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Election Day 2020

If anyone remembers, I said months ago that the Dems would overplay their hand. PA sends out 1.8 million mail-in ballots and 2.5 million get returned and only 3200 of the extra 700,000 are votes for Trump. I think what happened was the Dems had algorithms in the voting machines to change X% of votes to Sleepy Joe but there was such an overwhelming number of votes for Trump that it blew the algorithm and they had to photocopy hundreds of thousands of fake ballots.

The absolute worst enemy a country can have is the one within its own halls. How do you fix blind hatred and lust for power so great, that they would do this?

They do not mean to govern, they mean to impose their will at whatever cost. The end justifies the means. It doesn't bode well for the future. Nothing is off the table for them.
Those ******* now want "healing". Where was the healing when Trump won? Rather than healing his election gave way to the resistance movement.

For four years he was met with unrelenting resistance that culminated in a fraudulent election...and now they simply want us now to concede and sing kum by ya? **** them.

It's our turn to resist, except this time the resistance is valid.
If anyone remembers, I said months ago that the Dems would overplay their hand. PA sends out 1.8 million mail-in ballots and 2.5 million get returned and only 3200 of the extra 700,000 are votes for Trump. I think what happened was the Dems had algorithms in the voting machines to change X% of votes to Sleepy Joe but there was such an overwhelming number of votes for Trump that it blew the algorithm and they had to photocopy hundreds of thousands of fake ballots.

Basically we just watched a swerve ending from the WWE where the refs bumbled around not seeing anything while the villains used brass knuckles, foreign objects, and outside interference from ringside and the announcers are telling the WTF stunned crowd it was legit and the WWF title changed hands.

Like the Montreal Screwjob.
Those ******* now want "healing". Where was the healing when Trump won? Rather than healing his election gave way to the resistance movement.

For four years he was met with unrelenting resistance that culminated in a fraudulent election...and now they simply want us now to concede and sing kum by ya? **** them.

It's our turn to resist, except this time the resistance is valid.

100% valid and legit! Healing?..hahaha. They don't mean that. What they mean is submit to them. Just take what we do like a little ***** and shut up.
Actually, the state sent out approximately 3 million ballots.


These conspiracy theories do not even hold up to basic Google searches.

Maybe you should read your own article? They counted both mail in ballots and absentee ballots. The issue is the mail in ballots NOT the absentee ballots.

Also the PA supreme court overstepped it's authority when it allow counting ballots that were late. The constitution allow the state legislator (and only the state legislator) to set the time, place and manner of the election. Trump will win PA because of all the fraud and the state legislator will send Trump electors. It's in their authority and only their authority according to the constitution.
If Giuliani is out there spewing incorrect data, then we're pretty much ******.

There is no room for even one mistake.

I'm afraid that this is what is happening. Hyperbole rules the day, and in a situation like this, that is the last thing you want. Black and white facts only, don't add anything to make it sound worse or better. Otherwise your credibility goes out the window.

Doesn't really matter though, cause the country is sunk. Its a no win situation. If Biden is confirmed, we're ******, if Trump is confirmed riots and looting ensue which probably starts a civil war, we're ******. So I'm keeping my head down, praying like hell, and stocking up on supplies. I have no trust in our media or government anymore. I haven't watched a news broadcast anywhere except for some weather info since 3 days after the 'election'. I just don't care anymore.
I'm afraid that this is what is happening. Hyperbole rules the day, and in a situation like this, that is the last thing you want. Black and white facts only, don't add anything to make it sound worse or better. Otherwise your credibility goes out the window.

Doesn't really matter though, cause the country is sunk. Its a no win situation. If Biden is confirmed, we're ******, if Trump is confirmed riots and looting ensue which probably starts a civil war, we're ******. So I'm keeping my head down, praying like hell, and stocking up on supplies. I have no trust in our media or government anymore. I haven't watched a news broadcast anywhere except for some weather info since 3 days after the 'election'. I just don't care anymore.

It's a no win in that situation. I'm fortunate to live in a state that doesn't have a leftist govenor. Our local politicians are the same. Plan as if the federal government doesn't exist or even matter. You'll feel better sticking it to them as well.

They're going to do a ton of stupid **** shortly. We know what that party if filled with. Georgia has never been more important than it is now. You can't do **** if you can't get it past the senate. Dumb Joe Dirt will pave the way for Congress to flip as well inside of 2 years. He's going to be the first illegitimate president, barring a miracle.

That isn't going away no matter how they spin it. The truth is the truth and it's all coming out. All of it. All those ******* machines are going to get snatched up and audited thoroughly. Unless they scrub them down, which only confirms the fraud even more. It's a no win for them on that.

We damn sure know 80 million people didn't vote for him. Probably more like 68 million legitimate at best.
Maybe you should read your own article? They counted both mail in ballots and absentee ballots. The issue is the mail in ballots NOT the absentee ballots.

Also the PA supreme court overstepped it's authority when it allow counting ballots that were late. The constitution allow the state legislator (and only the state legislator) to set the time, place and manner of the election. Trump will win PA because of all the fraud and the state legislator will send Trump electors. It's in their authority and only their authority according to the constitution.


Trump is not getting those 20 electoral votes.

State Republicans, as much as they would like to, are not going to overrule the will of the majority of Pennsylvanians based on a legal technicality, as would ignite a constitutional crisis and would be political suicide for them.

Trump is not getting those 20 electoral votes.

State Republicans, as much as they would like to, are not going to overrule the will of the majority of Pennsylvanians based on a legal technicality, as would ignite a constitutional crisis and would be political suicide for them.

