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FBI is conducting a new investigation on Clinton emails!

remember just last week when the left was crying and oozing vaginal secretions over Comey's "violation" of the law and influencing an election?

no word from those same twats about Obama campaigning for Hillary.
They should arrest her today....make for great weekend talk shows.

That would be fun!

what we will get - more spin spin spin

Hillary went to pedophile island six times!


And they've found tons of criminal activity in the new emails.

“There is all kinds of criminal culpability through all the emails they’ve seen of that 650,000, including money laundering, underage sex, pay-for-play, and, of course, plenty of proof of inappropriate handling, sending/receiving of classified information, up to SAP level Special Access Programs,” he stated.
the island this douche owns is "Little Saint James Island" - towards the east of St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands.

how ironic
Drudge said weeks ago she will get hers. Is this what he meant?

Also, Anonymous claims to have Bill on tape with a 13 year old.. They said they would release before the election.
tick tock, *******. tick ******* tock.
I'll say it again. ARREST THE ***** NOW!!!!!!!
Drudge said weeks ago she will get hers. Is this what he meant?

Also, Anonymous claims to have Bill on tape with a 13 year old.. They said they would release before the election.

They better hurry up then.
Hank The Tank approves this message.
These next few days and weeks, keep in mind the 200+ year history of the country. As bad as things may seem, don't panic or do anything reckless. Stay calm, and be comforted by the notion things will settle down. It may take a month or two, but the sun will come up tomorrow. America, as we know it, has been compromised. The far right has taken over, but the Republic will withstand this offensive. Stay strong people.
The GOP has taken over? The ***** steals, lies and commits treason on a regular basis but the GOP has taken over? Some people are so delusional.
I'm just too skeptical here. I think they are distracting from the Wikileaks thing with this, and in a week Comey will say he's taken another close look at it with new evidence and it is even more clear that there is nothing to prosecute. He'll probably get a Supreme Court seat out of this.
As expected -
The FBI has announced it will not make any changes to its July decision on Hillary Clinton's emails, meaning the Democratic nominee will not be charged.

Congressman Jason Chaffetz tweeted out the massive news on Sunday afternoon.

'FBI Dir just informed us "Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Sec Clinton",' Chaffetz wrote.

Speaking to reporters with Clinton in Cleveland, Ohio, Director of Communications Jennifer Palmieri confirmed the camp had seen Comey's letter.

'We have seen Director Comey's latest letter to the Hill. We are glad to see that he has found, as we were confident that he would, that he has confirmed the conclusion that he reached in July, and we're glad that this matter is resolved,' Palmieri said.

FBI clears Clinton in latest email review two days before election

Sun Nov 6, 2016 | 4:27 PM EST

FBI clears Clinton in latest email review two days before election


By Alana Wise and John Whitesides | WASHINGTON

The FBI said on Sunday it still believed no charges were warranted against Democrat Hillary Clinton after finishing its review of newly discovered emails related to her private server, lifting a cloud over her presidential campaign two days before the U.S. election.

FBI Director James Comey made the announcement in a letter to Congress on Sunday, saying the agency had not changed its conclusions from July that no criminal charges were warranted against Clinton for her use of a private email server for government work.

"The FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation," Comey said in the letter.

"During that process, we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state."

A law enforcement source told Reuters the conclusion closes for now the FBI probe of the former secretary of state's email practices.

Comey had informed Congress of the newly discovered emails more than a week ago, throwing the race for the White House into turmoil and eroding Clinton's lead over Republican candidate Donald Trump in the final stretch before Tuesday's vote.

"I am very grateful to the professionals at the FBI for doing an extraordinary amount of high-quality work in a short period of time," Comey said.

Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri told reporters aboard Clinton's campaign plan that, "We are glad the matter is resolved."

Federal investigators got a warrant a week ago to examine the emails to see if they were related to the probe into Clinton's private server.

The latest emails were discovered as part of a separate probe of former Democratic U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Weiner is the target of an FBI investigation into illicit text messages he is alleged to have sent to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina.

News of the renewed probe hurt Clinton's poll numbers, with Trump cutting into her once formidable lead amid renewed worries about her trustworthiness. Trump had highlighted the issue as proof for his argument that Clinton is corrupt.

But at a rally in Minneapolis after news of the FBI conclusion broke, Trump delivered his standard lines about Clinton without mentioning the latest news.

"Hillary Clinton will be under investigation for a long long time," he said, before his comments were overtaken by a chant of "Lock her up!"

The first thing Hillary needs to do after taking office is to purge the FBI of Comey and any agents involved in this partisan bullshit game they just played.

