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Election Day 2020

Totally agree with you. I really have no idea what it will take to go over that edge. Americans have shown to be very submissive, giving up all liberty for this false promise of safety&security. We've become easily misled as well.

I do like the tree idea, live on HD TV. I'd even donate the rope.

I don't think Americans are submissive, but I think, as someone mentioned before, that Americans are far too comfortable. Everything a person could ever want is right at their fingertips. Until people are made to suffer, nobody is going to do anything. I mean, why would anyone go fight for Donald Trump when they can relax on their couch, watch their favorite TV show while eating and drinking whatever you want? Fighting for the things you believe in is hard, and Americans don't do hard anymore. Easier to ***** about it.

The worst part is, when they are done taxing you into oblivion, marginalizing your beliefs and stripping away your rights, people will sit there and say "How could this have happened?" when it is happening in plain sight.
This is no longer about the Trump election. It is about our elections moving forward. Right now, few believe in election integrity. This is a serious problem.

That Americans have lost their faith in government institutions is the government's fault.
That Americans have lost their faith in government institutions is the government's fault.
The government is elected by the people. You get what you vote for.

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Millions voted for this ******* moron:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Looks like Joe Biden's teleprompter failed and his brain malfunctioned again. <a href="https://t.co/qW8fgDXhFC">pic.twitter.com/qW8fgDXhFC</a></p>— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) <a href="https://twitter.com/CalebJHull/status/1329536064059535360?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 19, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Clown cannot utter a complete sentence. Jesus Christ, if that guy were your dad, you'd hire 24-hour care so he doesn't light himself on fire or try to drive.
Millions voted for this ******* moron:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Looks like Joe Biden's teleprompter failed and his brain malfunctioned again. <a href="https://t.co/qW8fgDXhFC">pic.twitter.com/qW8fgDXhFC</a></p>— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) <a href="https://twitter.com/CalebJHull/status/1329536064059535360?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 19, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Clown cannot utter a complete sentence. Jesus Christ, if that guy were your dad, you'd hire 24-hour care so he doesn't light himself on fire or try to drive.

the Left is saying that Biden has a stutter and you cannot mock him for a stutter.

yeah. Excuse Factory is churning already.
the Left is saying that Biden has a stutter and you cannot mock him for a stutter.

yeah. Excuse Factory is churning already.

Yep. 100% true.

What an embarrassment this ******* guy is. Corrupt, liar, sleezy, dementia-ridden, cannot handle a press conference featuring questions ONLY from reporters busy licking his *******, cannot form a complete sentence. What a goddamn embarrassment.
There was a jump in votes for Biden on the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4, but this was because Milwaukee County, home to the largest city in the states of Wisconsin, reported its 170,000 absentee votes, which were overwhelmingly Democrat

Yeah, sure. Right. You bet.

That happened in Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, and Georgia, and Michigan, all at the same time, five hours after all locations stopped counting votes for some reason.

Sure, you bet. Gotcha. Right. Of course. Makes perfect sense to stop counting votes for no discernible reason, then start again at 4:00 a.m. and have millions of "Dementia Joe, Beijing Basement Boy" ballots appear with just one ******* vote issued. You bet. Sure. Right.
Yeah, sure. Right. You bet.

That happened in Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, and Georgia, and Michigan, all at the same time, five hours after all locations stopped counting votes for some reason.

Sure, you bet. Gotcha. Right. Of course. Makes perfect sense to stop counting votes for no discernible reason, then start again at 4:00 a.m. and have millions of "Dementia Joe, Beijing Basement Boy" ballots appear with just one ******* vote issued. You bet. Sure. Right.

a statistical impossibility, but one that was possible because ... 2020
There was a jump in votes for Biden on the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4, but this was because Milwaukee County, home to the largest city in the states of Wisconsin, reported its 170,000 absentee votes, which were overwhelmingly Democrat

Oh, and don't you owe me $50??
Yeah, sure. Right. You bet.

That happened in Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, and Georgia, and Michigan, all at the same time, five hours after all locations stopped counting votes for some reason.