So not only do you not read your own article but you haven't been paying attention to the courts or the PA legislator? Figures. Voter fraud and the PA supreme court being incompetent has nothing to do with the will of the majority of PA. Same thing happened in Bush v. Gore and didn't ignite anything of the sort.
So not only do you not read your own article but you haven't been paying attention to the courts or the PA legislator? Figures. Voter fraud and the PA supreme court being incompetent has nothing to do with the will of the majority of PA. Same thing happened in Bush v. Gore and didn't ignite anything of the sort.

This is not even remotely comparable to 2000. Gore merely pushed for a recount in one state that he lost by only hundreds of votes.

Trump is peddling baseless fraud allegations in a sad attempt to invalidate millions of votes across five ******* states.

Also, in what universe should the incompetency of the PA supreme court invalidate votes that were cast, received and counted under the presumption of legality?

It's just merely a display of trying to use legal technicality (a loophole) to overturn the results of a democratic process that did not go in Trump's favor.

State lawmakers are smarter than that. Yeah, there's some political posturing going on right now, but when the time comes to **** or get off the pot, they won't do anything to interfere with the electoral college.
Also, in what universe should the incompetency of the PA supreme court invalidate votes that were cast, received and counted under the presumption of legality?

Alex "what is the Constitution?"

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I think Rudy's dream team screwed the pooch.
Trump is peddling baseless fraud allegations in a sad attempt to invalidate millions of votes across five ******* states.

Shoulda thrown in "a threat to our democracy" while you're on the moral high ground. Some on the left are out there sanctimoniously spewing that Trump's actions are a " threat to our democracy" when for 3 yrs. they refused to acknowledge Trumps presidency and conspired to remove him from office.
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Shoulda thrown in "a threat to our democracy" while you're on the moral high ground. Some on the left are out there sanctimoniously spewing that Trump's actions are a " threat to our democracy" when for 3 yrs. they refused to acknowledge Trumps presidency and conspired to remove him from office.

Honestly, the **** they pulled here in most countries they'd hang your *** for that ****. Straight up treasonous ****. They don't give a flying **** about this country. Just ruling it and destroying the foundation.

Fundamental change was promised by Barry the marxist. Now they'll have to perfect guy they can push around. They can extort him anytime on Ukraine or they can go the dementia route.

Trump is not getting those 20 electoral votes.

State Republicans, as much as they would like to, are not going to overrule the will of the majority of Pennsylvanians based on a legal technicality, as would ignite a constitutional crisis and would be political suicide for them.

But... It seems more and more clear every day that the will of the majority in PA was Trump.
This is not even remotely comparable to 2000. Gore merely pushed for a recount in one state that he lost by only hundreds of votes.

Trump is peddling baseless fraud allegations in a sad attempt to invalidate millions of votes across five ******* states.

Also, in what universe should the incompetency of the PA supreme court invalidate votes that were cast, received and counted under the presumption of legality?

It's just merely a display of trying to use legal technicality (a loophole) to overturn the results of a democratic process that did not go in Trump's favor.

State lawmakers are smarter than that. Yeah, there's some political posturing going on right now, but when the time comes to **** or get off the pot, they won't do anything to interfere with the electoral college.

You are aware that the democrats straight up cheated on a mass scale never before conceived? Yes?

If you're going to pretend the election was anything approaching legitimate you're so full of **** there's no point even trying to have a conversation.
You are aware that the democrats straight up cheated on a mass scale never before conceived? Yes?

If you're going to pretend the election was anything approaching legitimate you're so full of **** there's no point even trying to have a conversation.

That's just it my friend. No point.

Trump is not getting those 20 electoral votes.

State Republicans, as much as they would like to, are not going to overrule the will of the majority of Pennsylvanians based on a legal technicality, as would ignite a constitutional crisis and would be political suicide for them.

Your understanding of reality is defective. In other than a few districts like Philly and Allegheny County, the will of the majority of Pennsylvanians is that Trump won, and Biden cheated.

Trump doesn't need to get any more electoral votes. All his legal team needs to do is cast enough doubt on the legitimacy of the election, that the states refuse to certify the election.....which I believe they are doing. If the results are not certified, by Constitution, it is sent to the House of Representatives in Washington. Each state gets an equal amount of votes, I believe 1, don't quote me on that. More states voted for Trump, and I suspect that they will again. Trump will be re-elected, and it will be legal and Constitutional.

But hey, I am only a whacked out conspiracy theorist. Maybe you will believe this guy instead.....

Your understanding of reality is defective. In other than a few districts like Philly and Allegheny County, the will of the majority of Pennsylvanians is that Trump won, and Biden cheated.

Trump doesn't need to get any more electoral votes. All his legal team needs to do is cast enough doubt on the legitimacy of the election, that the states refuse to certify the election.....which I believe they are doing. If the results are not certified, by Constitution, it is sent to the House of Representatives in Washington. Each state gets an equal amount of votes, I believe 1, don't quote me on that. More states voted for Trump, and I suspect that they will again. Trump will be re-elected, and it will be legal and Constitutional.

But hey, I am only a whacked out conspiracy theorist. Maybe you will believe this guy instead.....

My view on reality is defective? That's rich.

None of this **** is gaining traction in the courts because it's nonsense. Oh, I know the judges, even those appointed by Trump, are allegedly in on the conspiracy as well. The **** run deep.

Yes, the state legislature can withhold the electors for any reason they want. They can even send electors for Micky Mouse if they wanted to. They won't do that for the same reason they ultimately will not block those electoral votes from going to Biden; there is absolutely no legitimate basis for doing so.

Keep that dream alive.