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You are speculating on this one. I agree that these type of attacks should be reported big emphasis on the punishment, that was given to those who committed the criminal act. Same goes for inner city crimes.
I think I made it clear that I didn't have all the facts, and you are correct, I was speculating. All I was saying was that just because a black teen was injured, doesn't mean it wasn't a racial hate crime.
You are speculating on this one. I agree that these type of attacks should be reported big emphasis on the punishment, that was given to those who committed the criminal act. Same goes for inner city crimes.
I think I made it clear that I didn't have all the facts, and you are correct, I was speculating. All I was saying was that just because a black teen was injured, doesn't mean it wasn't a racial hate crime.
In other news, our Lap Dog will still not comment on this hate crime, though it's been posted previously: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...eaten-six-men-outside-Missouri-nightclub.html


Oh, Jesse Jackson recently spoke up (after he was forced to) to discuss a black on white hate crime in Detroit around the white motorist beating. This is comical to me and indicative of how the Left thinks and operates. He can't call it a "hate crime" though he can instantly call the incident in Ferguson a hate crime when we don't still know what happened.

Read, have a chuckle.


Jesse Jackson Finally Makes A Statement About White Motorist Beating

The champion of racial injustice has taken considerable flak for ignoring the horrible hate crime in Detroit where white motorist Steven Utash was beaten nearly to death by a group of black thugs...

If the races were reversed in this case, Jackson surely would have condemned the attackers, but for two weeks now, he has been silent. Social media and the blogosphere have lit up calling Jackson a hypocrite. After all, a hate crime is no less abhorrent if the victim happens to be white. With his credibility on the line, Jackson finally broke his silence this week, saying in a phone interview:

"It was an act of meanness and evil that must be handled. What they did was wrong. I know it was morally wrong. There’s ignorance based in knowledge. That’s why you have to pull the walls down and live together. Our climate is so racially charged… It’s a product of the sickness of culture."

Not only can’t he bring himself to call this a hate crime, he excuses the attackers from any culpability. You see, it’s not their fault they beat an innocent man into a coma because we live in a sick racist society. What an *******.

And what’s with that line: “there’s ignorance based in knowledge”? What the hell does that mean? Having knowledge is the opposite of being ignorant. Does he have a dictionary app set to shuffle that just spews out random words for him to string together?

This “condemnation” gets even worse as Jackson tries to take all of the attention away from the victim and focuses on the black woman that intervened and saved Mr. Utash from the thugs. Don’t get me wrong, Deborah Hughes is a hero for stopping the attack and deserves much praise, but she’s hardly the important person in this story.

Jesse sees it differently. Never mind that white guy that got severely beaten, Jackson says he wants to reach out to Ms. Hughes and her family. In essence, he wants to make this less about a white guy being assaulted because of the color of his skin and more about a brave black woman that stood up to some criminals. What an *******. Oh wait, I already said that.
Are you nuts? Someone killed while in the process of being robbed does not involve hate it, it's desire for money and to escape cleanly in most cases, the klan lynching somebody does involve hate, the police in MANY cases involving minorities are motivated by hate also!

What insulated from reality world do you live in?

2010 Mississippi.....Don't tell me hate crimes don't happen, and don't tell me the rate is the same for whites as opposed to minorities. It disproportionaly happens to people of color.

Bullshit. Go Google knockout game and black mobs and compare the frequency.
That is a photo of Frederick Germaine Carter, a young man with a history of mental illness who is believed to have committed suicide. No evidence of anyone else's involvement has ever been found.

That is a photo of Frederick Germaine Carter, a young man with a history of mental illness who is believed to have committed suicide. No evidence of anyone else's involvement has ever been found.

Don't be naive. No black person has ever died without a racist white man being responsible.
Don't be naive. No black person has ever died without a racist white man being responsible.

From what I can tell in a quick Google search, based on no evidence whatsoever, a bunch of race-baiting ****-stirrers have done their damndest to try and pin this on somebody white. But hey, I forgot black racism doesn't exist.
Slavery happened in America.. WE ended it at a cost of 600K+ lives and untold suffering. HERE, its in the distant past. Get over it.

We imported less than 600K slaves. At its zenith, the slave population was 4.9 million, or 13%. Aside from the war we fought to free the slaves, it isn't that big a piece of our history. If you really wanted to vindicate the Republic of the injustice of slavery, look for the more than 29 million people in chains today. Hunt them down. Kill dey massahs. Free them. Otherwise your flapping gums are just heating the planet. You have nothing to say on the matter.
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2010 Mississippi.....Don't tell me hate crimes don't happen, and don't tell me the rate is the same for whites as opposed to minorities. It disproportionaly happens to people of color.

