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Election Day 2020

They got everything they wanted. Picked up seats in the House. A chance at least to hold the Senate. Miss Lindsey and Mitch are back. And Trump is gone. Maybe.

Business as usual for the Consolation Conservatives.

Self job preservation above all else. The big boat is no longer rocking, but it's taking on a lot of water the bilge pumps can't handle.
You guys seem to be suffering from SLS, Sore Loser Syndrome.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/f6LYIvIMjC7e0" width="480" height="285" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/hair-flip-hillary-clinton-f6LYIvIMjC7e0">finish writing your ******* book</a></p>
Term limits for all! You can't make a change without flushing out the entire system.

We have term limits, it's called voting. The problem is in the primaries. Are there really people running against the incumbent that have actual conservative values and not the same tired *** talking points? Also, people don't go out to vote in primaries like they do actual elections so the same ole same ole keeps being pushed forward.

The people need to step up and stop whining and start doing or this will continue to be same old circus that has been going on for years. Start getting some real candidates pushed forward and support them, and not the same old neocon dumbasses, old tired *** do nothings and Qanon crazies.
We have term limits, it's called voting. The problem is in the primaries. Are there really people running against the incumbent that have actual conservative values and not the same tired *** talking points? Also, people don't go out to vote in primaries like they do actual elections so the same ole same ole keeps being pushed forward.

The people need to step up and stop whining and start doing or this will continue to be same old circus that has been going on for years. Start getting some real candidates pushed forward and support them, and not the same old neocon dumbasses, old tired *** do nothings and Qanon crazies.

So with that idea a president should be able to run for as many terms as the people will elect him. Sorry but this was never meant to be a permanent career. Too much power for that long of time most certainly corrupts them and they form unsavory alliances with each other. Not to mention becoming very rich.

Get in,do your job and get on with your life.

If you lie,deceive or deviate severely from what you promised to those you represent ,it should be immediate termination from your job.
hey Blitz, I just did a minor edit on your longer post above to make it more factually accurate and succinct.

he was cheated.
So with that idea a president should be able to run for as many terms as the people will elect him. Sorry but this was never meant to be a permanent career. Too much power for that long of time most certainly corrupts them and they form unsavory alliances with each other. Not to mention becoming very rich.

Get in,do your job and get on with your life.

If you lie,deceive or deviate severely from what you promised to those you represent ,it should be immediate termination from your job.

Oh, I'm not against term limits for congress and the senate, but you and I both know they will never ever pass anything on that. Why would they want to end their own personal gravy trains. So, for now, we need to focus on forcing term limits on these do nothings.
Oh, I'm not against term limits for congress and the senate, but you and I both know they will never ever pass anything on that. Why would they want to end their own personal gravy trains. So, for now, we need to focus on forcing term limits on these do nothings.

You do know we have 17 states signed on for a constitutional convention of the states. No congress needed if we can get enough states signed on.

If they keep up with this tyrannical bs on citizens, that mark will be easy to hit. If people really want change, this is it. Otherwise you can rest assured nothing will change other than the erosion of our foundation. At some point it will reach a terminal side one way or another. Given the leftist control of most things involving information and education, I'd say we stand a good chance of going that way until collapse.
I am just sad at what has been lost.

General Mattis is encouraging Joe Biden to drop the America First model of the Trump administration. A Marine general is saying to drop the idea of America first. Can you believe that?

So here we will be, back to sacrificing our young men and women for things that do not benefit Americans in any way, shape or form.

I wonder which military contractor Mattis is in the pocket of.
You do know we have 17 states signed on for a constitutional convention of the states. No congress needed if we can get enough states signed on.

If they keep up with this tyrannical bs on citizens, that mark will be easy to hit. If people really want change, this is it. Otherwise you can rest assured nothing will change other than the erosion of our foundation. At some point it will reach a terminal side one way or another. Given the leftist control of most things involving information and education, I'd say we stand a good chance of going that way until collapse.

So, you will rely on this instead of a change in the republican party and their outreach, holding them accountable, things like that. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments to the constitution.

I'm not holding my breath, and certainly not hoping for this above getting on the ground and making things happen in the party for THE PEOPLE.
Faux News viewership continues to plummet.


