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Are we to believe that the teen committed suicide? I don't even think many PCP users would charge a loaded gun aimed right at them. That is not believeable. I have been around many Michael Browns. There is nothing super human or super badass about him. He would fold like most other people when confronted with a gun.. I think that certain people believe that they can make crazy accusations like that about black youths from poor areas, because other folks are more likely to believe it. The Robbery at the store only fanned the flames. At the end of the day, Brown was still a teenager that would not have tried that **** at the store on someone his own size, let alone taunt, then charge toward a loaded gun.

It's comments like these that make you a perfect Liberal. You KNOW what happened. You know Michael Brown ("If I had a son, he'd be Trayvon"). You know just how every Michael Brown in the world would/does act. It's impossible for a guy on drugs to charge a cop and do something stupid. Because this is what you believe, this is the way it was.

I've posted this before, I'll post it again: http://chrishernandezauthor.com/2014/08/24/a-dose-of-reality-for-ferguson-missouri/

“The officer shot him six times!”

Yes, the officer shot Brown six times. That sounds excessive. It’s not. On TV and in movies, people get shot one time, fly through the air in a spray of blood and immediately die. In real life they don’t.

A police officer got into a gunfight with a robbery suspect in 2009. The officer shot the suspect 14 times with a .45 pistol, and 6 of the bullet wounds were nonsurvivable. The suspect still didn’t go down. The officer finally shot the suspect three more times, in the face and top of the head. The head shot finally stopped him, but didn’t kill him; he died later, at the hospital. An autopsy determined he hadn’t been under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


Last year I wrote an essay about what bullets really do (and don’t do). I described incidents I worked where people were shot but didn’t react the way most people think they should. These incidents include a robbery victim who was shot three times including once in the forehead and still ran 500 yards to find help, a young female shot through the thigh who showed no reaction at all, and a man with part of his head blown off who was still conscious and alert.


Police officers are trained to shoot until the threat is neutralized. Under stress we’re not counting bullets, we’re shooting until we’ve eliminated the threat. It is not at all uncommon for a person to take multiple bullets before they stop being a threat.

“The officer should have used his baton, Taser or pepper spray instead of his gun.”

Here’s a little-known reality about intermediate weapons: they don’t always work. In 20 years as a cop I’ve used my baton twice. Both suspects wound up in the hospital… eventually. At the time I was hitting them, they weren’t impressed. I’ve also pepper sprayed around 30 suspects. Pepper spray works on everyone… eventually. Some people don’t react to it right away. And even if you get a hit, that hit might not be enough to stop the suspect.

In 1992 a police officer responded to a domestic disturbance and confronted a violent wife abuser. The officer sprayed the suspect. The unarmed suspect beat and disabled the officer, then fractured the officer’s skull with a stick of firewood. The officer died shortly afterward.


Here’s a video of a March 2014 encounter between a police officer and suspect in a Philadelphia train station. The officer pepper sprays the suspect and hits him with a baton, to no effect. During the fight the suspect tries to disarm the officer.


Here’s one of an officer who pepper sprayed a combative suspect. It didn’t work. He then shot the suspect. The suspect disarmed the officer and tried to shoot him, then almost beat him unconscious.

But what about Tasers? Tasers work great, except when they don’t. If there’s not enough spread between the darts, the shock won’t disable the suspect. If one dart misses, no shock. If one dart gets hung up in clothing, no shock. If the Taser itself malfunctions, no shock.

And any intermediate weapon takes time to deploy and properly use. If a large, aggressive suspect charges me, I know I have mere seconds to choose a force option and hope it works. Whatever I choose, I know it’ll likely be the only weapon I can employ before the suspect is on me. Batons, pepper spray and Tasers all have significant failure rates. In some cases, the best option is to go straight for the pistol.

You know Michael Brown would never ever never ever act the way people say he did. Yet these examples....

Ahhh, facts. We know how the Left deals with those.
Two more witnesses have come forward claiming the victim was shot with his arms in the air. One of the witnesses also claims Brown was running away from the police car, and that at least one shot was fired when his back was to the police officer.