Sure, you bet. Gotcha. Right. Of course. Makes perfect sense to stop counting votes for no discernible reason, then start again at 4:00 a.m. and have millions of "Dementia Joe, Beijing Basement Boy" ballots appear with just one ******* vote issued. You bet. Sure. Right.

Yeah, nothing shady about that. People that just immediately excuse that **** are either a) functionally retarded or b) don't give a damn about our most sacred constitutional right. It's one thing to say "well, RINOs helped let this happen in the first place etc.", but it's a completely different thing to just pass it off as no big deal and that nothing downright criminal happened.

The corrupt empty suit who can't form a coherent sentence or thought who barely campaigned and hid in his basement ended up getting the most votes in U.S. history. Yeah okay, got it. ******* lemmings. And about Georgia, who blamed a disastrous broken water main on the sudden halt to the vote counting that night, couldn't produce a single work order/receipt for the fix and had to come out and say it was actually just a slow leak. In other words, just a normal night. "But the 2020 election was the most secure and free of fraud in U.S. history!"

Don't ******* insult us on top of rigging our election.
Just came across this gem:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Good morning to everyone especially the guy making a banger out of triggered unhinged libs &#55358;&#56611;&#55358;&#56611;&#55358;&#56600;&#55358;&#56600; <a href="https://t.co/bGSnE7hBUz">pic.twitter.com/bGSnE7hBUz</a></p>— President-Elect Gulag Inmate 4860 (@TheKingIsBack80) <a href="https://twitter.com/TheKingIsBack80/status/1329786758041624578?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Really explains Faux News part on Election Night:


And I can tell you something is very wrong with this presidential election. It reminds me of a fixed football game. Remember the famous fixed 1978 game between the New York Giants and Philadelphia Eagles. The Giants quarterback handed the ball off. The running back didn’t want it. It fell on the ground. Herm Edwards of the Eagles picked it up and ran it into the end zone with seconds left for a last second victory. Every bettor in the world knows that game was fixed. It doesn’t matter if you can prove it. We all know.

Gamblers feel the same way about this presidential election. This presidential election is rancid. It feels as fixed as that Giants-Eagles NFL football game. Let me give you the details of this election- from a gambler’s perspective.

Trump entered the night a 2 to 1 underdog. As soon as the polls started to close and the picture became clear, Trump’s odds quickly moved to even money. Then Trump became the slight favorite. Then a moderate favorite. Then a 2-to-1 favorite.

Then 3 to 1. 4 to 1. 5 to 1. 6 to 1. 7 to 1. Finally, Trump moved to 8 to 1 favorite.

What does all this mean? Bettors putting their money on the line during Election Night have always proven to be deadly accurate. Smart bettors can clearly see what direction a race is taking. Bettors around the world clearly saw what I saw, when they stared at the electoral map- Trump was headed for an electoral landslide.

But something wasn’t quite right. Fox News wouldn’t call Florida for Trump- even though he was ahead by a mile. They wouldn’t call Ohio- even though Trump was ahead by a mile, They wouldn’t call Texas- even though Trump was ahead by a mile. I sat there screaming at my television.

More strange calls. Fox News had called Virginia for Biden at the start of the night- with Trump well ahead in Virginia. Trump would remain ahead in Virginia for three long hours after Fox awarded the electoral votes to Biden. Why would they do that? What was the rush? It made no sense.

Biden was awarded Virginia with Trump ahead. But Trump was ahead by a mile in Florida, Ohio and Texas, yet Fox News refused to award him the electoral votes. I knew at that moment, something was wrong. Something smelled fishy. Something was rotten in the DC Swamp.

Bettors witnessed Trump dominating. He clearly won not only those key states of Florida, Ohio and Texas, but Trump also enjoyed large leads in the entire Midwest- Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa. It was all but over. Trump had an electoral landslide. Hence the massive 8 to 1 odds in favor of Trump.

And then it happened. It was the most bizarre call in Election Night history. Fox News called Arizona for Biden. Why? It wasn’t even close to over. There was no reason on earth to make that call. Arizona is STILL not over 8 days later. CNN still hasn’t awarded Arizona. ABC pulled it back from Biden only 24 hours ago.

