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Election Day 2020

So now what? Space court?

Supreme Court just summarily told Trump and the GOP to **** right off. I guess we still get to have a country, for a few more years at least.

Do all your fellow Hungarian countrymen have the same fascination with another country 5,700 miles away, or just you?
Nope we just lost it to fraud.

Really? Not even a unanimous, 9-0 ruling by the conservative majority SC? Not even that will suffice for you? The fact that not a single justice, not Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, nor Barrett - all appointed by Trump - saw an ounce of merit in overturning this election. Not even that will sway you, not even a little bit?

I don't know what to say at this point. I hope in time whatever spell you guys are under will be lifted and you can live full and prosperous lives. And to think how I've been mocked for calling this a cult. That's exactly what it is.

Good luck, fellas.
And to think how I've been mocked for calling this a cult. That's exactly what it is.

Karl Marx: “Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion”

Accusing Conservatives of following a cult is indeed rich, even for a vile low life like you Tibs.

Nothing "cultish" here, eh?







Really? Not even a unanimous, 9-0 ruling by the conservative majority SC? Not even that will suffice for you? The fact that not a single justice, not Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, nor Barrett - all appointed by Trump - saw an ounce of merit in overturning this election. Not even that will sway you, not even a little bit?

I don't know what to say at this point. I hope in time whatever spell you guys are under will be lifted and you can live full and prosperous lives. And to think how I've been mocked for calling this a cult. That's exactly what it is.

Good luck, fellas.

**** off Hungarian. This country is done. Enjoy your ****** Hungaria and your ****** up commie pals.
<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Coming January 20th, 2021... or should I say, LEAVING.<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TrumpDerangementSyndrome?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TrumpDerangementSyndrome</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TrumpIsALaughingStock?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TrumpIsALaughingStock</a> <a href="https://t.co/HpTpssrQ9m">pic.twitter.com/HpTpssrQ9m</a></p>— Paul Lee Teeks (@PaulLeeTeeks) <a href="https://twitter.com/PaulLeeTeeks/status/1337502815464263681?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 11, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
. And to think how I've been mocked for calling this a cult. That's exactly what it is.

You project once again onto the right what you really are, a cult, therefore you will continue to be mocked.

Cult members sever relationships between themselves and their parents/ relatives, and how many times have we heard stories about how you vermin severed relationships with your parents if they voted for Trump...even to the point of not allowing any contact between their Trump supporting parents and their grandchildren.
A cult leader is highly charismatic. Trump is nowhere near charismatic. Obama was. Obama was "The One" as uttered by Oprah Winfrey. Obama "Our Lord and Savior" says Jamie Foxx.

A cult leader promises hope and change but delivers nothing.
The massive support for Trump does not constitute a cult *******. Rather it reflects that for the first time in our lifetimes we had witnessed a president that has kept the promises he made, or at least tried as hard as hell to. The massive support for Trump is also due to the fact that he is the firewall that stands between us and you, the cult of socialism. If we lose the Senate, America is ******.
Really? Not even a unanimous, 9-0 ruling by the conservative majority SC? Not even that will suffice for you? The fact that not a single justice, not Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, nor Barrett - all appointed by Trump - saw an ounce of merit in overturning this election. Not even that will sway you, not even a little bit?

I don't know what to say at this point. I hope in time whatever spell you guys are under will be lifted and you can live full and prosperous lives. And to think how I've been mocked for calling this a cult. That's exactly what it is.

Good luck, fellas.

How do you know they saw not an ounce of merit?

The ruling was not decided by whether or not there was election fraud but rather on the premise that Texas had no jurisdiction.

In a brief order, the court said Texas does not have the legal right to sue those states because it “has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections.”

You ******* still cheated.
How do you know they saw not an ounce of merit?

The ruling was not decided by whether or not there was election fraud but rather on the premise that Texas had no jurisdiction.

In a brief order, the court said Texas does not have the legal right to sue those states because it “has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections.”

You ******* still cheated.

The lawsuit was not about fraud anyways. It was about states changing election laws without going through the proper channels. The case was interesting, but not sure why they went through Texas. They basically said Texas had no right to file for other states.
The lawsuit was not about fraud anyways. It was about states changing election laws without going through the proper channels. The case was interesting, but not sure why they went through Texas. They basically said Texas had no right to file for other states.

Correct the Texas case was not about fraud. Liberals are running around saying SCOTUS has said there was no fraud. Not at all true.

The Texas case was an odd one, indeed.

The fact remains....other states like PA broke the law set by the Constitution. Of that, there is no argument. How it gets settled will be interesting. It needs to be settled. If we allow states to operate in this manner, then the Constitution is dead and so is the Republic we once knew.
The lawsuit was not about fraud anyways. It was about states changing election laws without going through the proper channels. The case was interesting, but not sure why they went through Texas. They basically said Texas had no right to file for other states.

Well said, jitter. 'Bout damn time. And it's not even so much about Trump, it's about setting a precedent for the future of this country. They (medical 'experts') even said it was fine to vote in person. They should have set it up over a number of days and had everyone come in to sanitized locations that were properly socially distanced (at the very least) if they were so worried about this ****. And mandated paid work days off for those who would've needed it, like they mandate so much other ****.

Mass mail-in voting should be criminalized from this sham of an election forward. And don't talk to me about the states who already mail-in vote or absentee ballots, that's a whole other thing not even remotely like this clown show.
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Well said, jitter. 'Bout damn time. And it's not even so much about Trump, it's about setting a precedent for the future of this country. They (medical 'experts') even said it was fine to vote in person. They should have set it up over a number of days and had everyone come in to sanitized locations that were properly socially distanced (at the very least) if they were so worried about this ****. And mandated paid work days off for those who would've needed it, like they mandate so much other ****.