Maybe I’ve reached a new level of cynicism in my middle age, but one problem I see with a Convention of States is that state legislatures are nothing more than “yes” men & women eager to pander to the national party. When states are dependent of federal dollars like a young calf is dependent on momma’s teat, do you think even the threat of being voted out (in a state election) will deter them? Better march along lock-step with your national party leaders or lose any funding from the feds for your next election. And imagine having to come to local town hall meeting with your constituents and having to explain why XYZ social program is losing its funding. You’ll never hold public office again (which is a great argument for term limits!). Federalism in nothing but a thing of the past, I’m afraid… a once-wonderful form of governance – in theory – that in practice would suck power out of the feds. And you know they ain’t havin’ none of that.

I’d love to see Article V brought in. The silent majority has been silent too long. I still believe conservatives / constitutionalists and even moderates / independents are the majority, but we’re too damn busy working, raising families, serving our communities, that our voices are being drowned out by the loud, boisterous radical minority. And the MSM is all too happy to give them that voice, and when that is all you see on TV, the uniformed will think that that is what the majority of the country feels/thinks.

I despise the duopoly that is (and has been for a few generations now) the two-party system. (If only the Libertarian Party could offer candidates who are actually libertarian!) Once they do, though, they need a place on the debate stage. To hell with arbitrary rules put in by the Commission on Presidential Debates (who are nothing more than hacks from the 2 parties… imagine that!) that leave out 3rd party candidates/independents. Short of finally having a viable 3rd party candidate and a place on the national debate stage, I think a better approach is to have libertarian-leaning candidates make inroads in the Republican party. The Tea Party, the House Freedom Caucus… all were great movements that are memories now.
I don't understand what people expect from a multi-party system that is any different than what we have now.

We DO have multiple parties, but they have aligned themselves into two major groups (Democrats and Republicans).

The Tea Party was, for a while, a completely DIFFERENT party than the average, run-of-the-mill Republicans. They beat incumbents all across this country, went to Washington, and demanded change to the national platform, but then eventually found themselves in such a small minority, that aligning with normal Republicans was the only way to accomplish anything.

Bernie Sanders and the new Democratic Socialist ARE a new party. Again, like the Tea Party, they were the "hot thing" and beat many incumbents and went to Washington and demand all sorts of "changes" to the National platform..... but they can't do it because even 10% of House seats can't get anything done BY THEMSELVES. They have to come back to the "middle" of the Democratic platform, under Pelosi, to get something done.

Why would it matter is the old Tea Partiers from 2010-2016 put a (F) next to their name rather than (R)?

Why would it matter is AOC and her ilk decided to put (S) next to their name instead of (D)?

I guess you guys think change away from a 2-party system would mean having 6 names on every ballot for EVERY ******* position up for election. You'd have guys with (R), (D), (F), (S), (L).... Hell, let's bring back the Whigs (W).

What does that accomplish? 5-6 congressional options every election. The winner getting 30% of the vote? And THAT is what ends up going to Washington where they have no bargaining power at all except by grouping together, tadah!!!, right back into a 2-party system.

I mean, Europe has multiple parties, but it still all comes down to Conservative Nationalism and Democratic Socialism over there. All the so-called "parties" end up under those two umbrellas or they get completely locked out from doing anything. And groups create even MORE gridlock. Even MORE governing by obstruction.

And that opens the door up (just like here) with so-called executive rule by fiat. Using regulatory rules and executive orders to rule somewhat close to the party-line. And the court system ultimately deciding on whether that executive reach goes too far.
Last edited:
I don't understand what people expect from a multi-party system that is any different than what we have now.

We DO have multiple parties, but they have aligned themselves into two major groups (Democrats and Republicans).

The Tea Party was, for a while, a completely DIFFERENT party than the average, run-of-the-mill Republicans. They beat incumbents all across this country, went to Washington, and demanded change to the national platform, but then eventually found themselves in such a small minority, that aligning with normal Republicans was the only way to accomplish anything.

Bernie Sanders and the new Democratic Socialist ARE a new party. Again, like the Tea Party, they were the "hot thing" and beat many incumbents and went to Washington and demand all sorts of "changes" to the National platform..... but they can't do it because even 10% of House seats can't get anything done BY THEMSELVES. They have to come back to the "middle" of the Democratic platform, under Pelosi, to get something done.

Why would it matter is the old Tea Partiers from 2010-2016 put a (F) next to their name rather than (R)?

Why would it matter is AOC and her ilk decided to put (S) next to their name instead of (D)?

I guess you guys think change away from a 2-party system would mean having 6 names on every ballot for EVERY ******* position up for election. You'd have guys with (R), (D), (F), (S), (L).... Hell, let's bring back the Whigs (W).

