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Election Day 2020

I wish liberals could be made to read and recite Kipling's "Gods of the Copybook Headings" in the Reeducation Camps somewhere off in the future. This really is a foundational educational and worldview issue. They start in the wrong place and end up in the wrong place with their thinking.

Because they're so ******* smart. They know better than us what's good for us. Unbelievable.

Looks to me there's going to be a whole lot of "what have I done?!" if the Bad Orange Man really gets put out to pasture.

"Nazi! Facist!" they screamed, while they burned down buildings and assaulted/killed people without being executed or thrown into death camps. What a scary, evil dictator.
Looks to me there's going to be a whole lot of "what have I done?!" if the Bad Orange Man really gets put out to pasture.

"Nazi! Facist!" they screamed, while they burned down buildings and assaulted/killed people without being executed or thrown into death camps. What a scary, evil dictator.

I think that is what a lot of people are missing. They aren’t going to stop their bullshit because Joe Biden is president. The anarchists don’t want him or anyone else. For the ******** continuously destroying ****, the president doesn’t matter. May not hear about it as much, but it isn’t going to stop. At least not until the government or citizenry decides to put them down.
I think that is what a lot of people are missing. They aren’t going to stop their bullshit because Joe Biden is president. The anarchists don’t want him or anyone else. For the ******** continuously destroying ****, the president doesn’t matter. May not hear about it as much, but it isn’t going to stop. At least not until the government or citizenry decides to put them down.

Yep. All Biden is gonna do is embolden Iran and China, likely try to impose mask mandates/lockdowns and tax increases (that should get shot down in the Senate) and slowly veer us toward Socialism, so the real radicals in the party can experiment!

Can't wait.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I'm sorry we should not be hostile to the country that created a global pandemic, crashing the world and US economy leading to mass unemployment and several hundred thousands of deaths.<br><br>Defund these people. Enough is enough. <a href="https://t.co/5iLhMyJT3A">https://t.co/5iLhMyJT3A</a></p>— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) <a href="https://twitter.com/redsteeze/status/1329132098477719552?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 18, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Interesting bit about the tariffs though. We'll see how long that lasts.
I know most are opposed to lock downs, masks, and even the vaccine, so what is your alternative? Do you want to just go about like nothing is going on? I really dont know what the answer is. Almost 80% of the COVID hospitalizations at the 3 hospitals in my area have been since October, and it is not getting better. Schools are shutting down do to positive staff / students. My daughter's daycare also just shut down do to a positive kid who is <13. We finally have no positive residents in my nursing home, but some others are starting to see a second go around. Where my GF worked they had it bad early on, got cleared up, and now it is getting bad again. I know people were saying about protecting the vulnerable, but how do you do that exactly? I am not vulnerable, but I could go to the store pick it up from other and then take it to work w/o even knowing. The more people who get it the more chances of healthcare / police / EMS etc etc picking it up out in the wild and infecting compromised people.
I know most are opposed to lock downs, masks, and even the vaccine, so what is your alternative? Do you want to just go about like nothing is going on? I really dont know what the answer is.

It sure as **** isn't lockdowns and masks. We have like 80-90% mask compliance already and look where that's gotten us. They don't ******* work, for the 100th time. How about our media and others not act like a respiratory virus that has a 99.99% survival rate in most people don't act like it's the bubonic plague? And I'm not against a vaccine, I'm against a government mandating you take it and tracking you etc.

And what happened to eating and living healthier, with an emphasis on the vitamins that help (and an emphasis on vitamins/supplements in general)? You can't go to a place of worship or gym, but you sure as **** can go to the liquor store and weed dispensary. And the germ-infested utopia that is Walmart. Use common sense is basically what a lot of us are asking for. It's a contagious virus like the common cold or flu, it's going to run it's course no matter if you hide in your basement or put 3 layers of cloth over your face.
I know most are opposed to lock downs, masks, and even the vaccine, so what is your alternative? Do you want to just go about like nothing is going on? I really dont know what the answer is. Almost 80% of the COVID hospitalizations at the 3 hospitals in my area have been since October, and it is not getting better. Schools are shutting down do to positive staff / students. My daughter's daycare also just shut down do to a positive kid who is <13. We finally have no positive residents in my nursing home, but some others are starting to see a second go around. Where my GF worked they had it bad early on, got cleared up, and now it is getting bad again. I know people were saying about protecting the vulnerable, but how do you do that exactly? I am not vulnerable, but I could go to the store pick it up from other and then take it to work w/o even knowing. The more people who get it the more chances of healthcare / police / EMS etc etc picking it up out in the wild and infecting compromised people.

why do people think there is a concrete answer? All you can do is keep vulnerable people as safe as reasonable and then allow the rest to make their own decision on how much risk they want to take.

