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FBI is conducting a new investigation on Clinton emails!

Really pathetic seeing the fervor and anticipation with which the alt-right is slobbering over this story. Watching grown men (and women) act like little kids at Christmas, pissing in your pants with excitement as you tear away at the wrapping to see what's in your xmas present. That's how far right-wing conservatives have fallen. All your hopes and dreams lie in a last second, Cinderella case against Hillary regarding emails from four years ago the FBI's already reviewed. Instead of standing by your candidate on the issues, or his policies, his character, or his vision for the country, you desperately cling to the notion something will happen to his opponent that will tip the scale in his favor. A sign of the times indeed. So sad to see what's happened to conservatives in America. Reagan is turning in his grave.
Really pathetic seeing the fervor and anticipation with which the alt-right is slobbering over this story. Watching grown men (and women) act like little kids at Christmas, pissing in your pants with excitement as you tear away at the wrapping to see what's in your xmas present. That's how far right-wing conservatives have fallen. All your hopes and dreams lie in a last second, Cinderella case against Hillary regarding emails from four years ago the FBI's already reviewed. Instead of standing by your candidate on the issues, or his policies, his character, or his vision for the country, you desperately cling to the notion something will happen to his opponent that will tip the scale in his favor. A sign of the times indeed. So sad to see what's happened to conservatives in America. Reagan is turning in his grave.

Pathetic? Seeing justice be served is pathetic?
Really pathetic seeing the fervor and anticipation with which the alt-right is slobbering over this story. Watching grown men (and women) act like little kids at Christmas, pissing in your pants with excitement as you tear away at the wrapping to see what's in your xmas present. That's how far right-wing conservatives have fallen. All your hopes and dreams lie in a last second, Cinderella case against Hillary regarding emails from four years ago the FBI's already reviewed. Instead of standing by your candidate on the issues, or his policies, his character, or his vision for the country, you desperately cling to the notion something will happen to his opponent that will tip the scale in his favor. A sign of the times indeed. So sad to see what's happened to conservatives in America. Reagan is turning in his grave.

Like you did when the Trump audio came out ? Your a freaking hypocrite. I'm happy this should keep the lying crook out of the WH.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
Really pathetic seeing the fervor and anticipation with which the alt-right is slobbering over this story. Watching grown men (and women) act like little kids at Christmas, pissing in your pants with excitement as you tear away at the wrapping to see what's in your xmas present. That's how far right-wing conservatives have fallen. All your hopes and dreams lie in a last second, Cinderella case against Hillary regarding emails from four years ago the FBI's already reviewed. Instead of standing by your candidate on the issues, or his policies, his character, or his vision for the country, you desperately cling to the notion something will happen to his opponent that will tip the scale in his favor. A sign of the times indeed. So sad to see what's happened to conservatives in America. Reagan is turning in his grave.

What's hilarious and pathetic is watching the libtards crying and trying to spin this any and every way they can. They were handed a gift when Comey outlined why Hillary WAS guilty and then "decided" to say he doesn't think they should proceed with a grand jury. The libtards loved him up until yesterday. Now, he comes back when there is more evidence, obviously from her good buddy, "attorney" and closest confidant, Umma's personal devices and the libtards suddenly hate him and say he is doing this for political reasons. Give me a f'ing break! Hillary was guilty before and she is guilty now. Yet, you and the libtards will still vote for her. Pathetic!
I'm excited to see that maybe justice can be done to the criminal corrupt pile of gutter trash Hildabeast. She shouldn't even be on the ballot. The fact that she still is is frightening. It also tells me the democrat party is overrun with criminals who will do anything to attain power&control. You would have to be a complete ******* idiot to vote for her. This stuff has moved way past politics. This country needs to clean house and start putting these untouchables behind bars.
Really pathetic seeing the fervor and anticipation with which the alt-right is slobbering over this story. Watching grown men (and women) act like little kids at Christmas,.

Like how you slobbering kids slobbered over Trumps trivial locker room talk?
Grow up Tibs.
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LOL, you can't make this **** up. Of course Trump and his mindless flock ran with it...

