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FBI is conducting a new investigation on Clinton emails!

CNN severs ties with Donna Brazile after she fed debate questions to Hillary Clinton

BS CNN.....Hillary spewed out detailed answers to these questions you know where fed to her...she had to be stopped twice because she was going into so much detail in the debate against Sanders. YOU KNEW!
And a bug FU to Brazile who had actually called out Megyn Kelly for prosecuting her on lies. The whole thing is a con.
...aaaaaaaaaand Obama washes his hands of it all, the Emperor won't get his hands dirty, sorry Dems, no "Hatch Act"

White House has 'no recommendations' for FBI director on Clinton-related email investigation

President Obama does not believe FBI Director James Comey is secretly trying to influence the election outcome, the White House said Monday.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the the Administration will neither defend nor criticize Comey's decision to inform Congress about the new Hillary Clinton-related emails

Earnest said the White House has no independent knowledge as to why Comey decided to send Congress a letter about the emails. He added that the president believes the FBI director is a man of integrity and good character.


Really pathetic seeing the fervor and anticipation with which the alt-right is slobbering over this story. Watching grown men (and women) act like little kids at Christmas, pissing in your pants with excitement as you tear away at the wrapping to see what's in your xmas present. That's how far right-wing conservatives have fallen. All your hopes and dreams lie in a last second, Cinderella case against Hillary regarding emails from four years ago the FBI's already reviewed. Instead of standing by your candidate on the issues, or his policies, his character, or his vision for the country, you desperately cling to the notion something will happen to his opponent that will tip the scale in his favor. A sign of the times indeed. So sad to see what's happened to conservatives in America. Reagan is turning in his grave.
That's just weak man. Weak.

Comey "closed" the case because tens of thousands of emails had gone missing. They were illegally deleted from Clinton's servers and personal devices. He did not have the information available to review in order to further the investigation. He determined that Clinton was incompetent. She was too stupid to know what was classified material and what was not and that, like a child, she couldn't be held accountable for her actions because she just wasn't smart enough to know better. The D.O.J. decided to dodge the issue. I'm sure MANY American service-men and women will look forward to the SAME degree of legal precedence should they ever foolishly forward information without carefully determining if it has classified material embedded in it. After all how can they be expected to look over EVERYTHING in their mailbox and see if it has secret material? And the FBI and D.O.J. have set precedence here...

But wait... Now we have the "deleted" emails. How strange! All these things that Clinton testified to under oath seem oddly juxtaposed to events that are transpiring in a contradictory manner. Gosh, it may be in the FBI, and even the country's best interest for Comey to do what he said he'd do and remain "transparent" and follow up his investigation should any new evidence turn up, as it has.

And clearly, as Hillary Clinton herself has expressed, ...

"Hillary Clinton wants it all released”

Of course that seems odd, given the fact that she deleted all that mail in the first place and the various company's that have stored her mail records have resisted subpoena's for the data. But hey, now that it has turned up - by all means, dump the full transcripts out there for the world to see. If Clinton has no problem with everyone seeing top-secret information, have at er. She's already told the world our response time in the event of nuclear attack - what else can we throw out there!

The FBI director should not now be front and center.
Indeed, he should have been front and center months ago when he decided not to pursue Clinton more aggressively in the first place. Again, any normal American serviceman or woman would have been prosecuted for the same infractions. In fact some senators (including democrats) are calling for a Clinton perjury investigation. Comey has not yet responded to that request. (It was formally made over 3 months ago and the request was renewed one month ago with joint backing from republicans and democrats). I agree, Comey SHOULD be front and center right now.

What have they uncovered?
So far? Let's take a moment and ask Donna Brazile, shall we? Wait, we don't have to ask her - she already has the question. Just so we can keep score just how many DNC chairs have we gone through now?

Sarge -

I for one hope that wikileaks and anonymous and whatever hacker group is out there keeps hacking and showing the entire American public just how contemptible and corrupt their government is. I want this country to get angry enough to burn this ****** to the ground so we can start over. We sit and are led like mindless sheep, distracted by dumb *** tv shows and biased sound bites. We are divided and labeled in any number of ways that keeps us seeing each other as the enemy based on color, race, sexual orientation, income, political party and whatever else both parties use to divide us. We are happy to pull the lever for one of these two morons because our person has to win, and the American public will continue to get *** raped for taxes, watch their government ignore laws and in some cases willingly subvert the constitution. **** this ****. It is time to rise up and make our government of the people, by the people and FOR the people again.


This election isn't about Hillary or Trump, Democrat or Republican. It's about our terribly broken system and a chance to let our career politicians know that we are sick as **** of them. People aren't voting for Trump because they believe he's a good guy or that he can actually ******* do anything. He can't. Get that through your head. He'll be battling a congress and senate determined to vote against him because he's DIFFERENT. But what he represents is a guy who DOESN'T bow down to the bullshit system. and I am so ******* sick of the bullshit system.

Next we have to kick the living **** out of Congress and Senate. I mean the living ****. If Trump or anybody is going to accomplish anything - it has to be with actual congress members and senators that give a **** about their constituents an the country rather than their cushy ******* jobs. And that means a shakeup of epic ******* proportions. It's got to start somewhere.
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See what I mean Tibs? Everything is conspiracy.

Exactly, stupid reich wing paranoia.

