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Election Day 2020

It's no big deal to me, as I've never taken it seriously, I had an extra year of books plus a residency year to obtain a doctorate in pharmacy. Now it's the entry level degree.

I got a kick out of the kids coming out of school insisting they be called doctor, kind of like Dr. Jill I suppose.
It's no big deal to me, as I've never taken it seriously, I had an extra year of books plus a residency year to obtain a doctorate in pharmacy. Now it's the entry level degree.

I got a kick out of the kids coming out of school insisting they be called doctor, kind of like Dr. Jill I suppose.

PHD's that I've come in contact with are most humble people I know. I address them as "Dr." out of respect for what it took for them to become PHD's. , and 9 times out of ten they'll respond with "you don't have to call me doctor, first name is fine".
The funniest thing one Phd told me is that his own mother always lets him know that he isn't a real doctor.LOL

The only "real" doctor I don't address as doctor is my son. He's a nephrologist. So if anyone needs kidney work...
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Dr. Seuss is more deserving of the title of "Doctor" then any goddammed lawyer.

So is Dr. Evil.

and Dr. Doolittle.

and Dr. Who

and Dr. Frankenstein

and Dr. Hook
Some idiot moderator shut down an excellent thread discussing "Dr. Jill" so I figured I could put this information here, since we are discussing the "doctor" label. Jill's dissertation can be found here:


I provide the link - as I do basically for every objective fact I claim - to avoid being accused of misquoting the good doctor. Let's start with the first paragraph on the first page of "Dr. Jill's" dissertation, where she writes:

Delaware Technical and Community College serves a highly diverse student body in terms of age, gender, race, and socio-economic status. The needs of the student population are often undeserved ...

Uhh, the students' needs are "undeserved"? They don't deserve the needs they have? I guess if that need is one for a second Porsche to use cruising campus, it may be "undeserved."

Oh, she meant to write "underserved"? Well, here's a thought, Dr. Jill: Perhaps your dissertation could have less grammatical errors than my posts on Steeler Nation. Remember, that obvious error occurs in the FIRST PARAGRAPH and exists probably due to autocorrect.

The good doctor then writes:

The community college classroom is unlike any other classroom in America. Diversity, rather than homogeneity, is the norm. In an average-sized class of twenty students at Delaware Tech, for example, most of the seats will be filled with young students who have just graduated from high school.

Uhhh, doc, I believe the vast majority of college classrooms are filled with "young students who have just graduated high school." Does the good doctor believe that most college students failed to graduate high school? Or that they graduated and then waited some appreciable amount of time (two years or more) before attending college? Yeah, no, doc - even lethargic research would disprove that claim.

The majority of these will be female. At least five seats will be filled with middle-aged men and women who have lost their jobs due to downsizing and/or outsourcing. One or two seats will be filled with students who have graduated from a GED program. Some seats will hold older women whose children have just entered college

Wait, you just wrote that a class of 20 students at Delaware Tech (or DT, a condition caused when an alcoholic foregoes alcohol for a time) consisted mainly of recent high school graduates, and then immediately thereafter write that at least 8 of the students, perhaps more, are middle-aged men, GED recipients, and older women.

Are you trying to disprove yourself? Dr. Jill: "Most of the students are white. Specifically, sixteen of the thirty students are people of color."

The good doctor then writes:

Three quarters of the class will be Caucasian; one quarter of the class will be African American; one seat will hold a Latino; and the remaining seats will be filled with students of Asian descent or non-resident aliens.


Uhhh, Dr. Jill, you wrote, 3/4 + 1/4 + 1/20 + ? = 1


I read the first two pages and found those moronic errors. Look, I get that we can all make typographical mistakes, but the fundamental lack of reasoning on page 2 of the report is unforgivable. Moreover, the tenor and quality of the writing is grade-school level. For example, this paragraph:

Writing Skills

Research has proven that “55 percent of the companies surveyed were dissatisfied with their employees’ written communication skills” (Crews, 2004). A developmental writing program is necessary for most students who enter the community college, but students are most successful when they take a basic skills writing course during the initial semester of college experience (Crews, 2004). The ability to write clearly and coherently is “the hallmark of an educated person,” yet “recent data from The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and other groups depict nothing less than a writing crisis in the nation’s classrooms” (Hurwitz & Hurwitz, 2004). The answer is to expand writing across the curriculum, not just in English classes. Teachers, instructors and professors at the high school and community college levels need to use more essay tests instead of the Scantron test format. In grading research papers, a writing format assessment should be part of the final grade – not just an assessment of content material. But again, the faculty and administration need to be committed to such a project. Faculty in the Writing Center can assist and offer support, but the entire faculty has to acknowledge the value of good writing and incorporate good writing practices and expectations into their curricula. Effective writing and communication has major importance not only in academic arena, but more importantly, in the workplace.

