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Election Day 2020

Trump has not failed us spectacularly he has in fact done quite the opposite.

He fought the elitist scumbags. The dems whined too much to get any done.
The radical left wants us under government rule.

No way.

I’ll say this again. In that I personally don’t feel confident in SCOTUS despite the impressive turnout flipping the states for us.
My hope is this at least opens more eyes of the younger crowd. I’m tired of seeing cities go the way of Portland, San Fran etc.

Maybe it’s just me. But I’ve seen some youngsters today although they didn’t agree with Trump. They talked about bi-partisanship, Americans being able to have the freedom to pursue their endeavors. These were high school kids. So that made me a bit optimistic even if Trump doesn’t win. Maybe a lot more people out there are smarter than they seem.

I’m still confident in the future of this country.
Pelosi should move to unseat the 106 Republicans for backing the Texas lawsuit.

This is sedition.

It is well within the House power to unseat all 106.

The fallout from this Trump coup will be significant and devastating for the GOP.
Pelosi should move to unseat the 106 Republicans for backing the Texas lawsuit.

This is sedition.

It is well within the House power to unseat all 106.

The fallout from this Trump coup will be significant and devastating for the GOP.

In other words, **** the constitution and it's ok to blatantly cheat in elections.

**** off ********.
Pelosi should move to unseat the 106 Republicans for backing the Texas lawsuit.

This is sedition.

It is well within the House power to unseat all 106.

The fallout from this Trump coup will be significant and devastating for the GOP.

Why? Why should she try that?
In other words, **** the constitution and it's ok to blatantly cheat in elections.

**** off ********.

He's a ******* moron who lives in Hungaria. The only thing his ****** leftist party is going to end up doing is starting a civil war.

If anyone is guilty of treason its those clowns over the last 4 years. He knows that. He doesn't care. Deflect and project the **** you're doing onto others.

He's a polished minister of propaganda. Just listen to the guy. His mo never changes. Same **** for 12+ years.
It's like Unka Georg lifted a rock in Hungaria and a narcissistic, slow moving salamander with a sticky forked tongue and gross motor impairments requiring every move forward to twist left has come forward to spew globalist drivel.

Nyet, nyet soviet.

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It's like Unka Georg lifted a rock in Hungaria and a narcissistic, slow moving salamander with a sticky forked tongue and gross motor impairments requiring every move forward to twist left has come forward to spew globalist drivel.

Nyet, nyet soviet.

Now that was quite descriptive with a droll humor Tibs couldn't dream to possess.

Well done, comrade.
Pelosi should

And you should slither back under your marshy bog for another 6 months, like you typically do.
Pelosi should move to unseat the 106 Republicans for backing the Texas lawsuit.

This is sedition.

It is well within the House power to unseat all 106.

The fallout from this Trump coup will be significant and devastating for the GOP.


Why do you needlessly keep subjecting yourself to ridicule? You could at least be sure you understand the meaning of a term before just slinging it out there idiot. Only then would you have realized that sedition is more closely related to what your side has been guilty of.
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So, we're nearing the day dumbass Trump packs up his **** and bails out of the WH. January 20th is shortly upon us, just barely a month away.

What a ******* relief.

It was a wild swing into left field to allow a clown to run the country for four years.

We're not quite there yet, but hopefully soon enough, we can all proclaim that we survived the Trump presidency.

Biden is boring. He stutters, he's no Dwight Eisenhower or JFK. He's a middling, career politician, who'll do a C+/B- job as President.

But he's a decent man. He's a patriot who'll stand with the Republic and the Constitution.

And that will mean everything, literally eveything, in piecing back together an America that's been splintered, embarrassed and spat upon by this twisted, insidious MAGA movement.

The Republic will hold, the country will remain intact. Soon enough, the Trump madness will succumb to being a circus sideshow. Only the most deranged of the lot will stick with him & the lies, the wild conspiracy theories, the utter madness, that's become the norm these past four years.

We came - this - ******* close to the country falling apart forever, due to Trump and his insanity.

Trump, his inner circle, his supporters and a large chunk of the GOP should be facing charges of sedition. What's gone on these past few weeks since the election, has been an attack from within, an attack against the Republic and everything it stands for. This is what the founding fathers were most worried about, and what the country was most ill-prepared to deal with.

Come January 20th, America will have withstood its strongest test since its founding.

I hope there's enough room in the Sedition section at Leavenworth. The fallout from the unsuccessful Trump coup will have deep ramifications for years to come.

Thankfully, it will all be in the rearview mirror. And we can chew the cud of its ramifications - with plenty of hindsight - until the end of time.

