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For Mr. Farva

ark steel

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
I trust you are a charter member of this organization?


I really didn't read the site, but the fella on NPR lead me to believe that the group was organized, basically, because the students/professors think not enough emphasis is placed on other economic systems and focuses too much on a specific economic system. You know, things like Supply and Demand...

The way he sounded is that the real goal is to make sure Social Justice was integrated into the teachings. Unless I misunderstood...
So 2+2= purple Austrian feminist socialists and not 4 anymore? That's an interesting theory and when these students graduate I want a mailing list of their names, etc.

I have a feeling they will be willing to make some dubious investments in the name of plurality and I'm just the broker they'll need. They have a thirst for knowledge and I'll be their Gatorade.
Seriously these idjits have evidently matriculated for far, far too long already ...when you start redefining such things as basic mathematical processes in the interest of anything other than arriving at the one and only correct answer will lead to some interesting conclusions.
So 2+2= purple Austrian feminist socialists and not 4 anymore? That's an interesting theory and when these students graduate I want a mailing list of their names, etc. (assuming they graduate....they are likely " professional" students. )

I have a feeling they will be willing to make some dubious investments in the name of plurality and I'm just the broker they'll need. They have a thirst for knowledge and I'll be their Gatorade.
Seriously these idjits have evidently matriculated for far, far too long already ...when you start redefining such things as basic mathematical processes in the interest of anything other than arriving at the one and only correct answer will lead to some interesting conclusions.