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that white dude had it coming
don't worry, elfie


That was the outrageous attitude of the Police Director of Memphis, Tennessee in response to the brutal racial attack on 3 White victims, including 2 employees of Kroger, Saturday night.

Despite clear targeting of the victims by race, Police Director Toney Armstrong said he’s had lots of calls asking how the investigation would proceed but said there is “not sufficient enough evidence to investigate this as a hate crime.”
Sorry Supe, traveling for work, in a hurry and didn't see you'd already gotten this up there.
To be fair, a black and white teen was beaten by this mob..

To be fair, the mob was black teens. The injured black teen could have been coming to the aid of the white teen and was pegged as an Uncle Tom. I don't know all the facts, and it is best left for the authorities to sort it out.

Black on white crime happens all the time. Much of it IS racially motivated. The point is that most of it is never reported in the media. It is almost never prosecuted as a hate crime, and is never media sensationalized like Ferguson or Trayvon.
To be fair, a black and white teen was beaten by this mob..

Not only that the mob also had white perps. in it. This is gang activity nothing to do with hate, TinyTim is trying to claim that because they yelled out something about a white boy(as a description of a victim and not part of the mob), that this is racial. Nope.

The victims didn't even spend the night in the hospital, that's how non-serious their injuries were.

Not the same as being executed in the streets of Ferguson, but hey any port for Tiny in an ideological storm. As usual, he's left holding an empty bag.
Not only that the mob also had white perps. in it. This is gang activity nothing to do with hate, TinyTim is trying to claim that because they yelled out something about a white boy(as a description of a victim and not part of the mob), that this is racial. Nope.

The victims didn't even spend the night in the hospital, that's how non-serious their injuries were.

Not the same as being executed in the streets of Ferguson, but hey any port for Tiny in an ideological storm. As usual, he's left holding an empty bag.

I hate the whole Idea of the term Hate Crime. If you are beating up someone or killing them that is hate. It makes no difference whether your black or white and the victim is the opposite it is a crime either way and hate is involved. The whole idea of "Hate crimes" is a politically correct way of unequally enforcing the law against only one group, the very idea is racist!
To be fair, the mob was black teens. The injured black teen could have been coming to the aid of the white teen and was pegged as an Uncle Tom. I don't know all the facts, and it is best left for the authorities to sort it out.

Black on white crime happens all the time. Much of it IS racially motivated. The point is that most of it is never reported in the media. It is almost never prosecuted as a hate crime, and is never media sensationalized like Ferguson or Trayvon.

You are speculating on this one. I agree that these type of attacks should be reported with a big emphasis on the punishment, that was given to those who committed the criminal act. Same goes for inner city crimes.
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Not only that the mob also had white perps. in it. This is gang activity nothing to do with hate, TinyTim is trying to claim that because they yelled out something about a white boy(as a description of a victim and not part of the mob), that this is racial. Nope.

The victims didn't even spend the night in the hospital, that's how non-serious their injuries were.

Not the same as being executed in the streets of Ferguson, but hey any port for Tiny in an ideological storm. As usual, he's left holding an empty bag.

You couldn't be more blatant in your attempts to try to keep this political. You won't point to the previous videos of hate crimes or comment on them - the black gang attacking the white couple. You try to mitigate this as "not hate." As 6Rings stated, any of these attacks involve hate. You just want it to be what you want it to be.

This was a hate crime. Just as the rest we've posted were.

We could post countless, like these. Black on White hate crimes will never exist in your politically-biased world:

Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Upset about a racial name-calling that occurred earlier that night, several black men savagely beat a random white man who had had nothing to do with the incident. He slipped away from his attackers, but they forced him to swim into a lake to escape. He drowned. The three men were sentenced to less than a year in jail.

Massachusetts. Four black men decided to murder the next white person they saw. That unlucky soul was a college student from Boston, whom the men stabbed to death.

Indiana. A black man was arrested for killing seven white people with a shotgun. He explained that he murdered his victims due to his “deep-rooted hatred” of white people.

Miami, Florida. The leader of a black supremacist sect (i.e., the “Yaweh ben Yaweh cult”) was convicted of the murders of several white people. He ordered his followers to kill any and all “white devils.” They killed at least seven white people, bringing back body parts to their leader.

North Carolina. Seven black men kidnapped a white woman, raped her, put her in a tub of bleach, shot her five times, and dumped her body. The murderers said they did this for racial reasons.

