Push comes to shove, when it's a game we really need, Tomlin will expose his @$$ and go for the ultimate conservitive game plan. Yes, the 3-loss losing stretch was bad, but bringing it to 4 would expose the fraud for what he really is. He didn't disappoint.
I'm not going to bog it down with all the details, but just keep this one stat in mind: How many times did the Steelers run the ball on 1st down? It won't take you very long to look up, try every single down in the 1st 3 quarters. If that isn't a signal to totally conservative play calling what is? 1st down, what should we do? Oh how about run the ball up the middle. That will really trick the d.
Pickens had a total of ONE catch all night. One. Fraudlin was just so content with his playcalling. What a master plan. Genius.
Here we had it: A winnable game we already proved we could win, Russ had 400+ yards last matchup. So in all his planning what did Mediocre Mike come up with? Let's run the ball up with middle every 1st and 2nd down. That's genius. Even Aikman stated, "I'm not seeing anything creative at all from Mike Tomlin." No, you must be joking. Did you expect anything different? This is Tomlin's only gameplan, it's all he can come up with. Nevermind the OC, he's not really part of the decision, he's just not. We ran Canada out of town just to welcome this trash into the stadium, total rubbish.
But let's hear it from the Fraudlin spokesmen, if there are any left after this nightmare, this debacle of a game plan. Nothing has changed, it's gotten worse and more pronounced. I didn't think that was possible but it has. And for those defending it as "We don't have the players to run anything different," I pray for you, I pray that you can't be that slow. We don't have anything better than "Let's run up the middle every 1st down," and get Pickens a single catch for the game, I can't even comment. Fraudlin is fully exposed as the fraud he is. There's nothing else to say.