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Election Day 2020

President Biden or, perhaps President Harris by this time next year, will never hear this type of enthusiasm at the A/N game.

The Army player bumps elbows with Trump. Does that make him an Uncle Tom or ain't he black no more?

I found both of the outlined hilarious. The current POTUS is simply out there as the honorary visitor to do the coin toss and they have to have a notice under the video that numbnuts is the President-elect. Talk about insecure phonies (because they know deep down). And the Finnish people have been brainwashed by the MAGA 'cult' all the way from the U.S.!


Good luck 'President-elect' Biden, yer gonna need it.
The Trump rally in DC today is turning out to be a fitting end to this shitshow of a presidency.

Alex Jones and the 3%-Oathkeepers calling for an armed insurrection. The MyPillow guy spewing unhinged conspiracy theories. Mike Flynn's sister botching My Country, Tis of Thee, which she doesn't know the words to. And last but not least, the Proud Boys showing up in bumble bee skirts as they prepare for civil war. ROTFL

These past four years have been sheer & utter madness under Trump. Good God.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Proud boys getting ready for Civil War <br>������ <a href="https://t.co/AMpFr5ldFB">pic.twitter.com/AMpFr5ldFB</a></p>— Maura (@maura_resister) <a href="https://twitter.com/maura_resister/status/1337813030311141376?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

Not gonna lie.
I’d rock one of those skirts lol. Would match with my Watt or Reaves jersey
What the definition of healing is as proposed by the left, now that they have the White House, is comply.

That's not going to happen. He's already a lame duck. Everyone knows they cheated like hell. And that's one thing people despise.
That's not going to happen. He's already a lame duck. Everyone knows they cheated like hell. And that's one thing people despise.

Oh I agree completely. I find it humorous when people on FB, the likes of the left on this site, call for a kumbaya moment now that the WH is theirs.
That's not going to happen. He's already a lame duck. Everyone knows they cheated like hell. And that's one thing people despise.

****** A right. I hope Newsmax and OAN correspondents start their questions off w/ "Illegitimate Mr. President". And the White House is going to be theirs like a house under construction has squatters stay to keep out of the cold.
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Oh I agree completely. I find it humorous when people on FB, the likes of the left on this site, call for a kumbaya moment now that the WH is theirs.

Yeah that's got about zero chance of happening now. They'd really have to back a complete election audit at this point in time and it would have to come up clean. That will never happen.

All of that evidence is going to make its way into the open. Stonewalling is only going to sink them more.

This thing isn't even close to being done playing out. Sworn in or not he will be The Illegitimate Lame Duck with dementia.

Hell he may not even know. Plausibly deniabilty. He may actually think he got 80 million legitimate voters..lol. But more than likely being the career swamp rat, he knows very well.
****** A right. I hope Newsmax and OAN correspondents start their questions off w/ "Illegitimate Mr. President". And the White House is going to be theirs like a house under construction has squatters stay to keep out of the cold.

They're ******* dumb. They think they've actually won,but they have lost big time already in public perception. Cheating anger sticks around a long ,long mother ******* time. They lost big in the house...funny how that worked out,but we know that answer.

That's why they will pull every **** show con under the sun in Georgia, because they will be ****** within 2 years.

Either way Trump is winning for us and they can't do ******* **** about it.
Translation: KEEP SENDING MONEY! $$$$



He never gets tired of LOSING?

Trump loses election challenge lawsuit in Wisconsin, further cementing Biden win

A federal judge in Wisconsin on Saturday bluntly dismissed a lawsuit filed by President Donald Trump challenging Joe Biden's win in that state, further cementing Biden's victory in the national presidential election.

Trump's latest court loss — one of almost 60 in the past month by his campaign and allies in state and federal courts — came a day after the U.S. Supreme Court dealt a likely fatal blow to his bid for a second term.



In related Breaking News...

German magazine Der Spiegel names Trump 'Loser of the Year'


In an article titled 'Der Veliere des Jahres' which translates as 'The Loser of the Year', the publication’s Washington bureau chief Roland Nelles and Berlin-based correspondent Ralf Neukirch described Trump as "a man who ... was never concerned with the common good, but always with one thing — himself," Hill newspaper reported.