Neither witness saw the beginning of the altercation.
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He got shot in the front of his body while running away from the cop with his hands up. You can't even make **** up any more unbelievable than that. And on top of that they just come out weeks later.
He got shot in the front of his body while running away from the cop with his hands up. You can't even make **** up any more unbelievable than that. And on top of that they just come out weeks later.

That's a pretty remarkable conclusion to draw from the statements that were provided by the witnesses, and I suspect my post wasn't crystal clear. One witness stated that he saw the victim running away from the police car and that he saw the policeman fire one shot while his back was towards the officer. I'm assuming at some point, at least according to the witness statement, he turned around, faced the officer and put his arms in the air.

Perhaps you should read the story yourself.

That's a pretty remarkable conclusion to draw from the statements that were provided by the witnesses, and I suspect my post wasn't crystal clear. One witness stated that he saw the victim running away from the police car and that he saw the policeman fire one shot while his back was towards the officer. I'm assuming at some point, at least according to the witness statement, he turned around, faced the officer and put his arms in the air.

Perhaps you should read the story yourself.


I read the whole story. Where have they been for the last few weeks? If they are so many good eyewitness, why no charges? All of the witness say different things they all contradict one another. The evidence said he was shot in the front 6 times. I would also like to see the tox report.
That's a pretty remarkable conclusion to draw from the statements that were provided by the witnesses, and I suspect my post wasn't crystal clear. One witness stated that he saw the victim running away from the police car and that he saw the policeman fire one shot while his back was towards the officer. I'm assuming at some point, at least according to the witness statement, he turned around, faced the officer and put his arms in the air.

Perhaps you should read the story yourself.


It still doesn't add up. All those bullet holes in the front of Brown's body...a man hands up surrendering gets shot 6 times. A man surrendering and a police officer with a spotless record decides to unload on him and kill him unprovoked. A police officer who is such a bad shot that he wounds 5 times, misses countless others on a motionless surrendering target before finally landing a kill shot (shooting being something he's trained to do).

I will wait for the facts to all present themselves.
I read the whole story. Where have they been for the last few weeks? If they are so many good eyewitness, why no charges? All of the witness say different things they all contradict one another. The evidence said he was shot in the front 6 times. I would also like to see the tox report.

I have no comment with regards to "where have they been", contradictory witness statements or the lack of charges. With regards to being shot in the front six times, that does not eliminate the possibility that the cop shot "at" him from the rear. I haven't seen anything indicating how many times the policeman discharged his weapon. I also recall reading something about at least one bullet being removed from the side of an apartment building. Whether or not that bullet is related to this incident, I actually read what I think I read etc., I have no idea.
It still doesn't add up. All those bullet holes in the front of Brown's body...a man hands up surrendering gets shot 6 times. A man surrendering and a police officer with a spotless record decides to unload on him and kill him unprovoked. A police officer who is such a bad shot that he wounds 5 times, misses countless others on a motionless surrendering target before finally landing a kill shot (shooting being something he's trained to do).

I will wait for the facts to all present themselves.

I'm not drawing any conclusions, and if we waited for all of the facts, this thread would not exist.
Bottom line...One less dirt bag thug off the street.
It's comments like these that make you a perfect Liberal. You KNOW what happened. You know Michael Brown ("If I had a son, he'd be Trayvon"). You know just how every Michael Brown in the world would/does act. It's impossible for a guy on drugs to charge a cop and do something stupid. Because this is what you believe, this is the way it was.

I've posted this before, I'll post it again: http://chrishernandezauthor.com/2014/08/24/a-dose-of-reality-for-ferguson-missouri/

You know Michael Brown would never ever never ever act the way people say he did. Yet these examples....

Ahhh, facts. We know how the Left deals with those.

