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Election Day 2020

Just saw dominion is getting lawyered up. Considering their very unsavory clients I'd say that's a good idea.

It's going to get uncovered regardless if Jagoff Joe gets sworn in or not. This isn't just going to go away. Funny how these clowns like Pelosi always speak of preserving democracy, yet they piss all over it when it suits them.
Just saw dominion is getting lawyered up. Considering their very unsavory clients I'd say that's a good idea.

It's going to get uncovered regardless if Jagoff Joe gets sworn in or not. This isn't just going to go away. Funny how these clowns like Pelosi always speak of preserving democracy, yet they piss all over it when it suits them.

Just about every negative thing Dems accuse somebody else of doing is straight up projection.....and exactly what they are up to themselves. It's a great diversion tactic to allow them to get away with murder.
It wont be malicious. It will be sad and pull empathy. Then they set up one of the squad as The First female president, who will be the incumbent for 2024.

Yes they will.

They don't care. The objective was always to run Biden because he would appeal to the moderate old-school Dems and if he won replace him with someone too far Left to win the election.

Again, they don't care. President Harris will have a pen and a phone. And the Swamp. **** Congress.

Aren't you the guys that said that Biden wouldn't show up for the debates?

Also Biden has wanted to be President for 50 years. He isn't just going to walk away. You also can't have it both ways. Invoking the 25th amendment is not "empathy". He will fight it. Again I'll come back and say I'm wrong if it happens but my guess is that the place will go silent (just like the debate projections) when it doesn't happen.
Vader - my theory is not that the Dims will use the 25th to push Biden aside.

The Dims knew they had this election in the bag. They also knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that Biden's dementia will increase. Just like a family member watching grandpa's memory get worse and worse, as you repeat the same things to them over and over, in increasing frequency. They knew and know that Biden's mental acuity will not allow him four years of doing a 24/7/365 job.

So why suggest and bring up the 25th at such a time as the "end" of the OrangeManBad Regime?

So that when Biden's dementia increases two-fold the Republicans will be pressured by their base to push for the 25th. Then the Dims will circle the wagons around Basement Boy, crying to the media that it's not fair for Beijing Joe to be attacked as he is. Behind the scenes, they'll be dropping breadcrumbs that Biden's dementia is even increasing more than they could imagine. Republicans will seize on this, and push for the 25th to be invoked.

Key to all this?

The VP is the deciding factor in pushing the 25th through.

Remember in the Dem Debates, Kneepads Kamala had exactly zero love for Peepads Joe. She accused him of sexual misconduct, being a racist, etc, etc. She had such fire that she'd have ripped his head off and **** down his neck if she were allowed to. She flat HATED him.


Oh, she loooooooooooooooves Joe. Good ol' All-Merican Joe. Scranton, Pa, apple pie eating and baseball loving Joe. She's just in awe and humbled by him after talking to him for hours and hours. Probably had to repeat the same **** to him for hours, but that's besides the point.

Do you think Kamala wouldn't agree to use the 25th if if meant SHE would be:
The first female President of the United States
The first black female President of the United States
The first South Asian female President of the United States

yes, yes she would.
Yes they will.

They don't care. The objective was always to run Biden because he would appeal to the moderate old-school Dems and if he won replace him with someone too far Left to win the election.

Again, they don't care. President Harris will have a pen and a phone. And the Swamp. **** Congress.
If Biden and the Rats QB were in a Wonderlic contest, who would win?

Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
Just about every negative thing Dems accuse somebody else of doing is straight up projection.....and exactly what they are up to themselves. It's a great diversion tactic to allow them to get away with murder.

They've studied communists very well. A lot of great political tactics can be used successfully if you have no ethics,standards or morals. The laws or constitution don't mean a damn thing. Just win.
Aren't you the guys that said that Biden wouldn't show up for the debates?

Also Biden has wanted to be President for 50 years. He isn't just going to walk away. You also can't have it both ways. Invoking the 25th amendment is not "empathy". He will fight it. Again I'll come back and say I'm wrong if it happens but my guess is that the place will go silent (just like the debate projections) when it doesn't happen.