Mass mail-in voting should be criminalized from this sham of an election forward. And don't talk to me about the states who already mail-in vote or absentee ballots, that's a whole other thing not even remotely like this clown show.

We need a constructive way to stick it to these politicians during the biden administration.
I don’t agree in the civil war approach that seems to be the talk on twitter.

Idk. I truly believe we’ve been infiltrated for decades and we are living through the finalization
We need a constructive way to stick it to these politicians during the biden administration.
I don’t agree in the civil war approach that seems to be the talk on twitter.

Idk. I truly believe we’ve been infiltrated for decades and we are living through the finalization

The bottom line is this no matter what side tries to spin it. The house is on fire and all we do is watch it burn down. It was a great house built by brilliant architects. How do you save it? The wolves have come out of the woods to warm by the fire.

I put this up on a George Washington page the other day. Someone had spoke about healing

You can't heal two completely different philosophies heading in opposite directions.

One direction is a massive centralized government seeking power over all things.

The other self governance, personal liberty and freedom to pursue that which makes you happy.

It is one or the other. I don't see much middle ground to be had. All I see is one side trying to impose its will on the other.

Irreconcilable differences will be the product. We know what that leads to.
The bottom line is this no matter what side tries to spin it. The house is on fire and all we do is watch it burn down. It was a great house built by brilliant architects. How do you save it? The wolves have come out of the woods to warm by the fire.

I put this up on a George Washington page the other day. Someone had spoke about healing

You can't heal two completely different philosophies heading in opposite directions.

One direction is a massive centralized government seeking power over all things.

The other self governance, personal liberty and freedom to pursue that which makes you happy.

It is one or the other. I don't see much middle ground to be had. All I see is one side trying to impose its will on the other.

Irreconcilable differences will be the product. We know what that leads to.

Weeks ago Rush Limbaugh said that the SCOTUS will want no role in deciding who is president. He was right.

Our Constitutional Republic is dying. Then come to the awful realization that Limbaugh, a conservative warrior for liberty and the Constitution who has terminal lung cancer is also dying, and will die right along with it.

And when he does watch how the left celebrates.
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Idk. I truly believe we’ve been infiltrated for decades and we are living through the finalization

We have been. For nearly 100 years. It never stopped. But the fruits of their past efforts lead to what we see today.

READ THIS if you've not.


Soviet spies (many, countless converted Americans) held offices throughout our government in the 1930s and 1940s up to Senior Assistant Secretary positions, like Alger Hiss. Chambers, a one time Communist who defected (and miraculously wasn't killed for his efforts), detailed HOW they worked. Fascinating read. He outed Alger Hiss, and many others. Hiss was later found guilty. Incontrovertible evidence. Shockingly - the LEFTist media defended Hiss ::sarcasm::

They said they would take over this country without firing a single shot. We're watching it unfold. I guarantee you we are are still run by "self-aware" communists, but in reality it's mostly progressive Liberals, unaware they are Communists.

Read how Whittaker speaks of Communism. What it truly is. How Liberalism is essentially Communism in sheeps clothing.

Read that book then stop, take a look at where we are. Millions openly calling for socialism - because they've been educated in our radicalized schools (that won't teach about Alger Hiss anywhere but will teach about white privilege). Look at our Leftist politicians and their demands - free healthcare, free schools, free free free. Open borders. Everything that used to bad is now good to them. Look at the media and how they openly drive an agenda, protect their politicians, protect the foot soldiers.

You scratch your head, like I do, and say "how...how do they think this is right?"

Then look back to what Whittaker said, and look to your new knowledge of what communism is and how it truly works. It will make a lot more sense.

We are run by communist principles in countless ways today in ever increasing ways (think I'm crazy, look at AOC, what she advocates, how many truly and devotedly follow that whack). We are going to end up socialist. We just lost the power to have fair elections. Venezuela is going to happen to us. Let's just hope it's not as severe. We are going to die as the nation we knew and we will need to rebuild.
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Take Tim up on "Witness" if you haven't read it already, absolutely ******* eye-opening. And Whittaker Chambers a fascinating study.
My question is why didn't the trump team get each state to file seperately or did they need a "coalition"to get it to the Supreme Court?
We are going to end up socialist. We just lost the power to have fair elections. Venezuela is going to happen to us. Let's just hope it's not as severe. We are going to die as the nation we knew and we will need to rebuild.

Oh Noes!

It was IN THE BAG!

Lord Almighty Trump-Christ PROMISED his death cult followers the FIX WAS IN


My question is why didn't the trump team get each state to file seperately or did they need a "coalition"to get it to the Supreme Court?

Trump Team? BWAhahahah, ******* retard LOSERS!

Where's the Kraken? They said there would be a KRAKEN!


Don the Con fleeced his suckers with a hope-porn SCAM, and he won't quit till he has all their money

Both Spike and Tibs? JFC, now we're encompassing the brain power of a pond of goldfish with the temperament of a rhinoceros in heat.
Btw, where's Steeltime, the Rudy Giuliani of the board? Been mighty quiet since the SC decision.

Presumably, he'll set the record straight and explain to us little people how the conservative-majority of justices don't know jack **** about the law or the Constitution, when they ruled 9-0 to dismiss the case.

MAGA walks like a cult, looks like a cult, talks like a cult, acts like a cult.

Um, it's a cult.

Just like in biblical times, the Lord Savior will help the MAGA masses keep their faith in the face of adversity. Bwahahahahahaa!

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code">
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It's a cult <a href="https://t.co/Rrj3qlMbOi">pic.twitter.com/Rrj3qlMbOi</a></p>— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) <a href="https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1337809319883132930?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>