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Election Day 2020

You guys were expecting missile and explosive compelling news and what youre getting is an empty silo and duds.

You must be confused. With the way this government is currently operating like a banana republic, nobody (here) were expecting missiles and explosives in the way you're thinking.
Same here. If Trump was actually guilty of anything, they'd have made damn sure he wasn't still sitting in the oval office.

On collusion, there is nothing there. I think on obstruction there is a conversation that could be had. But I do agree that if there was anything concrete, they would have brought the hammer for sure. No way they hold back on a chance to charge and try him. That’s why they moved on to quid pro quo; they had nothing concrete on obstruction.
Did you ever read the Meuller Report in full or did you just go by William Barr's assertion there was nothing ?

You cant be ******* serious. Mueller was grilled... twice. The demonrats had the report at their disposal. There was nothing there.

There are 150 sworn affidavits of election fraud from American citizens and election officials under the penalty of perjury.

Invest 15 min of your time to understand how the court process works before blathering about "there is no evidence"

On collusion, there is nothing there. I think on obstruction there is a conversation that could be had. But I do agree that if there was anything concrete, they would have brought the hammer for sure. No way they hold back on a chance to charge and try him. That’s why they moved on to quid pro quo; they had nothing concrete on obstruction.

And even on obstruction, he may have bitched and moaned, but what did they deny them access to? What did they actually obstruct?

That's the problem with Trump, or maybe better put, the way everyone reacts towards Trump - his words hold entirely too much weight.
Hey bro, im not the one presenting **** in court and getting it thrown out. This whole charade has been a ******* joke and for all of his rangling and gate rattling this lying SOB needs to be held to account for it.

I keep hearing about these goddamn affidavits yet not one mutherfuckin judge is giving them any credence and tossing that **** out ..or wait..is this part of the deeeeeeep staaaaaaaaaaaaaate too ? Cuz i know you have a million and ten conspiracy theories..this whole cult is based on a network of bullshit conspiring elements.

It's not nice to talk about Rep. Adam Schiff that way.
Now Rudy says he was exaggerating a bit regarding the fraud. First they throw Powell under the bus, now this. The "legal" team just seems to have no strategy
Now Rudy says he was exaggerating a bit regarding the fraud. First they throw Powell under the bus, now this. The "legal" team just seems to have no strategy

They dont. Everything presented in the courts has been different than what they have been saying to the public and judge after judge has thrown the cases out for lack of evidence. They are right to distance from powell because if her supposed case is another big nothing burger then that reflects badly on trump. I dont think they distanced themselves soon enough.

Also, all over the news that Trumps team has reached out to Bidens team to start the transition. On my phone so i dont feel like linking, but a quick search shows the story all over
They dont. Everything presented in the courts has been different than what they have been saying to the public and judge after judge has thrown the cases out for lack of evidence. They are right to distance from powell because if her supposed case is another big nothing burger then that reflects badly on trump. I dont think they distanced themselves soon enough.

Also, all over the news that Trumps team has reached out to Bidens team to start the transition. On my phone so i dont feel like linking, but a quick search shows the story all over

And it’s time to transition. If they have nothing for the courts, get on with it. No sense dragging the country through this if you have nothing that’s gonna hold up in court. Kinda had a feeling this is what it was gonna be. Gonna suck, but as long as Republicans hold the senate, the damage can be mitigated.
And it’s time to transition. If they have nothing for the courts, get on with it. No sense dragging the country through this if you have nothing that’s gonna hold up in court. Kinda had a feeling this is what it was gonna be. Gonna suck, but as long as Republicans hold the senate, the damage can be mitigated.

They wont hold the senate if they dont get their ***** in GA and start working on the communities both rural and urban. Not to mention the stop the steal people calling for repubs to boycott the runoff to teach those two a lesson. You can thank powell for that with her implicating those two as well as other repubs for being in on the supposed election fraud.
They wont hold the senate if they dont get their ***** in GA and start working on the communities both rural and urban. Not to mention the stop the steal people calling for repubs to boycott the runoff to teach those two a lesson. You can thank powell for that with her implicating those two as well as other repubs for being in on the supposed election fraud.

You know, you’d think Republicans were trying to lose. The stupidity is astounding.
The party needs a ******* enema.

The entire political apparatus needs an enema, but as long as we the people keep voting exclusively for the duopoly, what is ever going to change with these two parties? They do not fear the American voter, and they should. They will continue to do what they want with no accountability or repercussions and we will consent to it by continuing to vote for it. Why do you think Pelosi and Schumer and McConnell do and say the things they do? Because they know re-election is a certainty. It’s our fault. We haven’t demanded better.
Just wait until the Biden **** show gets started. A lot of dense marble headed ignorant ***** are in for a treat. He can't hide in the basement anymore and will actually have to talk.

Nah. Media will cover everything up and make him look good. Be second-greatest President ever after Bomma.
Nah. Media will cover everything up and make him look good. Be second-greatest President ever after Bomma.

And in reality the third worst behind Bomma and Jimmah.
What does GSA being allowed to preliminarily work with the Dems have to do with continuing to pursue our various cases on what will go down as the most corrupt election in American political history? We are moving full speed ahead. Will never concede to fake ballots & “Dominion”.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 24, 2020

Cram that up your shitpipe, blitzfuck.
Maybe they are

They got everything they wanted. Picked up seats in the House. A chance at least to hold the Senate. Miss Lindsey and Mitch are back. And Trump is gone. Maybe.

Business as usual for the Consolation Conservatives.
On collusion, there is nothing there. I think on obstruction there is a conversation that could be had. But I do agree that if there was anything concrete, they would have brought the hammer for sure. No way they hold back on a chance to charge and try him. That’s why they moved on to quid pro quo; they had nothing concrete on obstruction.

Most of the obstruction case was based on firing Comey and completely uncorroborated stuff that Comey said. We now know Comey is entirely full of ****. We know that he and McCabe orchestrated the whole shebang at Hillary's behest.

The case would be thrown right out of court.
Just wait until the Biden **** show gets started. A lot of dense marble headed ignorant ***** are in for a treat. He can't hide in the basement anymore and will actually have to talk.

We've barely seen Joe since election day. He'll be hiding like nobody's business. Plus no media is even going to ask him questions about this. They've all decided based on absolutely nothing that it is without merit.
The entire political apparatus needs an enema, but as long as we the people keep voting exclusively for the duopoly, what is ever going to change with these two parties? They do not fear the American voter, and they should. They will continue to do what they want with no accountability or repercussions and we will consent to it by continuing to vote for it. Why do you think Pelosi and Schumer and McConnell do and say the things they do? Because they know re-election is a certainty. It’s our fault. We haven’t demanded better.

This was the first time in long time that they have feared the voter. And they threw everything but the kitchen sink at them. It worked, but just barely. I just hope the anger over what happened here will keep momentum going. First step is holding onto the Senate. If we lose that it's going to be hard to come back from.
Most of the obstruction case was based on firing Comey and completely uncorroborated stuff that Comey said. We now know Comey is entirely full of ****. We know that he and McCabe orchestrated the whole shebang at Hillary's behest.

The case would be thrown right out of court.

Jimmy Comey in a just world would have to face the music for his crimes and malfeasance.
You guys seem to be suffering from SLS, Sore Loser Syndrome.

Just a highly enlightened citizen who can see through people like glass. It's my greatest gift. I am sore though,but it was from a pretty nasty workout 2 days ago.