100% false, and in fact a lie. Interracial crime is predominantly black-on-white, and the statistics are NOT close.


That is to say that when blacks commit violent crimes they target whites more than half the time or, put differently, there is more black-on-white than black-on-black crime. Similar calculations for whites show that of the 5,114,692 acts of criminal violence committed by whites, only 2.6 percent were directed at blacks. (Although homicide is a violent crime, the NCVS does not include it because victims cannot be interviewed. The number of interracial murders is small and does not affect the percentages and ratios presented here.)


ElfiePolio, your entire world view is predicated on demonstrable lies. Most interracial crime involves whites-on-blacks? No, not even remotely close to the truth, and instead the opposite is clearly and definitively the case: The vast majority of interracial crime involves blacks on whites.
100% false, and in fact a lie. Interracial crime is predominantly black-on-white, and the statistics are NOT close.


That is to say that when blacks commit violent crimes they target whites more than half the time or, put differently, there is more black-on-white than black-on-black crime. Similar calculations for whites show that of the 5,114,692 acts of criminal violence committed by whites, only 2.6 percent were directed at blacks. (Although homicide is a violent crime, the NCVS does not include it because victims cannot be interviewed. The number of interracial murders is small and does not affect the percentages and ratios presented here.)


ElfiePolio, your entire world view is predicated on demonstrable lies. Most interracial crime involves whites-on-blacks? No, not even remotely close to the truth, and instead the opposite is clearly and definitively the case: The vast majority of interracial crime involves blacks on whites.
She said "hate crimes". As we all know, it is rare that any black on white crime is prosecuted as a hate crime... even though evidence suggests it. Therefore the disproportionate figures really don't tell the truth.
100% false, and in fact a lie. Interracial crime is predominantly black-on-white, and the statistics are NOT close.


That is to say that when blacks commit violent crimes they target whites more than half the time or, put differently, there is more black-on-white than black-on-black crime. Similar calculations for whites show that of the 5,114,692 acts of criminal violence committed by whites, only 2.6 percent were directed at blacks. (Although homicide is a violent crime, the NCVS does not include it because victims cannot be interviewed. The number of interracial murders is small and does not affect the percentages and ratios presented here.)


ElfiePolio, your entire world view is predicated on demonstrable lies. Most interracial crime involves whites-on-blacks? No, not even remotely close to the truth, and instead the opposite is clearly and definitively the case: The vast majority of interracial crime involves blacks on whites.

Stop with all the racist pitchers. Polo's panties wad all up.
Your 'expectations' are far, far from being met in this country. I've got a new thread started where cops tried to pin a black guy for trying to grab a cops gun(shades of Ferguson), problem is his hands were in the air...................what would motivate a cop to do that?

I understand that these expectations have not been met. Our difference in opinion is on what is causing these expectations to not be met. I believe as much of the problem lies in the black communities refusal to accept responsibility for the problems in its own culture, as it does in white racism against blacks. We must learn to work together not as separate groups to fix these issues not shout at each other and mistrust each other. we must get rid of the race baiters and the extremists on both side but let the of us in the middle take up these issues. Jesse and Al and others are only in this to keep power and make money.
I do not believe the account of the officer's friend. No way the kid taunted, then charged ANYONE with a gun drawn on him. That is bullshit..
I do not believe the account of the officer's friend. No way the kid taunted, then charged ANYONE with a gun drawn on him. That is bullshit..

Exactly. What a terrible example of character assassination.


Here we see gentle Mike assisting a shopkeeper with the "inverse Heimlich" maneuver, thereby saving his life.
Exactly. What a terrible example of character assassination.


Here we see gentle Mike assisting a shopkeeper with the "inverse Heimlich" maneuver, thereby saving his life.

What does that have to do with a teenager taunting, then running towards the barrel of a gun?
100% false, and in fact a lie. Interracial crime is predominantly black-on-white, and the statistics are NOT close.


That is to say that when blacks commit violent crimes they target whites more than half the time or, put differently, there is more black-on-white than black-on-black crime. Similar calculations for whites show that of the 5,114,692 acts of criminal violence committed by whites, only 2.6 percent were directed at blacks. (Although homicide is a violent crime, the NCVS does not include it because victims cannot be interviewed. The number of interracial murders is small and does not affect the percentages and ratios presented here.)