You mad bro? That is my opinion based on my 42 years on this earth. People void of mental illness do not charge loaded guns. An 18 year old charging a loaded gun aimed at him is not believeable to me. If you do not like my comments, stroll your *** on over to the ignore option. Problem solved.. P.S he was not on any type of drugs that would give him daring ambitions of being Superman...
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Ahh, this is when the lapdog shows her true colors, and stupidity. You are a complete idiot. His data is FBI data. But like a window-licking Liberal, you just attack the source of the article. In your attempt to discredit, you overlook the credibility of the data like - well - an idiot. If the shoe fits.

We can rain these stats down on you all day long, from whatever source you like. They are FBI collected/supported/distributed. You stupid Libs have the idea that you can change whatever narrative you want, but on this one - fail. The facts are irrefutable.


Black-on-white crime in America

First, the author provides us with countless more examples of racially motivated black on white crime - which you continue to deny exists - stupidly.

But these statistics...the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS):

Kinda takes that narrative you're trying to spin and sends it right down the crapper, doesn't it? Stick to AGW please. You're out of water here.

I'm not trying to spin anything. Those are not HATE crimes, they are mainly resource crimes. Of course, if you have an oppressed minority when they resort to crime, it will be inflicted against the majority oppressor class at a higher rate. They of course through their oppression and privilege have accumulated most of the society's wealth and opportunities so it just makes sense. Sheer #'s also would indicate this.

This is not a secret to anyone who has attended any decent university..I mean it is a secret at the klan rall...err teabagger meeting so you're excused.
I'm not trying to spin anything. Those are not HATE crimes, they are mainly resource crimes. Of course, if you have an oppressed minority when they resort to crime, it will be inflicted against the majority oppressor class at a higher rate. They of course through their oppression and privilege have accumulated most of the society's wealth and opportunities so it just makes sense. Sheer #'s also would indicate this.

This is not a secret to anyone who has attended any decent university..I mean it is a secret at the klan rall...err teabagger meeting so you're excused.

They are hate crimes. For you to continue to spin it otherwise, when the overwhelming data shows it otherwise, is utterly pathetic on your part.

I've listed DOZENS of examples where the criminals admitted they did these crimes for racial motives. Stop being so stupidly liberal.
I'm not trying to spin anything. Those are not HATE crimes, they are mainly resource crimes. Of course, if you have an oppressed minority when they resort to crime, it will be inflicted against the majority oppressor class at a higher rate. They of course through their oppression and privilege have accumulated most of the society's wealth and opportunities so it just makes sense. Sheer #'s also would indicate this.

Oh brother.

Keep excusing criminal behavior by minorities, keep blaming it on the "oppressor class" and then keep wondering why they never break the cycle and achieve legitimate success. Lather, rinse, repeat.
I'm not trying to spin anything. Those are not HATE crimes, they are mainly resource crimes. Of course, if you have an oppressed minority when they resort to crime, it will be inflicted against the majority oppressor class at a higher rate. They of course through their oppression and privilege have accumulated most of the society's wealth and opportunities so it just makes sense. Sheer #'s also would indicate this.

This is not a secret to anyone who has attended any decent university..I mean it is a secret at the klan rall...err teabagger meeting so you're excused.

seven generations removed from slavery and three from the civil rights movement and it is still about being oppressed... gotcha.
Randomly beating a victim because they are white and not taking anything is a resource crime? Okay.

The thing that concerns me is that one wound was not conclusive as to which direction it came from. That coupled with the numerous witnesses that saw brown stationary with his hands raised before the police officer fired the fatal shots. If it was just the guy Brown was with I'd discount that version of things but too many people have given the same version for it to be easily ignored.

That's why I would like police agencies to stop equiping their officers with armored cars military style uniforms and submachine guns and begin equiping them with body cameras. Clearing this up would be as easy as looking at the tape if the cop had been wearing a body camera.
You mad bro? That is my opinion based on my 42 years on this earth. People void of mental illness do not charge loaded guns. An 18 year old charging a loaded gun aimed at him is not believeable to me. If you do not like my comments, stroll your *** on over to the ignore option. Problem solved.. P.S he was not on any type of drugs that would give him daring ambitions of being Superman...

