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Election Day 2020

The National Review just called Trump out over this election fraud nonsense.

Because they are so influential

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/in3OyxoEpnc" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
First, there is NO CHANCE Trump remains in the White House. You guys can believe in wide spread fraud all you want, but that ship has sailed. Even clutching to straws like state legislatures overturning their electoral college votes or the Supreme Court doing something drastic is not even worthwhile any more. I don't quite understand why you spend 10-20 pages of posts rehashing the same old stuff.

Once the electoral college votes are in and certified, Trump will leave office.

What is important now is what happens next. I am encourages that Trump is campaigning a bit (or at least talking about it) for the Georgia Senators up for special election Jan. 5th. He has tweeted about them and it would be great if he would make a trip to Georgia to help rile up the Republican base there to get out and vote.

That will be the first indication to me that Trump moves on and whether Trump sort of "remains in politics".

Now the next concern with Trump will be his post-Presidency media tour. Is he still whining about the election or does he go back on the attack against the Washington elite and media? How off the rails is he? Does he take a vacation/break from everything? Is he still tweeting 5-10 times a day and how is the media reporting on his tweets?

All this will indicate to me whether he plans to run again for President in 2024. I mean, we really don't know. He could completely walk away from all of it and try to start something up in Hollywood again. Or make some TV news organization or who the hell knows. He could try to recoup the losses to his net worth during his Presidency in a number of ways. Or he could care less and stay in the Political spot light as an instigator and thorn in the side of Washington all the time.

No one really knows.
First, there is NO CHANCE Trump remains in the White House. You guys can believe in wide spread fraud all you want, but that ship has sailed. Even clutching to straws like state legislatures overturning their electoral college votes or the Supreme Court doing something drastic is not even worthwhile any more. I don't quite understand why you spend 10-20 pages of posts rehashing the same old stuff.

Once the electoral college votes are in and certified, Trump will leave office.

What is important now is what happens next. I am encourages that Trump is campaigning a bit (or at least talking about it) for the Georgia Senators up for special election Jan. 5th. He has tweeted about them and it would be great if he would make a trip to Georgia to help rile up the Republican base there to get out and vote.

That will be the first indication to me that Trump moves on and whether Trump sort of "remains in politics".

Now the next concern with Trump will be his post-Presidency media tour. Is he still whining about the election or does he go back on the attack against the Washington elite and media? How off the rails is he? Does he take a vacation/break from everything? Is he still tweeting 5-10 times a day and how is the media reporting on his tweets?

All this will indicate to me whether he plans to run again for President in 2024. I mean, we really don't know. He could completely walk away from all of it and try to start something up in Hollywood again. Or make some TV news organization or who the hell knows. He could try to recoup the losses to his net worth during his Presidency in a number of ways. Or he could care less and stay in the Political spot light as an instigator and thorn in the side of Washington all the time.

No one really knows.

Trump's best move is to try to remove himself from being the face of the Trump brand of politics. He should pull a Soros and fund ****. He should see that change will not occur from the old, weathered party, but from fresh faces with fresh ideas, but retaining a conservative mindset. As such, and I've said this before, should Clay Travis decide to run for POTUS, he should have a sit down with Trump. Though it's also entirely possible that Junior or Ivanka runs for POTUS in 2024.
First, there is NO CHANCE Trump remains in the White House. You guys can believe in wide spread fraud all you want, but that ship has sailed. Even clutching to straws like state legislatures overturning their electoral college votes or the Supreme Court doing something drastic is not even worthwhile any more. I don't quite understand why you spend 10-20 pages of posts rehashing the same old stuff.

Once the electoral college votes are in and certified, Trump will leave office.

What is important now is what happens next. I am encourages that Trump is campaigning a bit (or at least talking about it) for the Georgia Senators up for special election Jan. 5th. He has tweeted about them and it would be great if he would make a trip to Georgia to help rile up the Republican base there to get out and vote.

That will be the first indication to me that Trump moves on and whether Trump sort of "remains in politics".

Now the next concern with Trump will be his post-Presidency media tour. Is he still whining about the election or does he go back on the attack against the Washington elite and media? How off the rails is he? Does he take a vacation/break from everything? Is he still tweeting 5-10 times a day and how is the media reporting on his tweets?

All this will indicate to me whether he plans to run again for President in 2024. I mean, we really don't know. He could completely walk away from all of it and try to start something up in Hollywood again. Or make some TV news organization or who the hell knows. He could try to recoup the losses to his net worth during his Presidency in a number of ways. Or he could care less and stay in the Political spot light as an instigator and thorn in the side of Washington all the time.