He never gets tired of LOSING?

Trump loses election challenge lawsuit in Wisconsin, further cementing Biden win

A federal judge in Wisconsin on Saturday bluntly dismissed a lawsuit filed by President Donald Trump challenging Joe Biden's win in that state, further cementing Biden's victory in the national presidential election.

Trump's latest court loss — one of almost 60 in the past month by his campaign and allies in state and federal courts — came a day after the U.S. Supreme Court dealt a likely fatal blow to his bid for a second term.



In related Breaking News...

German magazine Der Spiegel names Trump 'Loser of the Year'


In an article titled 'Der Veliere des Jahres' which translates as 'The Loser of the Year', the publication’s Washington bureau chief Roland Nelles and Berlin-based correspondent Ralf Neukirch described Trump as "a man who ... was never concerned with the common good, but always with one thing — himself," Hill newspaper reported.


You guys must share the same accounts now,eh?
Let's take a moment to discuss the trolling by Libs. You're wasting your time. Sure, many on here had fun trolling Hillary supporters but that's different. It's different because Hillary supporters were living in an alternative reality where they though she'd win in a landslide because Trump had no chance at all. They were emotionally invested in her and when she lost, it destroyed their whole world view. They went hysterical.

This difference is most Trump supporters knew this would be close. Knew he could lose since so many states had embraced cheat by mail voting. There was nothing in this election that changed anything for the Trump supporter because Reps won down ballot. This election showed that Trump's influence actually grew.

All of these memes and such calling Trump a loser does not touch any emotional nerve with me because my support for Trump is not emotional. It's kind of scary that so many have allowed emotions to rule them so much that they want to overlook probably election fraud. Don't even want it investigated at all no mater how much credible evidence emerges or how many ordinary folks give statements under penalty of perjury.

I keep seeing these little victory dances about Trump losing in court. You people do realize that these rulings are mostly going against him on technical issues and at no time has any of the evidence been judged or even heard. The recent Supreme Court ruling just said Texas didn't have standing to bring the suit. There was no comment on the validity of their claims.

When it came to Trump, every possible angle on him was investigated and Republicans let it happen. They may have complained but did nothing to stop investigations. When it comes to Biden, it seems any investigation is called treason and even speaking of such things gets you censored. Does that really not worry any of you or are you too busy hating orange man?
Let's take a moment to discuss the trolling by Libs. You're wasting your time. Sure, many on here had fun trolling Hillary supporters but that's different. It's different because Hillary supporters were living in an alternative reality where they though she'd win in a landslide because Trump had no chance at all. They were emotionally invested in her and when she lost, it destroyed their whole world view. They went hysterical.

This difference is most Trump supporters knew this would be close. Knew he could lose since so many states had embraced cheat by mail voting. There was nothing in this election that changed anything for the Trump supporter because Reps won down ballot. This election showed that Trump's influence actually grew.

All of these memes and such calling Trump a loser does not touch any emotional nerve with me because my support for Trump is not emotional. It's kind of scary that so many have allowed emotions to rule them so much that they want to overlook probably election fraud. Don't even want it investigated at all no mater how much credible evidence emerges or how many ordinary folks give statements under penalty of perjury.

I keep seeing these little victory dances about Trump losing in court. You people do realize that these rulings are mostly going against him on technical issues and at no time has any of the evidence been judged or even heard. The recent Supreme Court ruling just said Texas didn't have standing to bring the suit. There was no comment on the validity of their claims.

When it came to Trump, every possible angle on him was investigated and Republicans let it happen. They may have complained but did nothing to stop investigations. When it comes to Biden, it seems any investigation is called treason and even speaking of such things gets you censored. Does that really not worry any of you or are you too busy hating orange man?

That is disturbing seeing one side censored.
That shows some ccp like media reporting there.