North Carolina. Four black teenagers lured a white, ten-year-old girl into an empty house. “There, they sodomized her, strangled her with a cable wire, and beat her to death with a board. In the past few weeks, the trials in the Tiffany Long case have received extensive coverage in the North Carolina press. But with two of the three defendants already sentenced to lifelong prison terms, and the third now standing trial, the national media have all but ignored the story. Only the Associated Press has reported on the trials, in a single, cursory piece. The AP, of course, failed to mention the race of the people involved — an oversight it seldom if ever committed in the case of Amadou Diallo.”

Boulder, Colorado. After discovering that one of their members had never had intercourse with a white woman, an Asian gang went looking for one. When they found a white University of Colorado student, the six men gang raped her in their minivan for two hours. At their trial, “Detectives described the woman’s night of terror, including repeated threats to kill her.“The woman leaped out of the minivan after one of the men raped her. Naked, she sprinted across Lefthand Canyon Road before Steve Yang tackled her, authorities said.“‘They were all screaming at her, calling her names and hitting her,’ Detective Jane Harmer testified.“Yang put her in a headlock and dragged her back into the van, where she was raped repeatedly, Harmer said.“‘It was a free-for-all,’ Harmer testified.“One man threatened to ‘cut and burn her,’ and another put a gun barrel to the back of her head when they released her, Harmer said.”

Kansas City, Missouri. An Ethiopian immigrant shot two white coworkers — killing one and critically injuring the other — at his workplace, then turned the gun on himself. At his residence, police found a three-page, signed note he had written in which he railed at “black blood sucker supreme white people” for oppressing him and black people in general.

New York City. In a Midtown office building, a white woman was assaulted, raped, and anally raped by a black man who called her racist names during the attack. Police refused to label it a hate crime.

Alexandria, Virginia. A black man walking through a neighborhood went over to a white eight-year-old boy playing in his great-grandparents’ front yard and slit the child’s throat, killing him. A witness says that the attacker shouted racial epithets during the attack, and the main suspect in the case owns anti-white hate literature and had written a note about killing white children. He had been previously arrested for attacking an unarmed white stranger with a hammer. (During the attack, he called his victim “Whitey.”)12 This particular case provides a perfect example of the terrible way that anti-white hate crimes are handled. First, the investigators decided not to tell police officers about the racial aspects of the case, even while the police were conducting a manhunt to find the boy’s killer. When this was revealed by the Washington Post, city council member Joyce Woodson defended this withholding of information from the cops on the front line. “What they did was proper. We already live in a racially charged world.” The Democratic mayor of Alexandria implied his agreement: “Efforts to sensationalize this investigation will only hurt this investigation.”13To make things even stranger, the FBI offered to send agents and a fugitive task force to help with the manhunt, but the local police rejected the offer. They also refused the help of the FBI’s profilers, forensics experts, and others.14Eventually, the police arrested a suspect who was reportedly tied to the scene by DNA evidence. In another bizarre move, the Justice Department — which had acknowledged that it was monitoring the case — declined to prosecute the killing as a hate crime. The government’s prosecutor in the case cannot charge the victim with a hate crime. “There’s no applicable hate crimes law in Virginia,” he explained.15An editorial in the Washington Times pointedly commented on the deafening silence surrounding the brutal child-murder: “Has anyone seen Jesse Jackson around lately? Kweisi Mfume? Al Sharpton? For persons whose political antennae are ordinarily so sensitive that they can pick up racial tremors a thousand miles away, they seem to have overlooked a possible hate crime right here in the vicinity of the nation’s capital.”Even though all of the above incidents occurred in the last ten years, anti-white hate crimes are not new. The Village Voice writes of “the wave of random street killings that terrorized San Francisco in 1973. The ‘Zebra killers’ struck without warning, murdering whites at night. Most victims were shot. One was raped, another beheaded. Four young black Muslims were arrested in 1974 and charged with 14 murders, seven assaults, one rape, and an attempted kidnapping. The Zebra killers were convicted in 1976.”1
Another Non-Hate Crime in Polo's screwed up world: http://universalfreepress.com/three...me-because-too-many-white-people-in-the-area/

Three Tenants Forced From Home Because ‘Too Many White People’ in the Area

Two women have been arrested in an apparent hate crime on three New York City tenants when they forced the residents out of their home using intimidation motivated by race and class resentment.

Precious Parker, 30, and Sabrina James, 23, knocked on the door of an apartment building in Brooklyn at about 9:30 p.m. on Thursday and held a 34-year-old man, a 37-year-old man, and a 25-year-old woman at gunpoint demanding they move out or be killed, according to a New York Daily News report.

The women stole $800, an iPhone and personal information from the tenants, then squatted in the home throughout the night after the residents fled in fear.

“They just left,” said a night porter, who declined to give his name. “They said somebody wants to kill them.”
#1. I did not see any crackers
#2. gang activity has plenty of hate in it.
#3. are you ******* retarded?