FBI Director Comey Sent Letter To Staff All But Admitting He Botched The Email Announcement

Hey, we’ve all been there. You make a judgment call at work, it blows up in your face and you go home humiliated and stewing. Only in James Comey’s case, you’re the director of the FBI, and you may have just wrongfully influenced the presidential election with a single baffling mistake. “Whoops” doesn’t cover it.

Comey set off a firestorm of controversy with the release of an open letter to Congress, letting them know that the FBI would be “reopening” the case into Hillary Clinton’s emails, despite clearing her of any wrongdoing several months ago. Republicans handled the news with something approaching orgasmic ecstasy. Finally, they thought, Hillary Clinton is going down and Trump’s double digit polling deficit can be erased.

Trump himself seemed to believe this letter was the key to victory. Less than an hour after it was spread around the internet, Trump was boldly claiming it to be “bigger than Watergate” – a statement as ludicrous as it was premature.

Within two hours, the entire new story fell apart. The emails were not sent by Hillary Clinton. They were not stored on her private server. They appeared to contain no incriminating information. Despite the lack of any story, the media ran with it. Republican hacks like Speaker of the House Paul Ryan were breathlessly demanding Clinton lose her right to classified briefings. Trump’s campaign manager was taking a victory lap. Conservatives were saying this proved Clinton was a crook.

All of it was nonsense. And nobody seemed to realize how crazy this reaction was than Comey himself, who reportedly sent a second letter that day, this time to his staff, basically saying “I ****** up. I’m so sorry.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">FBI Dir. Comey sent a second letter Friday - to FBI employees. He seems to have doubts about what he did (via WashPost) <a href="https://t.co/gLZyKcCBCk">pic.twitter.com/gLZyKcCBCk</a></p>— West Wing Reports (@WestWingReport) <a href="https://twitter.com/WestWingReport/status/792317358509391872">October 29, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Comey seemed to understand what many critics had been saying all day: This email announcement was misleading and pointless, and gave Republicans a ton of free ammunition in their disingenuous fight against Hillary Clinton. It’s unclear just how much it would affect the election, but the very fact that it could affect the election was a serious issue. The FBI, as a rule, is not supposed to use their department to sway voters. Comey, whether intentionally or not, was doing just that.

The fact that Comey had these misgivings and still sent his first letter raises serious questions about his judgment. As a lifelong Republican (albeit one who has distinguished himself as a man of strong integrity with respect on both sides of the aisle), one has to wonder if he would have been so flippant in publishing a letter that would wrongfully damage the campaign of a Republican candidate.

Ironically, it is the question raised around Comey which seem more pressing for the national interest than a few new emails found on a computer not used by Hillary Clinton. Let’s hope we get some answers.
Really pathetic seeing the fervor and anticipation with which the alt-right is slobbering over this story. Watching grown men (and women) act like little kids at Christmas, pissing in your pants with excitement as you tear away at the wrapping to see what's in your xmas present. That's how far right-wing conservatives have fallen. All your hopes and dreams lie in a last second, Cinderella case against Hillary regarding emails from four years ago the FBI's already reviewed. Instead of standing by your candidate on the issues, or his policies, his character, or his vision for the country, you desperately cling to the notion something will happen to his opponent that will tip the scale in his favor. A sign of the times indeed. So sad to see what's happened to conservatives in America. Reagan is turning in his grave.

That's what he gets paid to do, pour on the salt.
Hey man, if you know where I can get my hands on some cash posting what I do, please let me know asap, would hate to be missing out.

ifyouonlynews? I wouldn't knock anyone else's news sources going forward.
When you have nothing else to hold onto, when you can't deny or defend the content, when all else fails, attack the source. Well, first attack the poster, which to your credit you don't do too often. But for many here, that's their only line of defense.
Said it before, I'll say it again. I'll take a pig, jerk...etc over a blatant corrupt POS any day. As a Republican I can admit trump is an ***, for those dems, can you admit your candidate is corrupt.
Said it before, I'll say it again. I'll take a pig, jerk...etc over a blatant corrupt POS any day. As a Republican I can admit trump is an ***, for those dems, can you admit your candidate is corrupt.




