".....we don't need no thought control".
Those lyrics resonate today. If only the kids really could see what's going on in the indoctrination centers they attend..
The one that comes to mind for me is Don't Get Fooled Again
".....we don't need no thought control".
Those lyrics resonate today. If only the kids really could see what's going on in the indoctrination centers they attend..
Wig gonna love this. We will be told - nothing to see here, no reason to be concerned, the elections were handled fairly. Read the report:
Report Claims Dominion Error Rate Of 68%, ‘Intentionally Designed To Create Systemic Fraud’
A forensic report from the Allied Security Operations Group of election results from Antrim County, Michigan concluded Dominion Voting Systems is “intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”
The report reasons that while “the allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%),” they “observed an error rate of 68.05% with Dominion Voting Systems. Its findings focus on Antrim County, which saw its election results glitch and flip thousands of votes for President Trump to Joe Biden.
“This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity,” the December 13th summary noted.
Critical to the report is the notion that these errors are a “result of machine and/or software error, not human error.”
The Allied Security Operations Group explains:
This is just something else the SCOTUS can ignore
Maybe the truth is that we voted and Biden won.
Maybe the truth is that we voted and Biden won.
You know, if no one responds to the trolls, who needle only to get their rocks off, they slither away.
Maybe the truth is that we voted and Biden won.
Maybe the truth is that we voted and Biden won.
Maybe the truth is that we voted and Biden won.
Maybe it is. But how would you ever know? A lot of election workers filing sworn affidavits of fraud and irregularities. I WANT to believe everything is on the up and up. But there is more than anecdotal evidence that maybe it isn’t. I don’t know. And not knowing is what is concerning.
I already had a pretty healthy distrust of our government. This election hasn’t restored my confidence, I’ll say that.
Yeah I think a lot of people just don't want to face this.
Trump inspired very strong feelings. For him and against him. I get why people don't think it's impossible that Joe Biden inspired this kind of turnout but what they aren't getting is that it has nothing to do with Joe Biden. It's about Trump.
I live in a former Republican stronghold county that Trump has basically destroyed. Mainly due to college educated people, especially women, who just hate him with a passion. Would vote for a potato over him (well, they kind of did). Embarrassed to tell people they are Republicans because of him.
I understand the Trump devotees don't see this. But I do.
Yeah I think a lot of people just don't want to face this.
Trump inspired very strong feelings. For him and against him. I get why people think it's impossible that Joe Biden inspired this kind of turnout but what they aren't getting is that it has nothing to do with Joe Biden. It's about Trump.
I live in a former Republican stronghold county that Trump has basically destroyed. Mainly due to college educated people, especially women, who just hate him with a passion. Would vote for a potato over him (well, they kind of did). Embarrassed to tell people they are Republicans because of him.
I understand the Trump devotees don't see this. But I do.
Yeah I think a lot of people just don't want to face this.
Trump inspired very strong feelings. For him and against him. I get why people think it's impossible that Joe Biden inspired this kind of turnout but what they aren't getting is that it has nothing to do with Joe Biden. It's about Trump.
I live in a former Republican stronghold county that Trump has basically destroyed. Mainly due to college educated people, especially women, who just hate him with a passion. Would vote for a potato over him (well, they kind of did). Embarrassed to tell people they are Republicans because of him.
I understand the Trump devotees don't see this. But I do.
Yeah I think a lot of people just don't want to face this.
Trump inspired very strong feelings. For him and against him. I get why people think it's impossible that Joe Biden inspired this kind of turnout but what they aren't getting is that it has nothing to do with Joe Biden. It's about Trump.
I live in a former Republican stronghold county that Trump has basically destroyed. Mainly due to college educated people, especially women, who just hate him with a passion. Would vote for a potato over him (well, they kind of did). Embarrassed to tell people they are Republicans because of him.
I understand the Trump devotees don't see this. But I do.
I think when you have numerous Trump appointed judges throwing these cases out of court, not a single "win" of any substance that I have seen, you have to believe they are somewhat baseless. Or else he's really really bad at picking judges.
Here's the problem. The cases are not getting thrown out on merit. It's all procedural and technical stuff. To my knowledge very few, if any, of the cases have even been heard. So, to my original point, how would anyone ever know for sure? There are tons of people out there writing sworn affidavits claiming there was at least some fraud. Don't we have a responsibility as a nation to verify these claims? I think we do.