Let me paraphrase: Good writing good, need teach good writing.


The paper is what I would expect kids to write in high school. It really does not qualify as college-level analysis or quality, and certainly does not reach the level I would expect for a doctoral dissertation. I make that statement based on proofreading my daughter's junior thesis at Princeton and having written my own law review paper, and having edited at least 12 other law review articles.
Good heavens ... as I was closing the good doctor's doctoral dissertation, I read:

Of the 159 students surveyed, 55 receive financial aid; 41 pay their own tuition bills; 45 students’ parents pay; 3 spouses pay; 9 receive scholarships; and 9 others receive funds through the GI Bill, vocational rehabilitation programs, or grants. Thus, only one-quarter of the students are able to finance their education themselves.

So 55 + 41 + 45 + 3 + 9 + 9 =159? I suspect the Michigan poll workers did that count, doc.
I've had the opposite experience with PhD's, but this was also when I worked at Caltech and they really are brilliant scientists. Used to run into David Baltimore on the regular in the mornings (his lab was close to my professor) and it was always "morning Dr. Baltimore" but he was also a pretty nice guy. Loves his young Asian post-doctoral assistants.

My professor, it took about 3 months before he was okay with me calling him David instead of Dr. Prober. Anyways, never bothered me or anything, just ultra serious people there. They're also doing some serious work.
Some idiot moderator shut down an excellent thread discussing "Dr. Jill" so I figured I could put this information here, since we are discussing the "doctor" label. Jill's dissertation can be found here:


I provide the link - as I do basically for every objective fact I claim - to avoid being accused of misquoting the good doctor. Let's start with the first paragraph on the first page of "Dr. Jill's" dissertation, where she writes:

Uhh, the students' needs are "undeserved"? They don't deserve the needs they have? I guess if that need is one for a second Porsche to use cruising campus, it may be "undeserved."

Oh, she meant to write "underserved"? Well, here's a thought, Dr. Jill: Perhaps your dissertation could have less grammatical errors than my posts on Steeler Nation. Remember, that obvious error occurs in the FIRST PARAGRAPH and exists probably due to autocorrect.

The good doctor then writes:

Uhhh, doc, I believe the vast majority of college classrooms are filled with "young students who have just graduated high school." Does the good doctor believe that most college students failed to graduate high school? Or that they graduated and then waited some appreciable amount of time (two years or more) before attending college? Yeah, no, doc - even lethargic research would disprove that claim.

Wait, you just wrote that a class of 20 students at Delaware Tech (or DT, a condition caused when an alcoholic foregoes alcohol for a time) consisted mainly of recent high school graduates, and then immediately thereafter write that at least 8 of the students, perhaps more, are middle-aged men, GED recipients, and older women.

Are you trying to disprove yourself? Dr. Jill: "Most of the students are white. Specifically, sixteen of the thirty students are people of color."

The good doctor then writes:


Uhhh, Dr. Jill, you wrote, 3/4 + 1/4 + 1/20 + ? = 1


I read the first two pages and found those moronic errors. Look, I get that we can all make typographical mistakes, but the fundamental lack of reasoning on page 2 of the report is unforgivable. Moreover, the tenor and quality of the writing is grade-school level. For example, this paragraph:

Let me paraphrase: Good writing good, need teach good writing.


The paper is what I would expect kids to write in high school. It really does not qualify as college-level analysis or quality, and certainly does not reach the level I would expect for a doctoral dissertation. I make that statement based on proofreading my daughter's junior thesis at Princeton and having written my own law review paper, and having edited at least 12 other law review articles.

Lmao, the good 'doctor' was just picked the **** apart.
So chief justice Roberts was more worried about riots than upholding the constitution.

Loud Arguments in US Supreme Court Chambers over Texas Lawsuit – COURT INTIMIDATED


Of course. My response to Badcat just yesterday I think:

That post wasn't advocating martial law as much as it was highlighting the impotence of our court systems because they're afraid of these lunatics. That's pretty bad, in this country, is it not? Look, I know it's over. The Republicans pretty much folded over because they have no spine and the courts have shown the same.

