At this point I almost want trump to concede. All the focus right now should be in winning jan 5th. If somehow the dems get the Senate. The next few years will be an absolute **** show
This will ride on out until it's dramatic conclusion. It's not going to hurt Georgia at all. If anything his continuing to fight gives people hope and hope is all you need. Even if you're fighting an evil empire.
The more court cases he loses (to his own appointed judges no less) and still claims victory, the more he's going to turn people against him. And the hardcores are saying stay home and don't vote in Georgia as some stupid protest which is going to screw us totally.
Fibs ain't got ****. An empty vessel of hate with no discernment of facts.
The more court cases he loses (to his own appointed judges no less) and still claims victory, the more he's going to turn people against him. And the hardcores are saying stay home and don't vote in Georgia as some stupid protest which is going to screw us totally.
The American people deserve to see all that they have. I want to see all of the sworn affidavits. I want to see all of it.
People will stay home if he just says **** it. Of course they all need to go out and vote. That's what they've been pushing regardless of the presidential outcome.
I understand your concern. The only concern for me is the truth.
Gut the corporate media completely, somehow. This is a disgrace:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This sub-headline is the most Media-in-2020 thing ever: <a href=""></a></p>— Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) <a href="">December 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Yeah well I'm pretty concerned about the Dems being in charge of this entire government, passing federal government run healthcare, childcare and higher education, packing the Supreme Court, and destroying the country beyond all repair. Call me crazy.
Yeah well I'm pretty concerned about the Dems being in charge of this entire government, passing federal government run healthcare, childcare and higher education, packing the Supreme Court, and destroying the country beyond all repair. Call me crazy.
Unfounded and baseless? Jesus.
The more court cases he loses (to his own appointed judges no less) and still claims victory, the more he's going to turn people against him. And the hardcores are saying stay home and don't vote in Georgia as some stupid protest which is going to screw us totally.
And THAT becomes the big debate. Does Trump run again in 2024 and is he the best person to win?
Surely there is somebody that can effectively carry the same message not named Trump. Better start looking now, because anybody else with an R next to their name is going to prove how spineless they are.
Dan Crenshaw! If he runs. I'd vote for him over just about anyone including Trump.
Dan Crenshaw! If he runs. I'd vote for him over just about anyone including Trump.
That is the sum of him as a whole. Nothing more. From his little country of 10 million..haha. Hell 75 million Americans voted for Trump. That's his entire country 7.5 times over.
The real debate here is not what happened (past tense). We all know the evidence isn't strong enough or great enough in number to have the courts rule to change the election. Biden will be our President on January 20th. He is going to have a million Obama-era swamp things in his inner circle.
While I absolutely love Dan Crenshaw, I just don't know if he has that killer instinct (yes, I know about his incredible combat experience, but I'm talking about the battleground that is Washington DC and the Globalist Cucks & Commies across the world) and political savvy the way a guy like Richard Grenell has. I know this may not be a popular pick with conservative Christians because he's a gay man, but he's served in multiple administrations doing various things and just strikes me as super intelligent and articulate.
You may say "well he sounds like a typical politician" but he's really anything but that, I think that's why he was one of Trump's most trusted confidants the past couple years. He's just polished and he doesn't take any **** from anybody and I think he'd know exactly how to deal with the lunatics on the other side. Just watch him destroy this journalist and show his incredible knowledge and political savvy:
I would vote for Dan Crenshaw in a heartbeat. I absolutely would. But I think the guy Trump most would've wanted to emulate on a personal, statesman-like level (or maybe I'm projecting who I wish he could've emulated) is Richard Grenell. I think he could run circles around crazy Nancy Pelosi and Schumer etc. and absolutely destroy them in the process. I want a statesman-like savage.
I don't believe this to be true. Not one bit. The courts aren't even allowing the evidence to be heard. They're blocking the suits on purely procedural grounds. Its everyone playing hot potato.
Don't forget that his country has a really nice border fence to keep illegal immigrants out.
stay gone, *******I'm talking about the universally accepted Gallup poll, which has been used for decades to gauge presidential job approval, not some numbers thrown together at the DailyCaller or Gateway Pundit.
But nevermind. There is no point in conversing with any of you on this board. Complete waste of time.
Yep they don't want their houses firebombed by the lefties