties and states doesn't serve as the foundation for provable fraud, I don't know what does. Let's round up all those election workers and start putting them under oath. IF you catch one of them being untruthful, toss them in jail for a couple years for perjury. Pretty soon you'll see folks starting to become a bit more forthcoming.

And let's be clear. We're not putting them under oath with the house or even the senate. This will be in a court of law. Nobody has any respect for the house and if they told me I was under oath and had to be respectful blah blah blah, I'd tell them, under oath that I respectfully thought they were all full of **** and not worth a squirt of piss after a drinking bender, again - respectfully.