We can save thousands of lives by reducing the speed limit to 35. Everybody knows that but nobody is in favor of it. We accept that driving about 70 means there is higher risk but that seems to be the acceptable amount of risk most have agreed upon.

COVID is no different. At first, it was unknown how deadly it would be. Now science has PROVEN that it's mortality rate is similar to a bad flu season. That should change the equation.

What is scarier to me than COVID is this horrible precedent that government can now take away constitutional rights if they just point to a health reason.
To expand on your point Tape, they could probably save tens of thousands of lives if they didn't put a whole laundry list of toxic additives in our food/beverage. Covid is the worst thing that's happened to this country in a long long time. And we all (well most) know it's not the ****** China virus itself.
What is scarier to me than COVID is this horrible precedent that government can now take away constitutional rights if they just point to a health reason.
Well, climate change didn't work because rational people can look around and see that the climate isn't changing. But you can look around and see people getting sick and dying from the Chinese Flu and the government and media can more easily drum up hysteria. The 'Rona will come and go but the government will never forget how easy it was to totally control your life.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I'm sorry we should not be hostile to the country that created a global pandemic, crashing the world and US economy leading to mass unemployment and several hundred thousands of deaths.<br><br>Defund these people. Enough is enough. <a href="https://t.co/5iLhMyJT3A">https://t.co/5iLhMyJT3A</a></p>— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) <a href="https://twitter.com/redsteeze/status/1329132098477719552?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 18, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Interesting bit about the tariffs though. We'll see how long that lasts.

And I'm just guessing that the Chicoms don't treat minorities and LGBTQ people very well either in violation of of liberal sanctums.
Well, climate change didn't work because rational people can look around and see that the climate isn't changing. But you can look around and see people getting sick and dying from the Chinese Flu and the government and media can more easily drum up hysteria. The 'Rona will come and go but the government will never forget how easy it was to totally control your life.

Rational people would also know climate change isn't an instant process and more the culmination of years and years of pollution. The effect or amount of climate change is debatable, but to say it isn't real is naive at best. I think we will be long gone before the effects show, but that doesn't mean we should ignore it for future generations.
The 'Rona will come and go but the government will never forget how easy it was to totally control your life.

Yessirree Jonboy. You can see the trend just by looking at the headlines today. It is a forewarning of what is in our future.

Pennsylvania Tightens Mask Restrictions, Private Homes Included

Democrat canvassers in disputed Michigan county doxxed and harassed Republican colleagues

Democrats Want $5.5 Billion Bailout of New York City’s Illegal Population

Proposed Biden Gun Tax Could Top $34 Billion

In Nevada, A Corrupt Cash-For-Votes Scheme Is Hiding In Plain Sight

Special tax proposed for Chicago businesses in Magnificent Mile area that suffered looting

Black police chief fired after black leaders — including state senator — were charged with conspiring to damage Confederate monument

While governor locks down California over virus spike, lawmakers are flying to a conference at a luxury hotel in Hawaii

BREAKING: New York City to close schools tomorrow

Senate Democrats Want Biden To Unilaterally Forgive Billions of Dollars in Student Loans

Democrats’ Unprecedented Embrace of Gun Control


Amid economic downturn, Biden sticks by proposed tax hikes on businesses and wealthy Americans

The meme of the day represents my feelings well


Rational people would also know climate change isn't an instant process and more the culmination of years and years of pollution. The effect or amount of climate change is debatable, but to say it isn't real is naive at best. I think we will be long gone before the effects show, but that doesn't mean we should ignore it for future generations.

But it has been presented with apocalyptic, "settled science" fervor that "we must act now to save the planet!"

That's the furthest thing from rational.
When I went to bed that Tuesday night Trump had a commanding in both Michigan and Pennsylvania. When I woke 8 hours later he was losing. What a surprise.
Very good stats analysis of the fraud.

