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FBI is conducting a new investigation on Clinton emails!

"B b b b b but none of these emails were Hillarys!”.


FBI to scour 650,000 emails on Weiner's laptop; thousands may be tied to Clinton's server

Federal agents are preparing to scour roughly 650,000 emails contained on the laptop of former Rep. Anthony Weiner to see how many relate to a prior probe of Hillary Clinton’s email use, as metadata on the device suggests there may be thousands sent to or from the private server that the Democratic nominee used while she was secretary of state



FBI Obtains Warrant Needed to Start Reviewing Emails Found on Laptop Used by Clinton Aide

Federal investigators looking into the Hillary Clinton email matter have obtained the warrant needed to start reviewing the emails found on a laptop used by Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her husband, Anthony Weiner.

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Tibs I have some respect for you, sometimes you come to reasonable conclusions, Elfie you are just totally delusional. All the National Polls have this race anywhere from trump up 4 to down four. RCP has it tightening considerably and this really does not take into account the latest development. I am certainly not predicting a Trump or Hillary victory at this point and neither can the "experts". How did the Brexit polling and prognostication work out? I can absolutely tell you that the living here in OH barring cheating OH is Trump Territory.

Anecdotal evidence I have seen, I drive all around Cincinnati for a living, all parts. During the last cycle you saw a very significant fervor for Obama around town in signs. This cycle I have seen very few Hillary signs and even fewer Bumper Stickers. I however see a lot of Trump signs car decals, Pickups with makeshift jails with hillary mannequins and an overall excitement about Trump that is utterly lacking for Hillary. Even the customers I talk to who support her are really only voting for the Democrat not her. Trump on the other hand has rapid believers and many more of those than even the soft Hillary support I see. The only county that could win this for her here is Cuyahoga and up there they will be too busy celebrating the Cavs and Indian's to care. I also hear the same thing from my family in florida.
Obviously none of that is scientific but it is a big contrast to what I saw in 2012.

Neither side should count their chickens yet.

Veritas has another Video with derogatory talk about African Americans by the democrats. Should this video be graphic enough it could change the electorate math considerably.

As a political Science major I can say I have never seen anything like this year.
Again love the CONservative hypocrisy.

If I had made a statement like that there would be 20 CONservative replies calling me an " insane violent libtard" or some other playground language.

Yet look at what this guy says and not a peep.....

It should be the desire of every American that truly wants freedom. I mean, I know what your problem with my post is. It is the fact that I advocate taking our democracy back from the politicians that have morphed into a ruling class. You may like the government ruling your life, but I do not. That isn't freedom. And as I said in my post, Hillary's bullshit is a drop in the bucket. This whole government is corrupt. It just hasn't come out yet. But if these cats keep hacking it will. Funny thing about that hacking.....no one has refuted the contents of the hacks. No one has said, "I did not do that." No, no, no. It is the Russians trying to influence the election. Bunch of ******* nonsense. I know you want to pigeon hole me as a Trump supporter. I am not. The guy embarrasses me. That said, Hillary is a disgrace. She is a criminal. The evidence is there. Again, no one on the left refutes the evidence. SHE COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY. They just point to the fact that Comey said not to prosecute. But if you read the law, she broke it. TO THE LETTER. Intent is not required. But that was the out that the administration chose to use. And sheep like you fell for it. And you will continue to fall for it because liberalism. You can admit it. It is ok.

Look, I am not naive enough to believe that this is just a democrat thing. They are just the first to be exposed. Republicans will get exposed too, as long as wikileaks, etc keeps hacking. It is a matter of time.

My point, which you obviously missed, is that all Americans should be pissed that there is ANY corruption in their government. Liberal, Conservative, shouldn't matter. This is a bunch of bullshit. Our government does not represent the people. They do not serve the people. They serve themselves. That isn't right. If you look at any of the stuff that is out there about Hillary, and you are ok if the other side does it, then I stand corrected. But I know better. And so do you.

It is beyond time to burn it down. We need a fresh start. Surely you can see that.
So elfiePoloFakeEbonics and Tibs seem to be tiptoeing around my question.

Specifically, Comey said, "With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked." The reason that was important was that if Clinton's carelessness led to unauthorized personnel obtaining the classified e-mails, then Clinton would have violated 18 USC §793, which provides in relevant part that whoever is “entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document…through gross negligence permits the same to removed from its proper place of custody…or having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody….shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.”

Hillary has claimed that she believed her private server to be an appropriate locale for top secret State Department documents (a bullshit claim, but whatever), but that defense cannot fly if she sent these documents to Huma, who wound up making them available to her pervert husband.

Clinton would thereby have removed top secret information and would have had knowledge of its removal.

And at this point, any claim that what Clinton did is acceptable or anything other than a criminal violation of Federal laws governing classified materials is ridiculous.
Huge "Hillary for Prison" banner behind commentators at World Series!!!

so the media releasing the Trump tape was "good journalism" but the FBI doing their job is a political hatchet job?

the FBI and DOJ are not supposed to be political. Lynch having to take the 5th on the Iran payment seems to indicate her office put politics ahead of the law.

all the bitching about the investigation really comes across as hypocritical bullshit....
Huge "Hillary for Prison" banner behind commentators at World Series!!!