Why would Fox News be in such a rush to call Arizona for Biden? At that moment, Trump’s odds crashed almost instantly from 8 to 1, back down to 2 to 1. That drop set off alarm bells. My friend who is one of the biggest bookmakers in the country called me to say, “Wayne, something is wrong. I’ve never seen a drop like that, let alone a drop that fast. How can Trump go from 8 to 1, to 2 to 1. Someone knows something. We’ve got a problem.”

It was as if someone had decided in advance to give Arizona to Biden- whether he won it, or not. It was as if the secret code was known to only a few billionaire gamblers, “Fox News awards Arizona to Biden.” Six magic words. Someone was ready for that call. Someone waited until Trump was a prohibitive 8 to 1 favorite, then knew to bet millions of dollars on Biden at the longest odds of the night. Someone knew the fix was in. Someone made a fortune.

There’s more to the story. First, by awarding both Virginia and Arizona to Biden way too early in the evening and also going super slow awarding states to Trump where he led by a mile, Fox News made sure Biden had the electoral lead all night. That’s another big part of the story.

Just like the fake pollsters suppressed Trump voters for months in advance of the election with polls falsely showing Trump losing by a landslide, fake “news desk” employees sure appeared to be suppressing Trump votes on Election Night. And also creating an air of invincibility for Biden. If Biden led in every poll before the election, and led all night in electoral votes, then it wouldn’t look like a fix was in, when Biden suddenly wound up the winner the morning after. Right?

One more piece of the puzzle. From almost the moment that secret code “Fox News awards Arizona to Biden” was spoken, three key Midwest battleground states with Democrat Governors all decided to stop counting votes for the night, with Trump way ahead. Why? Why all three, at the same time? Like they were coordinated in advance. Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania all mysteriously quit counting around midnight.

To add to the idea of a fix, these states merely claimed they were stopping counting for the night. After TV cameras and Republican poll watchers were all sent home, these Democrat states all resumed counting, suddenly finding all the ballots they needed to overcome large Trump leads.

I actually took screen shots before I went to bed. Trump was winning Michigan by over 300,000 votes when they stopped counting. He was up in Wisconsin by over 100,000. In Pennsylvania he was up almost 700,000 votes. But in the wee hours of the morning I took a new screenshot. Suddenly Biden was up by 9,000 in Wisconsin and 30,000 in Michigan. How’d that happen? I thought they stopped counting?

It all started with that bizarre Arizona call by Fox News.

Folks, someone knew. The fix was in. A few key people made millions betting on this election. They knew the exact minute to jump in. They knew exactly when a Trump landslide would turn to a Biden victory, with the help of a fake TV network call and fake ballots.

They knew Arizona was going to be called way too early. They knew that fake Arizona call would trigger vote counting to stop and massive ballot fraud to begin.