They will willingly - no, HAPPILY - vote for a criminal, for corruption. The Left is a religion. It is no longer a political party. And their Gods cannot sin.
Hey man, if you know where I can get my hands on some cash posting what I do, please let me know asap, would hate to be missing out.

When you have nothing else to hold onto, when you can't deny or defend the content, when all else fails, attack the source. Well, first attack the poster, which to your credit you don't do too often. But for many here, that's their only line of defense.

Not attacking the source, really. I didn't bother to read it when I saw the source. They do a lot of nonsense on their site. Many legitimate forums don't allow people to post stuff from that site because it is garbage.

EDIT: I am attacking the source. It is not a legit source.
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They will willingly - no, HAPPILY - vote for a criminal, for corruption. The Left is a religion. It is no longer a political party. And their Gods cannot sin.

They're looking as sweet and loving as radical muslims. They have a lot in common.




They will willingly - no, HAPPILY - vote for a criminal, for corruption. The Left is a religion. It is no longer a political party. And their Gods cannot sin.

As true as we all know that is, the biggest thing Trump has going for him (other than having most of the Independents pulling the lever for him) are the African American votes. He's on course to receiving the largest percentage of the black vote than any GOP since 1960 (see link below).


To add, that number will increase once O'keefe's new video is released on Monday where the folks involved with Killery's campaign apparently had some very harsh things to say about the blacks. We all know that that's the one thing many blacks will not stand for and that's being disrespected.

Really pathetic seeing the fervor and anticipation with which the alt-right is slobbering over this story. Watching grown men (and women) act like little kids at Christmas, pissing in your pants with excitement as you tear away at the wrapping to see what's in your xmas present. That's how far right-wing conservatives have fallen. All your hopes and dreams lie in a last second, Cinderella case against Hillary regarding emails from four years ago the FBI's already reviewed. Instead of standing by your candidate on the issues, or his policies, his character, or his vision for the country, you desperately cling to the notion something will happen to his opponent that will tip the scale in his favor. A sign of the times indeed. So sad to see what's happened to conservatives in America. Reagan is turning in his grave.

Pathetic? Seeing justice be served is pathetic?

In Libworld it is. In an insane party, the sane person must appear insane.

Comey’s actions improper, irresponsible and possibly illegal

The following are undisputed facts about what FBI director James Comey did on Friday afternoon in a letter to Congressional Republican leaders just less than two weeks before Election Day:

1. Comey’s letter stated, in his own words, that he did not know whether any of the newly discovered emails were “significant” in connection with Hillary Clinton. He did not know anything. That is what he wrote.

2. He wrote the letter without having seen any of these emails. He also didn’t write that any of his investigators have seen any of the emails, read them or deliberated on their legal significance.

3. Despite the absence of any known facts mentioned in the letter (i.e., this controversy is all — all — speculation about any improper emails sent to Hillary Clinton’s private server), Comey’s letter led Donald Trump to compare what Clinton has done to Watergate — a proven criminal conspiracy and obstruction of justice by President Richard Nixon.

4. Clinton has asked for full 100 percent disclosure — publication — of all the emails to which Comey has obliquely referred.

5. Not one Republican member of Congress yet has asked for full disclosure of all the emails, as Clinton did Friday night. Nor did Trump. Nor has Trump or any Republican criticized Comey for sending a letter that is vague, fact-free, and admits that it is possible that none of these emails have no significance, and yet has not yet agreed to Clinton’s request to publish all the emails now.

6. The FBI director, as a top law enforcement investigator for the federal government, has no legal authority to express an opinion — as he did when he offered his opinion that Secretary Clinton was “extremely careless” about handling classified emails that were not labeled classified.

