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Election Day 2020

Whoever has the entertainment world, mainstream media and social media in their corner.....is the winner.
Has anyone watched television lately?
President Trump and his ardent supporters are being made a mockery of...

Its all over but the crying ladies and gentlemen...
Whoever has the entertainment world, mainstream media and social media in their corner.....is the winner.
Has anyone watched television lately?
President Trump and his ardent supporters are being made a mockery of...

Its all over but the crying ladies and gentlemen...

all for unity in the name of Dim
Whoever has the entertainment world, mainstream media and social media in their corner.....is the winner.
Has anyone watched television lately?
President Trump and his ardent supporters are being made a mockery of...

Its all over but the crying ladies and gentlemen...

Does the media really "have" the American public? I'd say they don't.
They can mock all they like. If the legal team can bring a suit - it's on.

And the fact is, there is SO much evidence of voter fraud, I don't know how the democrats and liberals can even look people in the eye.
They can mock all they like. If the legal team can bring a suit - it's on.

And the fact is, there is SO much evidence of voter fraud, I don't know how the democrats and liberals can even look people in the eye.

They're in hurry up offense. Trying to make it all look good, planning for a new administration. The media is following suit. Joe is already a lame duck unless they can steal Georgia.

I'd just love to see a bunch of people go to jail. It never happens in these leftist circles of power. I'm looking forward to seeing all of the evidence. If it's as much as they say and from what I've heard, we've really reached a tipping point in American politics.

And like I've been saying for a few years, we need a constitutional convention of the states. Better to hash this **** out now before we end up shooting each other in the not too distant future.
I'd just love to see a bunch of people go to jail. It never happens in these leftist circles of power. I'm looking forward to seeing all of the evidence. If it's as much as they say and from what I've heard, we've really reached a tipping point in American politics.

Nothing changes, at all, in any respect, unless a lot of people outside the little club known as D.C. force their way in and exact punishment. Congress, the DOJ? Another report about a report regarding a cubicle dweller. Less important than how many farts my horse expelled today.

Politicians don't fear us; most Americans fear them. These contemptible fleas order us to stay home, not get a haircut, don't go out to dinner, don't travel to your own vacation home in in-state, don't send your kids to school ... while they get their hair done, go to their cabins, dine out in large numbers, send their kids to school. I will write for the fourth time ... until Americans drag a few dozen of these politicians out of their offices and hang them from a tree, nothing changes.

When politicians fear the voters, things will change. Until then, every new "revelation" is another version of the "Durham report." A steaming pile of nothing that does nothing to anybody, but at least it took a long time and cost a bunch of money.
And now we know why Trump and Mitch were in a hurry to get a new justice on the bench. He certainly can't trust Roberts.
Nothing changes, at all, in any respect, unless a lot of people outside the little club known as D.C. force their way in and exact punishment. Congress, the DOJ? Another report about a report regarding a cubicle dweller. Less important than how many farts my horse expelled today.

Politicians don't fear us; most Americans fear them. These contemptible fleas order us to stay home, not get a haircut, don't go out to dinner, don't travel to your own vacation home in in-state, don't send your kids to school ... while they get their hair done, go to their cabins, dine out in large numbers, send their kids to school. I will write for the fourth time ... until Americans drag a few dozen of these politicians out of their offices and hang them from a tree, nothing changes.

When politicians fear the voters, things will change. Until then, every new "revelation" is another version of the "Durham report." A steaming pile of nothing that does nothing to anybody, but at least it took a long time and cost a bunch of money.

Totally agree with you. I really have no idea what it will take to go over that edge. Americans have shown to be very submissive, giving up all liberty for this false promise of safety&security. We've become easily misled as well.

I do like the tree idea, live on HD TV. I'd even donate the rope.

There was a jump in votes for Biden on the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4, but this was because Milwaukee County, home to the largest city in the states of Wisconsin, reported its 170,000 absentee votes, which were overwhelmingly Democrat
This is no longer about the Trump election. It is about our elections moving forward. Right now, few believe in election integrity. This is a serious problem.

As long as the Democrats win, they don't even care. We've gotten to where they don't even try to hide it.
As long as the Democrats win, they don't even care. We've gotten to where they don't even try to hide it.

Nope. They do not care in the least. They've used every old school commie tactic in the book. The only thing left is re-education camps,starvation and mass executions of dissenters.
This is no longer about the Trump election. It is about our elections moving forward. Right now, few believe in election integrity. This is a serious problem.

I'm pretty sure Dominion is ******. So are mass mail in ballots.

I don't even know how you restore integrity when you're dealing with people who have none
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Ladies and gentlemen, the so called "President-elect" of the United States. <a href="https://t.co/r5jGzCWCWW">pic.twitter.com/r5jGzCWCWW</a></p>— Joel Fischer (@JFNYC1) <a href="https://twitter.com/JFNYC1/status/1329566992320356353?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 19, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Ladies and gentlemen, the so called "President-elect" of the United States. <a href="https://t.co/r5jGzCWCWW">pic.twitter.com/r5jGzCWCWW</a></p>— Joel Fischer (@JFNYC1) <a href="https://twitter.com/JFNYC1/status/1329566992320356353?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 19, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Holy ****. That dude is on some far side moon of Saturn. He doesn't even have an elevator left to even go to the top.

Most votes ever folks! ...most votes ever.

Build back better is actually... broken bumbling biden.

He actually makes Hildabeast look appealing.
They can mock all they like. If the legal team can bring a suit - it's on.

And the fact is, there is SO much evidence of voter fraud, I don't know how the democrats and liberals can even look people in the eye.

I don't know how they can either, but they can and do all the time.
I think it stems from their the end justifies the means ideology. How can you have a fair fight with someone or a party that has no problem with cheating, stealing and lying?

100% this. I know it's cliche but it's like bringing a knife to a gunfight. Not advocating lying, cheating and stealing - but we have to get elected officials with spines to actually prosecute/impeach/punish these people under the law, otherwise we're doomed as a country.

Another cliche, but if a temper tantrum-having child screaming at the top of their lungs not only gets away with it, but even gets a cookie to try & appease them, how does that typically work out? We might be too far gone with too many corrupt & bad actors who've already infiltrated just about every meaningful institution in this country, but it sure as hell is worth fighting for.

In the meantime, BLOAT.
I'm pretty sure Dominion is ******. So are mass mail in ballots.

I don't even know how you restore integrity when you're dealing with people who have none

Paper ballots with nothing connected to the internet, all 50 states. More Republicans on local election boards and judges of elections.
Paper ballots with nothing connected to the internet, all 50 states. More Republicans on local election boards and judges of elections.

Paper ballot only sent by request to verified registered voter that matches address and must be signed for. All other in person voting you must show your ID and sign for it. That's what I did in Florida.

Absolutely no internet and I'm not really confident in any computer software handling the tally for counting.

We blow money like water in this country, we can certainly spend it on something so fundamental to our republic. Election integrity.