IRS Reveals It Targeted Over 400 Conservative Groups For Scrutiny


Clinton campaign sets up two "off the record" dinners with major media representatives

On Apr 6, 2015, at 5:10 PM, Jesse Ferguson <jesse@jesseferguson.com> wrote:

We wanted to make sure everyone on this email had the latest information on the two upcoming dinners with reporters. Both are off-the-record. 1) Thursday night, April 9th at 7:00p.m. Dinner at the Home of John Podesta. His address is 3743 Brandywine St NW in Washington, DC. This will be with about 20 reporters who will closely cover the campaign (aka the bus). 2)

Friday night, April 10th at 6:30p.m. Cocktails and Hors D'oeuvre at the Home of Joel Benenson. His home address is 60 E. 96th Street, #12B, New York, 10128. This is with a broader universe of New York reporters. We understand if it’s too hard to make it, not a big deal, but great if you can



“From time to time I get the questions in advance,” Brazile wrote in an email to Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri on March 12.


Brazile Out At CNN-Wikileaks Catches Her Feeding Hillary Another Debate Question



New York Times reporter runs story by Podesta for approval before printing.


Boston Globe Reporter works with Clinton campaign on release of Op-Ed piec to coincide with Clinton visit to New Hampshire.

"Just wondering if we are still on for that piece. Brian said last week it was ready and just needed approval. It would be good to get it in on Tuesday, when she is in New Hampshire. That would give her big presence on Tuesday with the piece and on Wednesday with the news story."

That is from the Boston Globe employee, not somebody from the Clinton campaign, by the way.


Katie Couric promises to pimp Hillary Clinton in return for an interview.

"I'd also like to do a separate piece of business through social media along the lines of "10 things you don't know about Hillary Clinton" that would showcase her personality and has a lot of viral potential.


Paranoid ******* right-wingers ...
you can chat with Bomma and Bill!
George W Bush says hello

Yeah, the hypocrisy is absolutely astounding. W has more integrity in his little pinky toe than the entire Clinton family tree, yet no one is more vilified by the left. Now they are whining over poor Hillary's mistreatment. Give me a break.
Pour it on!

Five FBI Field Offices Are Probing Clinton Charity, Adding Fuel To The Fire

FBI field offices in New York, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and Little Rock, Ark., are investigating the Clinton Foundation concerning allegations of pay-to-play financial and political corruption, according to a report at The Wall Street Journal (WSJ)

The Clinton Foundation has numerous programs operating in Haiti, the Caribbean, Latin America and South America.


When will some of you learn? The FBI are servants to the global elite central bankers. When push comes to shove, they serve them first and foremost. At the very top, they take orders from the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. Do you really believe the FBI is an honest, clean organization? When it comes down to it, they are as dirty as the CIA, and those ***** are as dirty as possible.
Yeah, the hypocrisy is absolutely astounding. W has more integrity in his little pinky toe than the entire Clinton family tree, yet no one is more vilified by the left. Now they are whining over poor Hillary's mistreatment. Give me a break.

W and the Bush clan have integrity?

They are one of the single biggest crime families in the entire world. So are the Clintons, but to act as if the Bush family isn't just a criminal cartel is crazy.

What do you make of this?


Was the reason for the "discovered new emails" due to a bubbling mutiny within the FBI, or something else? Maybe Comey is just covering his ***?

Very possible. Comey gave Clinton a pass on violation of national security laws due to a lack of "specific intent," when in fact a willingness to perform the act in question, i.e., putting classified material on a non-authorized device, is all that is needed. That is known as "general intent."

It seems reasonable that any number of FBI agents would be irritated with Comey for giving Clinton a pass on that basis, since those agents have any number of potential wrongdoers under investigation for "general intent" crimes, and the decision to let her walk due to the purported "specific intent" requirement undercut those investigations.
Very possible. Comey gave Clinton a pass on violation of national security laws due to a lack of "specific intent," when in fact a willingness to perform the act in question, i.e., putting classified material on a non-authorized device, is all that is needed. That is known as "general intent."

It seems reasonable that any number of FBI agents would be irritated with Comey for giving Clinton a pass on that basis, since those agents have any number of potential wrongdoers under investigation for "general intent" crimes, and the decision to let her walk due to the purported "specific intent" requirement undercut those investigations.
Could definitely be a stall tactic. Pretend like you will take action to keep the malcontents at the FBI on the sideline until she's elected, then punt again.
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W and the Bush clan have integrity?

They are one of the single biggest crime families in the entire world. So are the Clintons, but to act as if the Bush family isn't just a criminal cartel is crazy.


Post something that's not the ramblings of some wacko conspiracy site and I might actually read it.
Post something that's not the ramblings of some wacko conspiracy site and I might actually read it.

You obviously read it. Let me guess: You believe everything that is on Fox News?
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You obviously read it. Let me guess: You believe everything that is on Fox News?

All one has to do is look at the links you post, and read the dot.com source. Sonic.net is a dead give away. There are a thousand posts you've made from these loony-bin sites I dare say few of us have bothered to open
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All one has to do is look at the links you post, and read the dot.com source. Sonic.net is a dead give away. There are a thousand posts you've made from these loony-bin sites I dare say few of us have bothered to open.

Oh why not? Spam,viruses, etc await.
All one has to do is look at the links you post, and read the dot.com source. Sonic.net is a dead give away. There are a thousand posts you've made from these loony-bin sites I dare say few of us have bothered to open.

When one doesn't understand truth is truth, no matter who is saying it, then they live the life of a buffoon. Let me guess: You think you can trust mainstream media as being truthful?
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When one doesn't understand truth is truth, no matter who is saying it, then they live the life of a buffoon. Let me guess: You think you can trust mainstream media as being truthful?

there is a wide gap between the bullshit lame stream media and the bullshit tin foil hat **** you post