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Election Day 2020

He is saying what is being argued in court is not the alarmist fraud they are saying to the media. Christie was one of Trumps right hand men not sure how anyone would call him a dem. He got COVID helping Trump for the debates...

He's been shown to be a RINO for some time now.
I can't believe all of these dims (Cristie=RINO=DIM) crying about "the evidence". Why would they show it to you?

I don't expect them to show it to me, but they need to show it to the courts which they are not doing. They are bragging about all this evidence, but not presenting it in the courts.
Christie goes which ever way the wind blows. I saw that when he was all nicey, nicey with Obama
Christie goes which ever way the wind blows. I saw that when he was all nicey, nicey with Obama

We're talking CAT2 type wind?
I don't expect them to show it to me, but they need to show it to the courts which they are not doing. They are bragging about all this evidence, but not presenting it in the courts.

Is somebody in a courtroom withholding evidence? They don't need to show **** when you say they do, jizzer.
He is saying what is being argued in court is not the alarmist fraud they are saying to the media. Christie was one of Trumps right hand men not sure how anyone would call him a dem. He got COVID helping Trump for the debates...

what's been argued thus far you mean. They haven't filed the main complaints yet. Christie is pretending that he doesn't understand the tactics.
Then links CNN.


Who cares where it was from it was a quote not CNNs opinion or rhetoric? You can find it on many other sites if it pleases you still does not change what he said.
As for the main case they better get rolling if they actually have one. Holidays are coming up and then it will be December. Then you have Rudy saying Powell is not part of the legal team after Trump said she was on the 14th. The whole thing is a cluster ****.

President Trump’s campaign on Sunday distanced itself from Sidney Powell, saying that the lawyer who has been alleging voter fraud in the November election is “not a member of the Trump Legal Team.”
“Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own,” said Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and another lawyer for Trump, Jenna Ellis, in a statement. “She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.”

and if you dont like foxnews here is Trumps new puppet network
Sounds like the pieces are coming together nicely. If all else fails, there’s probably still time to build a wall around 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
if only Tim_Steelersfan wasn't currently unavailable, we could peer inside the legal mind and get a glimpse as to what might be going on.

until he returns, we're saddled with ... Steeltime.

Is somebody in a courtroom withholding evidence? They don't need to show **** when you say they do, jizzer.

I have one question.....Why did lawyers state IN COURT BEFORE THE JUDGE they couldnt present a case of fraud ? Sounds like the base gets one presentation but the courts get something different. Summary--yall gettin played. AGAIN

"Under questioning from judges handling the cases, at least two of Mr. Trump’s lawyers have backed away from suggestions that the election was stolen or fraudulent.

In other instances, attorneys representing Mr. Trump or other Republicans have said under oath they have no evidence of fraud. Lawyers also have struggled to get what they say is evidence of fraud admitted into lawsuits, with judges dismissing it as inadmissible or unreliable." WSJ
I have one question.....Why did lawyers state IN COURT BEFORE THE JUDGE they couldnt present a case of fraud ? Sounds like the base gets one presentation but the courts get something different. Summary--yall gettin played. AGAIN

"Under questioning from judges handling the cases, at least two of Mr. Trump’s lawyers have backed away from suggestions that the election was stolen or fraudulent.

In other instances, attorneys representing Mr. Trump or other Republicans have said under oath they have no evidence of fraud. Lawyers also have struggled to get what they say is evidence of fraud admitted into lawsuits, with judges dismissing it as inadmissible or unreliable." WSJ

I read a great article about this which of course I can no longer find. It is a specific legal strategy that keeps the focus on the provable and the technical and has specific implications for how judges look at it. It is also very carefully worded for legal reasons around burden of proof. They don't have to prove fraud they only have to prove that the system did not work correctly regardless of whether it was intentional or fraudulent. If they claim fraud they have to prove it, if they claim technical and procedural issues they don't have to prove intent or malfeasance only that it their were issues and those issues are sufficient to possibly change the outcome. It is a very solid and smart legal strategy. The blame can come later.
Lastly, mail ballots. Im listening to Alex Marlow at Breitbart whine constantly over the "cheat-by-mail" nonsense.

1) he nor anyone else has presented any evidence of cheating

You mean aside from the thousands of sworn affidavits, the obvious vote switching shown in real time on Fox and other networks and the captured server data? You mean aside from that evidence?
2) he suggests that ONLY malfeasance or cheating would eminate from one side

republicans traditionally gerrymander, democrats traditionally stuff ballot boxes. But this election was an altogether different level for the dems. You know it. I know it. EVERYBODY knows it.

3) he ignores the fact that overwhelmingly Democrats and many independents chose to vote by mail which shifted the tally towards Biden POST-IN PERSON VOTING windows.
And even MORE democrats chose to vote at 4:00 in the morning, after their ballots were no longer valid in their state. And a bunch of them voted on uncreased (IE unmailed) ballots and they ONLY voted the presidential race, nothing else. Yep. Lots of ignoring going on, particularly in the media.

The liberals, democrats and the media are doing the EXACT same thing they did with the "racism" thing.

"You have NEVER denounced White Supremacists!" Cue cut-up video of Trump rejecting white supremacists literally dozens of times.... "Well, I just don't hear it in your voice." Or as Savannah Guthrie tried... "But I sense hesitation..." ******* just don't WANT to hear it. And they'll go to ANY lengths to pretend they've NEVER heard it.

Now it's "Where's the PROOF?" Ok, here's the thousands of sworn affidavits, here's testimony from Dominion employees, here's a server we captured in Germany.