If inaugurated, I predict Joe will be gone by Memorial Day, he gets one year at most. Joe doesn't know WTF already, the one who will fight against it the hardest will be Mrs. Biden. She ain't giving up that First Lady gig without a fight.
Vader - my theory is not that the Dims will use the 25th to push Biden aside.

The Dims knew they had this election in the bag. They also knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that Biden's dementia will increase. Just like a family member watching grandpa's memory get worse and worse, as you repeat the same things to them over and over, in increasing frequency. They knew and know that Biden's mental acuity will not allow him four years of doing a 24/7/365 job.

So why suggest and bring up the 25th at such a time as the "end" of the OrangeManBad Regime?

So that when Biden's dementia increases two-fold the Republicans will be pressured by their base to push for the 25th. Then the Dims will circle the wagons around Basement Boy, crying to the media that it's not fair for Beijing Joe to be attacked as he is. Behind the scenes, they'll be dropping breadcrumbs that Biden's dementia is even increasing more than they could imagine. Republicans will seize on this, and push for the 25th to be invoked.

Key to all this?

The VP is the deciding factor in pushing the 25th through.

Remember in the Dem Debates, Kneepads Kamala had exactly zero love for Peepads Joe. She accused him of sexual misconduct, being a racist, etc, etc. She had such fire that she'd have ripped his head off and **** down his neck if she were allowed to. She flat HATED him.


Oh, she loooooooooooooooves Joe. Good ol' All-Merican Joe. Scranton, Pa, apple pie eating and baseball loving Joe. She's just in awe and humbled by him after talking to him for hours and hours. Probably had to repeat the same **** to him for hours, but that's besides the point.

Do you think Kamala wouldn't agree to use the 25th if if meant SHE would be:
The first female President of the United States
The first black female President of the United States
The first South Asian female President of the United States

yes, yes she would.

There are several issues with this. First off the Reps don't control the house. Even if they did why would they want to take Biden out? Also if Harris takes out Biden then you'll have more of the party split than you do now. They'll get destroyed in the house, senate and in the 2024 Presidential election. I don't think that's what the plan is right now. They will hold Biden up until he dies or gets done with his first term. Then he'll step down and Harris can run for two solid terms if she wins the first one. They aren't this short sighted.

Again the 25th amendment has never been used for this purpose and Biden isn't going away without a fight.. a fight that would destroy the dem party.
Please hold onto your shocked faces...but the unbiased, fact checking, always honest media are laying these claims as false and partially true...because it doesn't fit the narrative

The very predictable narrative I might add Tim but ......Be patient. Revenge is a dish best served cold.


Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold


Oh, baby, if you are a fan, as I am, of not only reading the articles but also the comments posted by readers after the articles, you will know that there is a whole lot of anger, bitterness, rage, hatred and outrage out there on both sides. Republicans are vacillating between a sense of betrayal by their fellow citizens who they see as being willing to accept fraud in order to replace Trump and either a sense of helplessness or calls for a civil war. Democrats, it seems, feel released from their obligation to feign civility and are openly repeating hateful memes we have been hearing only from the radical left. Trump called Nazis “fine people”, Trump is a Nazi, racist, homophobe, yada yada yada. You know the drill. Only now, it is being directed at him for suggesting that there were problems with the vote and he will not yet concede the election. Their new favorite phrase is “sour grapes” aimed at Trump, his administration and the 71 million people who voted for him.

Look, we know that 54% of those who filled in their ballot for Biden were not FOR Biden but AGAINST Trump. That leaves about a quarter of all voters who actually supported Biden. So, should all the court challenges to the election fail, should all the electors remain faithful electors and cast their electoral ballot for the person who won the election in their state, Biden will be president. But he will not start out, as the delusional Nancy Pelosi says, with a mandate. In fact, he will begin with 71 million people vehemently antagonistic to him and his policies and another 35 million who have been so filled with hate for Trump that they may not even be aware of Biden’s policies at all. That being the case, some of the first actions that Biden must take will be to gain the support of those 35 million anti-Trumpers by undoing much of what is clearly associated with Trump. Of course, this will make the Trump supporters howl. And it will bring great joy to the actual 25% who are Biden supporters. But, if you believe that what Trump has done has been good for America and Americans, then undoing some of it will give the anti-Trump 25% their first look at the consequences of their vote. And some of them will definitely not like the effect it will have on their lives.