Crowd chanting "Lock Her Up"


It should be the desire of every American that truly wants freedom. I mean, I know what your problem with my post is. It is the fact that I advocate taking our democracy back from the politicians that have morphed into a ruling class. You may like the government ruling your life, but I do not. That isn't freedom. And as I said in my post, Hillary's bullshit is a drop in the bucket. This whole government is corrupt. It just hasn't come out yet. But if these cats keep hacking it will. Funny thing about that hacking.....no one has refuted the contents of the hacks. No one has said, "I did not do that." No, no, no. It is the Russians trying to influence the election. Bunch of ******* nonsense. I know you want to pigeon hole me as a Trump supporter. I am not. The guy embarrasses me. That said, Hillary is a disgrace. She is a criminal. The evidence is there. Again, no one on the left refutes the evidence. SHE COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY. They just point to the fact that Comey said not to prosecute. But if you read the law, she broke it. TO THE LETTER. Intent is not required. But that was the out that the administration chose to use. And sheep like you fell for it. And you will continue to fall for it because liberalism. You can admit it. It is ok.

Look, I am not naive enough to believe that this is just a democrat thing. They are just the first to be exposed. Republicans will get exposed too, as long as wikileaks, etc keeps hacking. It is a matter of time.

My point, which you obviously missed, is that all Americans should be pissed that there is ANY corruption in their government. Liberal, Conservative, shouldn't matter. This is a bunch of bullshit. Our government does not represent the people. They do not serve the people. They serve themselves. That isn't right. If you look at any of the stuff that is out there about Hillary, and you are ok if the other side does it, then I stand corrected. But I know better. And so do you.

It is beyond time to burn it down. We need a fresh start. Surely you can see that.

Everybody that ever served in the military and held a security clearance knows its true that the Hildebeast should be awaiting trial right now.
650,000?? Good God man. Over/under on how many of those are junk emails from dating/porn sites?
The FBI had this info for weeks before releasing that they were "checking into it." This leads me to believe that they must have found something fairly concrete for Comey to put his job / reputation on the line. Unfortunately unless some other info comes out as to what they find then Clinton will be president. A lot of people already voted and a lot of people will vote Clinton no matter what.
I said he was classless not evil.

Comey was never a hero for doing his job, if he hadn't he would have been immediately exposed.

What he did now was purely political.

Yes, God forbid anyone know the truth about Hillary before the election. That's not fair...

Comey's reasons for not indicting her were very thin...no intent, that defies reason and logic. She just "oops" did official government business that was supposed to be a matter of official record out of a private server in her house. Anyone who thinks she didn't have reasons for doing that is a moron. He didn't want to rock the boat...now he had to come clean. If this had come out after the election it would have caused HUGE questions about the validity of the election. You know it, everyone does.

All this faux outrage over Comey's actions is nothing more than classic Clinton smear tactics and deflection. The vast right wing conspiracy strikes again...
Let's not forget Huma is not allowed to view any government sensitive or secure documents. She has no clearance and does not work for the government therefore she has no need to know. Anything they find that even resembles government business on her computer is more proof of the laws Hillary has already committed.
Let's not forget Huma is not allowed to view any government sensitive or secure documents. She has no clearance and does not work for the government therefore she has no need to know. Anything they find that even resembles government business on her computer is more proof of the laws Hillary has already committed.

She was deputy chief of staff at the State Department so probably had a security clearance. Not so Carlos Danger though.

She did testify that she had turned over all devices where emails could be stored though. Could be in line for perjury charges.
She was deputy chief of staff at the State Department so probably had a security clearance. Not so Carlos Danger though.

She did testify that she had turned over all devices where emails could be stored though. Could be in line for perjury charges.

With all the information coming out about how she rearranged security protocols and hoarded classified information, one has to wonder if she passed any of it on to the bad guys. I feel like we are just scraping the surface on this stuff. This whole damn government is corrupt. Anyone that thinks it is just the Clintons is in denial.
Huma coordinated the pay for play deals with the Clinton Foundation. This is going to get really good.
...try this Google autocomplete

Type in "Hillary is" in Google search window

see what you get

Hillary is:





top 4

preach it Brother Spike!!

You can add the alt-right echo chamber here at SN to the list. The hatred for Hillary will last for decades, regardless how many times she's cleared of any wrongdoing.

George W Bush says hello
The whole "circle" of Hillary to Huma to Weiner should tell you all you need to know about the moral values of this group.

They are the scum of the earth. Truly corrupt and perverted by the power they've known for so long. Above the law and protected by the very system they have tried to create since joining public office. Ha... "public" office.

What a misnomer and lie.
With all the information coming out about how she rearranged security protocols and hoarded classified information, one has to wonder if she passed any of it on to the bad guys. I feel like we are just scraping the surface on this stuff. This whole damn government is corrupt. Anyone that thinks it is just the Clintons is in denial.

Being that her parents are Muslim Brotherhood operatives I would say its a given that Ms Abedin has passed classified info to the bad guys. Some say she is a spy for the Saudis.