I don’t know what the Supreme Court will decide. But bettors all over the world know in our guts exactly what happened. The fix was in, no different than that famous NY Giants-Philadelphia Eagle fix in 1978 at the Meadowlands.
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Interesting. This kind of temper tantrum-having insanity by Pravda only means Orange Man Bad might actually be making some headway in challenging the election results:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Press unhinged <a href="https://t.co/wKmFkCsLd1">pic.twitter.com/wKmFkCsLd1</a></p>— Mission (@missionisgreat) <a href="https://twitter.com/missionisgreat/status/1329568537623539715?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 19, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
The government is elected by the people. You get what you vote for.
Unless your state uses Dominion Voting Machines. Then you get what WE vote for!
Interesting. This kind of temper tantrum-having insanity by Pravda only means Orange Man Bad might actually be making some headway in challenging the election results:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Press unhinged <a href="https://t.co/wKmFkCsLd1">pic.twitter.com/wKmFkCsLd1</a></p>— Mission (@missionisgreat) <a href="https://twitter.com/missionisgreat/status/1329568537623539715?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 19, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Been tuning out all propagandists. Just saw on Tim Pool's YT channel that the FEC chair called the election "illegitimate" due to voter fraud. Yowsers. That's why Pravda is having an aneurysm.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">KYLE RITTENHOUSE IS OUT OF JAIL. <br><br>God bless ALL who donated to help <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FightBack?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FightBack</a> raise required $2M cash bail. <br><br>Special thanks to Actor Ricky Schroder @rickyshroder1 & Mike Lindell <a href="https://twitter.com/realMikeLindell?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@realMikeLindell</a> for putting us over the top.<br><br>Kyle is SAFE. <br><br>Thanks to ALL who helped this boy.</p>— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) <a href="https://twitter.com/LLinWood/status/1329896525925928960?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">THIS IS TRANSPARENCY. &#55357;&#56391;&#55357;&#56391;<br><br>Never underestimate the impact local officials can make through their actions and their potential to create an immeasurable ripple effect. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/2020Election?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#2020Election</a> <a href="https://t.co/qXFr1duBLW">https://t.co/qXFr1duBLW</a></p>— Kaci Koviak (@KETK_Kaci) <a href="https://twitter.com/KETK_Kaci/status/1329903272677806082?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Why is the Dominion leadership deleting their LinkedIn accounts, not showing up for hearings, and hiding?</p>— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) <a href="https://twitter.com/catturd2/status/1329905967979520000?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If he wasn't such a demonstrable ******* before he got dementia, i'd feel bad for him. Right now he thinks he finally has everybody's respect. If he actually gets in office, give it about a year and the same media will suddenly start looking into Hunter and then some Dem hatchet man will give him the order. Step down now for health reasons or Hunter goes to jail, your brother goes to jail and we seize all your assets related to illegal foreign deals.
If he wasn't such a demonstrable ******* before he got dementia, i'd feel bad for him. Right now he thinks he finally has everybody's respect. If he actually gets in office, give it about a year and the same media will suddenly start looking into Hunter and then some Dem hatchet man will give him the order. Step down now for health reasons or Hunter goes to jail, your brother goes to jail and we seize all your assets related to illegal foreign deals.

The reason Nancy Pelosi wanted to set up a 25th Amendment Comission wasn't for Trump. It was for Biden. The hit has been already approved..
If he wasn't such a demonstrable ******* before he got dementia, i'd feel bad for him. Right now he thinks he finally has everybody's respect. If he actually gets in office, give it about a year and the same media will suddenly start looking into Hunter and then some Dem hatchet man will give him the order. Step down now for health reasons or Hunter goes to jail, your brother goes to jail and we seize all your assets related to illegal foreign deals.

The reason Nancy Pelosi wanted to set up a 25th Amendment Comission wasn't for Trump. It was for Biden. The hit has been already approved..

I don't believe it. They aren't going to take out their own president. Won't happen. Sound like the same conjecture I heard before the debates when everyone was saying that Biden wouldn't show up and that he'd magically get sick and cancel. He was always going to show up because he had no choice. The dems know if they take out their own president that it will infuriate it's base and what's left of their moderates. It will also destroy them in the mid terms where they will lose the house and lose more of the senate. I'll gladly come back on here and say I was wrong if it happens.... if he actually gets in office.
I don't believe it. They aren't going to take out their own president. Won't happen. Sound like the same conjecture I heard before the debates when everyone was saying that Biden wouldn't show up and that he'd magically get sick and cancel. He was always going to show up because he had no choice. The dems know if they take out their own president that it will infuriate it's base and what's left of their moderates. It will also destroy them in the mid terms where they will lose the house and lose more of the senate. I'll gladly come back on here and say I was wrong if it happens.... if he actually gets in office.

It wont be malicious. It will be sad and pull empathy. Then they set up one of the squad as The First female president, who will be the incumbent for 2024.
I don't believe it. They aren't going to take out their own president. Won't happen.
Yes they will.

The dems know if they take out their own president that it will infuriate it's base and what's left of their moderates.
They don't care. The objective was always to run Biden because he would appeal to the moderate old-school Dems and if he won replace him with someone too far Left to win the election.

It will also destroy them in the mid terms where they will lose the house and lose more of the senate.
Again, they don't care. President Harris will have a pen and a phone. And the Swamp. **** Congress.