I have called this election a hate election. Those who voted against Trump didn’t merely dislike him. There was some serious hate out there toward the man. You don’t put a sitting president through what Trump has been put through these last 4 years simply because you don’t like the man. Almost all the attacks on the man were personal and not policy attacks. The accusation that he was a Russian agent, a man who hired prostitutes to pee on a bed Obama had slept in, a Nazi, a racist, an anti-Semite, a man who bribed other countries for personal gain, etc. Any attacks on policy were also served up on the basis of personal attacks. His ban on entry into the country of people from 7 countries named by Obama was characterized as anti-Muslim. His desire to control our borders from a flood of illegal entries was called hateful of Mexicans. When people flooded into the country by train from Central and South American countries the charge was expanded to anti-Hispanic. When he moved to enforce laws put in place by Obama, he was said to be putting people in cages, all allegedly proven by photos of children in cages which turned out to be photos taken during Obama’s term in office. He was said to be a man who lacked compassion because he didn’t wear his mask enough and who was called responsible for the deaths of 230 thousand people. Rarely were the debates about policy, they were about Trump. So, the hate for the man, ginned up by the Democrats and their media allies' has been palpable for 4 years. It was a hate election.

But down ballot voting illustrates that it was a hate Trump election, not a hate his policies election. The Democrats will probably gain one, maybe two seats in the Senate where they spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to gain control of that body. They will probably not get it since Perdue only missed the 50% cut off for a run off by .16%. (By the way, that was pretty suspicious for a number of reasons that will be left for another time.) Kelly Loeffler, on the other hand, will likely collect all the votes won by Doug Collins and win her seat handily. Finally, I find it difficult that Georgians, knowing that the Senate is on the line and the only thing standing in the way of a fully Progressive agenda, and without the Trump hatred factor will vote for Democrat Senators. And Republicans, knowing the kinds of shenanigans that went on in the General Election damn well ought to be on the lookout for all the things that happened around the country.

Down ballot, Republicans, who were supposed to lose seats in the House, have gained seats, perhaps 10 or more when it’s all said and done. In spite of some states voting against Trump, the Republicans maintained control of their governorships and may have gained control of three state legislatures .

So, all of this again suggests this was an election based upon hatred of Trump and his personal ‘unpresidential’ style. (A friend of mine has taken to asking people who talk about Trump’s style: “What did he ever do to you?” The question gets to the nub of the matter. Why do you care about his style?) People voted against Trump because they hated him. And hate is a voracious beast. That beast needs to continually feed on more and more hate. You see it today as the people in the streets are screaming hateful things not only at Trump but at his supporters. And THIS is after they believe they have won and Trump will no longer be president. The beast must be fed. And the media and Democrats have created this beast which, I believe, they will soon learn they cannot control. The beast is voracious and it is not beyond destroying even those who gave birth to it. It is not beyond eating itself.

So, we, as Republicans must not feed the beast. Allow the system to work. Participate in the system in any way you can. Become an activist. But do it out of love for the nation and not out of hate for a person or party. Hate does not have to be nor should it be our motivation but love does not mean rolling over and accepting the hate. It means fighting FOR our beliefs and not against someone else’s. It means not wanting to destroy what wants to destroy you but simply preventing it from doing so. Because this beast is only beginning its destruction and, if I am correct, it will be revealed for the beast it is. Before anything else, the beast must destroy opposition to it from within its own party. I am not convinced that even one quarter of Democrats will support the Progressive agenda that is being promoted by Schumer, Pelosi, Ocasio-Cortez and her ilk, and potential VP Harris. The beast must first win its battles with Democrat Americans who still love this country and understand its foundations. They do not believe that our country was founded in 1619 on the basis of racism and slavery. They do not believe we should defund the police, tear down our borders, eliminate ICE, riot in the streets whenever police shoot a person of color, or all wear masks and shut down our livelihoods in an all or none fashion as commanded by a federal, state or local government. People value their individual freedom and many of the younger people who voted for Biden have never been nor can they imagine a world wherein their personal freedoms are abridged by a government intent on imposing uniformity on its citizenry. Hopefully, they still believe in equality of opportunity and not the equity of outcome recently promoted by Kamala Harris. In short, the beast must bring those people into line or destroy and expel them. This will be one of the first fights Biden and his beast will have. In actuality, Biden may be the very first of the beast's victims.