7. During public congressional testimony, Comey stated that the little “c” on 3 emails out of more than 30,000 would not have been recognized by experts at classification status of documents — yet count the number of journalists who fail to report that, and indeed, report the opposite, and the number of Republican pundits on cable TV who do the same. So the record remains that Comey confirms what Clinton has always said — she never received nor sent any emails labeled “classified” at any level. Yet Comey’s Friday afternoon letter failed to correct the record on all the false statements to the contrary by the media and Republican members of Congress.

8. Nor does Comey as FBI director — an investigative agency, not a prosecution agency — have any authority to send a report to Congress in the middle of an investigation about the past or present subject of an investigation. He appears to be in violation of the limits on his authority as FBI director by disclosing investigation information — or possible investigation information — directly to Congress with obtaining permission from the attorney general or someone else delegated authority by her. His decision to reveal the results of an ongoing investigation, before a published criminal indictment, violates due process principles and pre-indictment secrecy rules and guidelines of the Justice Department.

9. Never has an FBI director gone public (as he knew his letter to Republican leaders would) with suggestions of improper conduct regarding one presidential candidate in the closing days of a presidential campaign — much less while admitting in the letter that he has evidence that the subject of the letter (“pertinent” emails) has any “significance” whatsoever.

According to a news report on Friday night by NBC’s Pete Williams, none of the emails found on Anthony Weiner’s computer that triggered Comey to write his letter to the Republicans were from Clinton. Award-winning author and journalist Kurt Eichenwald also reported in a Newsweek post on Friday night that his sources told him that none of the emails at issue on the Weiner computer were sent or received by Clinton. Yet the national news media so far has not widely reported on those two facts, if confirmed as true, and thus, questioned why anyone is suggesting that these emails are in any way damaging to Clinton.

When Clinton called for the full disclosure of all emails that are the subject of Comey’s apparently unlawful and improper letter to Republican members of Congress, Donald Trump not only did not join her in that call for transparency. He jumped to conclusions that this proves she is “corrupt,” liked her to Nixon’s undisputed criminal obstruction of justice in Watergate, and, naturally, many of his extremists and hateful followers in his audiences, once again, screamed “lock her up” — without even an indictment, due process or a trial.

Why have the cable news anchors and panelists and much of mainstream media virtually ignored all this — the violations of constitutional protections of due process, the presumption of innocence when it comes to Clinton? Why have they ignored Comey’s blatant irresponsible actions during the closing days of a presidential campaign — and not called for his resignation and investigation by the Justice Department Office of Professional Responsibility for serious breaches of ethical responsibilities and exceeding his lawful authority as a federal investigator?

I say what Comey has done, and Trump and his hateful followers have done, and many of the Trump apologists on TV cable stations have done, is nothing less than McCarthyism at its worst. I say, as an attorney, that Comey, by writing this letter that he knew would be made public just 10 days before a presidential election, has acted so improperly and outside the boundaries of law and ethics that he should resign and, after investigation by legal ethical authorities and the Justice Department Office of Professional Responsibility, could be disbarred from law enforcement and the practice of law.

I say that Comey has a moral and ethical responsibility to disclose all the emails Clinton has demanded he disclose and hold a press conference to warn all against jumping to conclusions based on his fact-free letter and call out those who have done so. And apologize to the American people for his “extreme carelessness” in writing this letter without facts and without legal or ethical authority.

That is what I think. I hope all fair-minded Americans who believe in due process, whether for Trump or Clinton or whatever your preference, will agree and make their opinions known — especially to the media.
What I don't understand is that before I was hired for any job I ever had, I had to undergo a criminal background check. Anything about me was made known to the employer before they hired me.

Why should a Presidential election be any different? Shouldn't we know what is going on before we vote, as afterall, we are the employers? And spare me the "Hillary Clinton wants it all released" bullshit. How many opportunities did she have before it came to all of this?

It is hilarious to watch Democrats, who don't get their way for once, act like 12 year olds, having little temper tantrums. Again, if nothing else happens out of this, exposing the hypocrisy of the left gives me joy.