Bro? 42 years? My opinion based on 45 years is you use logic. You look at cases like those I pointed out to you that you care to ignore as evidence that people do charge loaded guns at times, that bullets do not stop people all the time. I provided a list of these cases, supported with links.

So you use your opinion that this never happens despite the evidence and video to show...it does.
seven generations removed from slavery and three from the civil rights movement and it is still about being oppressed... gotcha.

They need "The white man is keeping us down" excuse in order to justify (in the warped liberal mind) the savage criminal behavior.
Bro? 42 years? My opinion based on 45 years is you use logic. You look at cases like those I pointed out to you that you care to ignore as evidence that people do charge loaded guns at times, that bullets do not stop people all the time. I provided a list of these cases, supported with links.

So you use your opinion that this never happens despite the evidence and video to show...it does.

How about the 7 witnesses, including two white that all say the same thing? He was shot with his hands up. I suppose I am suppose to believe the woman that called in on the behalf of the officer? She said that an 18 year old taunted a person pointing a gun at him, then charged him like Superman, knowing he would be shot. Nope, I do not believe that...sorry..
i'm actually quite allergic to pain. especially those inflicted with hollow-tip bullets.
so, I would not have charged a cop.
I read the whole story. Where have they been for the last few weeks? If they are so many good eyewitness, why no charges? All of the witness say different things they all contradict one another. The evidence said he was shot in the front 6 times. I would also like to see the tox report.

The white contractors have been known about since early on. The video is the only new piece of evidence. No one new there was a video of the contractors until now..
I'm not trying to spin anything. Those are not HATE crimes, they are mainly resource crimes. Of course, if you have an oppressed minority when they resort to crime, it will be inflicted against the majority oppressor class at a higher rate. They of course through their oppression and privilege have accumulated most of the society's wealth and opportunities so it just makes sense. Sheer #'s also would indicate this.

This is not a secret to anyone who has attended any decent university..I mean it is a secret at the klan rall...err teabagger meeting so you're excused.
Liberal, academic claptrap. Period.

How about the 7 witnesses, including two white that all say the same thing? He was shot with his hands up. I suppose I am suppose to believe the woman that called in on the behalf of the officer? She said that an 18 year old taunted a person pointing a gun at him, then charged him like Superman, knowing he would be shot. Nope, I do not believe that...sorry..

Or how about the audio, clearly heard on the YouTube video, the one that shows Brown's body bleeding, dead in the street, with the man in the background describing how Brown kept charging the officer as he shot.

I dunno...seems to me we have a list of witnesses, many who saw something different.

Regardless, you said, people don't charge loaded weapons. I provided you empirical evidence that they do.
Or how about the audio, clearly heard on the YouTube video, the one that shows Brown's body bleeding, dead in the street, with the man in the background describing how Brown kept charging the officer as he shot.

I dunno...seems to me we have a list of witnesses, many who saw something different.

Regardless, you said, people don't charge loaded weapons. I provided you empirical evidence that they do.

But no empirical evidence that Brown charged. In fact OF ALL the witness statements NONE say he was charging at Wilson. Those witness statements mean nothing to you of course, because they are all black.
As for the witness statements that several shots were fired, then Brown turned around hands in the air and Wilson fired several more shots.....


This guy was skyping and his mic picked up the shooting the FBI is analyzing the tape and has interviewed him.

Or how about the audio, clearly heard on the YouTube video, the one that shows Brown's body bleeding, dead in the street, with the man in the background describing how Brown kept charging the officer as he shot.

I dunno...seems to me we have a list of witnesses, many who saw something different.

Regardless, you said, people don't charge loaded weapons. I provided you empirical evidence that they do.

18 year olds don't charge guns. The kid was fresh out of high school. I do not believe he committed suicide like that..I saw that video you speak of. I wonder why it is not getting more attention. The contractor's account is very damning. They have no skin in game..