Going to need a new, hi def, large screen TV.
Can you grab me some Nike's?
I'll see what I can do.
somebody already got your job
Is that a bag of chips in his other hand. Musta got that lootin too.
Love the attention these standing army "police" units are getting. People finally asking, "why do they need armored vehicles and flak vests?".
Love the attention these standing army "police" units are getting. People finally asking, "why do they need armored vehicles and flak vests?".
not saying they need them all the time, but there is a movie based on a real bank robbery in cali where multiple police were injured by two guys in body armor with automatic weapons.....and armored vehicle would have been real useful that day
Love the attention these standing army "police" units are getting. People finally asking, "why do they need armored vehicles and flak vests?".
normally I'd be against all looting, but the cops are out of control here
Ferguson police gassing news crew and dismantling their equipment
A news crew, clearly no threat or impediment to the cops, films from a verge in Ferguson, Missouri. A pop and a cloud of white smoke marks the arrival of a tear gas canister at their feet, and the newscrew is forced to flee. Moments later, police pull up in an armored van and hurriedly try to break down the film equipment--until they notice that another crew is still filming them from across the street.
Sure there is. Teach them a lesson. Better not run
And all cops will learn not to shoot people in the back after that POS goes to jail for many years.