No one really knows.

I don't believe there is anyway Biden doesn't move into the White House in January. My only hope is that the clusterfuck of this election will result in uniform voter registration and voting policy (voter ID, absentee ballots while eliminating the mail in disaster). Although Trump may have a better chance of serving his second term than that happening, with Pandora's Box being blown open.
Joe DiGenova goes all Kathy Griffin and says for Chris Krebs should be executed. Totally deranged and unhinged.
My only hope is that the clusterfuck of this election will result in uniform voter registration and voting policy (voter ID, absentee ballots while eliminating the mail in disaster).


That ship has sailed. We will never see a fair election again in this country.
Joe DiGenova goes all Kathy Griffin and says for Chris Krebs should be executed. Totally deranged and unhinged.

weren't you saying Kathy Griffin was an artist and her image with the likeness of a decapitated head resembling President Trump's was art? Now she's "deranged and unhinged"?
by God there might be hope for you yet.

weren't you saying Kathy Griffin was an artist and her image with the likeness of a decapitated head resembling President Trump's was art? Now she's "deranged and unhinged"?
by God there might be hope for you yet.

I recall an outrage party over Griffin and the solicitation of condemnation from everyone. Odd that DiGenova’s remarks don’t bring about the same outrage or condemnation.
I recall an outrage party over Griffin and the solicitation of condemnation from everyone. Odd that DiGenova’s remarks don’t bring about the same outrage or condemnation.

"from everyone"?
not from you. not from Tibs. not from 21IQ21.

no, hardly everyone.
"from everyone"?
not from you. not from Tibs. not from 21IQ21.

no, hardly everyone.

Go back and check. Regardless, your (and everyone else’s) unwillingness to condemn DiGenova is quite evident and hypocritical.
I don't believe there is anyway Biden doesn't move into the White House in January. My only hope is that the clusterfuck of this election will result in uniform voter registration and voting policy (voter ID, absentee ballots while eliminating the mail in disaster). Although Trump may have a better chance of serving his second term than that happening, with Pandora's Box being blown open.

Agree. They need to get uniform voter laws across the nation and even more importantly, hang on to the senate. That is all Trump should be focused on at this point. It is over. It's been over. Stop tweeting about fraud and get to the important work of trying to ensure it doesn't happen again.

He needs to get to having rallies all over Georgia and get the vote out to hang on to the senate. You wanna leave a legacy? Leave a legacy of putting a great big speed bump in the Democrats rush toward communism.
Go back and check. Regardless, your (and everyone else’s) unwillingness to condemn DiGenova is quite evident and hypocritical.

"That guy is a class A moron," DiGenova said. "He should be drawn and quartered, taken out at dawn and shot."

it's hyperbole. He knows nothing like that will happen.

unless, you know, he had an (R) after his name and was practicing softball - yet another time your silence was overwhelming.
I am encourages that Trump is campaigning a bit (or at least talking about it) for the Georgia Senators up for special election Jan. 5th. He has tweeted about them and it would be great if he would make a trip to Georgia to help rile up the Republican base there to get out and vote.
Ya. so the dominion machines can completely ignore the vote and simply call the election as the democrats want it. Good strategy, boss. ******* useless.

Now the next concern with Trump will be his post-Presidency media tour. Is he still whining about the election or does he go back on the attack against the Washington elite and media?
Who the **** cares. The democrats just openly stole the presidential election and there isn't **** anyone can do about it. American democracy is ******* dead and any post-presidential tour isn't going to change the fact that we essentially live in Venezuela.

****, just do what you want while wearing a black hoodie and yelling BLM. There's just no ******* point anymore.
I recall an outrage party over Griffin and the solicitation of condemnation from everyone.

Know what outrages me? ****s lecturing others on how they should stay at home and go bankrupt so the welfare queen can continue to freeload off others and make some serious coin.

Because traffic.
Know what outrages me? ****s lecturing others on how they should stay at home and go bankrupt so the welfare queen can continue to freeload off others and make some serious coin.

Because traffic.

and price of quinoa
I seriously - SERIOUSLY - hope you people were listening when I told you several months ago to support these two great non-profits:

Uniting the


I don't believe there is anyway Biden doesn't move into the White House in January. My only hope is that the clusterfuck of this election will result in uniform voter registration and voting policy (voter ID, absentee ballots while eliminating the mail in disaster). Although Trump may have a better chance of serving his second term than that happening, with Pandora's Box being blown open.