Sure Trump is losing the courts. But at least he is being transparent in the process.
Idk. It’s scary to think the way this heading. I hope I’m wrong. A successful president is always good for the country.

I can only hope biden does right. But that’s up in the air
Let's take a moment to discuss the trolling by Libs. You're wasting your time. Sure, many on here had fun trolling Hillary supporters but that's different. It's different because Hillary supporters were living in an alternative reality where they though she'd win in a landslide because Trump had no chance at all. They were emotionally invested in her and when she lost, it destroyed their whole world view. They went hysterical.

This difference is most Trump supporters knew this would be close. Knew he could lose since so many states had embraced cheat by mail voting. There was nothing in this election that changed anything for the Trump supporter because Reps won down ballot. This election showed that Trump's influence actually grew.

All of these memes and such calling Trump a loser does not touch any emotional nerve with me because my support for Trump is not emotional. It's kind of scary that so many have allowed emotions to rule them so much that they want to overlook probably election fraud. Don't even want it investigated at all no mater how much credible evidence emerges or how many ordinary folks give statements under penalty of perjury.

I keep seeing these little victory dances about Trump losing in court. You people do realize that these rulings are mostly going against him on technical issues and at no time has any of the evidence been judged or even heard. The recent Supreme Court ruling just said Texas didn't have standing to bring the suit. There was no comment on the validity of their claims.

When it came to Trump, every possible angle on him was investigated and Republicans let it happen. They may have complained but did nothing to stop investigations. When it comes to Biden, it seems any investigation is called treason and even speaking of such things gets you censored. Does that really not worry any of you or are you too busy hating orange man?

Who would celebrate a win by cheating but liberals and the devil. No conscience, no feelings of guilt, no soul.
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The sad part in all of this, is how Trump supporters continue to be disillusioned and swayed by lies and deception.

Biden isn’t just 'winning in the courts.' He handily won the popular vote and won the electoral college votes by the same margin Trump did in 2016. Remember that, the victory Trump called the 'greatest ever in history?'

This idea of election fraud, that Biden won 'by cheating' has been summarily rejected by courts all around the country for over a month now, by liberal and conservative judges alike. Each time the Trump/GOP lawyers had a chance to make their case based on evidence, it was rejected out of hand. This is separate from, and in addition to, the 9-0 ruling by the Supreme Court.

Trump has also lost in the court of public opinion, being the first President in history to never have reached a 50% approval rating at any point during his time in office.

I get it, facts and the truth hurt. After four years of Trump and his base kicking sand in everyone's faces, now the tables are turned. With Trump heading out of office after a single term, MAGA's are shocked and surprised not everyone is bummed out about it. Nobody is gloating, it just seems that way to you guys.

If you want to blame someone for the way people are reacting, blame Trump & the GOP, who won't concede defeat, are whining, kicking, and screaming to the very end. When your President and party acts like a petulant child, don't be surprised when people react to that in kind.

I think the most significant and cathartic event in this entire election was what happened with CISA Director Christopher Krebs. You know, the guy Trump himself appointed to head the election cybersecurity effort. When Krebs came out and declared what a great job the department has done in warding off election fraud and manipulation, something all Americans should be happy about and proud of, Trump fired him. Yes, Trump fired him, because he wouldn't go along with the lies and deceptions he and Giuliani were cooking up, to turn this election around somehow, someway. That's all you need to know about who the bad actors are.

Maybe in a few years more of you will come to realize the truth about Trump, and understand the danger he represented to the country, to the Republic and to the democratic principles the country was founded on. That will be a welcome turn of events, if it ever happens.
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I can only hope biden does right. But that’s up in the air

The Far Left is just now finding out that Biden isn't as Left as they are and now that it's time to cash in for their support he's telling them to **** off. But then he won't be President for long, which was always the plan even if Joe didn't know it.

Maybe in a few years more of you will come to realize the truth about Trump, and understand the danger he represented to the country, to the Republic and to the democratic principles the country was founded on. That will be a welcome turn of events, if it ever happens.