"But where's the proooooooooof?" (Imagine that in a whiny almost shrieking voice...)

Here's a tip... Why don't you call for the government and the democrats to launch a full investigation? Throw ALL the power of the U.S. government at uncovering the truth? How bout that? No? Not interested in that, are you?
Alan Dershowitz has had interesting comments regarding what’s going on, but he doesn’t seem to think it’s likely to succeed.
And ironically, you use as "evidence" WHERES THE EVIDENCE????? a video of somebody suggesting republicans vote twice.

Clearly they should have taken a page out of the democrat's handbook and voted 8 or 10 times. Right? (Note, that's from a couple hundred of those sworn affidavits stating that election workers in Detroit, Atlanta and Milwaukee were running batches of ballots through the counting machines as many as 8 to 10 times. You know... that "evidence" thing.
Funny, nobody seemed to want evidence of Russian collusion or proof that Justice Kavanaugh is a rapist. Nah. Accusations were enough proof.

By existing standards, there should be calls for Biden's impeachment by the media with an over/under of 20 minutes before the Inauguration.

Too bad the ole boys will be more than happy moving back to gridlock and deal making with Cocaine Mitch, Miss Lindsey, Dementia Joe, Heels Up Harris, and Pelosi striving to "unify" the country with a return to business as usual.

Trump said it, Republicans need to get tougher. They simply don't have the stomach for a fight when the Swamp's delicacies taste so good to them.

(Guess that sadly applies to many of us as well in 21st Century America)

I mean Mitch is going on his 37th year.
I read a great article about this which of course I can no longer find. It is a specific legal strategy that keeps the focus on the provable and the technical and has specific implications for how judges look at it. It is also very carefully worded for legal reasons around burden of proof. They don't have to prove fraud they only have to prove that the system did not work correctly regardless of whether it was intentional or fraudulent. If they claim fraud they have to prove it, if they claim technical and procedural issues they don't have to prove intent or malfeasance only that it their were issues and those issues are sufficient to possibly change the outcome. It is a very solid and smart legal strategy. The blame can come later.

Possibly change the outcome ? THAT is where everything is rooted for Trump. IT COULD HAVE. IT MIGHT BE A POSSIBILITY. He knows he lost but he wants to PRESENT A FAKE NARRATIVE to the base that he was cheated. As long as he can project that front to his base thats all he cares about.

And now the White House is pulling away from Sidney Powell and her baseless assertions. Watch this fade like ice melt on hot desert pavement. You guys were expecting missile and explosive compelling news and what youre getting is an empty silo and duds.
And ironically, you use as "evidence" WHERES THE EVIDENCE????? a video of somebody suggesting republicans vote twice.

Clearly they should have taken a page out of the democrat's handbook and voted 8 or 10 times. Right? (Note, that's from a couple hundred of those sworn affidavits stating that election workers in Detroit, Atlanta and Milwaukee were running batches of ballots through the counting machines as many as 8 to 10 times. You know... that "evidence" thing.

Hey bro, im not the one presenting **** in court and getting it thrown out. This whole charade has been a ******* joke and for all of his rangling and gate rattling this lying SOB needs to be held to account for it.

I keep hearing about these goddamn affidavits yet not one mutherfuckin judge is giving them any credence and tossing that **** out ..or wait..is this part of the deeeeeeep staaaaaaaaaaaaaate too ? Cuz i know you have a million and ten conspiracy theories..this whole cult is based on a network of bullshit conspiring elements.

Show me ONE court that has granted serious credence to anything Trumps legal team has presented ...just one......and he thinks he can get the USSC to keep him installed as POTUS ? GTFOH.

You guys are embarassing yourselves....
Funny, nobody seemed to want evidence of Russian collusion or proof that Justice Kavanaugh is a rapist. Nah. Accusations were enough proof.

Did you ever read the Meuller Report in full or did you just go by William Barr's assertion there was nothing ?
Did you ever read the Meuller Report in full or did you just go by William Barr's assertion there was nothing ?

You mean that 3 year 40 million dollar report. I wouldn’t wipe my *** with it. Total waste of time and money. Tried for 4 freaking years and not 1 single thing on Trump. I hope he fights the left and the morons that follow them until the day he dies. **** Biden, he isn’t my President.
Funny, nobody seemed to want evidence of Russian collusion or proof that Justice Kavanaugh is a rapist. Nah. Accusations were enough proof.

Or even better yet, a team of weaponized intelligence bigwigs/lawyers, millions of taxpayer dollars spent etc. and a couple years of a dog & pony show, only to come up with some tax fraud and other unrelated offenses. But wanting to investigate mass mail-in ballot votes for the most 'consequential election of modern history', which are historically wrought with fraud (funny how the Democrats have gone on about that in the past, but this time, it's totally fine) - and now coming to find out that a significant portion of the voting machines used are questionable (at best) - that! that's somehow a threat to our democracy. Look, the voting machines were signed off on by Republicans so some can ***** and moan all they want now, but they helped get us into this predicament.

But you can't make this **** up about peaceful transitions and assaults on our democracy all of a sudden. But the globalists want it a certain way. The establishment neocons and RINOs want it a certain way. The head of our intelligence institutions want it a certain way. The Democrats will freak the **** out if it doesn't turn out a certain way. The corporate media. Big tech. Academia. Hollywood. China. Other foreign enemies. The list goes on. The only group that wants differently are a small minority in the U.S. government and about 73,000,000 average Americans.

Anybody. Anybody tell me where I'm wrong, and I'll listen.
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I read it.

Same here. If Trump was actually guilty of anything, they'd have made damn sure he wasn't still sitting in the oval office.