1. I'm going by the police report not a short cell phone video
2. This is not a hate crime, it's more of gang mob hooliganism
3. I've got a John Stewart video coming up that shows you what retarded is in terms of Fox News and a lot of the RWCJ Club here.

Stick around.
Stewart absouluetly destroys Fox News here and in the process 90% of the posters in this thread. Al Sharpton and black on black crime, the imaginary war on x-mas where Christians act victimized, Oreilly's outrage over Brown being murdered.....................,white privilege, it goes on and on. 10 of the most brilliant, on point minutes ever posted on you tube. Enjoy fascists.

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I've never said black on white hate crime doesn't happen, I was just pointing out in this case it's bullshit.
Again let me explain. Hate Crime does not exist it is a fabrication of those looking to punish people unequally for the same crime. A crime is a crime it almost always involves hate of one type or another.
I watched the entire Stewart charade and I only have one question. Does the white guilt you ******* feel make you half as sick as me; a conservative watching white people trip all over themselves to claim they know how black folks really feel?
Again let me explain. Hate Crime does not exist it is a fabrication of those looking to punish people unequally for the same crime. A crime is a crime it almost always involves hate of one type or another.

Are you nuts? Someone killed while in the process of being robbed does not involve hate it, it's desire for money and to escape cleanly in most cases, the klan lynching somebody does involve hate, the police in MANY cases involving minorities are motivated by hate also!

What insulated from reality world do you live in?

2010 Mississippi.....Don't tell me hate crimes don't happen, and don't tell me the rate is the same for whites as opposed to minorities. It disproportionaly happens to people of color.

Are you nuts? Someone killed while in the process of being robbed does not involve hate it, it's desire for money and to escape cleanly in most cases, the klan lynching somebody does involve hate, the police in MANY cases involving minorities are motivated by hate also!

What insulated from reality world do you live in?

2010 Mississippi.....Don't tell me hate crimes don't happen, and don't tell me the rate is the same for whites as opposed to minorities. It disproportionaly happens to people of color.


Bullshit we already have degrees of murder. if it is with malice and intent that is first degree etc. It is already covered by longstanding laws. The hate crime aspect is utter fabrication and contrary to common sense.
To answer your question
I live in a world where I expect everyone to be judged on their actions and not on their skin color or religion or sexual orientation. If some one hates a certain group and performs a crime against that group then they should receive the requisite punishment for that crime as it pertains to the law that was broken. Nothing less nothing more, and It should go both ways, not favor any one group.
If a law is being enforced unequally then that should be addressed, like disparate sentences for the same crime based on race. But, just because more people of a certain race get arrested for something does not mean it is being applied unequally it might just mean that the that race for one reason or another is perpetrating that crime more often and should be arrested at a higher rate as a percent of the population due strictly to the rate of committal versus other races. If more whites get arrested for meth, does that mean they are being singled out for the crime? No it means more white trash are doing the crime. I do think their may be some truth to sentencing being unequal when it comes to marijuana but I would just legalize it to fix the problem and help fix our penal system. We have much more important things to worry about than pot heads.
I don't doubt profiling and unequal treatment under the law exist. Not for a second. That doesn't mean one white police officer should pay for the sins of every racist person. If he shot this kid in cold blood I hope he goes away for the rest of his life. My fear is that he is innocent, but will be convicted anyway due to public and political pressure. What does this accomplish? It will scare good people off of being police officers, and it will scare officers away from using force when necessary. Both of these are potentially very dangerous outcomes.
To answer your question
I live in a world where I expect everyone to be judged on their actions and not on their skin color or religion or sexual orientation. If some one hates a certain group and performs a crime against that group then they should receive the requisite punishment for that crime as it pertains to the law that was broken. Nothing less nothing more, and It should go both ways, not favor any one group.
If a law is being enforced unequally then that should be addressed, like disparate sentences for the same crime based on race. But, just because more people of a certain race get arrested for something does not mean it is being applied unequally it might just mean that the that race for one reason or another is perpetrating that crime more often and should be arrested at a higher rate as a percent of the population due strictly to the rate of committal versus other races. If more whites get arrested for meth, does that mean they are being singled out for the crime? No it means more white trash are doing the crime. I do think their may be some truth to sentencing being unequal when it comes to marijuana but I would just legalize it to fix the problem and help fix our penal system. We have much more important things to worry about than pot heads.

Your 'expectations' are far, far from being met in this country. I've got a new thread started where cops tried to pin a black guy for trying to grab a cops gun(shades of Ferguson), problem is his hands were in the air...................what would motivate a cop to do that?