What does that accomplish? 5-6 congressional options every election. The winner getting 30% of the vote? And THAT is what ends up going to Washington where they have no bargaining power at all except by grouping together, tadah!!!, right back into a 2-party system.

I mean, Europe has multiple parties, but it still all comes down to Conservative Nationalism and Democratic Socialism over there. All the so-called "parties" end up under those two umbrellas or they get completely locked out from doing anything. And groups create even MORE gridlock. Even MORE governing by obstruction.

And that opens the door up (just like here) with so-called executive rule by fiat. Using regulatory rules and executive orders to rule somewhat close to the party-line. And the court system ultimately deciding on whether that executive reach goes too far.

Nah, we don't need multiple parties. I mean, they already exist but don't make any inroads as they put up some really dense people to rep their party. That and they don't gain traction on a Fed level at high rates. Libertarians in particular could make more inroads if they invested their time and energy more on state/local levels verses federal.

What we need is a new guard in the Republican party that is actually conservative in not just their words, but also their actions. They need better messaging, and instead of just trying to own the libs, actually come back with ideas and policies that are better than what is being presented by the Dems. They also need to stop ignoring the urban areas, and double down on reaching out. They continue to only reach out to rural and suburban areas at their own detriment. Take a look at a lot of the big cities around the country and if they aren't already blue they are trending blue. We are talking about areas big enough to flip a whole state. I don't feel like writing a whole big dissertation on why Repubs keep losing traction, but if they don't start changing course you just might see places like Texas flip..........the margin is already narrowing.

The GA Senate runoff happens in January and the Dems have already mobilized heavily. You can hate Stacy Abrams all you want, but that woman has drummed up more dem support and voters to the polls than anyone else in a long time. There are Repub. organizations on the ground in GA right now, but they are highly outnumbered. Now add in the stupid "Stop the Steal"group and their leader trying to get people to either boycott or write in Trumps name on the ballott to show their displeasure for what they see as an election steal. I can't think of anything more destructive than that. Hey, let's own the system by allowing the Dems to have control of all 3 branches. ******* brilliant!
While I am a huge proponent of term limits, I actually think the #1 change that would benefit all Americans the most is one of the simplest (and in effect in over 40 state legislatures already):

Single-Subject Bills vs. Omnibus Bills

We MUST get rid of the congressional method of rule using massive Omnibus bills which hide a plethora of unpopular and unaccountable legislation. We can never hold our elected officials accountable on a federal level if they backroom major decisions with huge bills to hide millions of Riders and pay each other off for their "votes".

We are seeing it happen right before our eyes with this so-called "Stimulus Package #2" where the Democrats are at $2 Trillion and the Republicans are at $500 Billion. There is so much pork buried in BOTH of these bills that would make you sick.

And believe me, they will eventually compromise at something over a trillion dollars with spending and new laws that have absolutely NOTHING to do with Coronavirus or the Economy. And it will all get swept away as some super majority agreement where EVERY congressman can say "well, a vast majority voted for it on both sides of the aisle" to cover their ***** if some buried law proves to be asinine (which it will).

This is NOT an effective way to govern. It is BROKEN.

And it can blown up with just TWO simple laws: Single Subject Bills and Term Limits. It would expose SO much of the corruption so many Americans hate about our government.
While I am a huge proponent of term limits, I actually think the #1 change that would benefit all Americans the most is one of the simplest (and in effect in over 40 state legislatures already):

Single-Subject Bills vs. Omnibus Bills

We MUST get rid of the congressional method of rule using massive Omnibus bills which hide a plethora of unpopular and unaccountable legislation. We can never hold our elected officials accountable on a federal level if they backroom major decisions with huge bills to hide millions of Riders and pay each other off for their "votes".

We are seeing it happen right before our eyes with this so-called "Stimulus Package #2" where the Democrats are at $2 Trillion and the Republicans are at $500 Billion. There is so much pork buried in BOTH of these bills that would make you sick.

And believe me, they will eventually compromise at something over a trillion dollars with spending and new laws that have absolutely NOTHING to do with Coronavirus or the Economy. And it will all get swept away as some super majority agreement where EVERY congressman can say "well, a vast majority voted for it on both sides of the aisle" to cover their ***** if some buried law proves to be asinine (which it will).

This is NOT an effective way to govern. It is BROKEN.