So, what I am suggesting, perhaps in not so eloquent fashion is that it is not the end of the world if Biden winds up taking the oath of office. It will mean that the beast is revealed. And what is plainly known can be resisted. His election does not change our beliefs. It does not change the nature of people to want to preserve their freedoms or love their nation. In the end, there will be an accounting for those who voted out of hatred for one man without concern for the nation itself. If we simply stand firm in our beliefs and continue to fight for what is right and just, the love of freedom and liberty for all will defeat hate. But we must remain cool, calm and determined in the face of defeat. We must not allow our hatred to fill the beast or it will destroy us all. Victory will be ours and our revenge will be sweet. Be patient. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Vader - my theory is not that the Dims will use the 25th to push Biden aside.

The Dims knew they had this election in the bag. They also knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that Biden's dementia will increase. Just like a family member watching grandpa's memory get worse and worse, as you repeat the same things to them over and over, in increasing frequency. They knew and know that Biden's mental acuity will not allow him four years of doing a 24/7/365 job.

So why suggest and bring up the 25th at such a time as the "end" of the OrangeManBad Regime?

So that when Biden's dementia increases two-fold the Republicans will be pressured by their base to push for the 25th. Then the Dims will circle the wagons around Basement Boy, crying to the media that it's not fair for Beijing Joe to be attacked as he is. Behind the scenes, they'll be dropping breadcrumbs that Biden's dementia is even increasing more than they could imagine. Republicans will seize on this, and push for the 25th to be invoked.

Key to all this?

The VP is the deciding factor in pushing the 25th through.

Remember in the Dem Debates, Kneepads Kamala had exactly zero love for Peepads Joe. She accused him of sexual misconduct, being a racist, etc, etc. She had such fire that she'd have ripped his head off and **** down his neck if she were allowed to. She flat HATED him.


Oh, she loooooooooooooooves Joe. Good ol' All-Merican Joe. Scranton, Pa, apple pie eating and baseball loving Joe. She's just in awe and humbled by him after talking to him for hours and hours. Probably had to repeat the same **** to him for hours, but that's besides the point.

Do you think Kamala wouldn't agree to use the 25th if if meant SHE would be:
The first female President of the United States
The first black female President of the United States
The first South Asian female President of the United States

yes, yes she would.

She NEVER accused Joe of being a racist. This was already debunked in THIS thread.

Secondly...its politics. There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies. Only permanent interests. Remember Cruz, Rubio, McEneny and KellyAnne ? They all talked trash about Trump
They called him incompetenet, unqualified among many other things...

Kayleigh for example


This isnt some eureka moment. These same folks now lick Trumps sacks. Its politics..is twisted ...its dirty. Folks should have learned by now.
Im sitting here listening on the radio to MAGA world devotees fret over this election and dismay that Trump lost. And what knocks me is the fact that they seem to put soooo much stock in these goddamn rally attendence numbers compared to Biden and his sparsely attended campaign events. Its quite feasible to accept the reality that folks honored pandemic guidelines and stayed away from Biden rallies and chose to view via streaming platform, compared to Trumps campaign who ignored or thumbed noses at guidelines.

Lastly, mail ballots. Im listening to Alex Marlow at Breitbart whine constantly over the "cheat-by-mail" nonsense.

1) he nor anyone else has presented any evidence of cheating
2) he suggests that ONLY malfeasance or cheating would eminate from one side
3) he ignores the fact that overwhelmingly Democrats and many independents chose to vote by mail which shifted the tally towards Biden POST-IN PERSON VOTING windows.

