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Election Day 2020

NEWS: Pennsylvania judge blocks state from certifying election results in presidential and all other races.@EpochTimes

Source: https://t.co/KD2QqGFCPj pic.twitter.com/sP7hecZnjr

— Ivan Pentchoukov (@IvanPentchoukov) November 25, 2020

Finally someone who is not insane
I am just sad at what has been lost.

General Mattis is encouraging Joe Biden to drop the America First model of the Trump administration. A Marine general is saying to drop the idea of America first. Can you believe that?

So here we will be, back to sacrificing our young men and women for things that do not benefit Americans in any way, shape or form.

I wonder which military contractor Mattis is in the pocket of.


China trade bill negotiator one of Biden’s first hires.

Democrats should just say what they are selling.
Globalism first.
America just voted for globalism first. I still can’t believe it.

swamp gonna swamp
:pound: An oldie but goodie:

"Especially Competent!"

Well I guess that means this incompetent boobs gets no where near the nuclear codes:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="de" dir="ltr">Trundcifpdsprsure. ������ <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/JoeBidenIsSick?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#JoeBidenIsSick</a> <a href="https://t.co/FH1p0GPYY9">pic.twitter.com/FH1p0GPYY9</a></p>— Joe Biden Gaffes (@joebidengaffes) <a href="https://twitter.com/joebidengaffes/status/1322262473286799360?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 30, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Or was that just a "stutter" nobody can talk about?
I am just sad at what has been lost.

General Mattis is encouraging Joe Biden to drop the America First model of the Trump administration. A Marine general is saying to drop the idea of America first. Can you believe that?

So here we will be, back to sacrificing our young men and women for things that do not benefit Americans in any way, shape or form.

I wonder which military contractor Mattis is in the pocket of.

Seems Mad Dog has learned to roll over and beg...for a job.

So many people should now be carrying signs that say Will Trash Trump for Food
It's called fraud. A lot of fraud.

Funny how the anomalies all seem to have occurred in those 5 swing states where they just stopped vote counting election night and wouldn't let the poll watchers anywhere near them.

Crazy coinkydink.
Funny how the anomalies all seem to have occurred in those 5 swing states where they just stopped vote counting election night and wouldn't let the poll watchers anywhere near them.

Crazy coinkydink.

No . Just criminal activity. The end justifies the means. Plus they're so used to getting away with anything they want, why not give it a go.

No wonder they told Joe to stay home. **** was a lock as soon as they secured mass mail in voting. He isn't one of them and they hate his guts.

They used to love the guy! Well before he ran for office, as a republican.
Bunch of gangsters. Unfortunately for all of them you pay for your wrongs in this life or the next.

He's a creeper for sure.

He's a Bonesman along with GWB. I read that Kerry never received an "A" during his time at Yale. Amazing what friends in low places will do for you.
Dear God, I pray that they're actually able to expose all this in court.

Yep, 'cause right now it feels like we've got Mike Tomlin going up against BB in NE with the headset communication blacked out and someone pulling the fire alarms at 3 AM and Ernie Adams operating Dominion Analytics for Tom Brady.
Here is the lawsuit filed in Georgia by Powell. It's 75 pages and filled with eye witness testimony, filed affidavits, and expert testimony. Also it talks about the fraud that took place when election officials lied about a water leak along with video evidence of them counting votes after they escorted people out of the building because of the fake water line break. I've read every word of this and it's very complete.