The election woukd have been landslide if these a holes had not done this.
Guess Comey is back on her Christmas card mailing list.
Wikileaks better release something soon.
so if I don't INTEND to go 85 in a school zone, and didn't INTEND to be drunk at the time, nor did I INTEND to run anyone over, it's ok?

it's reckless and careless, to be sure, and there are charges for that, but if I did not INTEND for it to happen, then I should be ok, right?
Sun Nov 6, 2016 | 4:27 PM EST

FBI clears Clinton in latest email review two days before election


By Alana Wise and John Whitesides | WASHINGTON

The FBI said on Sunday it still believed no charges were warranted against Democrat Hillary Clinton after finishing its review of newly discovered emails related to her private server, lifting a cloud over her presidential campaign two days before the U.S. election.

FBI Director James Comey made the announcement in a letter to Congress on Sunday, saying the agency had not changed its conclusions from July that no criminal charges were warranted against Clinton for her use of a private email server for government work.

"The FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation," Comey said in the letter.

"During that process, we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state."

A law enforcement source told Reuters the conclusion closes for now the FBI probe of the former secretary of state's email practices.

Comey had informed Congress of the newly discovered emails more than a week ago, throwing the race for the White House into turmoil and eroding Clinton's lead over Republican candidate Donald Trump in the final stretch before Tuesday's vote.

"I am very grateful to the professionals at the FBI for doing an extraordinary amount of high-quality work in a short period of time," Comey said.

Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri told reporters aboard Clinton's campaign plan that, "We are glad the matter is resolved."

Federal investigators got a warrant a week ago to examine the emails to see if they were related to the probe into Clinton's private server.

The latest emails were discovered as part of a separate probe of former Democratic U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Weiner is the target of an FBI investigation into illicit text messages he is alleged to have sent to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina.

News of the renewed probe hurt Clinton's poll numbers, with Trump cutting into her once formidable lead amid renewed worries about her trustworthiness. Trump had highlighted the issue as proof for his argument that Clinton is corrupt.

But at a rally in Minneapolis after news of the FBI conclusion broke, Trump delivered his standard lines about Clinton without mentioning the latest news.

"Hillary Clinton will be under investigation for a long long time," he said, before his comments were overtaken by a chant of "Lock her up!"

The first thing Hillary needs to do after taking office is to purge the FBI of Comey and any agents involved in this partisan bullshit game they just played.

The election woukd have been landslide if these a holes had not done this.

and you need to suck a Glock
Wait a minute Elf. Comey did his job. Why would Clinton want to "purge" the FBI?

Did he not come out and say "cough cough, they threatened my wife and child and murdered an agent this week so we find nothing..."

What more does the murderous ***** want?
remember just last week when the left was crying and oozing vaginal secretions over Comey's "violation" of the law and influencing an election?

no word from those same twats about Obama campaigning for Hillary.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the President campaigning for his party.

Comey used the power of his position in law enforcement to insinuate improprieties were commited by a political candidate from the opposing party to the one he is a member of.

To compare the two is the height of idiocy......but then you are superman that can fly.
Wait a minute Elf. Comey did his job. Why would Clinton want to "purge" the FBI?

Did he not come out and say "cough cough, they threatened my wife and child and murdered an agent this week so we find nothing..."

What more does the murderous ***** want?

Yeah funny. I get it; the Clintons put "hits" on people but the FBI goes after e-mails and can't even nail her on that.

The genius of the Clinton crime syndicate. No one at the FBI or any other law enforcement agency has the brains or integrity to catch them.
Wow. I have no words for this latest bullshit. So she skates.....again....****
Wow. I have no words for this latest bullshit. So she skates.....again....****

The FBI has nothing to do with justice whatsoever. They are just as controlled as all the other American institutions. They are laughing at us. The FBI had no more intention on indicting Killary as much as they were going to indict a ham sandwich. There was never any hope they would. The rats run all of this. I told everyone this all along.
Yeah funny. I get it; the Clintons put "hits" on people but the FBI goes after e-mails and can't even nail her on that.

The genius of the Clinton crime syndicate. No one at the FBI or any other law enforcement agency has the brains or integrity to catch them.

Um.. They did nail her. The first time. Chose not to prosecute. Doesn't what Comey said reek of some deal made on an airplane between Bill Clinton and that DOJ piece of **** Loretta Lynch?

Comey: Clinton Should Not Be Prosecuted for 'Gross Negligence,' Even Though She Was 'Extremely Careless'

Oh really Comey?
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