You say that like higher employment and wages, less regulations, better trade deals, and peace agreements in the middle east are a bad thing. Oh wait....
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The sad part in all of this, is how Trump supporters continue to be disillusioned and swayed by lies and deception.

Biden isn’t just 'winning in the courts.' He handily won the popular vote and won the electoral college votes by the same margin Trump did in 2016. Remember that, the victory Trump called the 'greatest ever in history?'

This idea of election fraud, that Biden won 'by cheating' has been summarily rejected by courts all around the country for over a month now, by liberal and conservative judges alike. Each time the Trump/GOP lawyers had a chance to make their case based on evidence, it was rejected out of hand. This is separate from, and in addition to, the 9-0 ruling by the Supreme Court.

Trump has also lost in the court of public opinion, being the first President in history to never have reached a 50% approval rating at any point during his time in office.

Trump Approval Index History ... 08-Dec-20, -2, 38%, 40%, 49%, 50% ... 24-Nov-20, -6, 37%, 43%, 48%, 50% ... 29-May-20, -10, 33%, 43%, 46%, 53%

I get it, facts and the truth hurt. After four years of Trump and his base kicking sand in everyone's faces, now the tables are turned. With Trump heading out of office after a single term, MAGA's are shocked and surprised not everyone is bummed out about it. Nobody is gloating, it just seems that way to you guys.

If you want to blame someone for the way people are reacting, blame Trump & the GOP, who won't concede defeat, are whining, kicking, and screaming to the very end. When your President and party acts like a petulant child, don't be surprised when people react to that in kind.

I think the most significant and cathartic event in this entire election was what happened with CISA Director Christopher Krebs. You know, the guy Trump himself appointed to head the election cybersecurity effort. When Krebs came out and declared what a great job the department has done in warding off election fraud and manipulation, something all Americans should be happy about and proud of, Trump fired him. Yes, Trump fired him, because he wouldn't go along with the lies and deceptions he and Giuliani were cooking up, to turn this election around somehow, someway. That's all you need to know about who the bad actors are.

Maybe in a few years more of you will come to realize the truth about Trump, and understand the danger he represented to the country, to the Republic and to the democratic principles the country was founded on. That will be a welcome turn of events, if it ever happens.

More lies from the Hungarian mangalista.
I pointed out the most glaring.

We can take turns. Someone pick another paragraph . Not reading that mess.
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I found both of the outlined hilarious. The current POTUS is simply out there as the honorary visitor to do the coin toss and they have to have a notice under the video that numbnuts is the President-elect. Talk about insecure phonies (because they know deep down). And the Finnish people have been brainwashed by the MAGA 'cult' all the way from the U.S.!


Good luck 'President-elect' Biden, yer gonna need it.

The Army Navy game back in 2012 Biden was met with boos and jeers.
Don't doubt me. I was there!

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**** Tibsy and the horse he rode in on............that Soros paid troll...............

That is the sum of him as a whole. Nothing more. From his little country of 10 million..haha. Hell 75 million Americans voted for Trump. That's his entire country 7.5 times over.
I pointed out the most glaring.

I'm talking about the universally accepted Gallup poll, which has been used for decades to gauge presidential job approval, not some numbers thrown together at the DailyCaller or Gateway Pundit.

The Presidential job approval rating, based on the Gallup poll, is the percentage of respondents who answer "approve" for the question "Do you approve or disapprove of the way [President's name] is handling his job as President?".

1,240 days into his tenure, Mr. Trump's approval rating has not crossed the 50% mark even once, the only President to hold that particular distinction among the last 14 Presidents for whom data was available.

But nevermind. There is no point in conversing with any of you on this board. Complete waste of time.
But nevermind. There is no point in conversing with any of you on this board. Complete waste of time.

We don't take kindly to people that think differently 'round here.
But nevermind. There is no point in conversing with any of you on this board. Complete waste of time.

Then leave for good already. You're almost there with just trolling for a few days every six months.
You know, if no one responds to the trolls, who needle only to get their rocks off, they slither away.

This. The only reason he posts here anymore is to troll you guys and get you stirred up. And it works every time.