Lets not forget who openly advocated fraudulent voting and pushing advantage this election by attempting to limit mail distribution and telling his base to try and vote twice

Exhibit 1 Trump telling voters to attempt to vote twice
She NEVER accused Joe of being a racist. This was already debunked in THIS thread.

No.....it really wasn't debunked at all. You are playing the semantics game that she didn't specifically say the R word and calling yourself correct. If you are trying to make the case that she didn't heavily insinuate that Joe was a racist by giving SPECIFIC instances to support her notion, you are lying and you know it. She flat out did. Are you also going to deny that she also insinuated that Joe was most likely a sexual abuser in the case of Tara Reade? She did that as well. You can play all the childish semantics games you want, it doesn't make you correct in any way.
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Exhibit 1 Trump telling voters to attempt to vote twice

I just watched the clip you provided. I'm guessing you didn't watch it. He said if you get an absentee ballot, send it in. Then go to the voting station and make sure your vote was tabulated. If it wasn't tabulated, vote again. If it was tabulated and you try to vote again, the vote won't count. It is a safeguard to make sure they can't toss the absentee ballots when they don't like who you voted for. And he was absolutely 100% correct, considering the multiple reports of Trump votes getting thrown in the trash by scam artist poll tabulators. You debunked yourself better than anyone else could.
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Blitzburgh proves he's not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed often of late.
How often do many on the left ever prove they are sharp? Their only skills are lying and cheating.

To paraphrase Churchill, if he's under 30 he at least has a heart, if he's over 30 he hasn't a brain.
No.....it really wasn't debunked at all. You are playing the semantics game that she didn't specifically say the R word and calling yourself correct. If you are trying to make the case that she didn't heavily insinuate that Joe was a racist by giving SPECIFIC instances to support her notion, you are lying and you know it. She flat out did. Are you also going to deny that she also insinuated that Joe was most likely a sexual abuser in the case of Tara Reade? She did that as well. You can play all the childish semantics games you want, it doesn't make you correct in any way.

Exactly she called him a racist without coming right out and saying it. It’s funny how black people forget about all the **** him and her have done to screw the black community.
This is from Chris Christie


"This is outrageous conduct by any lawyer," Christie said Sunday, noting Trump's attorneys have levied wild accusations in public but have not, so far, raised them in court, where there are consequences for providing false information.
"They allege fraud outside the courtroom, but when they go inside the courtroom, they don't plead fraud and they don't argue fraud," he said.
"Listen," Christie concluded, "I have been a supporter of the President's. I voted for him twice, but elections have consequences, and we cannot continue to act as if something happened here that didn't happen."
"If you are unwilling to come forward and present the evidence, it must mean the evidence doesn't exist," he went on. "The country is what has to matter the most. As much as I'm a strong Republican and I love my party, it's the country that has to come first."
I can't believe all of these dims (Cristie=RINO=DIM) crying about "the evidence". Why would they show it to you?
This is from Chris Christie


"This is outrageous conduct by any lawyer," Christie said Sunday, noting Trump's attorneys have levied wild accusations in public but have not, so far, raised them in court, where there are consequences for providing false information.
"They allege fraud outside the courtroom, but when they go inside the courtroom, they don't plead fraud and they don't argue fraud," he said.
"Listen," Christie concluded, "I have been a supporter of the President's. I voted for him twice, but elections have consequences, and we cannot continue to act as if something happened here that didn't happen."
"If you are unwilling to come forward and present the evidence, it must mean the evidence doesn't exist," he went on. "The country is what has to matter the most. As much as I'm a strong Republican and I love my party, it's the country that has to come first."

so his complaint is the lawyers haven't shown all their evidence to the media and instead are gathering it and preparing it to present in court?
so his complaint is the lawyers haven't shown all their evidence to the media and instead are gathering it and preparing it to present in court?

He is saying what is being argued in court is not the alarmist fraud they are saying to the media. Christie was one of Trumps right hand men not sure how anyone would call him a dem. He got COVID helping Trump for the debates...