And it can blown up with just TWO simple laws: Single Subject Bills and Term Limits. It would expose SO much of the corruption so many Americans hate about our government.

the way they hide the pork and combine bills is to use the old "streamline" method. not every session can rule on each bill individually as they intertwine. thus, combining them makes things more efficient so the sessions can go by faster and more can be done

yet less is done
And it looks like earmarks are back.

More direct using of OPM to help specific interests.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
Trump would have won 311 Electoral College votes if media weren't biased.

The mainstream medias efforts to hide Joe Biden related scandals from voters and bury good news about the Trump Administration cost the president the election according to two new voting surveys.

Oh, I'm not against term limits for congress and the senate, but you and I both know they will never ever pass anything on that. Why would they want to end their own personal gravy trains. So, for now, we need to focus on forcing term limits on these do nothings.

The other downside to term limits is that the unelected bureaucracy will have even more power since they will be there for a lot longer than the politicians. So you would need something like no pensions for Federal employees to keep them from being there too long as well.
Why Trump Will Win
“Absolutely frightening” evidence of entrenched fraud.

Wed Nov 25, 2020 Joseph Hippolito 288

During his campaign rallies, President Donald Trump proclaimed, "We got 'em all" or "We have it all!" In the coming weeks -- if not days -- Americans will find out specifically what he means.

Those specifics promise to shake Americans to their core by revealing years of entrenched political corruption reflected in electoral fraud.

Lawyer Sidney Powell is providing a preview. Powell, who apparently had been helping Trump's legal team prepare a case against alleged election fraud, told Howie Carr, a conservative radio host in Boston, on Friday:

"We've got a number of smoking guns -- and we may have to get witness protection for some of them. We have a lot of extremely solid evidence. It's beyond impressive and absolutely terrifying."

Among those smoking guns:

-- Hillary Clinton used fraud to steal California's Democratic Presidential primary four years ago from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. "When people told him about it," Powell said, "instead of exposing it, he sold out."

-- An employee of the Defense Department, in a conference call that included Sanders and New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, told government officials how to commit sabotage in their respective offices. "There were a couple of hundred people on that call," Powell said.

-- China, Iran, Serbia and Liechtenstein played key roles in interfering with the Presidential election.

On Saturday night in an interview with Newsmax, Powell mentioned:

-- Each Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania received 35,000 extra votes. "I would be willing to bet it happened everywhere," Powell said.

-- States recalibrated voting machines after deadlines for modification passed.

-- Machines awarded a value of 1.25 for each vote former Vice President Joe Biden received but calculated every Trump vote at only .75. "You can see the reports of fractional numbers for the votes." Powell said.

-- A former Venezuelan military officer who helped develop the machines testified they could be manipulated. "He knew as soon as the machines were turned off in those key states," Powell said, that massive support for Trump "had broken the algorithm that had been programmed. So they had to stop counting and backfill the vote with fraudulent mail-in ballots or whatever means they used."

This same officer, Powell told Fox's Lou Dobbs on Nov. 16, "was personally in briefings when all of this was discussed and planned, beginning with Hugo Chavez, how it was designed there and then saw it happening in this country." (Emphasis added)

Powell -- who filed a lawsuit challenging Georgia's tabulation Wednesday -- continues to receive severe criticism and ridicule, even accusations of lying. But Powell is subject to the same laws against libel and slander as any other American.

If her assertions against Clinton, Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, for starters, were found to show malicious disregard for the truth, an ensuing conviction would destroy her reputation and career.

"Sidney Powell is a serious lawyer. She is not going to make a false claim. Period," said Larry Johnson, a counter-terrorism specialist who spent four years in the State Department and 22 years devising anti-terrorism exercises for military special operations.

Meanwhile, Rudy Giuliani, one if Trump's main attorneys, issued this statement Sunday:

"Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.”

Powell corroborated that release with her own:

"I agree with the campaign's statement that I am not part of the campaign's legal team. I never signed a retainer agreement or sent the President or the campaign a bill for my expenses or fees.

“My intent has always been to expose all the fraud I could find and let the chips fall where they may -- whether it be upon Republicans or Democrats."

Trump's team is filing civil cases. Powell approaches the allegations of electoral fraud as a criminal matter.

"We're pursuing two different theories," Giuliani told Dobbs on Monday night. Trump's team is concentrating on "misconduct of the election by state officials in at least five or six different states" involving "the deprivation of Constitutional rights for the President," Giuliani said.