LOL yeah Joe ******* Biden is the answer to our prayers. It's so funny how you railed against Trump's so-called collusion with Russia but meanwhile you don't give a rat's *** that Joe Biden's crack-smoking *****-******* son is on actual record peddling his influence with his daddy the Vice President for millions of dollars. Can't wait to see how you try to wriggle the Bidens out of any wrongdoing on that one. Oh wait, forgot it's a non-story now because our media is corrupt as ****.

Welcome back Tibs, you're always good for some comic relief.

Why do you needlessly keep subjecting yourself to ridicule? You could at least be sure you understand the meaning of a term before just slinging it out there idiot.

He has no objectivity, he's selectively outraged, he's got lower than average intellect, he's sworn allegiance to Liberalism/Communism, and is addicted to hyperbole (Michael Avenatti is a damned AMERICAN PATRIOT!)....

Thus he behaves like this, over-reacting to everything he disagrees with, while under-reacting to the fires burning in his own home.

And he's an ******* to boot so.
1-51 in the courts thus far, Trump and his team have sure made a convincing case of election fraud. LOL He doesn't give two ***** about the election, or his supporters, he knows he lost. He's just trying to squeeze every last penny out of his bamboozled base before he peels down to Mar A Lago to face prosecution from the NY State AG.

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Pelosi should move to unseat the 106 Republicans for backing the Texas lawsuit.

This is sedition.

It is well within the House power to unseat all 106.

The fallout from this Trump coup will be significant and devastating for the GOP.

Pelosi should be in jail for refusing to come to the table and negotiate a stimulus package that would help small businesses and the unemployed during the Covid crisis. She played politics throughout the last 6-8 months just so Trump wouldn't to get the credit.

She pushed for the farce of an impeachment trial where it turns out that what was being investigated by Trump was an actual crime by the Bidens.

So spare me acknowledgent of Pelosi being some kind of hero.
Pelosi should be in jail for refusing to come to the table and negotiate a stimulus package that would help small businesses and the unemployed during the Covid crisis. She played politics throughout the last 6-8 months just so Trump wouldn't to get the credit.

She pushed for the farce of an impeachment trial where it turns out that what was being investigated by Trump was an actual crime by the Bidens.

So spare me acknowledgent of Pelosi being some kind of hero.

Jail would be merciful for what she and a great many of her colleagues so richly deserve.
Jail would be merciful for what she and a great many of her colleagues so richly deserve.

Anything specific in mind?

Maryland Man Arrested Over Biden Death Threat

Man arrested after threatening to blow up Spokane County Democrats office: Police

White supremacist arrested for threatening to kill Democrats, federal officials

Pro-Trump Groups Call For Civil War

Armed Militias Are Taking Trump’s Civil War Tweets Seriously

Thousands of Facebook Groups buzzed with calls for violence ahead of U.S. election

Facebook removes pro-Trump group pages over 'calls for violence'
Anything specific in mind?

Maryland Man Arrested Over Biden Death Threat

Man arrested after threatening to blow up Spokane County Democrats office: Police

White supremacist arrested for threatening to kill Democrats, federal officials

Pro-Trump Groups Call For Civil War

Armed Militias Are Taking Trump’s Civil War Tweets Seriously

Thousands of Facebook Groups buzzed with calls for violence ahead of U.S. election

Facebook removes pro-Trump group pages over 'calls for violence'

Not that I condone threats of violence but where is this same concern over the ACTUAL violence daily by the left in liberal cities all over the country.
The cover:


And the alternative cover:


You guys should print these out and tape them up somewhere near your desks, as there seems to be a lot of confusion around here regarding the outcome of this election. Just trying to help.
1-51 in the courts thus far, Trump and his team have sure made a convincing case of election fraud. LOL He doesn't give two ***** about the election, or his supporters, he knows he lost. He's just trying to squeeze every last penny out of his bamboozled base before he peels down to Mar A Lago to face prosecution from the NY State AG.


LMFAO - like the Left and their "resistance" for the past 4 years when the Queen LOST?

Pelosi should move to unseat the 106 Republicans for backing the Texas lawsuit.

This is sedition.

It is well within the House power to unseat all 106.

The fallout from this Trump coup will be significant and devastating for the GOP.

WHY? you refuse to answer this.
WHY? you refuse to answer this.

LOL, the answer is right there, in front of your nose.

[h=2]Definition of sedition[/h]

: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority
Here's some good reading on the subject.

'Seditious abuse of judicial process': States fire back at Texas' Supreme Court election challenge

The Republican Party Is Now a Seditious Organization

Trump’s ‘rigged’ claims of collusion are laughable

Will Trump’s Attempted Electoral Coup Succeed?

The election is over, but there’s no end to Republican bad faith