It's in the code: Trump won Michigan and Wisconsin

Last Sunday, in my article "'Lost votes are fraud votes," I looked at the "lost votes" for the 2020 presidential election listed in Internet blogger "Pede's" analysis, and I described how, after adjusting for the thrown-away votes, Trump won Pennsylvania and will win (after the recount) Georgia, while Biden likely won Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, and possibly Arizona.

But there's still something missing. "Pede's" data search exposed votes switched from Trump to Biden, and "votes lost" (mostly Trump votes thrown away); but there is a third category that escapes this type of data scanning: "votes added."

By "votes added" I mean fraudulent "votes" that were all, or almost all, for Biden. This would include (and account for) the massive "Biden vote dumps" that occurred in Wisconsin and Michigan in the early morning hours of Nov. 4 which shrank Trump's lead by 1.5% to 2% in those states and eventually resulted in Biden "wins."

On Saturday, in American Thinker article "Biden's Great Leap Forward: A split second in Wisconsin" author Dan Rabil, who lives in Switzerland, described how he personally saw the sudden switch from a Trump to Biden lead in Wisconsin. As he describes it, "I was stunned to see the Fox election map suddenly do something completely unnatural: in a split second between 3 A.M. and 4 A.M. U.S. Central Time, the Wisconsin icon switched from light-red Trump to light-blue Biden. In that same instant, the probability meter, which had been very accurate in 2016, likewise jerked from a 77% Trump likelihood to over 80% Biden." (Please read his complete story about this fraud - it will be well worth your time.)

So Dan downloaded the data from the New York Times, searched for the exact moment of the switch, and found it (see below):


For non-programmers, here is the translation:

At 3:37 AM CST, total votes were 3,018,212; Trump had 1,536,270 votes (50.9%); Biden 1,427,614 votes (47.3%); other candidates 54,328 votes (1.8%).

At 3:42 AM CST, total votes were 3,186,598; Trump had 1,561,433 votes (49.0%); Biden 1,570,993 votes (49.3%); other candidates 54,172 votes (1.7%).

Total increase in Trump votes in 5 minutes: 25,163 (1.64%).

Total increase in Biden votes in 5 minutes: 143,379 (10.04%).

(These vote numbers are approximate because they're calculated from the percentages, which are given to only one-tenth of 1%. But they're good enough for statistical analysis.)

Before the Biden vote dump, both candidates' votes were increasing at about the same rate, 1.64% per 5 minutes. So the "legitimate" Biden vote increase is likely around 23,400 votes. The remaining 119,979 votes are fake.

Adjusting the Wisconsin figures for the "votes added" fraud, we get:


Nov. 13 unofficial vote totals: Trump - 1,610,030, Biden - 1,630,570.

"Pede's" numbers: Votes switched from Trump to Biden - 2,078; "Lost votes" - 3,408.

(Remember, I'm allocating 85% of "lost votes" to Trump, 15% to Biden).

Deduction for fraudulent electronic votes added to Biden: - 119,979.

Adjusted totals: Trump - 1,615,005 (51.7%), Biden - 1,508,970 (48.3%).

After recount, Trump wins (10 electoral votes).

That massive (almost 120K) increase in Biden votes within 5 minutes is most likely entirely electronic, without any paper ballots to back it up, which is why an honest recount of the paper ballots (a recount is underway, but I can't guarantee it will be an honest one) will flip the state to Trump.

Now we come to Michigan.

I have not seen anybody else analyzing the data for Michigan, searching for "votes added," so I did it myself. On Nov. 14, from the New York Times I downloaded the JSON data for Michigan, and I extracted the following snippet for the early morning hours of Nov. 4:


I know, it looks like Greek to most people, but for many programmers, because it is English-like, it's a fairly straightforward process to analyze and interpret it with the naked eye. No software program is needed.

Here is the translation and explanation:

At 5:32 AM CST on November 4, total votes were 4,574,555; Trump had 2,346,747 votes (51.3%); Biden 2,150,041 votes (47.0%); other candidates 77,767 votes (1.7%).

Then, still at 5:32 AM CST, only five seconds later than the prior reading, total votes were 4,724,327; Trump had 2,352,715 votes (49.8%); Biden 2,291,299 votes (48.5%); other candidates 80,313 votes (1.7%). In that brief five-second period, Trump's vote total increased by 5,968 (0.25%) while Biden's vote total increased by 141,258 (6.57%)! Folks, that is a clear, fraudulent electronic "ballot dump" for Biden. I calculate that this fraud created about 135,883 fake votes for Basement Joe.