Well, unfortunately, any type of universal voting rules for the country are going to be highly unlikely with a divided congress.

The problem with voting reforms is the side that just "won" rarely wants to change the system that elected them. So for example, when Republicans won in 2016 and had control of both chambers of Congress and the Presidency, voting reform was barely on the radar. Yes, Trump rambled about the "millions" of illegal votes happening. Hell, he set up a commission to investigate (remember all that?) only to find so little evidence that it faded to nothingness.

So without hard proof of voter fraud, something that holds up in the courts, journalistic scrutiny, and public opinion, I doubt we change the system that states have most of the power in election results.

I think if there are any changes, they have to come at the state level. You might see a LOT more states (PA, Wisconsin, Michigan) follow Florida in being able to start to count/verify mail in ballots before the actual election day. That way, they will mostly have their results done by midnight on election day itself.

I mean, we see that it is not ideal to START counting mail in ballots once the polls close and the workers become available to start opening, verifying and feeding millions of mail-in ballots starting at 9PM at night. It becomes an entirely different shift of workers and people. Very hard for election commissions to do both, especially in busy locations (cities, polling places with problems, etc.).

Mail in voting isn't going anywhere. With record turnouts (for both Democrats and Republicans) and with Republicans doing well in down-ballot contests, I'm not sure either side is going to say "let's stop mail-in ballots".

There will be better, more consistent rules ABOUT mail-in ballots on the state level and maybe re-looking at ways to get results out faster.
So without hard proof of voter fraud, something that holds up in the courts, journalistic scrutiny, and public opinion, I doubt we change the system that states have most of the power in election results.

And therefore, you should re-read Wig's post prior to yours. We now live in Venezuela. The norm is fraudulent elections with algorithms driving the vote. Democracy is dead.

EDIT: By the way, I'm a bit tired of hearing "without evidence" or "where is the evidence." Let's make an analogy, shall we? You run a bank. You leave the bank at 6PM and there is $2.7Million in the vault. You open the bank in the morning. There is $700K in the vault. $2Million went missing.

Ya think there's been a crime?

What if there's no security camera footage, no finger prints, no muddy footprints - literally nothing - but the money is still gone. Is it now NOT a crime because you have no evidence?

Take a look at the voter rolls compared to voter turn out. Look at the Twitter clip Supe posted above showing a mathematical impossibility. There's a mountain of STATISTICAL evidence out there saying "this can't be." Literal impossibilities in some cases.

"But we have no evidence" so we just roll over and say thanks."


For anyone to go on about the GA runoffs and the midterms in 2 years like "we can make a difference by getting out the vote" needs a brain check.
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Mail in voting isn't going anywhere.
No, it's not. The democrats now have their unbeatable vote generating process. They can turn in as many ballots as they wish, use as many thumb-drives as they like and dominate any election they feel they need. Sure, they'll let a republican win here and there to uphold the idea that people are actually "voting" but don't for a minute be fooled into believing that your vote counts for **** from here on out.
No, it's not. The democrats now have their unbeatable vote generating process. They can turn in as many ballots as they wish, use as many thumb-drives as they like and dominate any election they feel they need. Sure, they'll let a republican win here and there to uphold the idea that people are actually "voting" but don't for a minute be fooled into believing that your vote counts for **** from here on out.

Yep. And fascinating that the major urban voting areas, with the most money, often the state capitals, delay their vote counts until the rural areas have reported in. My state, for example.

Yavapai County and Mohave County cover VAST areas, more than 21,000 combined square miles, with voting booths in tiny grammar schools and on Indian reservations. Got our vote counted by the evening of November 3.

Maricopa County, less than half that square mileage, the state capital, plenty of roads, vote takes four days.

Why? "Oh, Maricopa has so many more people." So what? The votes are tabulated by bringing them to a processing center, which takes less than half as much time in Maricopa as it does Yavapai and Mohave. "So many more machines and votes." So ******* what? Jesus, they have five times the support staff and personnel, five to ten times the equipment to do the ******* job. Oh, and Florida - a state of 22 million and covering 65,000 square miles - somehow does the task in one ******* day.

So why so incredibly slow in Milwaukee, and Philadelphia, and Phoenix, and Detroit, and Atlanta? Because all run by (D)im mayors? Part of the answer.

But the answer is because those areas need to wait to figure out how many votes they need to win the thing. Go ahead and think otherwise. Your government - the one you have been protesting since the Vietnam war, the one that kills people by the thousands for bullshit reasons - can be trusted and would never lie about the vote.