So I asked you, what do we do? And shutting our yaps as to not antagonize them is foolish in that you've seen what they'll still do to those who submit. In fact, it just emboldens them. We just going to kneel to Zod now?

You don't have to be DOCTOR Jill Biden to have seen the writing on the wall. That Roberts outburst just proves what many of us already knew.
So chief justice Roberts was more worried about riots than upholding the constitution.

Loud Arguments in US Supreme Court Chambers over Texas Lawsuit – COURT INTIMIDATED


Once again rejected not because of lack of evidence...so as we are constantly being told by the left.

The Justices met in a closed and sealed room, as is standard.

Usually it is very calm, however today we could hear screaming all the way down the hall.

They met in person, because they didn't trust telephonic meeting as secure.

Chief Justice Roberts was screaming

"Are you going to be responsible for the rioting if we hear this case?"

"Don't tell me about Bush v. Gore, we weren't dealing with riots then"

"You are forgetting what your role here is Neil, and I don't want to hear from the two junior justices anymore. I will tell you how you will vote."

Justice Clarence Thomas says "This is the end of Democracy, John."

When they left the room, Roberts, the Libs and Kavanugh had big smiles. Alito and Thomas were visibly upset. ACB and Gorsuch didn't seem fazed at all."

Clearly Chief Justice Roberts is intimidated by the ANTIFA/Left-wing rioting. Well, one has to wonder if maybe he can be intimidated more by some actions of the right wing? (Corrections thanks to Becky @ LewRockewell.com)

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So chief justice Roberts was more worried about riots than upholding the constitution.

Loud Arguments in US Supreme Court Chambers over Texas Lawsuit – COURT INTIMIDATED


Yeah ******* all worried about getting fire bombed by the little wannabe commie shitfucks who are allowed to openly do whatever the **** they want. Thomas is definitely my favorite of them all. He's a good sound man.
Yeah ******* all worried about getting fire bombed by the little wannabe commie shitfucks who are allowed to openly do whatever the **** they want. Thomas is definitely my favorite of them all. He's a good sound man.

He's been on the court longer than anybody in U.S. history I believe, he should be Chief Justice. This Roberts guy disgusts me, telling Gorsuch to know his role. His role is to uphold the Constitution just like you, you spineless ****, not to be subservient to you.
Once again rejected not because of lack of evidence...so as we are constantly being told by the left.

The Justices met in a closed and sealed room, as is standard.

Usually it is very calm, however today we could hear screaming all the way down the hall.

They met in person, because they didn't trust telephonic meeting as secure.

Chief Justice Roberts was screaming

"Are you going to be responsible for the rioting if we hear this case?"

"Don't tell me about Bush v. Gore, we weren't dealing with riots then"

"You are forgetting what your role here is Neil, and I don't want to hear from the two junior justices anymore. I will tell you how you will vote."

Justice Clarence Thomas says "This is the end of Democracy, John."

When they left the room, Roberts, the Libs and Kavanugh had big smiles. Alito and Thomas were visibly upset. ACB and Gorsuch didn't seem fazed at all."

Clearly Chief Justice Roberts is intimidated by the ANTIFA/Left-wing rioting. Well, one has to wonder if maybe he can be intimidated more by some actions of the right wing? (Corrections thanks to Becky @ LewRockewell.com)

Who heard this screaming? An anonymous source? I also do not believe hearing the case would result in riots. If the election was overturned that is another matter. Bottom line is the case had no merit simply due to the fact that Texas is not the boss of the other states elections. Was there a legit case in there somewhere, maybe, but it would have had to been presented in a different way.
So chief justice Roberts was more worried about riots than upholding the constitution.

Loud Arguments in US Supreme Court Chambers over Texas Lawsuit – COURT INTIMIDATED


Last night I was pissed at the lack of fortitude by our "supreme" court so I duckduckgo'd them. The official url listed the following "The US Supreme Court will be closed to the public until further notice.. " They've killed ANY integrity that remained in their austere positions. I then went to the WH website and submitted a comment to not let this stand.
Who heard this screaming? An anonymous source? I also do not believe hearing the case would result in riots. If the election was overturned that is another matter. Bottom line is the case had no merit simply due to the fact that Texas is not the boss of the other states elections. Was there a legit case in there somewhere, maybe, but it would have had to been presented in a different way.

So Texas will have no ill effects from the corrupt states not following the constitution? I find that logic to be asinine.
Who heard this screaming? An anonymous source?

You probably lapped those anonymous sources up the last four years though.