And that is what makes this so hard. For my part, on one hand, I still can't believe Joe Biden got 80 million votes. On the other hand, I can because the hatred of Trump runs that deep in this country.
It is what it is, and Biden will be President. I said way back when that they would get Trump out of office by hook or by crook, and they did. He was never going to be re-elected. The left in America made sure of it.
I was a little upset at first, but I'm over it. Time to move on. 2022 and 2024 is just around the corner.
Yeah I think a lot of people just don't want to face this.
Trump inspired very strong feelings. For him and against him. I get why people think it's impossible that Joe Biden inspired this kind of turnout but what they aren't getting is that it has nothing to do with Joe Biden. It's about Trump.
I live in a former Republican stronghold county that Trump has basically destroyed. Mainly due to college educated people, especially women, who just hate him with a passion. Would vote for a potato over him (well, they kind of did). Embarrassed to tell people they are Republicans because of him.
I understand the Trump devotees don't see this. But I do.
Here's the problem. The cases are not getting thrown out on merit. It's all procedural and technical stuff. To my knowledge very few, if any, of the cases have even been heard. So, to my original point, how would anyone ever know for sure? There are tons of people out there writing sworn affidavits claiming there was at least some fraud. Don't we have a responsibility as a nation to verify these claims? I think we do.
And that is what makes this so hard. For my part, on one hand, I still can't believe Joe Biden got 80 million votes. On the other hand, I can because the hatred of Trump runs that deep in this country.
It is what it is, and Biden will be President. I said way back when that they would get Trump out of office by hook or by crook, and they did. He was never going to be re-elected. The left in America made sure of it.
I was a little upset at first, but I'm over it. Time to move on. 2022 and 2024 is just around the corner.
I don't understand this logic of doubting the totals.
Trump went from 63,000,000 votes in 2016 to 74,300,000 votes in 2020, which is about a 18% increase in total votes.
Democrats went from 65,900,000 votes in 2016 (Hillary) to 81,300,000 votes in 2020, which is a 23% increase in total votes.
All-in-all, the country had an increase in voter turnout of over 20%. Or 26.7 million NEW VOTERS.
Why is it so hard to believe, after 4 years of Trump, that democrats got 57.6% of new voters? Based on what he went through, the negative media, the constant attacks, big Washington and big City voracity against him, that new voters would basically vote 57.6% vs. 42.4% against him?
That's just if everyone that votes for Clinton stayed with Biden and everyone that voted for Trump, voted for him again. But that didn't happen.
Turnout is what beat Trump. We talk about this all the time, when democrats get the cities to turn out and vote, Republicans lose. There was enough hatred for Trump to "get out the vote".
For four years we talked about is disliking Trump was enough to get people to vote. In 2016 it wasn't. In 2020 it was. The political machines of driving voters to do something, the whole idea of political influence from campaigns, to news, to social media, to advertising. It worked for Biden.
I'm kind of shocked so many here think Trump is actually well-liked in this country enough to win. That you don't realized the amount of distaste he really has, across a LOT of demographics.
What he accomplished was pretty amazing. But the voting numbers seem COMPLETELY in-line with reality, which I just don't understand how some of you don't believe. What bubbles do you guys live in to not realize the amount of anti-Trump voters that are out there?
Trump proved, once and for all, that ANTI-votes are enough to win. For many election cycles, that wasn't the case. Experts said a candidate had to be electable and motivate people to the polls to win. But Trump was an exception. Like Trump has been an exception from the moment he came down the elevator in 2014.
Turnout is what beat Trump. We talk about this all the time, when democrats get the cities to turn out and vote, Republicans lose. There was enough hatred for Trump to "get out the vote".
I was a little upset at first, but I'm over it. Time to move on.
The Day the Kraken Died
McConnell, top Republicans accept Biden's victory after Electoral College vote
WASHINGTON — After weeks of delay, the top Republican in the Senate, Mitch McConnell acknowledged on Tuesday that Joe Biden will be the next president following an Electoral College vote officially certified his win on Monday.
"Today, I want to congratulate President-elect Biden," the Senate majority leader said on Tuesday.
Sen. Roy Blunt, who chairs the committee responsible for planning the inauguration, said that "now we have the constitutional threshold, and we'll deal with Vice President Biden as the president elect."