ElfiePolio, your entire world view is predicated on demonstrable lies. Most interracial crime involves whites-on-blacks? No, not even remotely close to the truth, and instead the opposite is clearly and definitively the case: The vast majority of interracial crime involves blacks on whites.

I remember you being slightly brighter than the other dim wits around here, my mistake.........................I rest my case with you as well.

Who is your source? Are you just verifying that you are a racist?


The New Century Foundation is an organization founded in 1994 known primarily for publishing American Renaissance. From 1994 to 1999 its activities received considerable funding by the Pioneer Fund,[1][2][3] and has been described as a white supremacist group,[4] which its founder, Jared Taylor, denies, calling it white separatist.

Never take up Steeltime's offer for a ride on his plane Teabaggers.

What does that have to do with a teenager taunting, then running towards the barrel of a gun?

Nothing. They have to demonize him just like they used to when they lynched people. He stole some cigars so he deserves to die.

Never mind that all the witnesses go against Officer Wilson's story.

Never mind that the Police Chief lied about the FOIA requests for the store video

Never mind that the audio the FBI is analyzing right now(and you can listen to on you tube) verifies 6 shots then a pause and 5 more which corroborates the witnesses saying Brown was fired at then he stopped turned around and Wilson unloaded on him again.

Never mind that Wilsons eye was no where near as messed up as they claimed, where are the pictures of that? Surely the chief can get those out as quick as the video.

None of that matters to these bigots, only that white people are allowed to murder blacks when they want. That's what matters.
Are we to believe that the teen committed suicide? I don't even think many PCP users would charge a loaded gun aimed right at them. That is not believeable. I have been around many Michael Browns. There is nothing super human or super badass about him. He would fold like most other people when confronted with a gun.. I think that certain people believe that they can make crazy accusations like that about black youths from poor areas, because other folks are more likely to believe it. The Robbery at the store only fanned the flames. At the end of the day, Brown was still a teenager that would not have tried that **** at the store on someone his own size, let alone taunt, then charge toward a loaded gun.
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Nothing. They have to demonize him just like they used to when they lynched people. He stole some cigars so he deserves to die.

Never mind that all the witnesses go against Officer Wilson's story.

Never mind that the Police Chief lied about the FOIA requests for the store video

Never mind that the audio the FBI is analyzing right now(and you can listen to on you tube) verifies 6 shots then a pause and 5 more which corroborates the witnesses saying Brown was fired at then he stopped turned around and Wilson unloaded on him again.

Never mind that Wilsons eye was no where near as messed up as they claimed, where are the pictures of that? Surely the chief can get those out as quick as the video.

None of that matters to these bigots, only that white people are allowed to murder blacks when they want. That's what matters.

They also have the testimony of two white contractors who said Brown was shot with his hands in the air. There is also video of the contractors right after the shooting holding their hands up, shouting to the cop that Brown gave himself up.. These two contractors are not from Ferguson.
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Nothing. They have to demonize him just like they used to when they lynched people. He stole some cigars so he deserves to die.

Never mind that all the witnesses go against Officer Wilson's story.

Never mind that the Police Chief lied about the FOIA requests for the store video

Never mind that the audio the FBI is analyzing right now(and you can listen to on you tube) verifies 6 shots then a pause and 5 more which corroborates the witnesses saying Brown was fired at then he stopped turned around and Wilson unloaded on him again.

Never mind that Wilsons eye was no where near as messed up as they claimed, where are the pictures of that? Surely the chief can get those out as quick as the video.

None of that matters to these bigots, only that white people are allowed to murder blacks when they want. That's what matters.

They also have the testimony of two white contractors who said Brown was shot with his hands in the air. There is also video of the contractors right after tue shooting holding their hands up, shouting to the cop that Brown gave himself up..
I remember you being slightly brighter than the other dim wits around here, my mistake.........................

No problem; I always knew you were a complete dumbfuck.

The New Century Foundation is an organization founded in 1994 known primarily for publishing American Renaissance. From 1994 to 1999 its activities received considerable funding by the Pioneer Fund,[1][2][3] and has been described as a white supremacist group,[4] which its founder, Jared Taylor, denies, calling it white separatist.

The numbers are based on FBI crime data, normalized for population percentages.

Once again, the data can be addressed, and instead you utilize the logical fallacy known as an "ad hominem" attack. You never seem to evaluate underlying data, and instead base your arguments - all of them, every time - on an ad hominem approach.

Oil company shill, white supremacists, etc. That is all you have to offer. You really don't need to post any more, on any topic, since we all know what you have to offer:

"Ignore the data, it came from a guy or organization that is [fill in appropriate adjectives here]."
No problem; I always knew you were a complete dumbfuck.