So how does Powell know what she knows? As she told Dobbs, "I'm going to release the Kraken."

In this case, "Kraken" is not a mythical sea monster but a program the CIA and Defense Department use to get information about the nation's enemies by hacking computers and cellphones.

The program includes various forms of malware, such as viruses, Trojan horses and remote-control systems -- and even was used against ostensible allies.

In 2017, WikiLeaks released numerous CIA documents detailing "Kraken." They included orders to spy on all major candidates in France's 2012 presidential election, including the incumbent at the time, Nicholas Sarkozy. "Kraken" would provide information on each party's election strategy and each candidate's private conferences and ability to influence political decisions.

The CIA uses another program in conjunction with "Kraken," called "Hammer" (or "Hamr" in the files WikiLeaks released), which Powell referenced. "Hamr" spies on protected networks without being detected.

Numerous plugins accompany "Hamr" to enhance its effectiveness. One, "AngerManagement," targets Android devices. Another, "WildTurkey," tests and refines its capabilities.

If WikiLeaks made CIA documents available to the public, Powell surely could access them and use specialists to translate the code and jargon.

After Powell spoke with Dobbs, reports began circulating about an American military operation conducted to take servers in Germany. At first, many thought the servers belonged to two election technology firms, Dominion and Scytl. Dominion -- founded by Venezuelans -- manufactured the questionable voting machines used in this month's election.

But those servers apparently belong to the CIA, which has a field office in Frankfurt. The State Department also operates a consulate in that city.

"The U.S. military has full authority to do this because any CIA activity in the European theater is being conducted using military cover," Johnson said. "In other words, CIA officers would be identified to the German government (and anyone else asking) as military employees or consultants.

"Such an operation would have been carried out with U.S. law enforcement present to take custody of the evidence. That means that the evidence will be under the control of the Department of Justice through U.S. Attorneys and can be used in court or other judicial proceedings."

Neither CIA Director Gina Haspel nor FBI Director Christopher Wray knew about the operation, Johnson added.

Since Dominion owns servers in Germany and Scytl operates them in Spain -- servers that received raw election data -- "Kraken" could be used to manipulate that data.

If Powell does not represent Trump directly, she works in tandem with his legal team. If so, Trump would have the authority to declassify any information Powell could use.

Such a scenario would explain these comments Powell made to Carr:

"You have to realize how many forces -- including many in the government -- have benefited from this system. They knew it worked the way it worked, and they used it to install the people they wanted to install in particular offices.

"I think the fraud in the election goes much farther than the president. I think they did it to any particularly strong Republican candidate this time around."

In other words, the United States faces its biggest political and existential crisis since the Civil War -- if not in its history.
Why Trump Will Win
“Absolutely frightening” evidence of entrenched fraud.

Wed Nov 25, 2020 Joseph Hippolito 288

During his campaign rallies, President Donald Trump proclaimed, "We got 'em all" or "We have it all!" In the coming weeks -- if not days -- Americans will find out specifically what he means.

Those specifics promise to shake Americans to their core by revealing years of entrenched political corruption reflected in electoral fraud.

Lawyer Sidney Powell is providing a preview. Powell, who apparently had been helping Trump's legal team prepare a case against alleged election fraud, told Howie Carr, a conservative radio host in Boston, on Friday:

"We've got a number of smoking guns -- and we may have to get witness protection for some of them. We have a lot of extremely solid evidence. It's beyond impressive and absolutely terrifying."

Among those smoking guns:

-- Hillary Clinton used fraud to steal California's Democratic Presidential primary four years ago from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. "When people told him about it," Powell said, "instead of exposing it, he sold out."

-- An employee of the Defense Department, in a conference call that included Sanders and New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, told government officials how to commit sabotage in their respective offices. "There were a couple of hundred people on that call," Powell said.

-- China, Iran, Serbia and Liechtenstein played key roles in interfering with the Presidential election.

On Saturday night in an interview with Newsmax, Powell mentioned:

-- Each Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania received 35,000 extra votes. "I would be willing to bet it happened everywhere," Powell said.

-- States recalibrated voting machines after deadlines for modification passed.

-- Machines awarded a value of 1.25 for each vote former Vice President Joe Biden received but calculated every Trump vote at only .75. "You can see the reports of fractional numbers for the votes." Powell said.