The count kept uneventfully grinding on to 6 AM CST, where at 6:03 AM total votes were 4,752,966, Trump votes were 2,366,977 (49.8%), Biden votes were 2,309,941 (48.6%). Ballots (presumably real paper ballots) had been counted at the rate of about 1,000 ballots per minute for the preceding half-hour, with Trump votes having a slight edge over Biden votes during the counting.

Then between 6:03 and 6:14 AM CST, more than 113,000 "votes" were counted, at an average rate of 9,800 ballots per minute. Total votes increased sharply to 4,866,279. Trump votes were 2,403,942 (49.6%), an increase of 36,965 votes (8.16% increase). Biden votes were 2,379,610 (48.9%), an increase of 69,699 votes (30.17% increase). Unlike the previous half-hour of counting, this deluge produced almost two Biden votes for every Trump vote counted.

Of those 113K total votes, 40K showed up in the last two minutes - between 6:12 and 6:14 AM. In two minutes, Trump gained 5,665 votes; Biden gained 29,588 votes. That’s about 5.2 Biden votes for every Trump vote. Because paper ballots simply cannot be fed into the ballot boxes that quickly, I consider this interval to also be electronic vote fraud, adding about 24,037 fake votes to Biden.

Then the ballot-counting quieted down and returned to "normal," with votes for Trump and Biden about equal, until just before 8 AM, when another sudden burst of 107,700 heavily-Biden votes - 41,914 for Trump, 65,786 for Biden - erased Trump's lead and tied the candidates at 49.2% each of the total votes.

Trump Team lawyer Sidney Powell says that in Michigan there were between 69,000 and 115,000 ballots (presumably fraudulent paper ballots) in which there was only one vote cast on the ballot, for Biden; no votes for anybody else on the ballot, not even for state and local races. Would anybody care to bet that more than 30,000 of those fakes were fed into the counting machines in Detroit's TCF Center in the early morning hours of Nov. 4?

My total count for electronic fraudulent Biden ballots from this 2-hour, 30-minute period is 159,920. Recalculating the results for Michigan, we get:


Current unofficial vote totals: Trump - 2,664,525; Biden - 2,790,648.

"Pede's" numbers: Votes switched from Trump to Biden - 20,213; "Lost votes" - 21,882.

Deduction for fraudulent electronic votes added to Biden: - 159,920.

Adjusted totals: Trump - 2,703,298 (50.8%); Biden - 2,613,797 (49.2%).

Trump wins (16 electoral votes).

Interestingly, this is closer than the Wisconsin result, and Wisconsin was supposed to be a tighter race. I surmise that's because there was significant paper ballot fraud committed in Michigan, whereas in Wisconsin it was primarily electronic.

Sadly, no recount is currently planned for Michigan. But if it were honestly recounted, even with all of that poison paper that has been added, Trump would still win the state.

Previously I had said that with Pennsylvania and Arizona undecided, and with an honest recount in Georgia, Trump will have 248 electoral votes, Biden 259. If the Wisconsin recount flips Wisconsin from Biden to Trump, it will be: Trump, 258, Biden, 249 (260 with Arizona included).

So it all comes down to what will happen with Pennsylvania. Are you paying attention, Supreme Court?
I'm satisfied but can they get anyone of authority to go along with this thesis.
Somebody has GOT to be able to present that data and make a strong enough case for the courts to determine if there was electronic bullshit going on.

What is the explanation for a count moving forward at roughly 10,000 ballot per minute count jumping up as high as 2 or 3 times that number instantly over a matter of a minute or two? In some cases hundreds of thousands of votes just suddenly "appear". I mean Jesus. It wasn't even concealed. They just assumed nobody would bother to look.

Damn. You could hear the passion in the voices of Giuliani, Powell and Ellis at that press conference. They sounded like they were choking back the tears of incredible disappointment in what they have uncovered.

I only managed to catch the tail end last 5 minutes of it. She really was distraught, you could hear it in her voice. It would have to be soul crushing to have this happen here.

Is it really surprising considering the last 4 years? Like I was saying before covid ,the only way they'd have any chance is crash the economy.. in comes covid. It still wasn't enough and they would leave nothing to chance this time.

Not a single thing I have seen from the democrats in 12 years demonstrates they have any honor,integrity or morals.