The numbers are based on FBI crime data, normalized for population percentages.

Once again, the data can be addressed, and instead you utilize the logical fallacy known as an "ad hominem" attack. You never seem to evaluate underlying data, and instead base your arguments - all of them, every time - on an ad hominem approach.

Oil company shill, white supremacists, etc. That is all you have to offer. You really don't need to post any more, on any topic, since we all know what you have to offer:

"Ignore the data, it came from a guy or organization that is [fill in appropriate adjectives here]."

Yes, we shouldn't ignore data from a white supremacist group when it concerns black on white crime....what was I thinking?

Here is the kicker I'M the one who should spend hours, maybe days analyzing data to humor steeltime... yesssa master right away! Get over yourself. Maybe you can post some more graphs from Watts instead.

Meanwhile, when it comes to Michael Brown he rushes to attack his character. Posts a picture of him shoplifting cigars, so he must of tried to kill a cop..... WHERE IS YOUR DATA?

Because as of right now all the data I've seen points against your 'hero'.
I remember you being slightly brighter than the other dim wits around here, my mistake.........................I rest my case with you as well.

Who is your source? Are you just verifying that you are a racist?


The New Century Foundation is an organization founded in 1994 known primarily for publishing American Renaissance. From 1994 to 1999 its activities received considerable funding by the Pioneer Fund,[1][2][3] and has been described as a white supremacist group,[4] which its founder, Jared Taylor, denies, calling it white separatist.

Never take up Steeltime's offer for a ride on his plane Teabaggers.

Ahh, this is when the lapdog shows her true colors, and stupidity. You are a complete idiot. His data is FBI data. But like a window-licking Liberal, you just attack the source of the article. In your attempt to discredit, you overlook the credibility of the data like - well - an idiot. If the shoe fits.

We can rain these stats down on you all day long, from whatever source you like. They are FBI collected/supported/distributed. You stupid Libs have the idea that you can change whatever narrative you want, but on this one - fail. The facts are irrefutable.


Black-on-white crime in America

First, the author provides us with countless more examples of racially motivated black on white crime - which you continue to deny exists - stupidly.

• New York City law enforcement confirms that a 62-year-old man has died from injuries suffered at the hands of a suspect who declared he was “going to punch the first white man that I see.”

• Two women, aged 24 and 32, are gang-raped by a dozen youths in a Delaware park known for such brazen crimes.

• An 88-year-old veteran of World War II is brutally beaten to death with flashlights outside a Spokane, Wash., lodge by two men between 16 and 19 years of age.

• Three wannabe gang members, two of whom were black, shoot down Australian college student Chris Lane “for the fun of it.”

• St. Paul resident Ray Widstrand is nearly beaten to death via flash mob-style violence on the city’s chaotic East Side.

• A 13-year-old boy is brutally beaten by three other teens on a Florida school bus, all captured on video.

• Another 13-year-old is doused in gasoline and set on fire by perpetrators in Kansas City telling him, “You get what you deserve, white boy.”

• 22-year-old Jody Patzner is murdered in cold blood by three teens for his bicycle in north Minneapolis — with hardly a mention of the suspects’ race by authorities or local media.

These acts of unspeakable violence perpetrated by black offenders on white victims rarely get much media attention, for fear of “subjecting an entire group of people to suspicion,” as one well-known newspaper editor recently put it.

But these statistics...the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS):

While most violent crime is indeed intrarracial, 26.7 percent of homicides where the victim is a stranger are interracial. And in 2008, the offending rate for blacks (24.7 offenders per 100,000) was seven times higher than the rate for whites (3.4 offenders per 100,000), according to the latest figures from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).

Accounting for population differences, whites are simply far more likely to be victims of interracial crime than blacks. That, of course, didn’t stop Jesse Jackson from telling the Los Angeles Times at the height of the Zimmerman frenzy that “targeting, arresting, convicting blacks and ultimately killing us is big business.”

The data, once again, suggest something quite different.

In the mid-1990s, the Center for Equal Opportunity analyzed 55,512 felony cases filed in state courts for the 75 largest counties, representing 37 percent of the U.S. population. The weighted data, taken from the BJS, revealed that juries actually acquit blacks at a higher rate than whites for 12 of the 14 types of crime studied — including murder, rape, robbery and assault. The only category that had a higher conviction rate for African-Americans was felony traffic offenses.

Kinda takes that narrative you're trying to spin and sends it right down the crapper, doesn't it? Stick to AGW please. You're out of water here.

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