-- A former Venezuelan military officer who helped develop the machines testified they could be manipulated. "He knew as soon as the machines were turned off in those key states," Powell said, that massive support for Trump "had broken the algorithm that had been programmed. So they had to stop counting and backfill the vote with fraudulent mail-in ballots or whatever means they used."

This same officer, Powell told Fox's Lou Dobbs on Nov. 16, "was personally in briefings when all of this was discussed and planned, beginning with Hugo Chavez, how it was designed there and then saw it happening in this country." (Emphasis added)

Powell -- who filed a lawsuit challenging Georgia's tabulation Wednesday -- continues to receive severe criticism and ridicule, even accusations of lying. But Powell is subject to the same laws against libel and slander as any other American.

If her assertions against Clinton, Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, for starters, were found to show malicious disregard for the truth, an ensuing conviction would destroy her reputation and career.

"Sidney Powell is a serious lawyer. She is not going to make a false claim. Period," said Larry Johnson, a counter-terrorism specialist who spent four years in the State Department and 22 years devising anti-terrorism exercises for military special operations.

Meanwhile, Rudy Giuliani, one if Trump's main attorneys, issued this statement Sunday:

"Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.”

Powell corroborated that release with her own:

"I agree with the campaign's statement that I am not part of the campaign's legal team. I never signed a retainer agreement or sent the President or the campaign a bill for my expenses or fees.

“My intent has always been to expose all the fraud I could find and let the chips fall where they may -- whether it be upon Republicans or Democrats."

Trump's team is filing civil cases. Powell approaches the allegations of electoral fraud as a criminal matter.

"We're pursuing two different theories," Giuliani told Dobbs on Monday night. Trump's team is concentrating on "misconduct of the election by state officials in at least five or six different states" involving "the deprivation of Constitutional rights for the President," Giuliani said.

So how does Powell know what she knows? As she told Dobbs, "I'm going to release the Kraken."

In this case, "Kraken" is not a mythical sea monster but a program the CIA and Defense Department use to get information about the nation's enemies by hacking computers and cellphones.

The program includes various forms of malware, such as viruses, Trojan horses and remote-control systems -- and even was used against ostensible allies.

In 2017, WikiLeaks released numerous CIA documents detailing "Kraken." They included orders to spy on all major candidates in France's 2012 presidential election, including the incumbent at the time, Nicholas Sarkozy. "Kraken" would provide information on each party's election strategy and each candidate's private conferences and ability to influence political decisions.

The CIA uses another program in conjunction with "Kraken," called "Hammer" (or "Hamr" in the files WikiLeaks released), which Powell referenced. "Hamr" spies on protected networks without being detected.

Numerous plugins accompany "Hamr" to enhance its effectiveness. One, "AngerManagement," targets Android devices. Another, "WildTurkey," tests and refines its capabilities.

If WikiLeaks made CIA documents available to the public, Powell surely could access them and use specialists to translate the code and jargon.

After Powell spoke with Dobbs, reports began circulating about an American military operation conducted to take servers in Germany. At first, many thought the servers belonged to two election technology firms, Dominion and Scytl. Dominion -- founded by Venezuelans -- manufactured the questionable voting machines used in this month's election.

But those servers apparently belong to the CIA, which has a field office in Frankfurt. The State Department also operates a consulate in that city.

"The U.S. military has full authority to do this because any CIA activity in the European theater is being conducted using military cover," Johnson said. "In other words, CIA officers would be identified to the German government (and anyone else asking) as military employees or consultants.

"Such an operation would have been carried out with U.S. law enforcement present to take custody of the evidence. That means that the evidence will be under the control of the Department of Justice through U.S. Attorneys and can be used in court or other judicial proceedings."

Neither CIA Director Gina Haspel nor FBI Director Christopher Wray knew about the operation, Johnson added.

Since Dominion owns servers in Germany and Scytl operates them in Spain -- servers that received raw election data -- "Kraken" could be used to manipulate that data.

If Powell does not represent Trump directly, she works in tandem with his legal team. If so, Trump would have the authority to declassify any information Powell could use.

Such a scenario would explain these comments Powell made to Carr:

"You have to realize how many forces -- including many in the government -- have benefited from this system. They knew it worked the way it worked, and they used it to install the people they wanted to install in particular offices.

"I think the fraud in the election goes much farther than the president. I think they did it to any particularly strong Republican candidate this time around."

In other words, the United States faces its biggest political and existential crisis since the Civil War -- if not in its history.

Hopefully there is hope. Can you provide link?